Papers by jimena Rodriguez

IV Congreso de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales desde América Latina "América Latina en disputa: legados, urgencias y desafíos desde la ética de la solidaridad y la epistemología de la esperanza" (La Plata, 5 al 17 de octubre de 2020, modalidad virtual), 2020
los saberes de la comunicación visual, investigación y publicidad. Durante la cursada no presenci... more los saberes de la comunicación visual, investigación y publicidad. Durante la cursada no presencial del primer cuatrimestre de 2020, las instancias de planificación y desarrollo de los trabajos que integran el taller se vieron modificadas. En esta ponencia, presentamos una revisión de las prácticas llevadas a cabo en la construcción de un espacio aúlico mediatizado. Es decir, ante las medidas de aislamiento, nuestro espacio de encuentro se extendió en redes (tales como Instagram, Facebook y la plataforma MIEL-UNLAM) no solo para la comunicación entre docentes y estudiantes sino como espacios para desarrollar el concepto, la imagen y la campaña de la marca persona del comunicador. Es necesario considerar que cada estudiante debió reconocer un perfil como profesional de la comunicación y adaptar su mensaje en distintas piezas gráficas para redes sociales. Para ello, sistematizamos encuestas a los estudiantes y presentamos fragmentos de interacciones en distintos espacios donde se promueve el intercambio creativo.

Original provider: Emirates Nature - WWF Dataset credits: Data provider Emirates Wildlife Society... more Original provider: Emirates Nature - WWF Dataset credits: Data provider Emirates Wildlife Society WWF - Marine Research Foundation Originating data center Satellite Tracking and Analysis Tool (STAT) Project partner This project is implemented by Emirates Nature - WWF, formerly known as Emirates Wildlife Society-WWF, with scientific advice from the Marine Research Foundation (MRF).<br><br>Emirates Nature - WWF is an environmental non-governmental organization registered in the United Arab Emirates. Since its establishment in 2001, EWS has been working in association with WWF. The mission of Emirates Nature - WWF is to work with people and institutions within the UAE and the region, to conserve biodiversity, tackle climate change and reduce the ecological footprint through education, awareness, policy, and science-based conservation initiatives. So far, projects have included the establishment of protected areas, protection of species and habitats and increasing environmen...

JAMA Oncology, 2022
IMPORTANCE The use of perioperative, prophylactic, intravenous antibiotics is standard practice t... more IMPORTANCE The use of perioperative, prophylactic, intravenous antibiotics is standard practice to reduce the risk of surgical site infection after oncologic resection and complex endoprosthetic reconstruction for lower extremity bone tumors. However, evidence guiding the duration of prophylactic treatment remains limited. OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of a 5-day regimen of postoperative, prophylactic, intravenous antibiotics compared with a 1-day regimen on the rate of surgical site infections within 1 year after surgery. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This randomized clinical superiority trial was performed at 48 clinical sites in 12 countries from January 1, 2013, to October 29, 2019. The trial included patients with a primary bone tumor or a soft tissue sarcoma that had invaded the femur or tibia or oligometastatic bone disease of the femur or tibia with expected survival of at least 1 year who required surgical management by excision and endoprosthetic reconstruction. A total of 611 patients were enrolled, and 7 were excluded for ineligibility. INTERVENTIONS A 1-or 5-day regimen of postoperative prophylactic intravenous cephalosporin (cefazolin or cefuroxime) that began within 8 hours after skin closure and was administered every 8 hours thereafter. Those randomized to the 1-day regimen received identical saline doses every 8 hours for the remaining 4 days; patients, care providers, and outcomes assessors were blinded to treatment regimen. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome in this superiority trial was a surgical site infection (superficial incisional, deep incisional, or organ space) classified according to the criteria established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention within 1 year after surgery. Secondary outcomes included antibiotic-related complications, unplanned additional operations, oncologic and functional outcomes, and mortality. RESULTS Of the 604 patients included in the final analysis (mean [SD] age, 41.2 [21.9] years; 361 [59.8%] male; 114 [18.9%] Asian, 43 [7.1%] Black, 34 [5.6%] Hispanic, 15 [2.5%] Indigenous, 384 [63.8%] White, and 12 [2.0%] other), 293 were randomized to a 5-day regimen and 311 to a 1-day regimen. A surgical site infection occurred in 44 patients (15.0%) allocated to the 5-day regimen and in 52 patients (16.7%) allocated to the 1-day regimen (hazard ratio, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.62-1.40; P = .73). Antibiotic-related complications occurred in 15 patients (5.1%) in the 5-day regimen and in 5 patients (1.6%) allocated to the 1-day regimen (hazard ratio, 3.24; 95% CI, 1.17-8.98; P = .02). Other secondary outcomes did not differ significantly between treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This randomized clinical trial did not confirm the superiority of a 5-day regimen of postoperative intravenous antibiotics over a 1-day regimen in preventing surgical site infections after surgery for lower extremity bone tumors that required an endoprosthesis. The 5-day regimen group had significantly more antibiotic-related complications.
Un conjunto de diarios de navegacion a las costas de California en los siglos XVI y XVII permite ... more Un conjunto de diarios de navegacion a las costas de California en los siglos XVI y XVII permite establecer las diferencias discursivas de caminantes y navegantes. Desde el espacio reducido del barco, un satelite que permite la observacion sin contacto, el navegante describe los recortes costeros. El barco es un refugio. Es proteccion y resistencia. Quien camina, en cambio, se expone y sus representaciones permiten observar ciertos desplazamientos en la subjetividad del viajero.
A principios del siglo XV, Enrique III, rey de Castilla y Leon, envia una embajada diplomatica a ... more A principios del siglo XV, Enrique III, rey de Castilla y Leon, envia una embajada diplomatica a la tierra de los mongoles. Sus embajadores fueron siguiendo a Tamorlan, emperador de un reino musulman de Asia, por todo su imperio, hasta ser recibidos por el en Samarcanda. Producto del viaje diplomatico, escriben una relacion que hoy conocemos con el nombre de Embajada a Tamorlan, donde se narra detalladamente el encuentro entre los viajeros y el monarca.
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2019
Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica (NRFH), 2003
Se reseñó el libro: Del diablo mandinga al muntu mesiánico. El negro en la literatura hispanoamer... more Se reseñó el libro: Del diablo mandinga al muntu mesiánico. El negro en la literatura hispanoamericana del siglo XX.

