The present study deals with Initial Environment Examination (IEE) of Air Quality Results along P... more The present study deals with Initial Environment Examination (IEE) of Air Quality Results along Project Road of Haliyapur-Kurebhar of state of Uttar Pradesh. It is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development to lesser extent, taking into account interrelated socioeconomic , cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. IEE can also be defined as a tool used to identify the social economic and environmental impacts of a project prior to decision-making. Its main aim is to predict and evaluate environmental impacts at an early stage in project planning and design, find ways and means to reduce adverse impacts, shape projects to suit the local environment and present the predictions and options to decision-makers. By using IEE both environmental and economic benefits can be achieved, such as reduced cost and time of project implementation and design, avoided treatment/clean-up costs and impacts of laws and regulations. Air pollution sources along Haliyapur to Kurebhar of Uttar Pradesh State are mainly due to vehicular traffic, Kolu (Jaggery factory) and brick kilns. The concentration of air quality parameters Particulate Matter (PMR 2.5 R), Particulate Matter (PMR 10 R), Sulphur Dioxide, Oxide of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide , Ozone,Ammonia, Lead, Nickel,Arsenic,Benzene, Banzo a-pyrine value exceeds the limit at all the stations while value of PM10 also exceeds the prescribed norms at all locations.
The rising cost of construction materials in developing countries has accelerated the research in... more The rising cost of construction materials in developing countries has accelerated the research in to the use of alternate materials in civil engineering constructions. Recycling of waste materials is a very important technique to protect our environment. In India about 960 million tones of solid waste is being generated annually as by-products during industrial, mining, municipal, agricultural and other processes. We have selected two different materials for recycling process, among this natural waste comprises of Coconut waste and the artificial waste comprises of broken glass pieces and Bangle waste. India produces 10,894,000 tons of coconut waste as per 2010 estimations. Glass waste is the other major non degradable solid waste. The main objective of the present study is to reduce the coarse aggregate and increase the strengthen properties of a rigid pavement. For this study we have analyzed the deflection, roughness, compressive strength of the material. To study effects of this waste with concrete as workable mixture water content, density, compressive strength, water absorption, initial & final setting time, consistency, workability, compaction factors were observed. After obtaining the suitable engineering properties of concrete accurate design is carried out which is ready to construct the pavement with calculated quantity of C.B.R value of the sub grade soil as per IS 875-1983. After the completion of curing period the roughness of the pavement surface & deflection is obtained.
The ground water quality depends on various concentrations of substances. Ground water is the mai... more The ground water quality depends on various concentrations of substances. Ground water is the main source for majority of people in the urban & rural areas. Different water samples were collected from sampling stations of Amravati. The water samples are analyzed by standard analytical methods. Physico-chemical analysis is carried out in the laboratory. Water sample is collected by grab sampling method and stored in clean polyethylene cans. The Physico-chemical parameters like pH, Temperature, Turbidity, Total hardness, Total Alkalinity, Chlorides, Sulphate, Nitrate, Fluoride, Potassium Sodium, Total nitrogen, Total phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium were analyzed. Each parameter was compared with the standard desirable limit of that parameter in drinking water as prescribed by different agencies such as WHO standard, ISI standard and USPH Standard
The present study carried out proposed project of development of Bellora Airport at Amravati in M... more The present study carried out proposed project of development of Bellora Airport at Amravati in Maharashtra. The Bellora Airport, Amravati is located on the South – West of Amravati at a distance of 14.50 kms from Amravati city. The airport has terminal building in an area of 308 sqm. The Airport has other facilities like airfield lighting and ATC tower. Ambient air quality monitoring has been carried out0 T 0 T at 8 locations. The air pollutants considered in this particular area is Sulphur Dioxide (SOR 2 R), Arsenic (As), Nickel (Ni). All Ambient Air Quality Parameters are within the permissible limits. The development0 T 0 T of Bellora airport in Amravati town will have some impacts on environment particularly on land use, water environment and ecology of the project area. However there will be some environmental impacts but the development of Bellora airport will boost up the economy of the area and open new avenues for the development. All the environmental impacts will be controlled and mitigated appropriately during all phases of the project.
