Social skills deficits interfere with academic, emotional and social functioning, and are frequen... more Social skills deficits interfere with academic, emotional and social functioning, and are frequent among adolescents with behavioral and emotional problems. The current study was carried out to assess the feasibility of cognitive behavioral therapy-based intervention that aims at improving social skills among secondary school children in Pakistan. For this purpose, Initial screening was carried out of N=651 students, age range 14-18 years, using BASC- Behavioral and Emotional Screening system 3. Students were selected from four different schools of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. A randomized contrail was carried out and 28 students were randomized in intervention group and control group with randomization ratio 1:1. Intervention group was given cognitive behavior therapy based social skills training, that was comprised of weekly group sessions. The results were encouraging and showed a significant change in Personal Risk Index (PRI) due to treatment in timeline (F=40.48, p=.00, ηp 2=.67), gr...
This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized whil... more This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized while dealing with beggars phenomenologically. 14 Adults (7 males, 7 females) were included in the study. The age of participants was 25 years and above. The main objectives of the study were to explore how beggars emotionally victimize the general public, how do people get threatened at the hands of beggars as they exploit the publics’ emotions with the help of blackmailing tactics Therefore the Research Questions in this regard were: firstly, how people are entangled in situations and feel threatened while interacting with beggars? Secondly, what tactics are used by beggars to emotionally victimize the general public? Thirdly, how public is emotionally blackmailed by the tricks and tactics used by beggars? Phenomenological research design was used which provided a rich and detailed account of public experiences. The focus was on how people actually perceived the events rather than how the ...
Purpose: It has been widely debated over the past two decades that workplace bullying harms both... more Purpose: It has been widely debated over the past two decades that workplace bullying harms both victims and organizations equally. However, the perpetrator’s perspective on bullying is an inadequately researched area that has been highlighted by many researchers. This study aims to explore the predictive effect of an insecure attachment (avoidant attachment style and anxious attachment style) on the bullying behavior of perpetrators in the workplace. Methodology: Data is collected from different organizations in Pakistan for this cross-sectional study. The sample size is 203. For the analysis of hypotheses, the SEM model of SmartPLS is used. Findings: The results indicate that an avoidant attachment style positively affects bullying behavior in the workplace. Unlike the anxiety attachment style which has no significant relationship with workplace bullying behavior. Practical implications: These findings highlight the importance of secure attachment for healthy interpersonal rela...
This study was conducted to identify the patterns of emotional and social difficulties among Paki... more This study was conducted to identify the patterns of emotional and social difficulties among Pakistani adolescents. The Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Disruptive Behavior, and Self-Concept Inventories of the Beck Youth Inventories were administered to 300 adolescents (150 females and 150 males). The age range was between 14–19 years. Each inventory represented distinct symptom dimensions and the overall pattern of results indicated that anxiety level in males was higher than females but females’ disruptive behavior was significantly high. Hence, there was no significant gender difference in the levels of anger, self concept and depression. Age had strong impact on all types of psychological distress. Late adolescents showed more anger, anxiety, depression and disruptive behavior. Early adolescents had high self concept as compared to late adolescents. Anxiety was significantly positively related with depression, anger and disruptive behavior.
The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological te... more The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological test was an effective tool to assess underlying risk factors of personality (URFP) of clinical patients which might be responsible for the development of mental disorders. 28 mentally ill patients with mean age of 25 years were included in the study. HTP was used to illicit these factors. HTP drawings were then interpreted and analyzed qualitatively. All interpreted units were then classified into themes to further investigate the underlying factors which were assumed to be responsible in the development of mental disorders (Roxaanne, 2014). Five thematic clusters emerged which were named as: Defenses, Needs, Pathologies, Conflicts and Personality Weaknesses. Focus groups were conducted on these thematic clusters which suggested that the dynamic risk factors in the personalities of these clinical patients could be some incapacitating features which needed to be addressed in their treatment strategies and these could be lack of confidence, coping skills, selfassurance, interpersonal skills etc. These findings have clinical implications for identifying personality risk factors indigenously in order to mitigate the development of psychopathology.
