The one-bath dyeing process shorter as compared to two-bath Dyeing method. My work was undertaken... more The one-bath dyeing process shorter as compared to two-bath Dyeing method. My work was undertaken to establish a new method for dyeing polyester/cotton blends. This work has implemented on finding the possibility of making physical amalgamation of Disperse/Reactive dyes to dye the P/C blends (65/35) in one bath dyeing process in Bangladesh for the minimization of dyeing cost, time, energy And eco friendly. Beside That, This one bath dyeing process is run by the help of Propylene glycol. Propylene glycol helps to add a new value addition in Textile sector all over the world. This experiment followed As usual dyeing recipe but in One-bath dyeing process on pc blend fibers with the addition of propylene glycol.By using one bath process ,we can minimize the textile polluted water.
Design and Manufacturing of Hub for an Electric All-Terrain Vehicle
Hub is a component in wheel assembly of automobiles. The hub will support the mounting of the whe... more Hub is a component in wheel assembly of automobiles. The hub will support the mounting of the wheel and brake disk Hub is a component which takes maximum amount of cornering loads. A hub has various pitch circle diameters PCD like 114.3mm and 100mm. We have chosen 114.3mm (PCD) for our design. We have chosen M14 Hub bolts for designing the hub. We have calculated the loading on the hub based on the cornering load acting on the vehicle. The model is designed in solid works, and analysis was carried out in Ansys workbench. For analysis three materials were chosen, Al-6082-T6, Stainless steel and Structural steel respectively. The point load is applied on one of the stud hole and the moment is applied on the remaining three holes and the inner surface of the hub is given as constraint. Based on the equivalent stress and deformation values the material suitable for the hub is chosen which has minimum stress and deformation.
Composite materials are widely used in automobile and aerospace industries. In that composite mat... more Composite materials are widely used in automobile and aerospace industries. In that composite materials, Aluminium alloy based metal matrix composites plays a vital role in automobile sectors. Because, Aluminium alloy composite materials consists of high specific strength, more thermal stability, more corrosion and wear resistance. In this project, the fabrication and testing of Aluminium alloy based metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with Al2O3 and fly ash particles using stir casting method. Here the Aluminium alloy acts as a metal matrix and Al2O3 and fly ash acts as reinforcement. The resultant composite has to be tested for their hardness. The usage of Al2O3 and fly ash particles which causes sufficient changes in hardness property. These composite materials are finding various applications in aerospace and automobile sectors. This is mainly due to improved mechanical property such as hardness.
Abstract - Image retrieval has been one of the most interesting and vivid research areas in the f... more Abstract - Image retrieval has been one of the most interesting and vivid research areas in the field of computer vision over the last decades. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems are used in order to automatically index, search, retrieve, and browse image databases. Color, texture and shape information have been the primitive image descriptors in content based image retrieval systems. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a technique which uses feature extraction and we extract and execute all the low level feature color features, texture features and shape features and their methods. User need to give a query image and similarity measurement engine which is responsible in estimating the similarity between the query image and database images and then ranking. of images according to similarity to the input query image and reduces computational time for image retrieval by using MapReduce for distributed dataset as well as increases precision of image by combining all three feature extraction techniques. We have compared different techniques as well as the combinations of them to improve the performance. We have also compared the effect of different matching techniques on the retrieval process.
Abstract— Activity Recognition is a very important application in several real applications. it's... more Abstract— Activity Recognition is a very important application in several real applications. it's a method to acknowledge the actions and goals of one or a lot of people from a series of observations on the people actions and therefore the environmental conditions. The Smartphone's are main platform for recognizing the human action. The Smartphone’s are equipped with numerous sensors like Accelerometers, GPS, Barometer, Compass Sensors, Gyroscope etc. of these sensors have its own practicality. In keeping with these practicalities, the Activity Recognition takes the raw sensor reading as inputs and predicts the user’s motion activity. This review paper provides the review of Smartphone sensors that are use for activity recognition. Additionally provides the review of process of Activity Recognition task including the data mining techniques. And also provides review on real-life applications of human activity recognition.
