Papers by jalawi Alshudukhi

Engineering, Technology and Applied science research/Engineering, Technology and Applied Science Research, Jun 1, 2024
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) can be part of a tremendous number of applications. Many WSN appli... more Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) can be part of a tremendous number of applications. Many WSN applications require real-time communication where the sensed data have to be delivered to the sink node within a predetermined deadline decided by the application. In WSNs, the sensor nodes' constrained resources (e.g. memory and power) and the lossy wireless links, give rise to significant difficulties in supporting real-time applications. In addition, many WSN routing algorithms strongly emphasize energy efficiency, while delay is not the primary concern. Thus, WSNs desperately need new routing protocols that are reliable, energy-efficient, and appropriate for real-time applications. The proposed algorithm is a real-time routing algorithm appropriate for delay-sensitive applications in WSNs. It has the ability to deliver data on time while also enabling communications that are reliable and energy-efficient. It achieves this by deciding which candidate neighbors are eligible to participate in the routing process and can deliver the packet before its deadline. In order to lessen the delay of the chosen paths, it also computes the relaying speed for each eligible candidate. Moreover, it takes into account link quality, hop count, and available
Applied sciences, Jan 2, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

IEEE Access, Dec 31, 2023
The quick progress of 5G networks has allowed for intelligent driving. The primary environment fo... more The quick progress of 5G networks has allowed for intelligent driving. The primary environment for intelligent driving is provided by vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), which relay realtime data and communications between moving vehicles and fixed infrastructure. Since the communication is open-access, the message exchanged is vulnerable to privacy and security attacks. To address with this challenge, several authentication schemes have proposed. Nevertheless, the complexity of current these schemes means that re-authenticating vehicle identities every time they reach a new area of infrastructure coverage significantly hampers the overall network's efficiency. This paper has proposed a handover authentication, called HAFC scheme based on fog computing to achieve fastly re-authentication of vehicles via secure property transfer among infrastructures (fog servers) for 5G-assisted vehicular blockchain networks. The proposed HAFC scheme consists of both stages namely, initial-authentication stage and handover-authentication stage. In security analysis shows that the proposed HAFC scheme's vehicle to fog server-for both stages is Computational Diffie-Hellma (CDH)-secure. According to the simulation results, the novel handover authentication stage takes only a fraction of the time required for the first one.

IEEE Access, 2020
Existing conditional privacy-preserving authentication schemes utilized in Vehicular Ad-hoc Netwo... more Existing conditional privacy-preserving authentication schemes utilized in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) to satisfy security and privacy requirements essentially depend on point multiplication operations. Achieving repaid verification method of the message is commonly suffer performance efficiency from resulting overheads. We propose a conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme to secure communication and perform better performance efficiency in this article. The proposed scheme only depends on an elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) based on a point addition operation instead of a point multiplication operation during signing and verifying messages. In the joining phase of the proposed scheme, the vehicle requires the joining process for the broadcasting traffic-related message to others or nearby RSU within its communication range. After obtaining the pseudonym and secret key from RSU, the vehicle is considered as a registered node in VANET. This article utilizes a Burrows-Abadi-Needham (BAN) logic to evidence that the proposed scheme fulfill successfully mutual authentication. The formal security phase shows that security and privacy requirements are satisfied by the proposed scheme. The performance efficiency shows that our proposed scheme has lower overhead in terms of computation cost compared with other recent schemes since a point multiplication operations based o ECC are not used. Therefore, the computation costs of the message signing, individual-authentication and batch-authentication in our proposed scheme are decreased by 99.3%, 99.7% and 98.1%, respectively. INDEX TERMS Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), VANET storage, VANET elliptic curve, VANET security, VANET identity-based cryptography, VANET privacy-preserving.
Electronics, Feb 8, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Sensors, Mar 28, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

IEEE Access, 2020
Several group signature or identity schemes have been proposed for addressing the issues of secur... more Several group signature or identity schemes have been proposed for addressing the issues of security in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). Nonetheless, none of these schemes suitably cope with the performance efficient during the signing and verifying safety-messages. Furthermore, adversaries could acquire sensitive data stored in a tamper-proof device (TPD) by utilizing side-channel attacks. An efficient conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme is proposed for the prevention of side-channel attacks and reducing the performance efficiency of the system in this paper. Moreover, to resist side-channel attacks, critical data stored in the TPD is frequently and periodically updated. Lastly, due to our work employs the one-way hash function and the elliptic curve cryptography, its performance evaluation has lower computation and communication cost compared to other schemes. INDEX TERMS identity-based cryptography, side-channel attack, privacy-preserving, vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs).

