Drafts by jayaram gollapudi

The traditional Indian society most popular work is hunting with Leather collection, the traditio... more The traditional Indian society most popular work is hunting with Leather collection, the traditional leather work coming from Ancient period onwards every of kingdom's like Satavahana, Chalukya , Kakatiya dynasties in Telangana Golkonda, Racha Konda, Devarakonda, Krishna Puram and Vadapally areas in the river banks based hamlets we found the leather working communities Madiga and dependent castes of Chamars. With this connection this is very ancient in origin and through the passage of time it has undergone profound changes, but caste still a very powerful institution in our socioeconomic , religious and political organization 1. The most disquiet tuning and disturbing feature connected with the caste system has been the concept of untouchables. The Untouchable majorly in Depressed class now Scheduled caste , in this scheduled caste Madiga or Chamar related sub castes like Mochi , Mang and Godari etc. , are followed leather works , those people are followed traditional occupation is leather work and tanning. In this continuation these communities are using lot of salt in making of raw skin to leather goods. The title of the Article explaining about the Madiga related communities 2. Before of known of Madiga community linkages of dependent castes or sub castes, The type of leather produced in a given region depends largely on the dominant source available. In the world it's cattle skin supplemented by goat, lamb, deer, ostrich, buffalo, and even yak. More exotic leathers are also becoming more common. Kangaroo is often employed for bullwhips and motorcycle leathers, given its lightweight and abrasion-resistant nature. Snake, alligator, and crocodile skins are all popular as well. Even stingray skin can be made into leather—and often is, in places like Thailand where stingrays are plentiful. In this connection we have
The traditional Indian society was based on varna and jati. This system is very ancient in origin... more The traditional Indian society was based on varna and jati. This system is very ancient in origin and through the passage of time it has undergone profound changes, but caste still a very powerful institution in our socioeconomic , religious and political organization 1. The most disquiet tuning and disturbing feature connected with the caste system has been the concept of untouchables. The Untouchable majorly in Depressed class now Scheduled caste , in this scheduled caste Madiga or Chamar related sub castes like Mochi , Mang and Gondari etc. , are followed leather works , those people are followed traditional occupation is leather work and tanning. In this continuation these communities are using lot of salt in making of raw skin to leather goods. The title of the Article explaining about the Madiga related communities 2 .
Conference Presentations by jayaram gollapudi
The traditional Indian society was based on varna and jati. This system is very ancient in origin... more The traditional Indian society was based on varna and jati. This system is very ancient in origin and through the passage of time it has undergone profound changes, but caste still a very powerful institution in our socioeconomic , religious and political organization 1. The most disquiet tuning and disturbing feature connected with the caste system has been the concept of untouchables. The Untouchable majorly in Depressed class now Scheduled caste , in this scheduled caste Madiga or Chamar related sub castes like Mochi , Mang and Gondari etc. , are followed leather works , those people are followed traditional occupation is leather work and tanning. In this continuation these communities are using lot of salt in making of raw skin to leather goods. The title of the Article explaining about the Madiga related communities 2 .
Calls by jayaram gollapudi

by Marius Alexianu, Antonio Malpica Cuello, Olivier Weller, Inês Amorim, David Bloch, Robin Brigand, Cristina Carusi, Paul Eubanks, Alfons Fíguls Alonso, jayaram gollapudi, Elisa Guerra Doce, Cavruc (Kavruk) Valeriu (Valerii), Igor Lyman, Heather McKillop, Leandro Sánchez Zufiaurre, and Noelia Tofé Call for Papers
12–15 September 20... more Call for Papers
12–15 September 2018, Salinas de Añana, Basque Country, Spain
Dear colleagues,
We are glad to invite you the attend the “Third International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt”, organized between the 12th and 15th of September 2018, in Salinas de Añana, Basque Country, Spain — vallesalado.com/congressalt
Please print and share this call with anyone who might be interested in attending, and this includes not only anthropologists and archaeologists, but also historians, geographers, linguists, and specialists from any domain researching common salt.
You can find more information on the event on its dedicated webpage: vallesalado.com/congressalt [ENG] / vallesalado.com/congresosal [ESP]
The Scientific Committee
Papers by jayaram gollapudi

