T his report presents the results of the Office of Technology Assessment's analysis of the prospe... more T his report presents the results of the Office of Technology Assessment's analysis of the prospects for developing automobiles that offer significant improvements in fuel economy and reduced emissions over the longer term (out to the year 2015). The congressional request for this study-from the House Committees on Commerce and on Science, and the Senate Committees on Energy and Natural Resources and on Governmental Affairs-asked OTA to examine the potential for dramatic increases in light-duty vehicle fuel economy through the use of "breakthrough" technologies, and to assess the federal role in advancing the development and commercialization of these technologies.
T his report presents the results of the Office of Technology Assessment's analysis of the prospe... more T his report presents the results of the Office of Technology Assessment's analysis of the prospects for developing automobiles that offer significant improvements in fuel economy and reduced emissions over the longer term (out to the year 2015). The congressional request for this study-from the House Committees on Commerce and on Science, and the Senate Committees on Energy and Natural Resources and on Governmental Affairs-asked OTA to examine the potential for dramatic increases in light-duty vehicle fuel economy through the use of "breakthrough" technologies, and to assess the federal role in advancing the development and commercialization of these technologies.
Papers by ibnu ajie