Abstract- The purpose of this study is to identify psychological factors that affect Grade Point ... more Abstract- The purpose of this study is to identify psychological factors that affect Grade Point Averages (GPA) among the students pursuing higher education (HE) especially engineering students in a premier institution of the country and to raise a set of research gap leading to selected research questions. The analysis included a through literature review of the selected research work from the year 2000-2001 to 2014-2015. From the literature review it was found that psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, substance abuse significantly affect GPA. In short the psychological factors have negative impact on GPA. Purpose - The paper attempts to reports a comprehensive review of Psychological factors affecting Grade Point average (GPA) among students in higher education especially engineering students in leading institutions of the world and raises a set of research gap leading to selected research questions. Methodology- Articles which have been published in selected peer- reviewed international journals from the year 1999-2000 to 2014-2015 have been considered. The articles were shortlisted based on various author’s perspective viewpoint. The articles contributing significantly in the domain of psychological factors affecting GPA were finally selected and identified. Findings- It has been found through the literature review that cognitive and non-cognitive factors affect Grade Point Averages of the young adults. Research Gap- Inside the article
ABSTRACT: Workability of cement and aggregate is basically dependent upon the water/cement ratio.... more ABSTRACT: Workability of cement and aggregate is basically dependent upon the water/cement ratio. There are several methods to identify the workability of cement/aggregate depending upon various factors such as the physical property and field condition associated to the material. The comparison of the results will depend on the code being referred.
ABSTRACT: A systematic study of structural and optical properties of Rhodamine-B doped Poly- Meth... more ABSTRACT: A systematic study of structural and optical properties of Rhodamine-B doped Poly- Methyl Methacrylate(PMMA) thin film prepared by solution cast technique .It has been attempted to understand the Structural nature of PMMA thin film samples. XRD technique indicates that the film possesses amorphous nature (i.e.) disorder in polymer chains. The absorbance of the films was measured using UV-Visible Spectroscopy which reveals that film has very little absorption in the UV-Visible region. These films are suitable for various optical applications, and also in non-linear optics, solar cells, optical waveguides, laser materials, sensors.
Abstract—The converter transformer is a vital equipment in HVDC transmission system. It serves as... more Abstract—The converter transformer is a vital equipment in HVDC transmission system. It serves as an isolating device between power transformer and dc link. In converter transformer primary is not much affected where as secondary is severely affected due to super imposed DC voltage with polarity reversal and short time over voltages. This paper mainly introduces causes for the improper operation of converter transformer and provides the improved solution to overcome harmonic reduction and improvement in the commutation process. The analysis is carried out in SIMULINK/MATLAB environment.
Abstract--- Usually with much enthusiasm and fanfare, companies launch their projects to implemen... more Abstract--- Usually with much enthusiasm and fanfare, companies launch their projects to implement Lean manufacturing in the factory. Every organization wants to excel in this competitive world. The need of hour is to maximize profit with optimal use of resources. There are many small scale industries in India. This case study emphasis on implementation of Kaizen on assembly line in a small scale industry that manufacture Visi cooler (Chocolate cooler) for Cadbury. Many small improvements lead to perfection but perfection is a big thing. Kaizen methodology helped us to improve the efficiency and reduce the wastes on Visi cooler assembly line. The result is improved product quality and reduced rework.