The present research aimed to investigate link between perceived parental rejection and depressio... more The present research aimed to investigate link between perceived parental rejection and depression among adolescents with age ranged of 13 to 19 years. The sample size was 100 students (Male =50, Females =50) were incorporated in current research. A purposive sampling technique was employed based on cross-section design. Two scales were used to assess revealed that perceived parental rejection was significantly positive correlated with depression among adolescents students. Results of the study also highlighted that both male and females equally face depression when their parents reject them. Moreover, the relationship signified by the present study will be help in guiding and counseling the parents regarding health personality development of their kids. And these results are also helpful for counselors and professional practitioners while dealing with the adolescents having same issues.
Social and cultural pressures play a significant role in the development of depressive disorders.... more Social and cultural pressures play a significant role in the development of depressive disorders. Women are at a greater risk of experiencing depressive disorders because they always become the subject of social and cultural pressure. This paper presents the case study of a 23-year-old female who developed symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) due to cultural constraints. Initial pre-testing and therapist observation of the client’s verbal and non-verbal attitude / behavior confirmed the diagnosis of MDD. Diagnosis was made according to DSM-5. After initial intake interview, psychological tests including House-tree-person (HTP), Thematic Apprehension Test (TAT), Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and Clinical Structured Interview (CIS-R) were administered on the client. After exploring the causal factors of her problem and conducting diagnostic sessions, therapeutic sessions were also conducted. S...
The study aimed at developing a problem checklist (PCL) for Pakistani adolescents (college studen... more The study aimed at developing a problem checklist (PCL) for Pakistani adolescents (college students), to explore their everyday problems. This model of PCL is conceptually based on the work of Mooney and Gordon (1950). The list has been developed in different stages and different number of participants participated in each stage. The participants have been taken from the colleges of four cities i.e., Rawalpindi, Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar. Their age ranged 16 to 23 years. At stage I, 20 students participated in the exploration of students problems with the help of Mooney Problem Checklist (MPCL; Mooney and Gordon, 1950). In stage II, 108 students were asked to enlist all the bothersome problems faced by adolescents. In stages III and IV, the list of problems was scrutinized and selection of problems for final version of PCL was made. In stage V, test retest reliability as well as face validity of the PCL was tested. A total of 43 items were discarded, and then a study was conduct...
Coping strategies of 250 Pakistani adolescents (126 males and 124 females)were investigated in re... more Coping strategies of 250 Pakistani adolescents (126 males and 124 females)were investigated in relation to their daily stressors. Problem Questionnaire (PQ) & Coping across Situations Questionnaire (CASQ) (Seiffge-Krenke, 1995) were used. Both scales covered eight domains viz. school, parents, peers, leisure time, relationship with opposite gender, future, and self. Results indicated that adolescents used functional coping more often for perceived stressors and inclined more towards internal resources like appraising the situation and reflecting upon different solutions. Males showed more stress than females in the domains of school, future, parents and relationship with opposite gender. In the perception of stress midadolescents showed more stress than early and late adolescents. Females scored higher on both active coping and internal coping as compared to males, whereas on dysfunctional coping, both scored evenly. Older adolescents however scored higher on active coping and inter...
Background: The aim of this study was to explore the impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 from gene... more Background: The aim of this study was to explore the impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 from general public’s perspective. People all around the world are facing this unusual challenge of staying home with government’s orders and hence the effects of this lock down situation are still unknown from the point of view of a common man. Methods: This study was a qualitative descriptive study conducted after two months of lockdown in April-May, 2020. A single question “how do lockdown due to COVID19 impact your life in last two months?” was asked on line from a sample of 114 people (73 males, 41 females) with an age ranged between 17 and 68. Results: Their response transcripts verbatim were then analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Five themes emerged from the perspective and experiences of the participants comprising both, positive and negative aspects of the situation. These include stressors and uplifts in the domains of Change in life (world is on halt, no deadlines); Social/emot...
Background: The situation of Women with infertility problems in third-world nations particularly ... more Background: The situation of Women with infertility problems in third-world nations particularly Pakistan remains to be miserable. They are persistently experiencing to such conditions which lead toward psychological and physiological problems. This present research was illustrated to highlight the numerous deleterious factors that affecting the performance of women in Pakistan culture. The primary purpose of present study was to identify prevalence rates of demographic variables in Women with Primary and Secondary Infertility in Pakistan. Moreover, it examined the mediating role of quality of life between coping strategies and psychological distress in Pakistani infertile women. Methods: 150 women (Primary infertility, n =76; Secondary infertility, n = 74) age ranged from 20 to 40 years were recruited from different hospitals of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Purposive sampling technique was used based on cross-sectional design. Three instruments, Brief cope (BC) (Akhtar,...