s Wyra and Paler reservoirs are the historical most important man made reservoirs in Telangana st... more s Wyra and Paler reservoirs are the historical most important man made reservoirs in Telangana state of India. The present study was aimed to generate information on the icthyfauna of Wyra and Paler reservoirs of the Telangana. During the study period 31 fish species have been identified belonging to 21 genera, 11 families and 7 orders were identified in Wyra, from Paler 21 genera, 12 families and 7 orders recorded. Varying distribution patterns of different species of fishes have been observed in two reservoirs. Therefore, the present study indicates towards the necessity of the study of fish diversity for conservation and management of fish germplasm in two historical fresh water reservoirs.
Present study carried out of Kamalapur Lake in Karimnagar district of Tellangana state. The Lake ... more Present study carried out of Kamalapur Lake in Karimnagar district of Tellangana state. The Lake water spread area over 70 million cubic meters. Lake situated at Latitude (14º36’N) Longitude (78º42’E) Kamalapur village in Karimnagar. The lake receives most of water from canals and the agricultural paddy fields. The catchment area of the lake is agricultural fields of dry and wet and receiving the agricultural fields. The study of various physicochemical parameters were carried out over a period of one year from 2013 to 2014 of Pre monsoon, monsoon, post monsoon seasons. Sampling of water for deferent physiochemical characteristics was carried monthly in every fortnight from 8.00 am to 11.00 pm The analysis of physical and chemical characteristics was carried out in the site and in the laboratory using standard method of APHA-1999 and by using Systronics P-4 water analysis kit (E-Merck). In the present study the seasonal changes are revealed that the parameters are within the permissible limits as prescribed by BIS(1991) During the period of study Temperature, pH , E.conductivity , Alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, Hardness, chlorides, Fluorides , Total solids, total hardness, Calcium , Magnesium , Carbonates were determined.
The present study is focused on the fish fauna of Paler reservoir. The results of the present stu... more The present study is focused on the fish fauna of Paler reservoir. The results of the present study confirmed the occurrence of 28 species of fishes belonging to 21 genera, 12 families and 7 orders. It was found that the order Cypriniformes was dominant with (13 species) followed by order Perciformes with (7 species), Siluriformes with (3 species), Synbranchifromes with (2 species), Channiformes, Beloniformes and Osteoglossiformes, was identified with one species each. Thus the reservoir had shown more diversity and it also contains good potentiality for fish fauna.
The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical characteristic of Wyra reservoir... more The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical characteristic of Wyra reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana, India. Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters were analyzed for a period of one year from 2010 January to December. The results revealed that there were significant seasonal fluctuations in some physico-chemical parameters and most of the parameters were permissible limits and indicted better quality of reservoir water. It has been found that the water is best for drinking purpose in winter and summer seasons, it can be used for irrigation and pisciculture.
The present study was aimed to estimate current status of physico –chemical characteristic of Pal... more The present study was aimed to estimate current status of physico –chemical characteristic of Paler reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana. Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters such as pH, water temperature, atmosphere temperature, Dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, fluorides, Nitrates, total hardness, calcium, chlorides, alkalinity, turbidity were analyzed for a period of one year from 2010 January to December. The results revealed that there was significant seasonal variation in some physico-chemical parameters and most of the parameters were in normal range and indicated for better quality of reservoir water. It has been found that the water is best for drinking purpose in winter and summer seasons, it can be used for irrigation, pisciculture and Hydropower generation.
The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical parameters and correlation coeff... more The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical parameters and correlation coefficient of Paler reservoir, Khammam district, Telangana, India. The physico-chemical characteristics and correlation coefficient were studied and analyzed during janauary-december 2011. Seasonal fluctuations in water samples of Paler reservoir in different seasons were observed. The results revealed that there was significant seasonal variation in some physico-chemical parameters and most of the parameters were in normal range and indicated for better quality of reservoir water. Correlation coefficient indicates showed high significant positive and negative relationship (p<0.01) and also show significant positive and negative relationship (p<0.05).
