This research aimsto describe the implementation of quantum learning model aid videos media in in... more This research aimsto describe the implementation of quantum learning model aid videos media in indonesian learning and can improve creativity and student out comes to compare with conventional learning in class VA SDN 06 Selupu Rejang. Research design used in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR) and Pre Eksperiment. The subjects were via graders were 23 people. This research continued with pre eksperiment as a test of the effectiveness in clas VB. Data collection techniquesused in this study is the observation, documentation and testing. While the test of analysis of the data was analyzed with descriptive statistics using related sample t test and data analysis software SPSS17. The research result of quantum learningmodelassisted videos media can increase creativity and Indonesian language learning achievement as evidenced by the signaficantly count t_count≥t_table with dk 22 and a standart error of 5% in the first cycle t_count=11,181, the second cycle t_count=6,459,third cycle t_count=11,163 and = 2,074 t table. It is also evidentin the average creativity of student learning each cycle of increases 69,08% 87,47% 88,13% and the persentage of student mastery in creases 65,56% 86,95% 95,65%. The conclusion of this research is the increasing creativity and indonesian learning SDN 06 fifth grade students Selupu Rejang. Recommendation of this research by use of quantum learning model aid videos media unit of basic education espesially in elementary school.
The purpose of this analysis is to find out about how the influence of the Id, Ego and Super Ego ... more The purpose of this analysis is to find out about how the influence of the Id, Ego and Super Ego of the teenage characters in the novel and to know that there is a kind of juvenile delinquency in the novel The Casual Vacancy (2012) Sigmund Freud. Theory about the condition of the human psyche is one theory which is often used, this theory helps in analyzing the psychological condition of a person in the face of the challenges of life in adolescents. By using qualitative descriptive methods the authors tried to explore any form of juvenile delinquency by Fagan (2006). Then the writers also delve more deeply about the psychological impact of juvenile delinquency by Sigmund Freud's theory that the id, ego and super ego. After analyzing the data, which in getting various quotations within the novel, the writers ultimately conclude that the dominant juvenile delinquency, are the use of cigarettes and drugs. Adolescent mental condition is always influenced by the presence of the id, e...
The purpose of this study was to optimize the virtual classroom system based on google classroom ... more The purpose of this study was to optimize the virtual classroom system based on google classroom and hypnotherapy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses qualitative research, namely literature, interviews, the making process, implementation and evaluation. The results showed that of the 37 students there were 27 students who worked on assignments and exam questions on time based on the agreed time before the exam started with a percentage of 73%. While 10 people have not been able to be on time in doing the assignments and exam questions that have been given with a percentage of 27%. The cause based on the interview were network limitations. In this study it can be concluded that the optimization of the virtual class system is able to provide benefits in the use of google classrooms for lecturers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic by providing assignments, assessment schemes, active communication in discussing material, time efficiency in the learning process....
Prose is one of the three literary kinds. Sub kinds of prose are history, description, biography,... more Prose is one of the three literary kinds. Sub kinds of prose are history, description, biography, fiction, reflection, persuasion, censure and humor. The writer will take one sub-genre of prose only, which is fiction. Fiction is action, which primarily appeals to the imagination. This research aims to find the properties of the novel and the social life and comments described in the novel. The scope of the study is limited only a brief look and comments on the social life in “Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain”. Data analysis was conducted with the qualitative analysis. The results showed that there was seven elements, which are the biography of the author, the list of his writings, the summary of the adventure of Tom Sawyer, the theme, the plot, the characters, the setting and points of view. In answered the second questions about two aspects consist of; a) human beings has good behaviour, he will do positive activities in the social life such as human beings are not descrimina...
This research aimsto describe the implementation of quantum learning model aid videos media in in... more This research aimsto describe the implementation of quantum learning model aid videos media in indonesian learning and can improve creativity and student out comes to compare with conventional learning in class VA SDN 06 Selupu Rejang. Research design used in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR) and Pre Eksperiment. The subjects were via graders were 23 people. This research continued with pre eksperiment as a test of the effectiveness in clas VB. Data collection techniquesused in this study is the observation, documentation and testing. While the test of analysis of the data was analyzed with descriptive statistics using related sample t test and data analysis software SPSS17. The research result of quantum learningmodelassisted videos media can increase creativity and Indonesian language learning achievement as evidenced by the signaficantly count t_count≥t_table with dk 22 and a standart error of 5% in the first cycle t_count=11,181, the second cycle t_count=6,459,third cycle t_count=11,163 and = 2,074 t table. It is also evidentin the average creativity of student learning each cycle of increases 69,08% 87,47% 88,13% and the persentage of student mastery in creases 65,56% 86,95% 95,65%. The conclusion of this research is the increasing creativity and indonesian learning SDN 06 fifth grade students Selupu Rejang. Recommendation of this research by use of quantum learning model aid videos media unit of basic education espesially in elementary school.
The purpose of this analysis is to find out about how the influence of the Id, Ego and Super Ego ... more The purpose of this analysis is to find out about how the influence of the Id, Ego and Super Ego of the teenage characters in the novel and to know that there is a kind of juvenile delinquency in the novel The Casual Vacancy (2012) Sigmund Freud. Theory about the condition of the human psyche is one theory which is often used, this theory helps in analyzing the psychological condition of a person in the face of the challenges of life in adolescents. By using qualitative descriptive methods the authors tried to explore any form of juvenile delinquency by Fagan (2006). Then the writers also delve more deeply about the psychological impact of juvenile delinquency by Sigmund Freud's theory that the id, ego and super ego. After analyzing the data, which in getting various quotations within the novel, the writers ultimately conclude that the dominant juvenile delinquency, are the use of cigarettes and drugs. Adolescent mental condition is always influenced by the presence of the id, e...
The purpose of this study was to optimize the virtual classroom system based on google classroom ... more The purpose of this study was to optimize the virtual classroom system based on google classroom and hypnotherapy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method uses qualitative research, namely literature, interviews, the making process, implementation and evaluation. The results showed that of the 37 students there were 27 students who worked on assignments and exam questions on time based on the agreed time before the exam started with a percentage of 73%. While 10 people have not been able to be on time in doing the assignments and exam questions that have been given with a percentage of 27%. The cause based on the interview were network limitations. In this study it can be concluded that the optimization of the virtual class system is able to provide benefits in the use of google classrooms for lecturers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic by providing assignments, assessment schemes, active communication in discussing material, time efficiency in the learning process....
Prose is one of the three literary kinds. Sub kinds of prose are history, description, biography,... more Prose is one of the three literary kinds. Sub kinds of prose are history, description, biography, fiction, reflection, persuasion, censure and humor. The writer will take one sub-genre of prose only, which is fiction. Fiction is action, which primarily appeals to the imagination. This research aims to find the properties of the novel and the social life and comments described in the novel. The scope of the study is limited only a brief look and comments on the social life in “Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain”. Data analysis was conducted with the qualitative analysis. The results showed that there was seven elements, which are the biography of the author, the list of his writings, the summary of the adventure of Tom Sawyer, the theme, the plot, the characters, the setting and points of view. In answered the second questions about two aspects consist of; a) human beings has good behaviour, he will do positive activities in the social life such as human beings are not descrimina...
Papers by imma rachayu