Papers by ida dominijanni
European Journal of Women's Studies, Aug 1, 1996

- Due studiose italiane riflettono sul rimosso, sul rovescio, della democrazia, ovvero su quella ... more - Due studiose italiane riflettono sul rimosso, sul rovescio, della democrazia, ovvero su quella violenza democratica che riproduce continuamente forme di esclusione delle alteritÀ. Si tratta di una violenza anzitutto simbolica e discorsiva che si fonda sulla neutralizzazione delle differenze, sulla cancellazione dei corpi, dei soggetti sessuati, e si traduce anche in una violenza materiale e fisica. Elemento cruciale di questa violenza č la cancellazione del rapporto madrefigli o del rapporto tra sorelle, ai quali non č riconosciuta una valenza politica. In questo modo la politica si inceppa ogni volta che le donne irrompono nello spazio pubblico con il loro senso delle relazioni, riproponendo una sessuazione della sfera politica. In un momento in cui č evidente una crisi dell'autoritÀ maschile le due studiose mostrano come la libertÀ femminile pensata come libertÀ nella relazione ecceda lo stesso statuto democratico, cosicché ridurre la politica alla democrazia non significa fare un buon servizio alla politica ma nemmeno alla democrazia, che ha bisogno piuttosto di mantenere uno spazio sempre aperto verso l'impensato e l'imprevisto.

One of the main features of Italian feminism of “difference”, seen from an international perspect... more One of the main features of Italian feminism of “difference”, seen from an international perspective, is its clear political vocation. This vocation is not only, or not specially, limited to the boundaries of gender politics, but is rather to be found in the radical critique or reconsideration of the traditional political categories, in the invention of new practices, in the redefinition of the sphere itself of politics and in the forms of its transformation. The Italian case, insofar as feminism is concerned, is also characterized by the fact that this feminist political critique has been kept up for over three decades alongside the crisis of traditional politics. The objective of this article is two-fold: on the one hand I analyse the relationship between the political crisis and the critique of politics seen from within the wider framework of the relationship between the disappearance of the patriarchy and the end of modern politics; on the other, I look at the resources that may...
*In this volume some quotes show the names of the authors for extended request of Diotima group. ... more *In this volume some quotes show the names of the authors for extended request of Diotima group. *It is communicated that for a mere full material error the number 7 of Soft Power has been improperly defined Volumen 5 n. 1, instead of Volumen 4 n. 1 and the number 6 of Soft Power has been improperly defined Volumen 4 n.2 instead of Volumen 3 n.2 (Editor's note).
The Commoner, 2006
... It grew, as Carla Lonzi writes, not with but despite 1968 (and, in Italy, 1977). ... Just as ... more ... It grew, as Carla Lonzi writes, not with but despite 1968 (and, in Italy, 1977). ... Just as in Holbein's The Ambassadors, the anamorphosis changes the entirety of the picture, so the feminine glance discovers the skullyet another story of specters, to gloss Derridaand opens ...

Feministische Studien, 2008
Ida Dominijanni Grenzen überschreiten: die des Staates und die des Ichs Was bedeutet die immer wi... more Ida Dominijanni Grenzen überschreiten: die des Staates und die des Ichs Was bedeutet die immer wieder neue Errichtung von Maurern, angefangen bei der israelischen im Westjordanland und deijenigen zwischen Kalifornien und Mexiko, bis zu jener in der Via Anelli in Padua, in einer Epoche, die nach dem Fall der Berliner Mauer eine Welt ohne Grenzen angekündigt hatte? Für welches Konzept von Souveränität und Recht stehen diese Mauern, die von Nationalstaaten errichtet werden, deren Souveränität und konstitutionelle Legalität sich unbestritten in einer Krise befinden? Warum betrachten wir die Gewalt der von Staaten legitimierten Kriege als tolerierbar, und warum sind wir entsetzt angesichts der Gewalt von Selbstmordattentaten gegen den Krieg? Warum empfinden wir einerseits moralischen Abscheu und finden andererseits Formen der Rechtfertigung gegenüber der Vernichtung von Menschenleben? In welchem Verhältnis stehen Destruktivität, wechselseitige Abhängigkeit und Überlebensfähigkeit? Die Globalisierung, der Krieg und der Zerfall der modernen Politik bilden nicht nur den historischen Rahmen für unsere Existenz, es geht dabei eher um die Art und Weise, in der diese Transformationen die Bedingungen neu schreiben, unter denen wir über Leben und Tod nachdenken und den eigenen Körper wahrnehmen. Es geht um die Definition, wer »wir« und wer »die anderen« sind. Es geht schließlich auch noch um unsere Moral und unsere Gefühle. Die Neugestaltung des Politischen und die Neugestaltung des Humanen verweisen aufeinander.