Purpose of the study: This study examined the role of teaching styles on self-regulation among ad... more Purpose of the study: This study examined the role of teaching styles on self-regulation among adolescents with physical disabilities and moderating effects of age on the relationship between teaching styles and self-regulation. Methodology: 150 students from Islamabad and Rawalpindi divisions were included in this study. Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (Moilanen,2007) and Junior High School Teaching Styles Questionnaire (Chen,2008) was used to assess teaching styles and self-regulation. A purposive-convenient sampling technique was used, and SPSS 22 was used for data analysis. Main Findings: The results demonstrated that the democratic teaching style was the most perceived teaching style among adolescents with a physical disability. It was found that teaching styles predicts self-regulation significantly with (β = .24, R2 = .05) and p < .001. Democratic teaching style had a significant relationship with long-term self-regulation. Age played a moderator role between teaching...
Purpose: The present study was aimed to explore the phenomena of frustration from the perspective... more Purpose: The present study was aimed to explore the phenomena of frustration from the perspective of emerging adults. Methodology: Qualitative research design was followed in the study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of 69 emerging adults (33 males, 36 females) aged from 18 years to 25 years. A convenient sampling technique was used to collect the data. The data was collected from different universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan; An open-ended questionnaire was developed to explore the concept of frustration for conducting semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. Main Findings: Analysis of the transcripts revealed one main theme; emotions related to frustration, and three subthemes; Affective emotions, Cognitive styles, and Behavioral emotions. Implications/Applications: The current study results highlight the importance of considering how young adults understand their conditions to help t...
This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized whil... more This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized while dealing with beggars phenomenological. 14 Adults (7 males, 7 females) were included in the study. The age of participants was 25 years and above. The main objectives of the study were to explore how beggars emotionally victimize the general public, how do people get threatened at the hands of beggars as they exploit the publics’ emotions with the help of blackmailing tactics Therefore the Research Questions in this regard were: firstly, how people are entangled in situations and feel threatened while interacting with beggars? Secondly, what tactics are used by beggars to emotionally victimize the general public? Thirdly, how public is emotionally blackmailed by the tricks and tactics used by beggars? Phenomenological research design was used which provided a rich and detailed account of public experiences. The focus was on how people actually perceived the events rather than how the ph...
The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological te... more The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological test was an effective tool to assess underlying risk factors of personality (URFP) of clinical patients which might be responsible for the development of mental disorders. 28 mentally ill patients with mean age of 25 years were included in the study. HTP was used to illicit these factors. HTP drawings were then interpreted and analyzed qualitatively. All interpreted units were then classified into themes to further investigate the underlying factors which were assumed to be responsible in the development of mental disorders (Roxaanne, 2014). Five thematic clusters emerged which were named as: Defenses, Needs, Pathologies, Conflicts and Personality Weaknesses. Focus groups were conducted on these thematic clusters which suggested that the dynamic risk factors in the personalities of these clinical patients could be some incapacitating features which needed to be addressed in their treatment...
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2010
The present study focuses on romantic stress and coping styles in the context of identity and fut... more The present study focuses on romantic stress and coping styles in the context of identity and future-related stressors in 8,654 adolescents with a mean age of M ¼ 15.3; SD ¼ 1.84. The adolescents from 17 countries were grouped into seven regions, i.e.
The impact of identity-related risk factors on psychopathology was analyzed in 2,113 emerging adu... more The impact of identity-related risk factors on psychopathology was analyzed in 2,113 emerging adults ( M = 22.0 years; 66% female) from France, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Peru, Pakistan, and Poland. Identity stress, coping with identity stress, maternal parenting (support, psychological control, and anxious rearing), and psychopathology (internalizing, externalizing, and total symptomatology) were assessed. After partialing out the influence of stress, coping, and perceived maternal behavior, country did no longer exert a significant effect on symptom scores. The effect for gender remained, as did an interaction between country and gender. Rather unexpected, on average, males reported higher internalizing symptomatology scores than females. Potential causes for the higher scores of males are therefore discussed. Partialing out covariates resulted in a clearer picture of country-specific and gender-dependent effects on psychopathology, which is helpful in designing interventions.