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2017
Urea concentrations in urine patches deposited during animal grazing can be over ten times higher... more Urea concentrations in urine patches deposited during animal grazing can be over ten times higher than typical fertiliser application rates, potentially leading to large ammonia (NH 3) losses. The processbased NZ-DNDC model was modified to better simulate soil pH changes and ammonia (NH 3) emissions following urine application using data collected from a New Zealand field trial. After modification, simulated 30-day NH 3 emissions decreased from 506 to 117 kg N ha-1 compared to measured emissions of 78 ± 3 kg N ha-1 (mean ± standard error) and the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) for daily NH 3 emissions increased from-7.11 to ?0.97 for the parameterisation dataset. However, modified model correctly estimated the cumulative emissions for the first 7 days. Using the same parameterisation on an independent dataset from a nearby site gave cumulative 18-day NH 3 emissions of 84 kg N ha-1 compared to the measured 48 ± 2 kg N ha-1 (mean ± standard error). However, the NSE for daily NH 3 emissions was-0.71, indicating site specific parameterisation might be needed. The sensitivity of NH 3 emissions to ±5 and ±10% errors in 4 model parameters was tested. The sensitivities ranged from-0.36 to ?0.71. The highest sensitivity was to the rate of NH 3 transfer from the soil solution to the atmosphere and the lowest sensitivity was to the rate of urea hydrolysis.

36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2000
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per res... more Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports (0704-0188), 1215 Jefferson Davis Hiahway, Suite 1204. Arlington, VA 22202-4302. Respondents should be aware that notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information if it does not display a currently valid OMB control number.

Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics, Second Edition, Volume 1: Light-Tissue Interaction
The medical use of light to probe deep tissues dates back to the 19th century, beginning with Bri... more The medical use of light to probe deep tissues dates back to the 19th century, beginning with Bright’s 1831 report on hydrocephalus. Bright noted that sunlight or light from a candle was able to shine through the head of a patient who suffered from hydrocephalus, a disorder characterized by excess cerebrospinal fluid in and around the brain. The ability of light to transilluminate tissues was later noted by Curling in 1843 in conjunction with problems of the scrotum, and by Cutler in 1929 in relation to breast lesions. The year 1977 represented another pivotal point for the field of optical biomedical diagnostics. It was then that Frans Jobsis demonstrated the deep transillumination of mammalian tissues using near-infrared (NIR) light, including the chest of a dog and an adult human head from temple to temple. Furthermore, by combining the penetrating properties of NIR light with spectroscopy, he demonstrated the diagnostic value of NIR light for the assessment of hemoglobin oxygen saturation and the cytochrome a-a3 redox state. Given the cellular metabolic information afforded by NIR spectroscopy, coupled with its deeply penetrating and noninvasive properties and the intrinsic low cost of optical technology, it is apparent that this new biomedical tool holds great promise for diagnosing a variety of pathologies. One fundamental limitation of the use of NIRS for diagnostic purposes is the problem of localizing the origin of the signals. One can easily demonstrate the extent of this limitation with simple experiments, which most of us have done at one time or another. For example, in a darkened room, take a bright penlight or a red laser pointer and place it under your thumb. As you activate the light source, you will readily observe your fingernail and the surrounding tissue glowing with deep red light, confirming the ability of red/NIR radiation to transilluminate thick mammalian tissue. A typical pattern of light emerging from the finger is shown in Fig. 6.1. What is notably missing from this light pattern is imaging information about the internal structure of the thumb. There is no evidence, for example, that the bone in the finger is casting a shadow. To the unaided eye, the inside of the thumb appears to be filled with a homogeneous medium.

Since 2010, a group of social anthropologists from the Autonomous University of Yucatan has been ... more Since 2010, a group of social anthropologists from the Autonomous University of Yucatan has been working on dengue fever research in Yucatán, Mexico. In 2014, an interdisciplinary project started with the participation of several professionals of medical and social sciences. This case study provides an account of the research process from the social science perspective. Specifically, it is focused on the methodological approach that we used for building our data collection technique. Because in the broader study we had to establish the credibility and reliability criteria of our intervention, we designed an in-depth interview following these four evaluative criteria: credibility, capacity for change and transfer, operational safety, and capability of the method to be corroborated and confirmed. This method of autoevaluation of qualitative research can be applied to any topic abiding by social or naturalistic scientists.
Dermatologia Cosmetica Medica Y Quirurgica, May 30, 2010
Patogenia del prurito en pacientes psiquiátricos. Revisión de la bibliografía y reporte de un cas... more Patogenia del prurito en pacientes psiquiátricos. Revisión de la bibliografía y reporte de un caso Pruritus' pathogeny in psychiatric patients. Literature review and case report
Clio Revista De Historia, 2015

Molecular Cancer Research, 2016
Despite the improvement in the early diagnosis and the use of modern therapies, breast cancer is ... more Despite the improvement in the early diagnosis and the use of modern therapies, breast cancer is the second cause of death, after lung cancer, in women around the world, and this is mainly due to metastasis development distant organs. PI3K/Akt pathway is deregulated in almost 50% of breast carcinomas, and is associated to therapy resistance. Currently, there are increasing clinical trials that combine endocrine treatments with PI3K/Akt inhibitors to delay tumor resistance and to avoid tumor progression. However, these inhibitors do not distinguish between the isoform specific function of Akt1, Akt2 and Akt3. Several evidences in different models of cancer show that Akt1 and Akt2 are expressed in different stages of cancer progression, with Akt1 involved in tumor proliferation during the first steps of the carcinogenic process, and Akt2 involved in the invasive phenotype. The aim of this work was to study Akt1 and Akt2 isoforms, focusing on their particular role in cell migration and...
Clio Revista De Historia, 2015
La prematura muerte del matematico y analista Alan Turing dejo al mundo desprovisto de la mente p... more La prematura muerte del matematico y analista Alan Turing dejo al mundo desprovisto de la mente privilegiada que enuncio el primer modelo teorico de inteligencia artificial. Sin embargo, durante 60 anos, la sinrazon humana ha tenido su memoria desterrada a la verguenza por un delito que le despojo de su honra: ser homosexual.
Sumario: 1. Introducción. 2. Normas de Derecho Penal Ambiental. Delitos de peligro 3. El ambiente... more Sumario: 1. Introducción. 2. Normas de Derecho Penal Ambiental. Delitos de peligro 3. El ambiente como bien jurídico penalmente protegido. 4. Reflexiones finales.
Nueva Revista De Filologia Hispanica, 2003
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Clio Revista De Historia, 2015
Clio Revista De Historia, 2015
Papers by jimena Rodriguez