Abstract— Inexpensive MEMS gyroscopes are assisting a wide range of automotive and customer appli... more Abstract— Inexpensive MEMS gyroscopes are assisting a wide range of automotive and customer applications. Examples include image stabilization in cameras, game consoles, and improving vehicle handling on challenging territory. Many of these applications impose very stringent requirements on power dissipation. For continued expansion into new applications it is imperative to reduce power consumption of present devices by an order-of-magnitude. Gyroscopes infer angular rate from measuring the Coriolis force exerted on a vibrating or rotating mass. For typical designs and inputs, this signal is extremely small, requiring ultralow noise pickup electronic circuits. Processing of Coriolis signal in digital domain increases the load on the processor. This low noise requirement directly translates into excessive power dissipation and increased load on Processor. This work aims to reduce the power consumption and load of processor in MEMS sensor chip, so that it can be utilized for multi channeling. The task is to reduce the power consumption by interfacing a new ROM IP which has less power specifications. Load on the processor is reduced by performing CIC filter processing from in separate hardware. Index Terms— Coriolis force; Gyroscope;Decimator; Artisan; Dolphin
Abstract- This paper represents a study of simulation of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) bas... more Abstract- This paper represents a study of simulation of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) based on its Rectangular shape for wireless application. Various designs of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna are described in this paper. In this rapid changing world in wireless communication, Dielectric Resonator antenna has been playing a key role for wireless service requirements. Wireless local area network (WLAN) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-MAX) have been widely applied in mobile devices such as handheld computers and smart phones. The Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN and Wi-MAX application with variety of substrate, feed techniques are presented in this paper. In this paper we also discuss the basics of Dielectric Resonator Antenna, various feeding techniques, design model and antenna parameters with their advantage and applications.
ABSTRACT:- The enhanced dielectric properties of nanocrystalline materials exhibiting unusual pro... more ABSTRACT:- The enhanced dielectric properties of nanocrystalline materials exhibiting unusual properties play a vital role in the development of new materials. The electrical properties of nanostructured materials are many times superior to their bulk form and depend strongly on size, shape, composition and preparation conditions. Nanosized Cd doped CuFe2O4 in different grain sizes were prepared for the present study. The crystal structure and particle size were determined using X-ray diffraction technique .. The dielectric properties of the samples were systematically analyzed using a HIOKI 3532-50 LCR HiTESTER over the frequency range from 100 Hz to 1MHz and over the temperature from 100 °C to 700° C. The variation of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and ac electrical conductivity for all the samples were studied. The dielectric constants of all the samples are high at low frequencies that decrease rapidly when the frequency is increased.
Abstract— Assembly line balancing problem consists of a finite set of tasks, where each of them h... more Abstract— Assembly line balancing problem consists of a finite set of tasks, where each of them has a duration time and precedence relations, which specify the acceptable ordering of the tasks. Line balancing is an attempt to locate tasks to each workstation on the assembly line. The basic ALB problem is to assign a set of tasks to an ordered set of workstations, so that the precedence relationships were satisfied, and performance factors were optimized. This paper shows the comparison of different heuristics for cost oriented assembly line balancing problem which has been taken from literature. Comparison is done on the basis of their smoothness index, cost and line efficiency. The computational results show that the proposed heuristic performs better and minimizes the production cost.
Abstract: Edge detection is an important task in image processing. As it is used as a primary too... more Abstract: Edge detection is an important task in image processing. As it is used as a primary tool for pattern identification, in image segmentation and scene analysis. Simply put, an edge detection is a high pass filter that can be applied for removing the edges point with in an image .The accuracy and quality of edge detection of noisy polluted image is to preserve edge details while removing noise.- . In this paper Prewitt edge detection in a live video image is examined to reduce the influence of noise when detecting edge, using the pre-Witt operator can not only detect edge point, but also retain the noise. The MATLAB/Simulink is used to produce model for edge detection technique.
