Papers by jean-Christophe Giger

Avaliaçao Psicologica: Interamerican Journal of Psychological Assessment, Jul 15, 2015
Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar evidências de validação da escala de Orientação para a D... more Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar evidências de validação da escala de Orientação para a Dominância Social para a população portuguesa. Participaram 910 pessoas, sendo a maioria do sexo feminino (58,7%), com idades variando de 18 a 81 anos (M=34,09; DP=11,57). Foram realizadas análises de consistência interna, fatorial exploratória (n=455) e fatorial confirmatória (n=455). Os resultados mostram o modelo de dois fatores como mais adequado do que o modelo original e com bom valores de consistência interna. Concluiu-se que esse é um instrumento psicometricamente adequado. Reitera-se a premência de continuar a estudar a da análise da validade de critério em relação ao sexismo ambivalente, neossexismo e personalidade autoritária. Palavras-chave: dominância; estrutura fatorial; consistência interna; análise fatorial exploratória; análise fatorial confirmatória. ABSTRACT-Metric Evidences of the adaptation of the Social Dominance Scale in a portuguese sample This study aims to present evidences of the validity of the social dominance orientation scale for Portuguese population. Participants were 910 Portuguese people. Most of them were women (58.7%), with ages ranging from 18 to 81 years (M=34.09; SD=11.57). Reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis (n=455) and confirmatory factor analysis (n=455) were carried out. Results supported a two-component model for the SDO scale, which displayed a better fit than the original one-factorial structure. The scale showed good psychometric properties. In conclusion, the SDO is a psychometrically adequate instrument, being better represented by a two-component model. Future studies should examine the criterion validity through the analysis of the relationship of social dominance with ambivalent sexism, neosexism and authoritarian personality, among others.
Human Dimensions of Wildlife, Nov 18, 2022
Psihologijske teme, Jul 15, 2016

Suma Psicológica, Apr 30, 2022
Introdução: Os estereótipos de género dizem respeito a crenças partilhadas sobre os atributos fís... more Introdução: Os estereótipos de género dizem respeito a crenças partilhadas sobre os atributos físicos, psicológicos e comportamentais de homens e mulheres. De acordo com a literatura, observa-se alguma variabilidade nos estereótipos para a categoria mulher, em função de serem associadas a uma de três subcategorias: mulher tradicional, mulher independente e mulher sexy. Este estudo pretendeu observar os estereótipos predominantes e diferenciadores de cada tipo de mulher e a formação de impressões numa amostra portuguesa. Método: Os participantes (N = 78), distribuídos em 6 condições de acordo com o design experimental 3 (tipo de mulher: tradicional, independente vs. sexy) x 2 (sexo do participante: homem vs. mulher), deveriam, com base numa descrição prévia, indicar a área profissional, aparência física e modo de vestir da mulher alvo e formar uma impressão em termos dos atributos calorosa e competente. Resultados: Os resultados indicam maiores avaliações de calor para a mulher tradicional, pouca variabilidade nas avaliações de competência e as respostas obtidas através da análise semântica conferem diferentes imagens para os três subgrupos de mulher. Conclusões:Os resultados confirmam parcialmente as hipóteses e são discutidos com base nas implicações para a literatura dos estereótipos de género.
Social sciences, Dec 5, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

This study examined the influence of the victim's eye size and observer's gender on the observers... more This study examined the influence of the victim's eye size and observer's gender on the observers' perception of initial attraction and honesty of the victim, identification of the observer with a female target, and observers' attribution of victim's and perpetrator's responsibility for rape. A 3 (victim's eye size: small vs. normal vs. large) x 2 (observer's gender: female vs. male) experimental design was used. Participants (45 females and 45 males) observed one of three randomly assigned female faces (with eye size manipulation) and rated initial attraction, honesty, and identification. They were then asked to read a rape scenario (with a non-traditional woman) and to rate the victim's and offender's responsibility. The victim's eye size was shown a significant effect on all variables, except for perpetrator's responsibility. The female face with large eyes was perceived as more attractive and honest, elicited higher identification, and was attributed less responsibility. No significant effects were identified for observer's gender. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.
The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2019
5.80 ± 1.87 and 1.24 ± 0.41 ng/mL for intravenous and oral administration, respectively. Pharmaco... more 5.80 ± 1.87 and 1.24 ± 0.41 ng/mL for intravenous and oral administration, respectively. Pharmacokinetic parameters of quercetin 4'-O-glucoside in rats were AUCinf 511.38 ± 248.11 and 481.44 ± 65.72 min$ng/mL; Cmax 10.72 ± 2.70 and 2.83 ± 0.34 ng/mL for intravenous and oral administration, respectively. The absolute bioavailability of monotropein and quercetin 4'-O-glucoside for oral administration are evaluated and calculated as 3.0% and 4.7%, respectively. The absolute bioavailability of kaempferol 3-O-glucoside was not calculated because the elimination rate constant cannot be estimated. Conclusion: These Results may be applied to the basic data for the further study to develop functional foods or herbal medicinal products.

