Papers by International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) ijarcet
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
in a wireless sensor networks data transmission play very important role. WSN infrastructures are... more in a wireless sensor networks data transmission play very important role. WSN infrastructures are based on movable terminals. In WSN, the energy of a node is limited and when a node participates as an intermediate node for data transmission of others then he lost their residual energy which is not good for his survival. So we are trying to save residual energy of a node using mobile sink and clustering help to improve network existence because in clustering we make a group of the node in which one node act as a head node will decide that which node will participate for next transmission and which will not participated. Due to mobile sink, we are trying to reduce network traffic and also improving network existence

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Opinion mining is a part of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in machine learning to tract the fe... more Opinion mining is a part of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in machine learning to tract the feelings of people's about a single product. Opinion Mining is said to be sentiment analysis. Now a day, customers/people concentrate more on reviews to choose a product from online. With the reviews, the Customer's decide to buy the product or not. In Partially Supervised Word Alignment Model(PSWAM), the Hill climbing EM based algorithm is used to find targets and words of opinion. The proposed method, a hierarchical Pachinko Allocation Model 2(hPAM2) is used to explore the topic relations. The Steepest Ascent Hill Climbing Algorithm is used to find the results of best from the reviews of a particular product. The steepest ascent hill climbing algorithm is used to find on the finest results of global maximum of highest degree words, decrease the error creation, its tries all possible results of the current way rather than only one results and the results are extracted out. If they cannot find on the finest results in the current way, there is a possible way to backtrack the results. Index Terms: Opinion analysis, Opinion target and Opinion word extraction, Topic Model.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
This paper reports about the survey of various techniques available in an encryption and also in ... more This paper reports about the survey of various techniques available in an encryption and also in compression technique. It is mainly analyzing the existing encoding and compressed cryptosystem together as a literature survey. It is also discussed about the security issues of using various encryption technique and compression technique to reduce the size of plain text as well as to increase the transmission speed of plain text from one end to other end. This survey analyses several encryption technique, compression technique and also various literature paper so that it provides an idea for efficient integrated methods using compressed crypto system for future work .

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Wireless Networks offer apace deployable and self-configuring network capability needed in severa... more Wireless Networks offer apace deployable and self-configuring network capability needed in several crucial applications, e.g., battlefields, disaster relief and wide space sensing. This tends to study the matter of economical knowledge delivery in Wireless Networks wherever network partitions will last for a major amount. Previous approaches suppose the utilization of either long vary communication that results in speedy exhausting of nodes' restricted batteries, or existing node quality which ends up in low knowledge delivery rates and huge delays. This tends to describe a Message transport (MF) approach to deal with the matter. MF could be a mobility-assisted approach that utilizes a group of special mobile nodes referred to as message ferries (or ferries for short) to supply communication service for nodes within the preparation space. The most plans behind the MF approach are to introduce non-randomness within the movement of nodes and exploit such non-randomness to assist deliver knowledge. We tend to study 2 variations of MF, looking on whether or not ferries or nodes initiate proactive movement. The MF style exploits quality to enhance knowledge delivery performance and cut back energy consumption in nodes. We tend to judge the performance of MF via intensiveness simulations that ensure the MF approach is economical in each knowledge delivery and energy consumption below a spread of network conditions.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
The rapid revolution of Social Network Sites (SNS) around the globe is presenting wide range of d... more The rapid revolution of Social Network Sites (SNS) around the globe is presenting wide range of data that can be used in studies of sentiment analysis about certain products, brands, services ... etc. In addition, cloud computing fields had been one of the most interesting fields in research studies. In this paper, we used the sentiment analysis of top leading cloud service providers namely; Amazon and Microsoft Azure to analyze their customers' opinions and reviews. To do that, two datasets are extracted which are consisting of tweets that had either organizations' names or cloud names. We study, and analyze the way customers think about them. In this regard, many organizations tend to find out what do customers think or tweet about their products in order to effectively plan marketing campaigns and try to gain the positive impact of Word-of-Mouth. Results are analyzed and explained in details in term of polarity and emotions classifications to show the impact of sentiment analysis to support organizations decisions. We can note from the emotions classification results that, "joy" category is better for Microsoft Azure comparing to Amazon, The "sadness" percentage is larger for Amazon comparing to Microsoft Azure. Furthermore, we can note from the polarity classification that Microsoft Azure has 65% positive tweets compared 45% for Amazon. In addition, the results show that Amazon has 50% negative polarity compared 25% for Microsoft Azure.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