Abstract: In the present work (1 wt%) Co doped BaNiO3 nanoparticles have been synthesized by Sol-... more Abstract: In the present work (1 wt%) Co doped BaNiO3 nanoparticles have been synthesized by Sol-gel Citrate Method. A structural analysis of the compound confirmed by X-ray diffraction technique. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been found to be an excellent tool for characterizing the size of nanoparticles. The frequency dependent dielectric dispersion of (1wt %) Co doped BaNiO3 nanoparticles were investigated by impedance spectroscopy. The dielectric properties and ac conductivity of the samples were measured as a function of frequency. The appearance of peak in imaginary part of impedance (Z″) for each concentration and shifting of this peak with temperature towards higher frequency side indicated that the presence of electric relaxations. The electrical conductivity was found to be decreased with increasing temperature.
Abstract:- In the present work,( 1wt%) strontium doped CdCrO4 nanoparticles have been synthesized... more Abstract:- In the present work,( 1wt%) strontium doped CdCrO4 nanoparticles have been synthesized by Sol-gel Citrate Method. The frequency dependent dielectric dispersion of (1wt%) Sr doped CdCrO4 nanoparticles were investigated by impedance spectroscopy. The dielectric properties and ac conductivity (σac) of the samples were measured as a function of frequency. The plots of Z' vs. Z'' (Z' is the real part of impedance and Z'' is the imaginary part) for Sr doped CdCrO4 were recorded. All samples have a semicircle arc originating at the origin point. This indicates that each composition can be described by one bulk resistance and one bulk capacitance both connected parallel. The centre below the real axis indicates the relaxation behavior of the system.
ABSTRACT: The planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is widely used in mobile systems due to its excell... more ABSTRACT: The planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is widely used in mobile systems due to its excellent performance. Taking into account all the important parameters that significantly affect the Bandwidth, in this paper, we present a new configuration of planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) for mobile communication devices. Simulated results demonstrate that the new configuration covers PCS/Bluetooth/DCS/SDMB/WIMAX/UMTS frequency bands. Simulated return loss of the proposed antenna is acceptable over all the mentioned frequency bands. Overall size of the proposed design is 48.5 mm×29 mm×6.5 mm. In designing the PIFA, we propose a slot on the ground plane for increasing bandwidth at about 200 MHz and frequency above 3 GHz that around of this frequency, there are many wireless communication bands. Structural dimensions of the proposed antenna are optimized by using CST 2011.
Abstract: Today’s world is computerized world. The cybercrime is also on an increase the web of w... more Abstract: Today’s world is computerized world. The cybercrime is also on an increase the web of www is increased day by day. So protection of software is the important part. In existing system, email account can be accessed by providing username and password. SMTP and MIME protocol is used for sending notification to user. For electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (IP) networks Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used Email is submitted by a mail client (MUA) to a mail server (MSA, mail submission agent) using SMTP. The MSA delivers the mail to its mail transfer agent (MTA, mail transfer agent). SMTP protocol is connection-oriented, text-based protocols in which a mail sender can communicates with a mail receiver by sending command and provide necessary data over a reliable ordered data stream channel. An SMTP session consists of commands send by an SMTP client (the initiating agent, sender, or transmitter) and responses from the SMTP server (the listening agent, or receiver) so that the session is opened, and session data are exchanged. A session may include zero or more SMTP transactions. MIME defines for sending other kinds of information in email. These include text in other languages like English using character encodings and files containing images, sounds, movies. Mapping messages into and out of MIME format is typically done automatically by an email client or by mail servers when sending or receiving Internet (SMTP/MIME) email
Abstract—SET’s owing to its excellent figure of merit has become the work horse of modern device ... more Abstract—SET’s owing to its excellent figure of merit has become the work horse of modern device research. Numerous research attempts have been made in this sector. One such endeavor is being reported here in this short communication. The authors here have rendered its offerings in mobilizing SET to model the indirect logic circuit and empirically studied its performance. The consequences are in better trade off and the effectual linkage is categorically established for the post CMOS era.