IEEE Access
The fifth-generation (5G) technology-enabled vehicular network has been widely used in intelligen... more The fifth-generation (5G) technology-enabled vehicular network has been widely used in intelligent transportation in recent years. Since messages shared among vehicles are always broadcasted by openness environment' nature, which is vulnerable to several privacy and security problems. To cope with this issue, several researchers have proposed pseudonym authentication schemes for the 5G-enabled vehicular network. Nevertheless, these schemes applied complected and time-consumed operations. Therefore, this paper proposes a fog computing-based pseudonym authentication (FC-PA) scheme to decrease the overhead of performance in 5G-enabled vehicular networks. The FC-PA scheme applies only one scalar multiplication operation of elliptic curve cryptography to prove information. A security analysis of our work explains that our scheme satisfies privacy-preserving and pseudonym authentication, which are resilient against common security attacks. With performance efficiency, our work can obtain better trade-offs between efficiency and security than the well-known recent works. INDEX TERMS Fog computing, vehicular networks, 5G, privacy-preserving, authentication.

International Journal of Intelligent Systems
Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, particularly tumours, are considered one of the most widespread a... more Gastrointestinal (GI) diseases, particularly tumours, are considered one of the most widespread and dangerous diseases and thus need timely health care for early detection to reduce deaths. Endoscopy technology is an effective technique for diagnosing GI diseases, thus producing a video containing thousands of frames. However, it is difficult to analyse all the images by a gastroenterologist, and it takes a long time to keep track of all the frames. Thus, artificial intelligence systems provide solutions to this challenge by analysing thousands of images with high speed and effective accuracy. Hence, systems with different methodologies are developed in this work. The first methodology for diagnosing endoscopy images of GI diseases is by using VGG-16 + SVM and DenseNet-121 + SVM. The second methodology for diagnosing endoscopy images of gastrointestinal diseases by artificial neural network (ANN) is based on fused features between VGG-16 and DenseNet-121 before and after high-dimens...
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Theoretical Computer Science
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Jul 29, 2022
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology

Journal of Nanomaterials, May 5, 2022
Melanoma skin cancer is a fatal illness. However, most melanomas can be treated with minimal surg... more Melanoma skin cancer is a fatal illness. However, most melanomas can be treated with minimal surgery if found early. In this regard, the addition of image analysis techniques that automate skin cancer diagnosis would support and increase dermatologists' diagnosis accuracy. As a result, enhanced melanoma detection can benefit patients who are showing indicators of the disease. Convolutional neural networks can learn from features hierarchically. Since the implementation of a neural network requires a large volume of images to achieve high accuracy rates, an insufficient number of skin cancer images represent an additional challenge in the detection of skin lesions; the current work aims to develop an intelligent system that allows, based on the analysis of images of skin lesions and contextual information of the patient, to accurately determine if it represents a case of melanoma-type skin cancer. The TensorFlow library was used to execute models in the constructed app. The Mobilenet V2 model was used with a collection of 305 pictures retrieved from the Internet. Diagnoses included melanoma, plaque and psoriatic skin conditions, and Kaposi's sarcoma and atopic dermatitis. There were two separate machines used to conduct the application tests. There was more than 75% acceptable performance in predicting Kaposi's sarcoma-like illnesses for melanoma-like lesions, as well as plaque psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, respectively. Despite the low amount of images used in training, the constructed mobile application performed well.

IEEE Access
To improve XML query processing, it is necessary to label XML documents efficiently for the index... more To improve XML query processing, it is necessary to label XML documents efficiently for the indexing process because it allows the structural relationships between the XML nodes to be preserved without having to access the original document. However, XML data on the Web is updated as time passes, which means that the dynamic updating of XML data is an issue that may need to be handled by a XML labeling scheme specifically designed for dynamic updates. Previous XML labeling schemes have limitations when updates take place. For example, a lot of node labels need to be relabeled, a lot of duplicate labels occur during this relabeling process, and the size and time costs of the updated labels are high. Therefore, this paper proposes an efficient prefix-based labeling scheme that uses a hexagonal pattern. The proposed labeling scheme has three main advantages: (i) it avoids the need for node relabeling when XML documents are updated at random locations, (ii) it avoids duplicated labels by creating a new label for every inserted node, and (iii) it reduces the size and time costs of the updated labels. The proposed scheme is evaluated against the three most recent prefix-based labeling schemes in terms of the size and time costs of the updated labels. In addition, the ability of the proposed labeling scheme to handle several updates (such as insertions) in XML documents is also evaluated. The evaluations show that the proposed labeling scheme outperforms previously developed prefix-based labeling schemes in terms of both size and time costs, particularly for large-scale XML datasets, resulting in improved query processing performance. Moreover, the proposed scheme efficiently supports frequent updates at arbitrary positions. The paper concludes with several suggestions for further research.