Social skills deficits interfere with academic, emotional and social functioning, and are frequen... more Social skills deficits interfere with academic, emotional and social functioning, and are frequent among adolescents with behavioral and emotional problems. The current study was carried out to assess the feasibility of cognitive behavioral therapy-based intervention that aims at improving social skills among secondary school children in Pakistan. For this purpose, Initial screening was carried out of N=651 students, age range 14-18 years, using BASC- Behavioral and Emotional Screening system 3. Students were selected from four different schools of Rawalpindi, Pakistan. A randomized contrail was carried out and 28 students were randomized in intervention group and control group with randomization ratio 1:1. Intervention group was given cognitive behavior therapy based social skills training, that was comprised of weekly group sessions. The results were encouraging and showed a significant change in Personal Risk Index (PRI) due to treatment in timeline (F=40.48, p=.00, ηp 2=.67), gr...
This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized whil... more This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized while dealing with beggars phenomenologically. 14 Adults (7 males, 7 females) were included in the study. The age of participants was 25 years and above. The main objectives of the study were to explore how beggars emotionally victimize the general public, how do people get threatened at the hands of beggars as they exploit the publics’ emotions with the help of blackmailing tactics Therefore the Research Questions in this regard were: firstly, how people are entangled in situations and feel threatened while interacting with beggars? Secondly, what tactics are used by beggars to emotionally victimize the general public? Thirdly, how public is emotionally blackmailed by the tricks and tactics used by beggars? Phenomenological research design was used which provided a rich and detailed account of public experiences. The focus was on how people actually perceived the events rather than how the ...
Purpose: It has been widely debated over the past two decades that workplace bullying harms both... more Purpose: It has been widely debated over the past two decades that workplace bullying harms both victims and organizations equally. However, the perpetrator’s perspective on bullying is an inadequately researched area that has been highlighted by many researchers. This study aims to explore the predictive effect of an insecure attachment (avoidant attachment style and anxious attachment style) on the bullying behavior of perpetrators in the workplace. Methodology: Data is collected from different organizations in Pakistan for this cross-sectional study. The sample size is 203. For the analysis of hypotheses, the SEM model of SmartPLS is used. Findings: The results indicate that an avoidant attachment style positively affects bullying behavior in the workplace. Unlike the anxiety attachment style which has no significant relationship with workplace bullying behavior. Practical implications: These findings highlight the importance of secure attachment for healthy interpersonal rela...
This study was conducted to identify the patterns of emotional and social difficulties among Paki... more This study was conducted to identify the patterns of emotional and social difficulties among Pakistani adolescents. The Anxiety, Depression, Anger, Disruptive Behavior, and Self-Concept Inventories of the Beck Youth Inventories were administered to 300 adolescents (150 females and 150 males). The age range was between 14–19 years. Each inventory represented distinct symptom dimensions and the overall pattern of results indicated that anxiety level in males was higher than females but females’ disruptive behavior was significantly high. Hence, there was no significant gender difference in the levels of anger, self concept and depression. Age had strong impact on all types of psychological distress. Late adolescents showed more anger, anxiety, depression and disruptive behavior. Early adolescents had high self concept as compared to late adolescents. Anxiety was significantly positively related with depression, anger and disruptive behavior.
The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological te... more The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological test was an effective tool to assess underlying risk factors of personality (URFP) of clinical patients which might be responsible for the development of mental disorders. 28 mentally ill patients with mean age of 25 years were included in the study. HTP was used to illicit these factors. HTP drawings were then interpreted and analyzed qualitatively. All interpreted units were then classified into themes to further investigate the underlying factors which were assumed to be responsible in the development of mental disorders (Roxaanne, 2014). Five thematic clusters emerged which were named as: Defenses, Needs, Pathologies, Conflicts and Personality Weaknesses. Focus groups were conducted on these thematic clusters which suggested that the dynamic risk factors in the personalities of these clinical patients could be some incapacitating features which needed to be addressed in their treatment strategies and these could be lack of confidence, coping skills, selfassurance, interpersonal skills etc. These findings have clinical implications for identifying personality risk factors indigenously in order to mitigate the development of psychopathology.
The present research aimed to investigate link between perceived parental rejection and depressio... more The present research aimed to investigate link between perceived parental rejection and depression among adolescents with age ranged of 13 to 19 years. The sample size was 100 students (Male =50, Females =50) were incorporated in current research. A purposive sampling technique was employed based on cross-section design. Two scales were used to assess revealed that perceived parental rejection was significantly positive correlated with depression among adolescents students. Results of the study also highlighted that both male and females equally face depression when their parents reject them. Moreover, the relationship signified by the present study will be help in guiding and counseling the parents regarding health personality development of their kids. And these results are also helpful for counselors and professional practitioners while dealing with the adolescents having same issues.