The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2019
Objective: Human sexuality is a biological, emotional and social function, which involves the act... more Objective: Human sexuality is a biological, emotional and social function, which involves the actions and the general experience of each individual either individually or in relation to others. With the knowledge of sexual fantasies, we can better understand of both genders and all the dependent variants of the different fulfilment and fortuity of desire. Methods: We investigated the sexual fantasies of a Portuguese population using Wilson's Sexual Fantasies Questionnaire (modified in 2010), already validated for the Portuguese population. The population sample was obtained using the "snowball" method, within the Facebook social network, and the responses were anonymously sent to a Google Drive folder (Google Forms). Comparative descriptive statistical (uni-, bi-, and multivariate) analysis for independent samples was performed. This latter factorial analysis was carried out in order to find latent factors that could explain the correlation between the original analysis dimensions. Results: 280 answers were obtained-148 male, 132 female, median age 36 years (18-70 years old). Male gender revealed a greater number of fantasies (and of greater action) than the female, and, within subgroups by sexual orientation, a greater variety of fantasies was found in the gay and bisexual groups, in relation to the heterosexual group. The factorial analysis could retain 4 factors that explained approximately 50% of the variance of the data set. In fact, we could find 4 clusters of fantasies-"diversity", "conventional", "sado-masochism" and "force / innocent"-similar to the clusters of fantasies already described in the international literature. More fantasies were described outside of the questionnaire. Conclusion: The male gender presented fantasies of greater individual action over the other, while the female gender revealed a greater volition to feel more passive ones. It seems important to reformulate Wilson's Sexual Fantasies Questionnaire considering the new capacity for expression of sexual fantasies and desires in the 21st century.
The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2019
Avaliacao Psicologica, Aug 1, 2013

International Journal of Social Robotics
This study examined people’s moral judgments and trait perception toward a healthcare agent’s res... more This study examined people’s moral judgments and trait perception toward a healthcare agent’s response to a patient who refuses to take medication. A sample of 524 participants was randomly assigned to one of eight vignettes in which the type of healthcare agent (human vs. robot), the use of a health message framing (emphasizing health-losses for not taking vs. health-gains in taking the medication), and the ethical decision (respect the autonomy vs. beneficence/nonmaleficence) were manipulated to investigate their effects on moral judgments (acceptance and responsibility) and traits perception (warmth, competence, trustworthiness). The results indicated that moral acceptance was higher when the agents respected the patient’s autonomy than when the agents prioritized beneficence/nonmaleficence. Moral responsibility and perceived warmth were higher for the human agent than for the robot, and the agent who respected the patient’s autonomy was perceived as warmer, but less competent an...

Ethnobiology and Conservation
As history shows, and contrary to modern western society's feelings, sharks were once respected a... more As history shows, and contrary to modern western society's feelings, sharks were once respected and worshipped. Sensationalized media coverage negatively impacts the public's perception of sharks and lack of information about management and conservation options negatively impacts policy makers' ability to keep shark populations healthy. Understanding that people's attitudes about sharks will influence their willingness to find a way to coexist with them, it is essential to acknowledge these attitudes when developing conservation measures. Just as risk management policies must adapt to new evidence-based information, so must shark conservation efforts adapt to the realities of public opinion. This perspective review, focused on the psychological aspects of human-shark interactions, highlights some of the current research, mostly from Australia and other countries where those interactions are more salient, on the beliefs and attitudes people have toward sharks. With this review, we hope to help policymakers and stakeholders, such as Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGOs) and the zoological community to better address some of the shark conservation challenges ahead.
L’intention de travailler avec un robot social. La fonction des attitudes envers les robots, de l... more L’intention de travailler avec un robot social. La fonction des attitudes envers les robots, de l'anthropomorphisme, besoin de cognition et la perception de chaleur et compétence.

