INTRODUCTION Libraries do not only provide information services but also catered for users inform... more INTRODUCTION Libraries do not only provide information services but also catered for users informational needs such as the provision of physical and bibliographic access to information sources. University libraries are often plagued with collection security which includes theft and mutilation. This affects the realization of it primary goal of providing resources for teaching, learning and research. According to Ogunyade (2005) Book theft is an intentional removal of books from the library in an unauthorized manner. Theft and mutilation in university libraries have become a major concern to researchers, information professionals; institutions and the society. Thus, it has been suggested in many fora that electronic security systems can help control these practices in university libraries since the traditional way of manually checking patrons are found to be ineffective and unfriendly. This will ensure a better, safer and effective way of dealing with security of library materials fr...
This study focuses on application of computer technologies to reference services in university an... more This study focuses on application of computer technologies to reference services in university and research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research method was used and the study covered 13 university libraries and 19 research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. The population of the study was 234 librarians. Sample size for this study was made up of entire population. Research instruments were a questionnaire and a checklist. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that computer technologies was used to a little extent for reference services (=2.07) in university libraries while in research institute libraries the grand mean of (=2.84) showed that computer technologies was highly used for the provision of reference services. The grand mean of (=2.69) revealed problems that hindered the application of computer technologies to reference services and the greatest o...
This study examined the impact of information seeking behaviour on effective primary healthcare s... more This study examined the impact of information seeking behaviour on effective primary healthcare service delivery in Edo State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Population of the study is 5,130 primary healthcare workers while sample size for the study is 513 respondents. Structured questionnaire was used as research instrument for the collection of data for the study. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistical mean and inferential statistics. Discussion with colleagues, searching textbooks, visiting libraries attending seminars/workshops/conferences and courses were information seeking behaviour of the primary healthcare workers. Results further revealed that poor information communication technology knowledge and skills, inadequate healthcare facilities and resources among others were the problems of healthcare services. Based on the result of findings, it has been concluded that primary healthcare workers in Edo State preferred ...
This study assessed Library User Resources and Programmes for Library Skill's (LS) acquisition in... more This study assessed Library User Resources and Programmes for Library Skill's (LS) acquisition in Unity Schools of South East Nigeria. In conducting this research, survey research design was adopted and out of a population of 29,358, multiple-stage sampling technique was used to select a sample of 1,212 that comprised of 480 JSI students, 469 SSIII students and 263 staff from the 12 Unity Schools under study. Two research questions guided the study. Observation checklist and questionnaire titled Library User Education Questionnaire (LUEQ) were the instruments used for data collection. These instruments were validated by five experts. Reliability coefficient of 0.91 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha method. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze results obtained from research question one while mean and standard deviations were used for that of research question two. Findings revealed that: there was a dearth of Library Resources (LR) in these schools, while some of the available ones were obsolete. The level of Library User Programme (LUP) implementation was very low. Findings of this study have a number of implications for education in general, school librarians, teachers and secondary school curriculum planners in particular. From the above findings it was recommended that Government should give urgent attention to the provision of library recourses (LR) such as establishment of modern school libraries, provision of current library resources among others for the enhancement of library skills' (LS) acquisition. LUP should also be adequately planned and executed in these schools.
This chapter examined the utilization of smart phones for retrieving research information resourc... more This chapter examined the utilization of smart phones for retrieving research information resources in libraries by undergraduates. The study covers awareness, utilization, benefits, effects, and constraints that affect smart phones for retrieving research information resources by undergraduates. These concepts generally implied that awareness facilitates interest for use. It was concluded that smartphones were used by undergraduate students to retrieve research information resources, and this had positive impact on research out of students will produce positive impact on academic performance of students. It was recommended among others that efforts should be made by the university to inculcate mobile teaching and learning curriculum in to the school syllabuses at the various levels, and library staff, lecturers, and university staff generally should be sensitized and trained in the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning.