The one-bath dyeing process shorter as compared to two-bath Dyeing method. My work was undertaken... more The one-bath dyeing process shorter as compared to two-bath Dyeing method. My work was undertaken to establish a new method for dyeing polyester/cotton blends. This work has implemented on finding the possibility of making physical amalgamation of Disperse/Reactive dyes to dye the P/C blends (65/35) in one bath dyeing process in Bangladesh for the minimization of dyeing cost, time, energy And eco friendly. Beside That, This one bath dyeing process is run by the help of Propylene glycol. Propylene glycol helps to add a new value addition in Textile sector all over the world. This experiment followed As usual dyeing recipe but in One-bath dyeing process on pc blend fibers with the addition of propylene glycol.By using one bath process ,we can minimize the textile polluted water.
Design and Manufacturing of Hub for an Electric All-Terrain Vehicle
Hub is a component in wheel assembly of automobiles. The hub will support the mounting of the whe... more Hub is a component in wheel assembly of automobiles. The hub will support the mounting of the wheel and brake disk Hub is a component which takes maximum amount of cornering loads. A hub has various pitch circle diameters PCD like 114.3mm and 100mm. We have chosen 114.3mm (PCD) for our design. We have chosen M14 Hub bolts for designing the hub. We have calculated the loading on the hub based on the cornering load acting on the vehicle. The model is designed in solid works, and analysis was carried out in Ansys workbench. For analysis three materials were chosen, Al-6082-T6, Stainless steel and Structural steel respectively. The point load is applied on one of the stud hole and the moment is applied on the remaining three holes and the inner surface of the hub is given as constraint. Based on the equivalent stress and deformation values the material suitable for the hub is chosen which has minimum stress and deformation.
Composite materials are widely used in automobile and aerospace industries. In that composite mat... more Composite materials are widely used in automobile and aerospace industries. In that composite materials, Aluminium alloy based metal matrix composites plays a vital role in automobile sectors. Because, Aluminium alloy composite materials consists of high specific strength, more thermal stability, more corrosion and wear resistance. In this project, the fabrication and testing of Aluminium alloy based metal matrix composites (MMCs) reinforced with Al2O3 and fly ash particles using stir casting method. Here the Aluminium alloy acts as a metal matrix and Al2O3 and fly ash acts as reinforcement. The resultant composite has to be tested for their hardness. The usage of Al2O3 and fly ash particles which causes sufficient changes in hardness property. These composite materials are finding various applications in aerospace and automobile sectors. This is mainly due to improved mechanical property such as hardness.
Abstract - Image retrieval has been one of the most interesting and vivid research areas in the f... more Abstract - Image retrieval has been one of the most interesting and vivid research areas in the field of computer vision over the last decades. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) systems are used in order to automatically index, search, retrieve, and browse image databases. Color, texture and shape information have been the primitive image descriptors in content based image retrieval systems. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a technique which uses feature extraction and we extract and execute all the low level feature color features, texture features and shape features and their methods. User need to give a query image and similarity measurement engine which is responsible in estimating the similarity between the query image and database images and then ranking. of images according to similarity to the input query image and reduces computational time for image retrieval by using MapReduce for distributed dataset as well as increases precision of image by combining all three feature extraction techniques. We have compared different techniques as well as the combinations of them to improve the performance. We have also compared the effect of different matching techniques on the retrieval process.
Abstract— Activity Recognition is a very important application in several real applications. it's... more Abstract— Activity Recognition is a very important application in several real applications. it's a method to acknowledge the actions and goals of one or a lot of people from a series of observations on the people actions and therefore the environmental conditions. The Smartphone's are main platform for recognizing the human action. The Smartphone’s are equipped with numerous sensors like Accelerometers, GPS, Barometer, Compass Sensors, Gyroscope etc. of these sensors have its own practicality. In keeping with these practicalities, the Activity Recognition takes the raw sensor reading as inputs and predicts the user’s motion activity. This review paper provides the review of Smartphone sensors that are use for activity recognition. Additionally provides the review of process of Activity Recognition task including the data mining techniques. And also provides review on real-life applications of human activity recognition.