European Review of Applied Psychology, 2016
Introduction.-Given their novelty, social robots (i.e., robots using natural language, displaying... more Introduction.-Given their novelty, social robots (i.e., robots using natural language, displaying and recognizing emotions) will generate uncertainty among users. Social representations allow making sense of the new, drawing from existing knowledge. Objective.-A free association questionnaire was administered to 212 Portuguese adults to identify the social representation of robot. Method.-Data was analysed with EVOC 2000 and SIMI 2000 software. Results.-The social representation of robot is organized around the ideas of technology, help and future. Differences in the representation according to age, gender and level of education where also identified. Conclusion.-The social representation of robot is marked by the conception of it as a tool. This contrasts with the concept of social robots as social agents. Implications for social robot's acceptance are discussed.
Avaliacao Psicologica, Dec 1, 2013

Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics, 2013
Since workforces are ageing throughout Europe, interest in the role of age in the workplace is in... more Since workforces are ageing throughout Europe, interest in the role of age in the workplace is increasing. Older workers with high work centrality are more likely to negotiate a relational contract and express higher levels of job satisfaction than older workers with low work centrality (Armstrong-Stassen and Schlosser, 2008). This study examines the role of work centrality and valued work outcomes as antecedents of job satisfaction. A cross sectional study using questionnaires was conducted. The sample consisted of 203 Spanish employees (M age = 55.78, SD = 3.01). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses have revealed that job satisfaction was significantly predicted by needed income and work centrality. When work is not an important part of older workers' lives, they will prefer extrinsic outcomes and will not invest in the relationship with their organization (Grant & Wade-Benzoni, 2009). Implications for research and theory are explored in the conclusion.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Emotional availability (EA) in parent-child interactions is associated with positive child outcom... more Emotional availability (EA) in parent-child interactions is associated with positive child outcomes, including attachment security. However, little is known about EA in adoptive families. This study investigated the associations between secure representations of attachment in adopted children and the adoptive parents’ EA. The participants (n = 75) included 26 mothers, 23 fathers, and 26 children who were aged 3 to 9 years. Children completed the Attachment Story Completion Task. Adult-child dyadic relationships were assessed using the EA® System. The results showed that the children’s and parents’ EA, age when adopted, and time elapsed since adoption were associated with more secure children’s attachment representations. Implications for family support and public policy are discussed.

PLoS ONE, 2021
Although they are only home to 16% of the global human population, high-income countries produce ... more Although they are only home to 16% of the global human population, high-income countries produce approximately one third of the world’s waste, the majority of which goes to landfills. To reduce pressure on landfills and natural systems, environmental messaging should focus on reducing consumption. Messages that signal social norms have the potential to influence people to reduce their consumption of comfort goods, such as straws, which are not a necessity for most people. We conducted a randomized field-experiment at a marine park in Portugal to test whether different normative messages reduced visitors’ paper straw use when compared to non-normative messages. We found that a message framed around a positive injunctive norm significantly reduced straw use compared to a non-normative message. We estimated that using the message at 17 park concession stands could keep over 27500 straws out of landfills annually and save the park money after two years.

Psychological Topics, 2016
This study examined the influence of the victim's eye size and observer's gender on the o... more This study examined the influence of the victim's eye size and observer's gender on the observers' perception of initial attraction and honesty of the victim, identification of the observer with a female target, and observers' attribution of victim's and perpetrator's responsibility for rape. A 3 (victim's eye size: small vs. normal vs. large) x 2 (observer's gender: female vs. male) experimental design was used. Participants (45 females and 45 males) observed one of three randomly assigned female faces (with eye size manipulation) and rated initial attraction, honesty, and identification. They were then asked to read a rape scenario (with a non-traditional woman) and to rate the victim's and offender's responsibility. The victim's eye size was shown a significant effect on all variables, except for perpetrator's responsibility. The female face with large eyes was perceived as more attractive and honest, elicited higher identification,...
Apresentação de alguns estudos sobre a percepção dos robôs sociais e a intenção de os usar no fut... more Apresentação de alguns estudos sobre a percepção dos robôs sociais e a intenção de os usar no futuro.
Papers by jean-Christophe Giger