Papers by Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies
The Study of Astronomy in Indonesia: Shaykh Hasan Maksum's Contribution to Astronomy. Islamic sch... more The Study of Astronomy in Indonesia: Shaykh Hasan Maksum's Contribution to Astronomy. Islamic scholars have played a role for the strengthening and preservation of Islamic scholarship in Indonesia, including in Astronomy. Unfortunately, works on this field have not been studied accordingly. This article examines the contribution of Shaykh Hasan Maksum, a very influential mufti on Deli Sultanate in East Sumatra. Like many other Nusantara scholars, he studied in Haramain (Makkah and Madinah) for a substantial time. This article studies his work, Natîjah Abadiyah, applying Content Analysis. It is clear that the Natijah Abadiyah is a short yet very important for it contains daily prayer timetable and some necessary explanations.

The Perception of Islamic Preachers about Gender Bias Reviewed From Ethnic Group Backgrounds. The... more The Perception of Islamic Preachers about Gender Bias Reviewed From Ethnic Group Backgrounds. The existence of various studies and literature on gender does not automatically change the society's opinion about gender equality. As such, supporters and opponents of the idea are readily found. One opinion goes as far as saying that gender studies try to alter the teachings of religion itself. In the gender studies has been found that many contributed to the emergence and development of gender biased ideology in Muslim societies, especially in Indonesia. Among those responsible to discriminatory preservation of women are religious leaders who are represented by ustaz and ustazah where they play the role of religious teachings to the Muslim community. This article examines the opinions of ustaz and ustazah on gender inequality realized from the background of each ethnic group, so it will be revealed about whether there is a link between ethnic background of an ustaz and ustazah to their perception of gender injustice. Based on field studies, where the research data was obtained from questionnaires and interviews, this study found that there is an understanding of gender bias in ustaz and ustazah perceptions in Medan city. This study is expected to contribute to gender studies in Indonesia.
Syekh Ahmad Khatib Minangkabau and Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Polemic in Indonesia Archipelago. This ... more Syekh Ahmad Khatib Minangkabau and Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah Polemic in Indonesia Archipelago. This article describes the intellectual biography of Sheikh Ahmad Khatib Minangkabau, an Indonesian born scholar but spent most of his career in Mecca from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th and examines his response to the Naqsyabandiah congregation in Indonesia

The Dynamics of Muhammadiyah Organization in North Sumatera. From various Islamic organizations w... more The Dynamics of Muhammadiyah Organization in North Sumatera. From various Islamic organizations which growing and developing in Indonesia archipelago, it can be said that NU and Muhammadiyah become the two largest Islamic organizations. As an Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah has a huge business charity spread throughout the territory of Indonesia. Unfortunately studies on Muhammadiyah have so far scrutinized this organization at national level, tending to overlook some of its interesting and sometimes peculiar local developments. This article will examine the dynamics of the Muhammadiyah in North Sumatra. The data of this study is obtained from official documents of the organization plus primary works of experts about the movement of this organization nationally and locally. This study proposes that Muhammadiyah has established itself in North Sumatra (then, East Sumatra) since the colonial era, where this organization has received much opposition from the colonists and the existing sultanates. The independence changes the socio-political conditions of North Sumatra, providing Muhammadiyah more freedom to develop its religious understanding and movement, until it became a large organization in the North Sumatra opposing Al Washliyah and Al Ittihadiyah. This study is expected to contribute to the study of Islam in the Indonesia archipelago, and strengthen the reference of Islam and Muhammadiyah outside of Java.

Learning System of Kitab Kuning at Pesantren Musthafawiyah, Mandailing Natal. The kitab kuning (l... more Learning System of Kitab Kuning at Pesantren Musthafawiyah, Mandailing Natal. The kitab kuning (literally 'Yellow Book', pre-modern books on Islam) has been the core of Indonesian Islamic studies for a long time. Right from the beginning, pesantrens, to be joined by madradsahs at a later period, have taken the responsibility of preserving and teaching kitab kuning throughout the Indonesia archipelago. The kitab kuning-based studies encompass a variety of subjects such as Qur'anic Exegesis, Prophetic Tradition, Islamic Theology, Islamic Law, and Sufism. Very much of the existing studies about kitab kuning was undertaken in Java pesantrens and very seldom cover those pesantrens outside Java. Considering that, as well as many developments and changes in kitab kuning studies, the present studies concentrate on Pesantren Musthafawiyah of Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra. The data obtained suggest that in Pesantren Musthafawiyah the kitab kuning curriculum has remained the same from its initial operation in early 20th century to the present. It means that the books studied have always been the same. Although some new books enter the lists, but they are by no means replacing the kitab kuning.
Papers by Journal of Contemporary Islam and Muslim Societies