Social and cultural pressures play a significant role in the development of depressive disorders.... more Social and cultural pressures play a significant role in the development of depressive disorders. Women are at a greater risk of experiencing depressive disorders because they always become the subject of social and cultural pressure. This paper presents the case study of a 23-year-old female who developed symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) due to cultural constraints. Initial pre-testing and therapist observation of the client’s verbal and non-verbal attitude / behavior confirmed the diagnosis of MDD. Diagnosis was made according to DSM-5. After initial intake interview, psychological tests including House-tree-person (HTP), Thematic Apprehension Test (TAT), Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank (RISB), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Raven Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM) and Clinical Structured Interview (CIS-R) were administered on the client. After exploring the causal factors of her problem and conducting diagnostic sessions, therapeutic sessions were also conducted. S...
The study aimed at developing a problem checklist (PCL) for Pakistani adolescents (college studen... more The study aimed at developing a problem checklist (PCL) for Pakistani adolescents (college students), to explore their everyday problems. This model of PCL is conceptually based on the work of Mooney and Gordon (1950). The list has been developed in different stages and different number of participants participated in each stage. The participants have been taken from the colleges of four cities i.e., Rawalpindi, Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar. Their age ranged 16 to 23 years. At stage I, 20 students participated in the exploration of students problems with the help of Mooney Problem Checklist (MPCL; Mooney and Gordon, 1950). In stage II, 108 students were asked to enlist all the bothersome problems faced by adolescents. In stages III and IV, the list of problems was scrutinized and selection of problems for final version of PCL was made. In stage V, test retest reliability as well as face validity of the PCL was tested. A total of 43 items were discarded, and then a study was conduct...
Coping strategies of 250 Pakistani adolescents (126 males and 124 females)were investigated in re... more Coping strategies of 250 Pakistani adolescents (126 males and 124 females)were investigated in relation to their daily stressors. Problem Questionnaire (PQ) & Coping across Situations Questionnaire (CASQ) (Seiffge-Krenke, 1995) were used. Both scales covered eight domains viz. school, parents, peers, leisure time, relationship with opposite gender, future, and self. Results indicated that adolescents used functional coping more often for perceived stressors and inclined more towards internal resources like appraising the situation and reflecting upon different solutions. Males showed more stress than females in the domains of school, future, parents and relationship with opposite gender. In the perception of stress midadolescents showed more stress than early and late adolescents. Females scored higher on both active coping and internal coping as compared to males, whereas on dysfunctional coping, both scored evenly. Older adolescents however scored higher on active coping and inter...
Background: The aim of this study was to explore the impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 from gene... more Background: The aim of this study was to explore the impact of lockdown due to COVID-19 from general public’s perspective. People all around the world are facing this unusual challenge of staying home with government’s orders and hence the effects of this lock down situation are still unknown from the point of view of a common man. Methods: This study was a qualitative descriptive study conducted after two months of lockdown in April-May, 2020. A single question “how do lockdown due to COVID19 impact your life in last two months?” was asked on line from a sample of 114 people (73 males, 41 females) with an age ranged between 17 and 68. Results: Their response transcripts verbatim were then analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Five themes emerged from the perspective and experiences of the participants comprising both, positive and negative aspects of the situation. These include stressors and uplifts in the domains of Change in life (world is on halt, no deadlines); Social/emot...
Background: The situation of Women with infertility problems in third-world nations particularly ... more Background: The situation of Women with infertility problems in third-world nations particularly Pakistan remains to be miserable. They are persistently experiencing to such conditions which lead toward psychological and physiological problems. This present research was illustrated to highlight the numerous deleterious factors that affecting the performance of women in Pakistan culture. The primary purpose of present study was to identify prevalence rates of demographic variables in Women with Primary and Secondary Infertility in Pakistan. Moreover, it examined the mediating role of quality of life between coping strategies and psychological distress in Pakistani infertile women. Methods: 150 women (Primary infertility, n =76; Secondary infertility, n = 74) age ranged from 20 to 40 years were recruited from different hospitals of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Purposive sampling technique was used based on cross-sectional design. Three instruments, Brief cope (BC) (Akhtar,...