This chapter is on relevance of Web 2.0 for library services in digital era. Web 2.0 tools play c... more This chapter is on relevance of Web 2.0 for library services in digital era. Web 2.0 tools play crucial role in effective service delivery of librarians. The study covers awareness, utilization, benefits, and challenges that affect the use of Web 2.0 by librarians for effective service delivery. The concepts generally implied that Web 2.0 can be used by librarians as information acquisition tools to gather information from sources outside libraries (e.g., blogs and wikis), information dissemination tools (such as RSS feeds), information organization tools that facilitate storage and subsequent retrieval of information (social bookmarking and tagging), and information sharing tools that facilitate the bilateral flow of information between libraries and patrons (social networking and media sharing sites). This chapter examines the concept of digital libraries and highlights the major features of a digital library and how it can be used. The potentials of digital library are very cruci...
This chapter examined the use of social media in libraries and impact on undergraduates. The stud... more This chapter examined the use of social media in libraries and impact on undergraduates. The study covers concepts of utilization of social media: benefits, impact, and challenges that affect the use of social media and academic performance of undergraduate students. The concepts generally implied that social media is the use of technology as the best medium to explore wide area of knowledge to produce positive impact on academic performance of students. There is a direct relationship between social media usage and the academic performance of students. It was recommended among others that awareness programs of use of social media platforms should be provided by the university and library to students; access to use of social media resources and services by librarians should be provided to students; educational forums that will facilitate group collaboration and discussion on academic performance should be promoted in universities; connectivity to social media network sites and intern...
In recent times, computer-based technologies have become dominant forces to shape and reshape the... more In recent times, computer-based technologies have become dominant forces to shape and reshape the products and service that university library offers. The application of computer technologies has had a profound impact on the way library resources are being used. The study focused on the use of Internet service by postgraduate students for research in Francis Sulemanu Idachaba Library, University of Agriculture Makurdi. Descriptive survey was used as design of the study. A questionnaire titled Use of Internet Service by Postgraduate Students for Research Questionnaire (UISPSRQ) was used to collect data from a sample of 270 postgraduate students of University of Agriculture, Makurdi. The sample was drawn from the population of 2000 postgraduate students. The findings revealed that 37.78% had received Internet training from external sources. The Internet skill of 44.44% was rated average. Only 22% used the Internet daily and 87.41 % claimed that digital libraries had greatly enhanced t...
INTRODUCTION Libraries do not only provide information services but also catered for users inform... more INTRODUCTION Libraries do not only provide information services but also catered for users informational needs such as the provision of physical and bibliographic access to information sources. University libraries are often plagued with collection security which includes theft and mutilation. This affects the realization of it primary goal of providing resources for teaching, learning and research. According to Ogunyade (2005) Book theft is an intentional removal of books from the library in an unauthorized manner. Theft and mutilation in university libraries have become a major concern to researchers, information professionals; institutions and the society. Thus, it has been suggested in many fora that electronic security systems can help control these practices in university libraries since the traditional way of manually checking patrons are found to be ineffective and unfriendly. This will ensure a better, safer and effective way of dealing with security of library materials fr...
This study focuses on application of computer technologies to reference services in university an... more This study focuses on application of computer technologies to reference services in university and research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research method was used and the study covered 13 university libraries and 19 research institute libraries in North Central, Nigeria. The population of the study was 234 librarians. Sample size for this study was made up of entire population. Research instruments were a questionnaire and a checklist. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation. The findings revealed that computer technologies was used to a little extent for reference services (=2.07) in university libraries while in research institute libraries the grand mean of (=2.84) showed that computer technologies was highly used for the provision of reference services. The grand mean of (=2.69) revealed problems that hindered the application of computer technologies to reference services and the greatest o...
This study examined the impact of information seeking behaviour on effective primary healthcare s... more This study examined the impact of information seeking behaviour on effective primary healthcare service delivery in Edo State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Population of the study is 5,130 primary healthcare workers while sample size for the study is 513 respondents. Structured questionnaire was used as research instrument for the collection of data for the study. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistical mean and inferential statistics. Discussion with colleagues, searching textbooks, visiting libraries attending seminars/workshops/conferences and courses were information seeking behaviour of the primary healthcare workers. Results further revealed that poor information communication technology knowledge and skills, inadequate healthcare facilities and resources among others were the problems of healthcare services. Based on the result of findings, it has been concluded that primary healthcare workers in Edo State preferred ...
