Error analysis is one way to evaluate students' ability to understand second language. The object... more Error analysis is one way to evaluate students' ability to understand second language. The objectives of this research are: (1) To discover the students' common errors in learning past perfect tense. (2) To carry out the students' errors proportions (frequency and percentage) in using past perfect tense. This research was conducted by descriptive qualitative research analysis. The sample of the research is X MIA 2 class of MAN 1 Lampung Utara which consists of 35 students. The sample was conducted by purposive sampling method. Collecting data was conducted by a documentation, asked each students to make 5 sentences of past perfect tense in twice. The error analysis method used Surface Strategy Taxonomy, with types of ommision, addition, misformation, and misordering. The result of this research showed that there are 260 items with 146 items from the first test and 114 from the second test. The proportions (frequency and percentage) of the students' error in writing past perfect tense sentences are ommision with 40 items or 27,39 % in the first test and 21 items or 18,42 % in the second test, addition in the first test 38 items or 26,02 % and the second test with 33 items or 28,94 %, misformation with 64 items or 43,83 % in the first test and 47 items or 41,22 % in the second test, and misordering in the first test 10 items or 6,84 % and the second test with 7 items or 6,14 %. And it shows that the highest error made by students is misformation errors.
Error analysis is one way to evaluate students' ability to understand second language. The object... more Error analysis is one way to evaluate students' ability to understand second language. The objectives of this research are: (1) To discover the students' common errors in learning past perfect tense. (2) To carry out the students' errors proportions (frequency and percentage) in using past perfect tense. This research was conducted by descriptive qualitative research analysis. The sample of the research is X MIA 2 class of MAN 1 Lampung Utara which consists of 35 students. The sample was conducted by purposive sampling method. Collecting data was conducted by a documentation, asked each students to make 5 sentences of past perfect tense in twice. The error analysis method used Surface Strategy Taxonomy, with types of ommision, addition, misformation, and misordering. The result of this research showed that there are 260 items with 146 items from the first test and 114 from the second test. The proportions (frequency and percentage) of the students' error in writing past perfect tense sentences are ommision with 40 items or 27,39 % in the first test and 21 items or 18,42 % in the second test, addition in the first test 38 items or 26,02 % and the second test with 33 items or 28,94 %, misformation with 64 items or 43,83 % in the first test and 47 items or 41,22 % in the second test, and misordering in the first test 10 items or 6,84 % and the second test with 7 items or 6,14 %. And it shows that the highest error made by students is misformation errors.
Papers by ismi imani