Le seminaire "Genre, politique, sexualite(s) Orient/Occident" a ete cree en 2010, avec ... more Le seminaire "Genre, politique, sexualite(s) Orient/Occident" a ete cree en 2010, avec le soutien de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, par Christiane VEAUVY, chargee de recherche honoraire au CNRS, docteur d'Etat es Lettres et Sciences humaines, et Monique de SAINT MARTIN, Directrice d'Etudes a l'EHESS. Les conferences et les debats sont axes principalement sur la Mediterranee, "epicentre de la fracture imaginaire entre Orient et Occident" (Corm, 2005). En France, aucune specialite equivalente a l'indianisme ou a l'americanisme n'est reconnue pour la Mediterranee (Bromberger 2002) ; la dimension internationale est donc empreinte d'une originalite particuliere dans ce seminaire. Le seminaire est ouvert aux enseignants, aux chercheurs, aux doctorants et a toute personne confrontee aux questions de genre, le bilan etabli collectivement a fait ressortir comment les articulations du genre avec la politique et les sexualites r...

In the current context of the populist explosion which is spreading across Europe, the US and al... more In the current context of the populist explosion which is spreading across Europe, the US and all over the world, Italy is the only western country that has been experiencing, for thirty years, four different kinds of populist politics, from both the side of the government and the opposition: Northern Lega’s ethnic populism, Silvio Berlusconi’s telecratic populism, Matteo Renzi’s institutional populism, Five Stars Movement’s Web populism. This article analyses therefore the «Italian aboratoryl» as a case study which shows the reconfiguration of the whole political field as a populist one, where the new populisms arise on the ruins of the sovereign demos undone by the neoliberal governmentality. Comparing the main interpretations of populism as a shadow, a symptom or a spectre of democracy, the author wonders moreover if the populist strategies may be in Italy a wake-up call to address the crisis of representation or are rather doomed to widen the gap between the people and the poli...

In this article Ida Dominjanni, a political essayist who was herself a candidate in the recent It... more In this article Ida Dominjanni, a political essayist who was herself a candidate in the recent Italian parliamentary elections, analyses the causes and meaning of the victory of populist forces over the official reformism, which had been loudly promoted. She offers a genealogy of three successive populist formations, each of which added new instruments of communication and slogans to the earlier ones, within the framework of a general critique of the corruption of the political “caste”, and which repeatedly took advantage of the structural weaknesses of the reformist left, against the backdrop of an ongoing crisis of political parties. By way of a critical discussion of Ernesto Laclau’s influential theory of populism as a “discursive construction of the people”, she illustrates an ontological and political transition from the logic of desiring subjects, subject to the Law, to one of consuming individuals, a shift whose concomitant is the transition from charismatic leadership to the...

At the last U.S.-Taiwan annual arms sales talks on April 24, 2001, President George W. Bush appro... more At the last U.S.-Taiwan annual arms sales talks on April 24, 2001, President George W. Bush approved for possible sale diesel-electric submarines, P-3 anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft (linked to the submarine sale), four decommissioned U.S. Kidd-class destroyers, and other items. Bush also deferred decisions on Aegis-equipped destroyers and other items, while denying other requests. Afterward, attention turned to Taiwan, where the military, civilian officials, and legislators from competing political parties debated contentious issues about how much to spend on defense and which U.S. weapons to acquire, despite the increasing threat (including a missile buildup) from the People's Liberation Army (PLA). In 2003, the Bush Administration pointed Taiwan to three priorities for defense: command and control, missile defense, and ASW. The Pentagon also has broadened its concern from Taiwan's arms purchases to its defense spending, seriousness in self-defense and protection of secrets, joint capabilities, operational readiness, critical infrastructure protection, and asymmetrical advantages. Blocked by the Kuomintang (KMT) party in the Legislative Yuan (LY) that opposed the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)'s president (2000-2008), the Special Budget (not passed) for submarines, P-3C ASW aircraft, and PAC-3 missile defense systems was cut from $18 billion in 2004 to $9 billion (for submarines only) in 2005. In March 2006, Taiwan's defense minister requested a 2006 Supplemental Defense Budget (not passed) in part for submarine procurement, P-3Cs, and PAC-2 upgrades (not new PAC-3 missiles). In June 2007, the LY passed Taiwan's 2007 defense budget with funds for P-3C planes, PAC-2 upgrades, and F-16C/D fighters. In December 2007, the LY approved $62 million to start the sub design phase. After the KMT's Ma Ying-jeou became President in May 2008, he resumed cross-strait talks while retaining the arms requests. But he has cut the defense budget.
Papers by ida dominijanni