This study assessed Library User Resources and Programmes for Library Skill's (LS) acquisition in... more This study assessed Library User Resources and Programmes for Library Skill's (LS) acquisition in Unity Schools of South East Nigeria. In conducting this research, survey research design was adopted and out of a population of 29,358, multiple-stage sampling technique was used to select a sample of 1,212 that comprised of 480 JSI students, 469 SSIII students and 263 staff from the 12 Unity Schools under study. Two research questions guided the study. Observation checklist and questionnaire titled Library User Education Questionnaire (LUEQ) were the instruments used for data collection. These instruments were validated by five experts. Reliability coefficient of 0.91 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha method. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze results obtained from research question one while mean and standard deviations were used for that of research question two. Findings revealed that: there was a dearth of Library Resources (LR) in these schools, while some of the available ones were obsolete. The level of Library User Programme (LUP) implementation was very low. Findings of this study have a number of implications for education in general, school librarians, teachers and secondary school curriculum planners in particular. From the above findings it was recommended that Government should give urgent attention to the provision of library recourses (LR) such as establishment of modern school libraries, provision of current library resources among others for the enhancement of library skills' (LS) acquisition. LUP should also be adequately planned and executed in these schools.
This chapter examined the utilization of smart phones for retrieving research information resourc... more This chapter examined the utilization of smart phones for retrieving research information resources in libraries by undergraduates. The study covers awareness, utilization, benefits, effects, and constraints that affect smart phones for retrieving research information resources by undergraduates. These concepts generally implied that awareness facilitates interest for use. It was concluded that smartphones were used by undergraduate students to retrieve research information resources, and this had positive impact on research out of students will produce positive impact on academic performance of students. It was recommended among others that efforts should be made by the university to inculcate mobile teaching and learning curriculum in to the school syllabuses at the various levels, and library staff, lecturers, and university staff generally should be sensitized and trained in the use of mobile devices for teaching and learning.
This chapter is on relevance of Web 2.0 for library services in digital era. Web 2.0 tools play c... more This chapter is on relevance of Web 2.0 for library services in digital era. Web 2.0 tools play crucial role in effective service delivery of librarians. The study covers awareness, utilization, benefits, and challenges that affect the use of Web 2.0 by librarians for effective service delivery. The concepts generally implied that Web 2.0 can be used by librarians as information acquisition tools to gather information from sources outside libraries (e.g., blogs and wikis), information dissemination tools (such as RSS feeds), information organization tools that facilitate storage and subsequent retrieval of information (social bookmarking and tagging), and information sharing tools that facilitate the bilateral flow of information between libraries and patrons (social networking and media sharing sites). This chapter examines the concept of digital libraries and highlights the major features of a digital library and how it can be used. The potentials of digital library are very cruci...
This chapter examined the use of social media in libraries and impact on undergraduates. The stud... more This chapter examined the use of social media in libraries and impact on undergraduates. The study covers concepts of utilization of social media: benefits, impact, and challenges that affect the use of social media and academic performance of undergraduate students. The concepts generally implied that social media is the use of technology as the best medium to explore wide area of knowledge to produce positive impact on academic performance of students. There is a direct relationship between social media usage and the academic performance of students. It was recommended among others that awareness programs of use of social media platforms should be provided by the university and library to students; access to use of social media resources and services by librarians should be provided to students; educational forums that will facilitate group collaboration and discussion on academic performance should be promoted in universities; connectivity to social media network sites and intern...
In recent times, computer-based technologies have become dominant forces to shape and reshape the... more In recent times, computer-based technologies have become dominant forces to shape and reshape the products and service that university library offers. The application of computer technologies has had a profound impact on the way library resources are being used. The study focused on the use of Internet service by postgraduate students for research in Francis Sulemanu Idachaba Library, University of Agriculture Makurdi. Descriptive survey was used as design of the study. A questionnaire titled Use of Internet Service by Postgraduate Students for Research Questionnaire (UISPSRQ) was used to collect data from a sample of 270 postgraduate students of University of Agriculture, Makurdi. The sample was drawn from the population of 2000 postgraduate students. The findings revealed that 37.78% had received Internet training from external sources. The Internet skill of 44.44% was rated average. Only 22% used the Internet daily and 87.41 % claimed that digital libraries had greatly enhanced t...
Papers by jane aba