Papers by Irma van der Ploeg

What concepts such as 'security' and 'privacy' mean in practice is not merely a matter of policy ... more What concepts such as 'security' and 'privacy' mean in practice is not merely a matter of policy choices or value concepts, but is inherently tied up with the socio-material and technological arrangement of the practices in which they come to matter. In this article, one trajectory in the implementation of a security regime into the sociotechnical arrangement of airport security checking is reconstructed. During this trajectory, gradual modifications or 'translations' are performed on what are initially defined as the privacy and security problems. The notion of translation is used to capture the modifications that concepts undergo between different stages of the process: the initial security problem shifts, transforms and comes to be aligned with several other interests and values. We articulate how such translations take place in the material realm, where seemingly technical and natural-scientific givens take part in the negotiations. On the one hand, these negotiations may produce technologies that perform social inequalities. On the other hand, it is in this material realm that translations of problem definitions appear as simply technical issues, exempted from democratic governance. The forms of privacy and security that emerge in the end are thus specific versions with specific social effects, which do not follow in an obvious way from the generic, initial concepts. By focusing on problem definitions and their translations at various stages of the development, we explain how it is possible for potentially stigmatizing and privacy-encroaching effects to occur, even though the security technologies were introduced exactly to preclude those effects.

Positioning the patient: normative analysis of electronic patient records
Methods of information in medicine, 2003
This paper aims to take the current ethical research on electronic patient records beyond the eth... more This paper aims to take the current ethical research on electronic patient records beyond the ethical-legal issues of privacy to include contemporary issues of the 'politics of technology' and 'value sensitive design'. The paper employs an interpretive approach to analyze research on electronic patient records with concepts of the politics of technology and value sensitive design. The broad development towards computerization of patient records lacks needed attention to the potential effects of such systems on the patients. This paper argues for a broader understanding of the normative aspects involved in the design and implementation of electronic patient records (EPRs). It suggests three supplemental dimensions for normative analysis of EPR design relevant to the position of the patient: presence, agency, and identity. These dimension are discussed and illustrated as concepts connecting ethical dimensions of patienthood with design features of EPRs.
The body as data in the age of information
Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies, 2012
Surveillance Society, Nov 20, 2013
Migration and the Machine-Readable Body: Identification and Biometrics
Migration and the New Technological Borders of Europe, 2011
Le corps biométrique : différences corporelles, normes intégrées et classifications automatisées
Ethics and Information Technology, 2003
Follow the Children! Advergames and the Enactment of Children’s Consumer Identity
Information Technology and Law Series, 2014
Security in the Danger Zone: Normative Issues of Next Generation Biometrics
The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, 2012

Genetics, biometrics and the informatization of the body
Annali dell'Istituto superiore di sanità, 2007
"Genetics&am... more "Genetics" is a term covering a wide set of theories, practices, and technologies, only some of which overlap with the practices and technologies of biometrics. In this paper some current technological developments relating to biometric applications of genetics will be highlighted. Next, the author will elaborate the notion of the informatization of the body, by means of a brief philosophical detour on the dualisms of language and reality, words and things. In the subsequent sections she will then draw out some of the questions relevant to the purposes of Biometrics Identification Technology Ethics (BITE), and discuss the ethical problems associated with the informatization of the body. There are, however some problems and limitations to the currently dominant ethical discourse to deal with all things ethical in relation to information technology in general, and biometrics or genetics in particular. The final section will discuss some of these meta-problems.
Treatments for Men and Children
Prosthetic Bodies, 2001
Elusive Body Boundaries and Individuality
Prosthetic Bodies, 2001
Preliminary Movements
Prosthetic Bodies, 2001
The Making of the New Patients
Prosthetic Bodies, 2001
Only Angels Can Do Without Skin
Prosthetic Bodies, 2001
Science, Technology & Human Values, 2007
Ethics and Information Technology - ETHICS INF TECHNOL, 2003
Special Issue: Constructivist Perspectives on Medical Work
Science, Technology & Human Values, 1995
Hermaphrodite Patients: In Vitro Fertilization and the Transformation of Male Infertility
Science Technology & Human Values, 1995
Papers by Irma van der Ploeg