The gist of Unique Description Pattern is provincial to museum. With the help of application user... more The gist of Unique Description Pattern is provincial to museum. With the help of application user can easily understand and assimilate information of any magnum opus or unique piece inside the museum. From the application, it is up-to user's choice that which type of information one wants to know. One can use the application with ease as it just requires to scan QR code placed near antique. After scanning, it's up-to user which information he/she wants to check out like about history, discovery, value, scientific uniqueness etc. Also to add up, it will be useful to make purchases from museum's store where miniatures related to master pieces are available. In sum, application will be able to help regarding any museum activities. It will be useful to know the map of museum, information about museum collections, online purchases. UDP is an application which solves the problem most people face while visiting museum. With the help of it, visitor can easily read the information regarding anything in museum from their own smartphone. Reading any sculptures or information from information desk is an old approach and people find it difficult in many ways. Through this application, user will be able to know all the information in multiple languages

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Biometrics is a system in which we used to recognize human on the basis of its physical or behavi... more Biometrics is a system in which we used to recognize human on the basis of its physical or behavioral characteristics. Face recognition has been a dynamic research area in the pattern recognition and computer vision domains. Each face in this world has uniqueness. Therefore it is an identity of human. This identity due to its uniqueness can be used for authentication and access control in different application. In this review paper the face recognition and facial feature is a key area of investigation. Therefore this paper includes the survey of different recently developed face recognition technique and methods which are claimed to provide an effective and accurate method of face recognition. In addition of that a new model for recognizing face is also introduced in this paper. That model is implemented in near future and their performance is compared with similar approach.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Growth of research articles publication in various streams of research is exponential. Searching ... more Growth of research articles publication in various streams of research is exponential. Searching for a particular article from the research repository is considered to be a tremendous one and also time consuming. Research articles classification based on their respective domain plays an important role for researchers to retrieve articles in a fast manner. Hence a popular search mechanism, namely keyword search has been applied to retrieve appropriate articles, documents, texts, graphs and even relational databases. When new domains of documents are added to the repository it has to identify keywords and add to the corresponding domains for proper classification. A numerical statistic called TF-IDF has been proposed to determine the relevance of word to a document corpus. Clustering algorithms namely Hierarchical, K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means have been used to cluster articles based on the relevance factor TF-IDF. The strength of Fuzzy C-Means clustering has been validated using Silhouette Cluster Validation technique. Finally, performance has been evaluated using Precision, Recall and F-measure and demonstrated that Fuzzy C-Means clustering depicts better accuracy compared to K-Means and Hierarchical clustering.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Carry look ahead adder is by default high speed structure but with sacrificing area and power. In... more Carry look ahead adder is by default high speed structure but with sacrificing area and power. In this paper we proposed Carry look ahead adder with low area and low power. We have designed xor and xnor cells in which it generates two outputs. Xor outputs the xor and nor logic where as xnor outputs the xnor and nand logic.We can design adder by efficiently utilizing the hardware required for sum logic to the carry logic. But the choice of using only xor or only xnor or combination of both for designing sum logic has considerable impact on the hardware requirements of the carry logic. Total transistor count for proposed 4-bit carry look ahead adder is 164 with existing design transistor count of 236.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