Purpose of the study: This study examined the role of teaching styles on self-regulation among ad... more Purpose of the study: This study examined the role of teaching styles on self-regulation among adolescents with physical disabilities and moderating effects of age on the relationship between teaching styles and self-regulation. Methodology: 150 students from Islamabad and Rawalpindi divisions were included in this study. Adolescent Self-Regulatory Inventory (Moilanen,2007) and Junior High School Teaching Styles Questionnaire (Chen,2008) was used to assess teaching styles and self-regulation. A purposive-convenient sampling technique was used, and SPSS 22 was used for data analysis. Main Findings: The results demonstrated that the democratic teaching style was the most perceived teaching style among adolescents with a physical disability. It was found that teaching styles predicts self-regulation significantly with (β = .24, R2 = .05) and p < .001. Democratic teaching style had a significant relationship with long-term self-regulation. Age played a moderator role between teaching...
Purpose: The present study was aimed to explore the phenomena of frustration from the perspective... more Purpose: The present study was aimed to explore the phenomena of frustration from the perspective of emerging adults. Methodology: Qualitative research design was followed in the study. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of 69 emerging adults (33 males, 36 females) aged from 18 years to 25 years. A convenient sampling technique was used to collect the data. The data was collected from different universities of Rawalpindi and Islamabad, Pakistan; An open-ended questionnaire was developed to explore the concept of frustration for conducting semi-structured interviews. Content analysis was employed to analyze the data. Main Findings: Analysis of the transcripts revealed one main theme; emotions related to frustration, and three subthemes; Affective emotions, Cognitive styles, and Behavioral emotions. Implications/Applications: The current study results highlight the importance of considering how young adults understand their conditions to help t...
This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized whil... more This qualitative study aimed to explore peoples’ experiences of being bullied and victimized while dealing with beggars phenomenological. 14 Adults (7 males, 7 females) were included in the study. The age of participants was 25 years and above. The main objectives of the study were to explore how beggars emotionally victimize the general public, how do people get threatened at the hands of beggars as they exploit the publics’ emotions with the help of blackmailing tactics Therefore the Research Questions in this regard were: firstly, how people are entangled in situations and feel threatened while interacting with beggars? Secondly, what tactics are used by beggars to emotionally victimize the general public? Thirdly, how public is emotionally blackmailed by the tricks and tactics used by beggars? Phenomenological research design was used which provided a rich and detailed account of public experiences. The focus was on how people actually perceived the events rather than how the ph...
The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological te... more The aim of this study was to ascertain that House Tree Person (HTP) a projective psychological test was an effective tool to assess underlying risk factors of personality (URFP) of clinical patients which might be responsible for the development of mental disorders. 28 mentally ill patients with mean age of 25 years were included in the study. HTP was used to illicit these factors. HTP drawings were then interpreted and analyzed qualitatively. All interpreted units were then classified into themes to further investigate the underlying factors which were assumed to be responsible in the development of mental disorders (Roxaanne, 2014). Five thematic clusters emerged which were named as: Defenses, Needs, Pathologies, Conflicts and Personality Weaknesses. Focus groups were conducted on these thematic clusters which suggested that the dynamic risk factors in the personalities of these clinical patients could be some incapacitating features which needed to be addressed in their treatment...
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2010
The present study focuses on romantic stress and coping styles in the context of identity and fut... more The present study focuses on romantic stress and coping styles in the context of identity and future-related stressors in 8,654 adolescents with a mean age of M ¼ 15.3; SD ¼ 1.84. The adolescents from 17 countries were grouped into seven regions, i.e.
The impact of identity-related risk factors on psychopathology was analyzed in 2,113 emerging adu... more The impact of identity-related risk factors on psychopathology was analyzed in 2,113 emerging adults ( M = 22.0 years; 66% female) from France, Germany, Turkey, Greece, Peru, Pakistan, and Poland. Identity stress, coping with identity stress, maternal parenting (support, psychological control, and anxious rearing), and psychopathology (internalizing, externalizing, and total symptomatology) were assessed. After partialing out the influence of stress, coping, and perceived maternal behavior, country did no longer exert a significant effect on symptom scores. The effect for gender remained, as did an interaction between country and gender. Rather unexpected, on average, males reported higher internalizing symptomatology scores than females. Potential causes for the higher scores of males are therefore discussed. Partialing out covariates resulted in a clearer picture of country-specific and gender-dependent effects on psychopathology, which is helpful in designing interventions.
Papers by iffat rohail