The present study was undertaken to assess the quality of water by using physico
chemical paramet... more The present study was undertaken to assess the quality of water by using physico chemical parameters of Wyra reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana, India. Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters were analyzed for a period of one year from 2011 January to December. In the present study air, water temperatures, Dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, chlorides, Total dissolved solids and hardness turbidity etc, Results indicated that the quality of water from this reservoir is within the acceptable values. On the basis of the limnological analysis, it was found that, some physico- chemical parameters showed seasonal fluctuations. It has been found that the water can be used for drinking purpose in winter and summer seasons, and also water can be used for irrigation and pisciculture.
The fish fauna of Wyra reservoir collected for the present study .the results of present study co... more The fish fauna of Wyra reservoir collected for the present study .the results of present study confirmed the occurrence of 26 species of fishes belonging to 21 genera, 11families and 7 orders. The order Cypriniformes was dominant with 8 species followed by order Perciformes were represented with 5 species and Siluriformes with 4 species, Channiformes with 3 species, Beloniformes with 2 species, synbranchiformes (2 species) and Osteoglossiformes, Mogiliformes was represented with one species each. Thus the reservoir was good potential for fish fauna.
The present study deals with Initial Environment Examination (IEE) of Air Quality Results along P... more The present study deals with Initial Environment Examination (IEE) of Air Quality Results along Project Road of Haliyapur-Kurebhar of state of Uttar Pradesh. It is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development to lesser extent, taking into account interrelated socioeconomic , cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. IEE can also be defined as a tool used to identify the social economic and environmental impacts of a project prior to decision-making. Its main aim is to predict and evaluate environmental impacts at an early stage in project planning and design, find ways and means to reduce adverse impacts, shape projects to suit the local environment and present the predictions and options to decision-makers. By using IEE both environmental and economic benefits can be achieved, such as reduced cost and time of project implementation and design, avoided treatment/clean-up costs and impacts of laws and regulations. Air pollution sources along Haliyapur to Kurebhar of Uttar Pradesh State are mainly due to vehicular traffic, Kolu (Jaggery factory) and brick kilns. The concentration of air quality parameters Particulate Matter (PMR 2.5 R), Particulate Matter (PMR 10 R), Sulphur Dioxide, Oxide of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide , Ozone,Ammonia, Lead, Nickel,Arsenic,Benzene, Banzo a-pyrine value exceeds the limit at all the stations while value of PM10 also exceeds the prescribed norms at all locations.
The rising cost of construction materials in developing countries has accelerated the research in... more The rising cost of construction materials in developing countries has accelerated the research in to the use of alternate materials in civil engineering constructions. Recycling of waste materials is a very important technique to protect our environment. In India about 960 million tones of solid waste is being generated annually as by-products during industrial, mining, municipal, agricultural and other processes. We have selected two different materials for recycling process, among this natural waste comprises of Coconut waste and the artificial waste comprises of broken glass pieces and Bangle waste. India produces 10,894,000 tons of coconut waste as per 2010 estimations. Glass waste is the other major non degradable solid waste. The main objective of the present study is to reduce the coarse aggregate and increase the strengthen properties of a rigid pavement. For this study we have analyzed the deflection, roughness, compressive strength of the material. To study effects of this waste with concrete as workable mixture water content, density, compressive strength, water absorption, initial & final setting time, consistency, workability, compaction factors were observed. After obtaining the suitable engineering properties of concrete accurate design is carried out which is ready to construct the pavement with calculated quantity of C.B.R value of the sub grade soil as per IS 875-1983. After the completion of curing period the roughness of the pavement surface & deflection is obtained.
