Papers by vincent idasiak
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 15, 2018
De plus en plus d'industriels développent des lignes de produits adoptant le concept de ligne de ... more De plus en plus d'industriels développent des lignes de produits adoptant le concept de ligne de produits afin de rationaliser leur conception. Sans outil d'analyse adéquat, mener une étude de sûreté de fonctionnement d'une ligne de produits conduit à réaliser des études de sûreté de fonctionnement pour chaque produit. Ce qui nous amène à nous interroger sur la nécessité de refaire les analyses de parties déjà traitées, et donc sur la nécessité de développer une ligne de produits sûrs. Notre objectif est de fournir un support d'analyse de type AMDEC paramétrique permettant de conduire une analyse au niveau de la ligne de produits. Cette AMDEC paramétrique permettra la déclinaison rapide des analyses pour chaque produit.

Mathematical Problems in Engineering
This paper aims to develop a continuous-discrete finite memory observer (CD-FMO) for a class of n... more This paper aims to develop a continuous-discrete finite memory observer (CD-FMO) for a class of nonlinear dynamical systems modeled by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with discrete measurements. The nonlinear systems under consideration are at least locally Lipschitz, which guarantees the existence and uniqueness of solution at each time instant. The proposed nonlinear observer uses a finite number of collected measurements to estimate the system state in the presence of measurement noise. Besides, a one-step prediction algorithm incorporated with an iterative-update scheme is performed to solve the integral problem caused by system nonlinearity, and an analysis of the numerical integration approximation error is given. The properties of estimation performance have been further proved in deterministic case and been analyzed by Monte Carlo simulation in stochastic cases. It is worth noting that the presented method has a finite-time convergence, while most nonlinear observers ...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 5, 2019
Safety and Reliability – Safe Societies in a Changing World, 2018
Proceedings 10th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication. ROMAN 2001 (Cat. No.01TH8591), 2001
In this paper we present a new distributed architecture aimed to teleoperate a robot over Interne... more In this paper we present a new distributed architecture aimed to teleoperate a robot over Internet. The long term objective of the system design is to give the possibility for students to have remote experimentation. The main features of the proposed work concern the adaptation of the control strategy, by real time evaluation of quality of service, and experimentation parameters.

2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 2021
In this paper, a robust finite memory observer has been developed for the continuous-discrete lin... more In this paper, a robust finite memory observer has been developed for the continuous-discrete linear time-varying (CD-LTV) systems, which are modeled by the ordinary differential equations (ODEs) in the presence of process noise and are observed through discrete noisy measurements. The proposed method collects a finite number of noisy measurements in the most recent time window to obtained an analytical form of state estimation in the sense of least square. In the meantime, it has also been proved in this paper that the state estimation is unbiased and has the smallest dispersion among all the linear estimators. It is worth noting that the presented method converges within a finite time and shows no initial condition problem, which appears to be a significant advantage for real practical applications. The influence of window length has equally been demonstrated attached with a window length selection strategy. A numerical simulation example is provided at the end of this paper to verify the unbiased state estimation performance of the proposed observer via Monte Carlo simulations.

2021 American Control Conference (ACC), 2021
This paper intends to design a continuous-discrete unknown input finite memory observer (CD-UI-FM... more This paper intends to design a continuous-discrete unknown input finite memory observer (CD-UI-FMO) for the dynamical nonlinear systems with unknown input. The nonlinear systems under consideration are at least locally Lipschitz and represented by ordinary differential equations (ODEs) with process noise while measurements are sampled at discrete time instants with measurement noise. Both process and measurement noise configurations guarantee the robustness and stability of state estimation, as well as performances in diagnosis. By an augmented model, the proposed CD-UI-FMO is designed based on least square method together with an iterative prediction-update scheme with the aim to simultaneously estimate system state and unknown input. The unbiased estimation property is proved in deterministic case and demonstrated via Monte Carlo simulations in stochastic case, respectively. Moreover, the presented nonlinear observer is successfully applied to an actuator fault detection and estimation for a single-link joint robotic arm incorporating with the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart. Illustrative simulation results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Les notions de surete de fonctionnement (SdF) sont souvent ressenties par les industriels comme, ... more Les notions de surete de fonctionnement (SdF) sont souvent ressenties par les industriels comme, a la fois, un point mal maitrise, et un point critique pour le deploiement et l'avenir des technologies mecatroniques. Dans cette optique, nous presenterons une methode permettant la generation semi automatique de l'AMDE et le modele analytique de surete. On appliquera ensuite notre methode sur un systeme mecatronique. Pour generer l'AMDE, on modelisera notre systeme par le biais d'UML et plus particulierement le diagramme de sequence, ou les composants du systeme sont consideres comme des acteurs. Les diagrammes UML du systeme etudie seront aussi utilises, apres une traduction en langage AADL, pour la generation d'un modele en RdPSG (reseau de Petri stochastique generalise) afin d'obtenir des indicateurs de performances lies a la SdF. Nous voulons montrer par ce travail qu'il est possible d'ameliorer les interactions et donc l'efficacite entre les equipes de conception et celles ayant la charge des analyses de SdF d'un systeme.
In this paper we present a new distributed architecture aimed to teleoperate a robot over Interne... more In this paper we present a new distributed architecture aimed to teleoperate a robot over Internet. The main features of the proposed work concern the adaptation of the control strategy, by real time evaluation of quality of service, and experimentation parameters. The defined asynchronous point to point communication layer provided us to calculate the maximum output rate of the communication channel. The long term objective of the system design is to give the possibility for students to interact with remote robotic experimentation.
Theory and Applications, 2009
ABSTRACT: The work presented in this article, completes the description of an engineering framewo... more ABSTRACT: The work presented in this article, completes the description of an engineering framework aiming at integrating the reliability analysis practices within the functional design process. The described method is structured into a SysML context and proposes the ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Within the framework of a French project, which aims at developing a new human presence sensor, w... more Within the framework of a French project, which aims at developing a new human presence sensor, we intend to design a sensor system simulator. During the establishment of the requirements of that new sensor we raised that the mission of a global scene survey could only be performed by a collection of several systems using very diverse technologies. This article presents the development of a method for the placement of multi-technology and multisensor systems. The considered environments are room or set of rooms in office buildings or individual homes. We will explain how we managed to represent the use of different sensors considering their various environments. Then, the way of exploiting these models using genetic algorithms is discussed. Those models are oriented for finding system placement and therefore for helping sensor networks deployment.