Security and Communication Networks
Social network influence dissemination focuses on employing a small number of seed sets to genera... more Social network influence dissemination focuses on employing a small number of seed sets to generate the most significant possible influence in social networks and considers forwarding to be the only technique of information transmission, ignoring all other ways. Users, for example, can post a message via this mode of distribution (called para), which is difficult to trace, posing a danger of privacy leakage. This research tries to address the aforementioned issues by developing a social network information transmission model that supports the paranormal relationship. It suggests a way of disseminating information called Local Greedy, which aids in the protection of user privacy. Its effect helps to reconcile the conflict between privacy protection and information distribution. Aiming at the enumeration problem of seed set selection, an incremental strategy that supports privacy protection is proposed to construct seed sets to reduce time overhead; a local influence subgraph method o...

Advances on Smart and Soft Computing, 2020
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) cannot manage the cost of concurrent transmission and get-togethe... more Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) cannot manage the cost of concurrent transmission and get-together of information and for most conditions, the battery substitution is stunning upon the weariness of a center points battery vitality. At this moment, vitality productive conventions comprise crucial plan prerequisites for the WSN so as to build the lifetime and guarantee fruitful transmission of information from sensor hub (SN) source to target, it gets critical to keep up SNs openness. Random traveling wave pulse-coupled oscillator (RTWPCO) has exhibited to be healthy, effective, and impenetrable to check for deafness and bundle crash under various WSN including insightful models. In any case how much vitality effective is eaten up in SNs, which sends RTW-PCO as its self-association has never been referenced. To this limitation, we conducted a relative report on vitality productive in RTWPCO for WSNs. Using self-organizing scheme energy efficient WSNs by adopting a traveling wave biologically inspired network systems based on phase locking of Pulse Coupled Oscillator (PCO) model regards sensor nodes as observed in the flashing synchronization behaviors of fireflies and secretion of radio signals as firing. The amusement work was carried out using Java programming language. Energy proficiency in the self-assertive variety of the two plans (RTWPCO and PCO) was in like manner seen to be higher than the need variety of the plans.

Journal of Nanomaterials, 2022
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subfield of computer science concerned with developing intellig... more Artificial intelligence (AI) is a subfield of computer science concerned with developing intelligent machines capable of performing tasks similar to those performed by humans. This human-created intelligence began more than 60 years ago. The goal of previous generations of applications was to demonstrate generic human-like behaviour. The goal has expanded with the advancement and increased compliance of this technology. It includes areas such as healthcare, gaming, and smart devices. The COVID-19 epidemic has posed a significant barrier to maintaining a sustainable strategy for mental health support clients with major mental illnesses and clinicians who have had to shift delivery modes quickly. In this study, we have conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to provide an overview of the current state of the literature related to software measurement of healthcare using artificial intelligence. The study followed a secondary research strategy. The systematic literature review a...

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
In recent years, in combination with technological advances, new paradigms of interaction with th... more In recent years, in combination with technological advances, new paradigms of interaction with the user have emerged. This has motivated the industry to create increasingly powerful and accessible natural user interface devices. In particular, depth cameras have achieved high levels of user adoption. These devices include the Microsoft Kinect, the Intel RealSense, and the Leap Motion Controller. This type of device facilitates the acquisition of data in human activity recognition. Hand gestures can be static or dynamic, depending on whether they present movement in the image sequences. Hand gesture recognition enables human-computer interaction (HCI) system developers to create more immersive, natural, and intuitive experiences and interactions. However, this task is not easy. That is why, in the academy, this problem has been addressed using machine learning techniques. The experiments carried out have shown very encouraging results indicating that the choice of this type of archit...
Papers by jalawi Alshudukhi