The ground water quality depends on various concentrations of substances. Ground water is the mai... more The ground water quality depends on various concentrations of substances. Ground water is the main source for majority of people in the urban & rural areas. Different water samples were collected from sampling stations of Amravati. The water samples are analyzed by standard analytical methods. Physico-chemical analysis is carried out in the laboratory. Water sample is collected by grab sampling method and stored in clean polyethylene cans. The Physico-chemical parameters like pH, Temperature, Turbidity, Total hardness, Total Alkalinity, Chlorides, Sulphate, Nitrate, Fluoride, Potassium Sodium, Total nitrogen, Total phosphorus, Iron, Magnesium were analyzed. Each parameter was compared with the standard desirable limit of that parameter in drinking water as prescribed by different agencies such as WHO standard, ISI standard and USPH Standard
The present study carried out proposed project of development of Bellora Airport at Amravati in M... more The present study carried out proposed project of development of Bellora Airport at Amravati in Maharashtra. The Bellora Airport, Amravati is located on the South – West of Amravati at a distance of 14.50 kms from Amravati city. The airport has terminal building in an area of 308 sqm. The Airport has other facilities like airfield lighting and ATC tower. Ambient air quality monitoring has been carried out0 T 0 T at 8 locations. The air pollutants considered in this particular area is Sulphur Dioxide (SOR 2 R), Arsenic (As), Nickel (Ni). All Ambient Air Quality Parameters are within the permissible limits. The development0 T 0 T of Bellora airport in Amravati town will have some impacts on environment particularly on land use, water environment and ecology of the project area. However there will be some environmental impacts but the development of Bellora airport will boost up the economy of the area and open new avenues for the development. All the environmental impacts will be controlled and mitigated appropriately during all phases of the project.
s Wyra and Paler reservoirs are the historical most important man made reservoirs in Telangana st... more s Wyra and Paler reservoirs are the historical most important man made reservoirs in Telangana state of India. The present study was aimed to generate information on the icthyfauna of Wyra and Paler reservoirs of the Telangana. During the study period 31 fish species have been identified belonging to 21 genera, 11 families and 7 orders were identified in Wyra, from Paler 21 genera, 12 families and 7 orders recorded. Varying distribution patterns of different species of fishes have been observed in two reservoirs. Therefore, the present study indicates towards the necessity of the study of fish diversity for conservation and management of fish germplasm in two historical fresh water reservoirs.
Present study carried out of Kamalapur Lake in Karimnagar district of Tellangana state. The Lake ... more Present study carried out of Kamalapur Lake in Karimnagar district of Tellangana state. The Lake water spread area over 70 million cubic meters. Lake situated at Latitude (14º36’N) Longitude (78º42’E) Kamalapur village in Karimnagar. The lake receives most of water from canals and the agricultural paddy fields. The catchment area of the lake is agricultural fields of dry and wet and receiving the agricultural fields. The study of various physicochemical parameters were carried out over a period of one year from 2013 to 2014 of Pre monsoon, monsoon, post monsoon seasons. Sampling of water for deferent physiochemical characteristics was carried monthly in every fortnight from 8.00 am to 11.00 pm The analysis of physical and chemical characteristics was carried out in the site and in the laboratory using standard method of APHA-1999 and by using Systronics P-4 water analysis kit (E-Merck). In the present study the seasonal changes are revealed that the parameters are within the permissible limits as prescribed by BIS(1991) During the period of study Temperature, pH , E.conductivity , Alkalinity, dissolved oxygen, Hardness, chlorides, Fluorides , Total solids, total hardness, Calcium , Magnesium , Carbonates were determined.
The present study is focused on the fish fauna of Paler reservoir. The results of the present stu... more The present study is focused on the fish fauna of Paler reservoir. The results of the present study confirmed the occurrence of 28 species of fishes belonging to 21 genera, 12 families and 7 orders. It was found that the order Cypriniformes was dominant with (13 species) followed by order Perciformes with (7 species), Siluriformes with (3 species), Synbranchifromes with (2 species), Channiformes, Beloniformes and Osteoglossiformes, was identified with one species each. Thus the reservoir had shown more diversity and it also contains good potentiality for fish fauna.