E-Procurement is an important practice if implemented might lead to efficiency, transparency and ... more E-Procurement is an important practice if implemented might lead to efficiency, transparency and reduced cost. However, it's slowed implementation raises concern as to determinants of implementation of E-Procurement. Its correct measurement or evaluation always facilitates and improves the efficiency of e-procured software. Current e-procurement technologies are in their developmental infancy and a dominant design of software is still unavailable. This paper also examines the existing trends and challenges of web-based e-procured software and discusses that with the adoption of cloud computing as present trend, such ongoing issues of e-procurement can be addressed. The identification of research gaps and possibilities of further research were explored. Next we do a comparative analysis on e-procurement proposed by various experts/researchers including their contribution and limitation Keyword-E-Procurement , Effectiveness , factors of E-Procurement .Effectiveness of E-Procurement, E-procured Software Quality
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) is a memory with some special characteristics. TCAM per... more Ternary content addressable memory (TCAM) is a memory with some special characteristics. TCAM performs high speed parallel search operations and the operation done in single clock cycle. But TCAM having some limitations as compared with SRAM, which are low storage density, circuit complexity and slow access time. So, further we can move to TCAM with hybrid partition, as Z-TCAM. This paper proposes TCAM functionality with SRAM. Here hybrid partition of stored data in memory blocks is more important. Hybrid partition is main reason of shrinking the size of the memory and latency time. The language used for verifying proposed implementation is Verilog /VHDL.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Adder is an vital operation in ALU. Out of Many existing adders, Carry select adder have much sig... more Adder is an vital operation in ALU. Out of Many existing adders, Carry select adder have much significance. In this paper we proposed CMOS Carry select adder with low area as well as low power. We have designed a cell such that it can produce multiple outputs and this is what lead to the optimization. Universal gates like NAND and NOR also used instead of using basic logic gates like AND and OR has lead to optimization. Half sum generation unit has been optimized from 64 to 46 transistors. In Carry unit with zero carry input block transistor reduction is from 36 to 24. Carry unit with one carry input block there was limited reduction in transistor count from 42 to 36. Carry unit block has been optimized from 48 to 32 transistors. Sum unit block has not given us any scope to do optimization. Total transistor count reduction for 4-bit is from 230 to 178 with existing design and in equal proportion optimization is possible for N-bit.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
As human needs are increasing day by day to satisfying that technologies should also be develop. ... more As human needs are increasing day by day to satisfying that technologies should also be develop. Multidimensional technology has the variety of signals which are available, to satisfy various criteria in multidimensional systems. There are few state space model structures i.e. Roesser, FM (fornasinimarchesini) first model, FM second model, Attasi model, GR model, these are discrete state space models we have been using since last few decades. These models can be used for various purposes because when we embed any system in these models, then system is represented in efficient manner there are various application for these models So in this paper purpose is to highlight more recent areas where Roesser model has been used as applications. As well as some applications in terms of stability is discussed with example.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Segmentation is one of the most important processes in Digital Image Processing. Segmentation mea... more Segmentation is one of the most important processes in Digital Image Processing. Segmentation means divide or partition an image into multiple parts. Image segmentation is used to segment the parts of the image for processing. The glaucoma disease directly affects the optic nerve, and it becomes blindness. Blindness is an increasing disease of all over the world. If this eye diseases were detected earlier mean the blindness can be avoided at the earliest stage. Blood vessel segmentation can perform an important role in the diagnosis and treatment of different cardiovascular and ophthalmologist diseases. The main aim of this work is detection of glaucoma. In this research work, the segmentation of blood vessels and detection of glaucoma is done by using Black and White Area (BWAREA) method. The experimental results are evaluated such as accuracy, sensitivity and specificity.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in cloud computing environments are increasing due t... more Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in cloud computing environments are increasing due to the essential characteristics of cloud computing. DDoS attacks are cyber-attack where the network resources are unavailable to its users by temporarily. Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are major security problem, the mitigation of which is very hard especially when it comes to highly distributed botnet-based attacks. Even if, the early detection of these attacks, are challenging, it is necessary to protect end-users as well as the expensive network infrastructure resources.In this paper, Address the problem of DDoS attacks and present the theoretical foundation, architecture, and algorithms of FireCol. FireCol comprises of intrusion prevention systems (IPSs) located at the Internet service providers (ISPs) level. The detect of DDoS attack can be performed by FireCol algorithm along with the threshold value. Load balancing is one of the main challenges, important technique, critical issue and play an important role which is required to distribute workload or task equally across the servers and with the help of PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm data will be split into different packets and then stored in the server. The Paper focused FireCol algorithm that detect and prevent the DDoS attacks. Experimental result are presented to test the security of FireCol algorithm.