Abstract- The purpose of this study is to identify psychological factors that affect Grade Point ... more Abstract- The purpose of this study is to identify psychological factors that affect Grade Point Averages (GPA) among the students pursuing higher education (HE) especially engineering students in a premier institution of the country and to raise a set of research gap leading to selected research questions. The analysis included a through literature review of the selected research work from the year 2000-2001 to 2014-2015. From the literature review it was found that psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, suicidal tendencies, substance abuse significantly affect GPA. In short the psychological factors have negative impact on GPA. Purpose - The paper attempts to reports a comprehensive review of Psychological factors affecting Grade Point average (GPA) among students in higher education especially engineering students in leading institutions of the world and raises a set of research gap leading to selected research questions. Methodology- Articles which have been published in selected peer- reviewed international journals from the year 1999-2000 to 2014-2015 have been considered. The articles were shortlisted based on various author’s perspective viewpoint. The articles contributing significantly in the domain of psychological factors affecting GPA were finally selected and identified. Findings- It has been found through the literature review that cognitive and non-cognitive factors affect Grade Point Averages of the young adults. Research Gap- Inside the article
ABSTRACT: Workability of cement and aggregate is basically dependent upon the water/cement ratio.... more ABSTRACT: Workability of cement and aggregate is basically dependent upon the water/cement ratio. There are several methods to identify the workability of cement/aggregate depending upon various factors such as the physical property and field condition associated to the material. The comparison of the results will depend on the code being referred.
ABSTRACT: A systematic study of structural and optical properties of Rhodamine-B doped Poly- Meth... more ABSTRACT: A systematic study of structural and optical properties of Rhodamine-B doped Poly- Methyl Methacrylate(PMMA) thin film prepared by solution cast technique .It has been attempted to understand the Structural nature of PMMA thin film samples. XRD technique indicates that the film possesses amorphous nature (i.e.) disorder in polymer chains. The absorbance of the films was measured using UV-Visible Spectroscopy which reveals that film has very little absorption in the UV-Visible region. These films are suitable for various optical applications, and also in non-linear optics, solar cells, optical waveguides, laser materials, sensors.
Abstract—The converter transformer is a vital equipment in HVDC transmission system. It serves as... more Abstract—The converter transformer is a vital equipment in HVDC transmission system. It serves as an isolating device between power transformer and dc link. In converter transformer primary is not much affected where as secondary is severely affected due to super imposed DC voltage with polarity reversal and short time over voltages. This paper mainly introduces causes for the improper operation of converter transformer and provides the improved solution to overcome harmonic reduction and improvement in the commutation process. The analysis is carried out in SIMULINK/MATLAB environment.
Abstract--- Usually with much enthusiasm and fanfare, companies launch their projects to implemen... more Abstract--- Usually with much enthusiasm and fanfare, companies launch their projects to implement Lean manufacturing in the factory. Every organization wants to excel in this competitive world. The need of hour is to maximize profit with optimal use of resources. There are many small scale industries in India. This case study emphasis on implementation of Kaizen on assembly line in a small scale industry that manufacture Visi cooler (Chocolate cooler) for Cadbury. Many small improvements lead to perfection but perfection is a big thing. Kaizen methodology helped us to improve the efficiency and reduce the wastes on Visi cooler assembly line. The result is improved product quality and reduced rework.