The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical characteristic of Wyra reservoir... more The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical characteristic of Wyra reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana, India. Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters were analyzed for a period of one year from 2010 January to December. The results revealed that there were significant seasonal fluctuations in some physico-chemical parameters and most of the parameters were permissible limits and indicted better quality of reservoir water. It has been found that the water is best for drinking purpose in winter and summer seasons, it can be used for irrigation and pisciculture.
The present study was aimed to estimate current status of physico –chemical characteristic of Pal... more The present study was aimed to estimate current status of physico –chemical characteristic of Paler reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana. Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters such as pH, water temperature, atmosphere temperature, Dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, fluorides, Nitrates, total hardness, calcium, chlorides, alkalinity, turbidity were analyzed for a period of one year from 2010 January to December. The results revealed that there was significant seasonal variation in some physico-chemical parameters and most of the parameters were in normal range and indicated for better quality of reservoir water. It has been found that the water is best for drinking purpose in winter and summer seasons, it can be used for irrigation, pisciculture and Hydropower generation.
The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical parameters and correlation coeff... more The present study dealt with assessment of the physico –chemical parameters and correlation coefficient of Paler reservoir, Khammam district, Telangana, India. The physico-chemical characteristics and correlation coefficient were studied and analyzed during janauary-december 2011. Seasonal fluctuations in water samples of Paler reservoir in different seasons were observed. The results revealed that there was significant seasonal variation in some physico-chemical parameters and most of the parameters were in normal range and indicated for better quality of reservoir water. Correlation coefficient indicates showed high significant positive and negative relationship (p<0.01) and also show significant positive and negative relationship (p<0.05).
The present study was undertaken to assess the quality of water by using physico
chemical paramet... more The present study was undertaken to assess the quality of water by using physico chemical parameters of Wyra reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana, India. Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters were analyzed for a period of one year from 2011 January to December. In the present study air, water temperatures, Dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, chlorides, Total dissolved solids and hardness turbidity etc, Results indicated that the quality of water from this reservoir is within the acceptable values. On the basis of the limnological analysis, it was found that, some physico- chemical parameters showed seasonal fluctuations. It has been found that the water can be used for drinking purpose in winter and summer seasons, and also water can be used for irrigation and pisciculture.
The fish fauna of Wyra reservoir collected for the present study .the results of present study co... more The fish fauna of Wyra reservoir collected for the present study .the results of present study confirmed the occurrence of 26 species of fishes belonging to 21 genera, 11families and 7 orders. The order Cypriniformes was dominant with 8 species followed by order Perciformes were represented with 5 species and Siluriformes with 4 species, Channiformes with 3 species, Beloniformes with 2 species, synbranchiformes (2 species) and Osteoglossiformes, Mogiliformes was represented with one species each. Thus the reservoir was good potential for fish fauna.
Papers by john mohammad
understanding and its balance. Measuring the Biodiversity has a significant role in indicating the ecological balance of the nature.
Therefore objective of this paper is to conduct the research study on Biodiversity of Avifauna in Terrestrial and Aquatic surroundings
Species, Vol. 17, No. 57, October-December, 2016 RESEARCH
Avifaunal Diversity of Wyra and Paler Reservoirs of
Khammam District, Telangana, India
Species An International Journal
John Mohammad M and Krishna PV,
Avifaunal Diversity of Wyra and Paler Reservoirs of Khammam District, Telangana, India,
Species, 2016, 17(57), 160-174, © 2016 Discovery Publication. All Rights Reserved
of Wyra, Paler reservoirs of Khammam district of Telangana state, India. The results are confirmed that the occurrence of 40 species
of Birds belonging to 35 genera, 24 families and 13 orders during January to December 2010. Results confirm that the structure of a
bird community is a good indicator of biodiversity, particularly useful where biodiversity is high. A cooperative program is needed to
promote new surveys and publish their results, as a contribution for measuring and monitoring biodiversity, especially in complex
endangered habitats.