Why the Madiga people use dry food, the Madiga's almost daily food hunters from the centu... more Why the Madiga people use dry food, the Madiga's almost daily food hunters from the century's, the Madiga people closely related natural resources. Madigas traditionally lived in hamlets outside mainstream village life. Before the twentieth century in the Period of Kakatiyas these are closely related on the local traditional working of leather goods as per the lake of Ganapuram village and Seven Temple group showing culture of the local and including of Madiga community it is shown Inaholu Inscription , and also in the period both British administration and Nizam " s administration began to employ them as village messengers. Madigas lived by tanning the leather and it was the ―duty‖ of the Madiga family to provide Chappals and other leather goods to the upper caste families with whom they were tied. Madigas contributed a lot to the music and dance. The origin for the Jazz drums comes from the primitive but exact rhythm and beat producing ―Thappeta‖ tanned skins covered on the wooden round frames and were played by beating them with two sticks. The sound variation they bring by warming them when the weather is wet and humid. A few households of Madiga, Arundhatiya, Jaggali and Jambuvulu in different regions of Telangana , Andhra Pradesh. The latter three communities appear to be satellite communities to Madiga. The name Madiga has been derived from the word Ma diguvaru (people next to us) used by Malas to identify these people. In course of time, the name Ma diguvaru became Madiga. One of the brief story related Chinnayya was asked to take care of the divine cow, Kamadhenu. Having tasted the milk of the cow and finding it to be very delicious, he desired to taste the flesh of the same. He implemented his wicked desire. But the dead body was so heavy that even the gods could not move it. So Siva thought of Jambavanta who was doing penance and called him by the term " Mahadigaru " (a great one who came down).Jambavanta thus received the name Mahadiga or Madiga and attended to the called of Siva. He moved the dead body and cut it into pieces Chinnayya was asked to dress the beef and Siva invited all the Gods to a feast. He moved the dead body and cut it into pieces Chinnayya was asked to dress the beef and Siva invited all the Gods to a feast. While cooking, Chinnayya in order to put off the effervescence, spat into the cooking pot. This was noticed by the Gods who left the dining hall. Siva became angry and crushed Chinnayya them by assigning them to the lowest cast. Jambavanta's descendants are called as Madigas while those of chinnayya are known as Malas. As Jambavanta consumed the leavings of Chinnayya and took water after him, the Madigas are regarded as inferior to Malas. The above narrated three stories find place in Hassan's note on Madiga (Hassan S.S., Volume I.-pp 409-420). Why they people use dry food, the Madigas almost daily food hunters from the century's, the Madiga people closely related natural resources.
The Director toured in the Warangal, Raichur, Bidar, Aurangabad and Tours Nalgonda Districts for ... more The Director toured in the Warangal, Raichur, Bidar, Aurangabad and Tours Nalgonda Districts for 42 days and the Assistant Directors, Mr. Syed Yusuf and Khwaja Muhammad Ahmad toured in the Warangal, Bidar, Gulbarga, Medak and Karimnagar Districts for 15 and So days respectively. The object of these tours was to survey the newly discovered monuments and also to supervise the excavation and conservation works which were being carried out in these districts. The details of the tours of the Director and the Assistant Directors are given in their diaries published in this report as Appendices F, G and H.
All the records preserved in Andhra Pradesh State Archives and Research Institute serve as extrem... more All the records preserved in Andhra Pradesh State Archives and Research Institute serve as extremely valuable primary source material and as rich documentary evidences, holding for retrospective research. Who are working on every aspects of life of the reign of Asaf Jahi‟s., political, economic administrative and social history of the Deccan.
Drafts by jayaram gollapudi
Conference Presentations by jayaram gollapudi
Calls by jayaram gollapudi
12–15 September 2018, Salinas de Añana, Basque Country, Spain
Dear colleagues,
We are glad to invite you the attend the “Third International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt”, organized between the 12th and 15th of September 2018, in Salinas de Añana, Basque Country, Spain — vallesalado.com/congressalt
Please print and share this call with anyone who might be interested in attending, and this includes not only anthropologists and archaeologists, but also historians, geographers, linguists, and specialists from any domain researching common salt.
You can find more information on the event on its dedicated webpage: vallesalado.com/congressalt [ENG] / vallesalado.com/congresosal [ESP]
The Scientific Committee
Papers by jayaram gollapudi
12–15 September 2018, Salinas de Añana, Basque Country, Spain
Dear colleagues,
We are glad to invite you the attend the “Third International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt”, organized between the 12th and 15th of September 2018, in Salinas de Añana, Basque Country, Spain — vallesalado.com/congressalt
Please print and share this call with anyone who might be interested in attending, and this includes not only anthropologists and archaeologists, but also historians, geographers, linguists, and specialists from any domain researching common salt.
You can find more information on the event on its dedicated webpage: vallesalado.com/congressalt [ENG] / vallesalado.com/congresosal [ESP]
The Scientific Committee