Abstract— Inexpensive MEMS gyroscopes are assisting a wide range of automotive and customer appli... more Abstract— Inexpensive MEMS gyroscopes are assisting a wide range of automotive and customer applications. Examples include image stabilization in cameras, game consoles, and improving vehicle handling on challenging territory. Many of these applications impose very stringent requirements on power dissipation. For continued expansion into new applications it is imperative to reduce power consumption of present devices by an order-of-magnitude. Gyroscopes infer angular rate from measuring the Coriolis force exerted on a vibrating or rotating mass. For typical designs and inputs, this signal is extremely small, requiring ultralow noise pickup electronic circuits. Processing of Coriolis signal in digital domain increases the load on the processor. This low noise requirement directly translates into excessive power dissipation and increased load on Processor. This work aims to reduce the power consumption and load of processor in MEMS sensor chip, so that it can be utilized for multi channeling. The task is to reduce the power consumption by interfacing a new ROM IP which has less power specifications. Load on the processor is reduced by performing CIC filter processing from in separate hardware. Index Terms— Coriolis force; Gyroscope;Decimator; Artisan; Dolphin
Abstract- This paper represents a study of simulation of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) bas... more Abstract- This paper represents a study of simulation of a Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) based on its Rectangular shape for wireless application. Various designs of Rectangular Dielectric Resonator Antenna are described in this paper. In this rapid changing world in wireless communication, Dielectric Resonator antenna has been playing a key role for wireless service requirements. Wireless local area network (WLAN) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-MAX) have been widely applied in mobile devices such as handheld computers and smart phones. The Dielectric Resonator Antenna for WLAN and Wi-MAX application with variety of substrate, feed techniques are presented in this paper. In this paper we also discuss the basics of Dielectric Resonator Antenna, various feeding techniques, design model and antenna parameters with their advantage and applications.
ABSTRACT:- The enhanced dielectric properties of nanocrystalline materials exhibiting unusual pro... more ABSTRACT:- The enhanced dielectric properties of nanocrystalline materials exhibiting unusual properties play a vital role in the development of new materials. The electrical properties of nanostructured materials are many times superior to their bulk form and depend strongly on size, shape, composition and preparation conditions. Nanosized Cd doped CuFe2O4 in different grain sizes were prepared for the present study. The crystal structure and particle size were determined using X-ray diffraction technique .. The dielectric properties of the samples were systematically analyzed using a HIOKI 3532-50 LCR HiTESTER over the frequency range from 100 Hz to 1MHz and over the temperature from 100 °C to 700° C. The variation of dielectric constant, dielectric loss and ac electrical conductivity for all the samples were studied. The dielectric constants of all the samples are high at low frequencies that decrease rapidly when the frequency is increased.
Abstract— Assembly line balancing problem consists of a finite set of tasks, where each of them h... more Abstract— Assembly line balancing problem consists of a finite set of tasks, where each of them has a duration time and precedence relations, which specify the acceptable ordering of the tasks. Line balancing is an attempt to locate tasks to each workstation on the assembly line. The basic ALB problem is to assign a set of tasks to an ordered set of workstations, so that the precedence relationships were satisfied, and performance factors were optimized. This paper shows the comparison of different heuristics for cost oriented assembly line balancing problem which has been taken from literature. Comparison is done on the basis of their smoothness index, cost and line efficiency. The computational results show that the proposed heuristic performs better and minimizes the production cost.
Abstract: Edge detection is an important task in image processing. As it is used as a primary too... more Abstract: Edge detection is an important task in image processing. As it is used as a primary tool for pattern identification, in image segmentation and scene analysis. Simply put, an edge detection is a high pass filter that can be applied for removing the edges point with in an image .The accuracy and quality of edge detection of noisy polluted image is to preserve edge details while removing noise.- . In this paper Prewitt edge detection in a live video image is examined to reduce the influence of noise when detecting edge, using the pre-Witt operator can not only detect edge point, but also retain the noise. The MATLAB/Simulink is used to produce model for edge detection technique.
Abstract: In the present work (1 wt%) Co doped BaNiO3 nanoparticles have been synthesized by Sol-... more Abstract: In the present work (1 wt%) Co doped BaNiO3 nanoparticles have been synthesized by Sol-gel Citrate Method. A structural analysis of the compound confirmed by X-ray diffraction technique. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been found to be an excellent tool for characterizing the size of nanoparticles. The frequency dependent dielectric dispersion of (1wt %) Co doped BaNiO3 nanoparticles were investigated by impedance spectroscopy. The dielectric properties and ac conductivity of the samples were measured as a function of frequency. The appearance of peak in imaginary part of impedance (Z″) for each concentration and shifting of this peak with temperature towards higher frequency side indicated that the presence of electric relaxations. The electrical conductivity was found to be decreased with increasing temperature.