Keywords: Avifaunal diversity, Aquatic ecosystem, Bio-Diversity Index, Bird Diversity
of people in the urban & rural areas. Different water samples were collected from sampling stations of Amravati. The water samples are
analyzed by standard analytical methods. Physico-chemical analysis is carried out in the laboratory. Water sample is collected by grab
sampling method and stored in clean polyethylene cans. The Physico-chemical parameters like pH, Temperature, Turbidity, Total
hardness, Total Alkalinity, Chlorides, Sulphate, Nitrate, Fluoride, Potassium Sodium, Total nitrogen, Total phosphorus, Iron,
Magnesium were analyzed. Each parameter was compared with the standard desirable limit of that parameter in drinking water as
prescribed by different agencies such as WHO standard, ISI standard and USPH Standard
chemical parameters of Wyra reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana, India.
Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters were analyzed for a period of
one year from 2011 January to December. In the present study air, water
temperatures, Dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, chlorides, Total dissolved solids and
hardness turbidity etc, Results indicated that the quality of water from this reservoir
is within the acceptable values. On the basis of the limnological analysis, it was
found that, some physico- chemical parameters showed seasonal fluctuations. It has
been found that the water can be used for drinking purpose in winter and summer
seasons, and also water can be used for irrigation and pisciculture.
understanding and its balance. Measuring the Biodiversity has a significant role in indicating the ecological balance of the nature.
Therefore objective of this paper is to conduct the research study on Biodiversity of Avifauna in Terrestrial and Aquatic surroundings
Species, Vol. 17, No. 57, October-December, 2016 RESEARCH
Avifaunal Diversity of Wyra and Paler Reservoirs of
Khammam District, Telangana, India
Species An International Journal
John Mohammad M and Krishna PV,
Avifaunal Diversity of Wyra and Paler Reservoirs of Khammam District, Telangana, India,
Species, 2016, 17(57), 160-174, © 2016 Discovery Publication. All Rights Reserved
of Wyra, Paler reservoirs of Khammam district of Telangana state, India. The results are confirmed that the occurrence of 40 species
of Birds belonging to 35 genera, 24 families and 13 orders during January to December 2010. Results confirm that the structure of a
bird community is a good indicator of biodiversity, particularly useful where biodiversity is high. A cooperative program is needed to
promote new surveys and publish their results, as a contribution for measuring and monitoring biodiversity, especially in complex
endangered habitats.
Keywords: Avifaunal diversity, Aquatic ecosystem, Bio-Diversity Index, Bird Diversity
of people in the urban & rural areas. Different water samples were collected from sampling stations of Amravati. The water samples are
analyzed by standard analytical methods. Physico-chemical analysis is carried out in the laboratory. Water sample is collected by grab
sampling method and stored in clean polyethylene cans. The Physico-chemical parameters like pH, Temperature, Turbidity, Total
hardness, Total Alkalinity, Chlorides, Sulphate, Nitrate, Fluoride, Potassium Sodium, Total nitrogen, Total phosphorus, Iron,
Magnesium were analyzed. Each parameter was compared with the standard desirable limit of that parameter in drinking water as
prescribed by different agencies such as WHO standard, ISI standard and USPH Standard
chemical parameters of Wyra reservoir of Khammam district, Telangana, India.
Monthly changes in physico-chemical parameters were analyzed for a period of
one year from 2011 January to December. In the present study air, water
temperatures, Dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, chlorides, Total dissolved solids and
hardness turbidity etc, Results indicated that the quality of water from this reservoir
is within the acceptable values. On the basis of the limnological analysis, it was
found that, some physico- chemical parameters showed seasonal fluctuations. It has
been found that the water can be used for drinking purpose in winter and summer
seasons, and also water can be used for irrigation and pisciculture.