Papers by jorge santana colán
En tiempos inmemoriales se erigieron montañas, se desplazaron ríos, se formaron lagos.

Within the framework of the activities planned in the proposed research thesis and after running ... more Within the framework of the activities planned in the proposed research thesis and after running it, we fulfill present the final report thesis entitled "CONTROL OF CRIME ORGANIZED AND APPLICATION IN THE LEGAL SYSTEM CRIMINAL PERUVIAN" Thus is that the kind of research was aimed at describing the origins of organized worldwide as surgery and in some cases committed the crimes of money laundering and the same in our legislation has application in the Peruvian Legal System Crime. Control of Organized Crime in the Peruvian legal system, is a result of the receipt of international policies against organized crime such as the Palermo Convention that inspired the introduction of a specific rule for that purpose according to the supranational phenomenon or that comes to be transnational organized crime constituting a danger to each and every one of the members of Peruvian society, based primarily on the search for profit without major repairs of the values and principles that inspire other social coexistence. With the application of the law 30077, Law against Organized Crime thereof containing provisions for the investigation, prosecution and punishment of crimes committed by criminal organizations, that purchased the controlling crime Organiser has application in the Peruvian legal system. It should be noted that it is undisputed that the Peruvian legal system reflected in the existing Criminal Code in art. No. 257-A C.P Organization illicit art. 318-A Letter B band and criminal organization or art. 179. 7 of the Criminal Code, which now constitute crimes of organized crime in our Peruvian legal system. Finally, we must refer that although not this be a proactive investigation, the established facts represent a contribution to the criminal theory and its application in the criminal justice system while respecting the principle of constitutional rank, as our substantive criminal law is inextricably linked to the Constitution; and that therefore their institutions must necessarily observe the principles and values of the Constitution.
Papers by jorge santana colán