Papers by iskak sugiyarto
Veritas Lux Mea (Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen), Aug 16, 2021

Matheteuo: Religious Studies, 2021
The wave of the technological revolution has a strong correlation with the globalization process ... more The wave of the technological revolution has a strong correlation with the globalization process which has succeeded in creating a new culture and lifestyle in society. With or without realizing it, the world is undergoing a transition process, which is quite a change. These changes can bring about both change and disaster in particular for young people. From the available data, it can be seen that the decreasing interest of young people to worship. Relevant services are needed in responding to technological developments in the era of the industrial revolution. The discussion in this article emphasizes how to serve young people in today's context and according to their style and language but still based on the truth of God's Word. In writing this article using a descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. The Unlimited Fire Youth Conference is an example of a relevant youth conference and community. By maximizing the use of existing social media to reach and ser...

THRONOS: Jurnal Teologi Kristen
The emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 or what is called Covid-19 in China and spread througho... more The emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 or what is called Covid-19 in China and spread throughout the world, then Indonesia was affected by the Covid-19 virus. This also affects several companies in Indonesia so that the phenomenon of Termination of Employment (PHK) is carried out on a large scale. This is because the company went bankrupt. Termination of employment by companies or businesses on a large or small scale has an impact on church members as well. The JKI Satellite Muktiharjo Church responded to what was happening in the Indonesian nation, especially the members of the congregation who were affected by the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Non-natural Disaster by providing diaconal services. This paper aims to examine whether the church's diaconal and counseling services help church members who have been laid off. This study uses a literature research methodology, which is a method that emphasizes literature research. From the research conducted, it is stated tha...

CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika
Puru Hogo is a tradition that is still attached to the life of the Sabu tribe i... more Puru Hogo is a tradition that is still attached to the life of the Sabu tribe in East Nusa Tenggara. The Puru Hogo tradition is carried out by the Sabu community every year, when they want to do the extracting of sap and cooking sugar, in June and July. They believe that they will be blessed, the results of the extraction of sap will be good, no one will have an accident, and they will get a good income, on condition that they have to offer a sheep to give to Mone Ama. Using a qualitative approach, a descriptive method, this research examines the perspective of the Christian Church in Timor (GMIT) Imanuel Matepu. It was found that the Puru Hogo tradition was given a new meaning, so that it became a bridge for church ministry in the Sabu community.Keywords: Puru Hogo Tradition; Contextual; Sabu Tribe.AbstrakPuru Hogo merupakan tradisi yang masih lekat dalam kehidupan Suku Sabu di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Tradisi Puru Hogo dilakukan oleh masyarakat Sabu setiap tahun, saa...
Papers by iskak sugiyarto