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Data mining is used to discover interesting and useful knowledge from massive data. Finding inter... more Data mining is used to discover interesting and useful knowledge from massive data. Finding interesting patterns play an important role in knowledge discovery process and are essential for many real life applications. Recently high utility pattern mining is important for mining high utility itemsets which overcomes the limitation of frequent pattern mining. High utility pattern mining is used to identify the itemsets with highest utilities, by considering profit, quantity, cost or other user preferences. This research paper proposes an enhanced high utility pattern approach to mine the high utility itemsets with less computation time and less memory space when larger itemsets are explored for complex datasets.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
the paper analyzes how the negative morphemes can change the semantic meaning of a phrase/sentenc... more the paper analyzes how the negative morphemes can change the semantic meaning of a phrase/sentence and the ways to identify it. In many cases, negation in a sentence/phrase signifies the presence of negative morphemes (grammatical morphemes which can be free or bound) in a sentence. The proposed approach is to check the suffix or prefix of phrase, antonym-of and presence of negative particle in the grammatically correct sentences. The proposed technique is divided into three tasks: first, to apply POS (parts-of-speech) tagging technique in the grammatically correct text documents and second, to identify negative morphemes in a sentence, and third, to count the frequency of negative morphemes.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Cloud computing environment provides on-demand access to shared resources that can be managed wit... more Cloud computing environment provides on-demand access to shared resources that can be managed with minimal interaction of cloud service provider and validated service to the user. Cloud storage can be either public or private. Data in the public storage can be viewed by all cloud users. The private data can be viewed by the authorized user only. This paper enhance the security of the cloud data using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm. Data owners are motivated to outsource their data in cloud servers for great convenience. Private data should be encrypted before outsourcing by using keys. Encryption is an important concept in cloud computing to maintain the database. Existing system maintained the database by providing password for files and documents. The proposed system provides keys to access the file and keys are maintained as private and keys are provided by the data owner. The paper focused ostrovsky scheme (private information retrieval) that allows a user to retrieve file without any information leakage. Experimental result are presented to test the security of AES algorithm and information leakage.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Scheduling plays a key part in cloud computing systems. Scheduling of undertakings is impossible ... more Scheduling plays a key part in cloud computing systems. Scheduling of undertakings is impossible on the premise of single criteria yet under a great deal of tenets and controls that we can term as an understanding amongst clients and suppliers of cloud. This understanding is only the quality of service that the user needs from the providers. Providing good quality of services to the users as indicated by the assertion is a decisive task for the suppliers as at the same time there are a large number of tasks running at the supplier's side. The task scheduling problem can be seen as the finding or searching an ideal mapping/task of set of subtasks of different tasks over the accessible arrangement of assets (processors computer machines) with the goal that we can accomplish the desired goals for tasks. In this paper we are performing comparative investigation of the different algorithms for their reasonableness, possibility, flexibility with regards to cloud scenario, after that we attempt to propose the crossover approach that can be embraced to improve the current stage further. With the goal that it can encourage cloud providers to provide better quality of services.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 2018
Underwater Sensor Network is the critical network form defined with specification of dynamic topo... more Underwater Sensor Network is the critical network form defined with specification of dynamic topology and network nodes. This dynamic feature increases the Communication criticality and results the communication loss. In this paper, the discussion on the Communication challenges in the network is provided under different aspects. The protocol level, infrastructure level and application specific challenges are discussed. The challenges to the network Communication with relative communication loss in the network are provided in this paper.
Papers by International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) ijarcet