2011 Proceedings - Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2011
This article follows a line of papers focused on defining a method to improve the realization of ... more This article follows a line of papers focused on defining a method to improve the realization of reliability analysis during the System Engineering process. As MBSE becomes a fundamental concept for specifying and designing systems, our method takes full advantages of this approach and try to provide tools to ease the specification stage and the integration of RAMS early in the conception process. Our method called MeDISIS is related to the use of SysML to support MBSE and RAMS activities. Currently, MeDISIS is used within an industrial project to design a hypersonic aircraft which is a relevant complex and critical system. During this project, MeDISIS has been adapted to take into account technologies devoted to embedded systems. Furthermore, MeDISIS had to comply with the tools, used by our industrial partners during the design stage. In this work, we present the new architecture of MeDISIS, and the process added recently.

2009 Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 2009
ABSTRACT In this paper, we introduce a methodology for the reliability analysis of complex system... more ABSTRACT In this paper, we introduce a methodology for the reliability analysis of complex systems during their design. The challenge of such a method is to be efficient and accessible for system engineers. We gear this method towards the reuse of functional models expressed in the widely used languages of OMG (Object Management Group). We discuss the improvements brought by SysML for reliability studies in comparison with previous works using UML. Namely, we underline its utilization for the automatic synthesis of FMEA and indicate how it may be expanded for other reliability analyses. We describe a new approach for the analysis of system models that, thanks to its focus on flows, enables the revelation of the failure mode propagation deducted from the functional model. The technique presented here can be implemented on commercial tools, because it strictly respects the SysML metamodel. Regarding our experience in using SysML, we can conclude that this new modeling language is well-suited to support at least the first step of reliability analysis (i.e. FMEA-like analysis) and shows potential for integrating other analyses concurrently with system design (e.g. Fault Tree analysis, failure scenario studies).

1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Intelligent Systems for the 21st Century
ABSTRACT In the design and implementation of the software structure used in the distributed execu... more ABSTRACT In the design and implementation of the software structure used in the distributed execution of a robotics language, there arises the problem of the modelization of distributed applications in a real-time context. Robotics applications need rigorous validation of the control software, at both the logic level and the temporal level. For a developer, one expected goal is to find an appropriate model of the runtime system. So, he has to verify that the model corresponds to the features offered by the software and hardware architecture. This allows to predict the performance of the application as soon as possible. This prediction of the application behavior will increase the speed and the robustness of its realization. This paper presents a new approach for the design and realization of distributed applications in a real-time contest. This application is done with the Ada language applied on Motorola 680x0 targets. Our method is not another formal model. It's, in fact, an instance of standard formalisms for the design and construction of a predictable real-time application. As it shows in this paper, the proposed method takes into account the features of the hardware as well as the characteristics of the runtime kernel from the first step of the construction of the application. By this way, the method can be applied to several hardware architectures and several programming languages
Proceedings of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference - SMC
... The interpreter, depending on manipulated primitives, is obtained by a rewriting algorithm (3... more ... The interpreter, depending on manipulated primitives, is obtained by a rewriting algorithm (31,the IAda manager, which controls the IAda execution is a component containing four tasks: 0 The sequentid-manager ... Figure 1 summarises the architecture of lAda tun-time mcturr. ...
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2013
This article outlines the need for a reliability database to implement model-based description of... more This article outlines the need for a reliability database to implement model-based description of components failure modes and dysfunctional behaviors. We detail the requirements such a database should honor and describe our own solution: the Dysfunctional Behavior Database (DBD). Through the description of its meta-model, the benefits of integrating the DBD in the system design process is highlighted. The main advantages depicted are the possibility to manage feedback knowledge at various granularity and semantic levels and to ease drastically the interactions between system engineering activities and reliability studies. The compliance of the DBD with other reliability database such as FIDES is presented and illustrated.
Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 2010
The development of safety critical systems becomes even harder since the complexity of these syst... more The development of safety critical systems becomes even harder since the complexity of these systems grows continuously. Moreover, this kind of process involves the use of powerful design methods and precise reliability techniques that utilize dissimilar models ...
Papers by vincent idasiak