Abstract:- In the present work,( 1wt%) strontium doped CdCrO4 nanoparticles have been synthesized... more Abstract:- In the present work,( 1wt%) strontium doped CdCrO4 nanoparticles have been synthesized by Sol-gel Citrate Method. The frequency dependent dielectric dispersion of (1wt%) Sr doped CdCrO4 nanoparticles were investigated by impedance spectroscopy. The dielectric properties and ac conductivity (σac) of the samples were measured as a function of frequency. The plots of Z' vs. Z'' (Z' is the real part of impedance and Z'' is the imaginary part) for Sr doped CdCrO4 were recorded. All samples have a semicircle arc originating at the origin point. This indicates that each composition can be described by one bulk resistance and one bulk capacitance both connected parallel. The centre below the real axis indicates the relaxation behavior of the system.
ABSTRACT: The planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is widely used in mobile systems due to its excell... more ABSTRACT: The planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is widely used in mobile systems due to its excellent performance. Taking into account all the important parameters that significantly affect the Bandwidth, in this paper, we present a new configuration of planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) for mobile communication devices. Simulated results demonstrate that the new configuration covers PCS/Bluetooth/DCS/SDMB/WIMAX/UMTS frequency bands. Simulated return loss of the proposed antenna is acceptable over all the mentioned frequency bands. Overall size of the proposed design is 48.5 mm×29 mm×6.5 mm. In designing the PIFA, we propose a slot on the ground plane for increasing bandwidth at about 200 MHz and frequency above 3 GHz that around of this frequency, there are many wireless communication bands. Structural dimensions of the proposed antenna are optimized by using CST 2011.
Abstract: Today’s world is computerized world. The cybercrime is also on an increase the web of w... more Abstract: Today’s world is computerized world. The cybercrime is also on an increase the web of www is increased day by day. So protection of software is the important part. In existing system, email account can be accessed by providing username and password. SMTP and MIME protocol is used for sending notification to user. For electronic mail (e-mail) transmission across Internet Protocol (IP) networks Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used Email is submitted by a mail client (MUA) to a mail server (MSA, mail submission agent) using SMTP. The MSA delivers the mail to its mail transfer agent (MTA, mail transfer agent). SMTP protocol is connection-oriented, text-based protocols in which a mail sender can communicates with a mail receiver by sending command and provide necessary data over a reliable ordered data stream channel. An SMTP session consists of commands send by an SMTP client (the initiating agent, sender, or transmitter) and responses from the SMTP server (the listening agent, or receiver) so that the session is opened, and session data are exchanged. A session may include zero or more SMTP transactions. MIME defines for sending other kinds of information in email. These include text in other languages like English using character encodings and files containing images, sounds, movies. Mapping messages into and out of MIME format is typically done automatically by an email client or by mail servers when sending or receiving Internet (SMTP/MIME) email
Abstract—SET’s owing to its excellent figure of merit has become the work horse of modern device ... more Abstract—SET’s owing to its excellent figure of merit has become the work horse of modern device research. Numerous research attempts have been made in this sector. One such endeavor is being reported here in this short communication. The authors here have rendered its offerings in mobilizing SET to model the indirect logic circuit and empirically studied its performance. The consequences are in better trade off and the effectual linkage is categorically established for the post CMOS era.
Papers by Ijrdt Journal
Index Terms— Coriolis force; Gyroscope;Decimator; Artisan; Dolphin
Index Terms— Coriolis force; Gyroscope;Decimator; Artisan; Dolphin