Conference Presentations by iko Maknyos

2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
The Karp-Rabin algorithm was created by
Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who
used the... more The Karp-Rabin algorithm was created by
Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who
used the hashing function to find patterns in text strings
and the Winnowing Algorithm is a method used to detect
common subsequence in two or more texts compared.
Two texts are known to have similar words / sentences if
fingerprint is found in the document, this fingerprint
will be used as the basis of comparison between texts,
this algorithm will look for fingerprints (similarity in
two texts) by changing the n-gram of a text into a
numerical value called a hash value, the technique for
finding that value is Hashing This algorithm is widely
used in determining the close resemblance in a biology
sequence. Plagiarism is an action that must be avoided,
but there are still many people who know and
understand plagiarism. Apart from preventing,
detecting plagiarism is an attempt to reduce plagiarism.
The problem of plagiarism that is often found among
students is plagiarism in text documents. This study aims
to build a plagiarism detection system in text documents
using the Rabin-Karp algorithm in a computerized
manner. This plagiarism detection system is aiding the
action of plagiarism with the similarity of sequences of
the two documents compared. The system that is
compared is a basic process that can be further
developed to build better detection applications for
Keywords- Plagiarism, Rabin Algorithm, Winnowing
Algorithm, Letter Similarity.

2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
Warehouse is a building or room that is used as a storage place for all materials of industrial c... more Warehouse is a building or room that is used as a storage place for all materials of industrial companies. The function of a warehouse in a company as a place of finished products other than that a temporary shelter, such as goods to be delivered as well as new goods coming. But in determining the location of the warehouse there must be election terms and conditions. Therefore the decision support system in choosing the warehouse location in accordance with the standard requirements of the company. In this research will a Decision Support System in the selection of storage location of production results using the method electre because this method can assist in making decisions to determine the location of the warehouse, but the calculation only yields the largest value that will be selected as the best alternative.

2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
Corn is one of the food commodities in Indonesia. The need for corn commodity continues to increa... more Corn is one of the food commodities in Indonesia. The need for corn commodity continues to increase from year to year both as main food ingredient, animal feed and as raw material of large scale industry until small scale. Various efforts have been made to increase the national corn production, among others, with research of improved varieties, expansion of planting areas, and extension. But in the process of planting corn there are some obstacles that is the intensity of pest and disease attacks, and the lack of agricultural extension workers. In overcoming the problem of disease attack on corn plants, corn farmers as the parties directly related to corn planting need to know the information quickly and accurately related types of attacking diseases. So after the information obtained the disease it can be immediately known solution to overcome the attack of the disease. With the development of information technology, much information can be accessed quickly through internet service. Ease of access to information is one of which can be used to provide information to corn farmers about disease identification. Therefore researchers try to give one solution that can be done to help corn farmers in identifying corn plant disease. In this study the researchers applied Bayes's theorem to calculate the probability value of corn plant identification. In the sample test the data of the symptoms of the disease showed that yielded an accuracy of 90%.
Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu listrik. G... more Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu listrik. Gardu listrik sebagai komponen sistem tenaga listrik memegang peranan penting pada kontinyuitas suplai tenaga listrik kepada konsumen. Dengan semakin bertambahnya permintaan konsumen, maka semakin besar pula beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik. Apabila beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik lebih besar dari kapasitas dari gardu induk listrik maka gardu induk listrik akan mengalami overload yang berakibat suplai listrik ke konsumen terhenti. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk.

Frans Ikorasaki, 2015
Rapid technological progress greatly affects humans indirectly. Computers as a result of human te... more Rapid technological progress greatly affects humans indirectly. Computers as a result of human technological advances can assist in improving the quality and quantity of employees. In PT. FIF Branch Muarabungo , motorcycle loans to customers is still done manually and the presentation of the report also takes a long time , so it often goes wrong and the performance PT.FIF Branch Muarabungo is not optimal. With the above analysis , support systems used to address them lending decisions motorcycle. The advantages of the new system is designed to help managers in decision-making and can produce clear reports in graphical form so that the head of the company can know the state of the company. PENDAHULUAN Perkembangan bisnis di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan yang cukup baik. Hal ini terlihat dengan semakin banyaknya peusahaan baik dalam negeri maupun dari luar negeri yang saling bersaing dalam memasarkan produknya. Kondisi ini memberikan keuntungan bagi masyarakat sebagai konsumen karena terdapat banyak pilihan produk sesuai kebutuhannya. Namun hal tersebut juga menuntut perusahaan untuk menyesuaikan diri agar mampu bersaing dengan usaha jenis lainnya. Tindakan yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan diantaranya melalui pemberian kredit, karena tidak semua masyarakat mampu untuk membeli barang secara tunai. Oleh karena itu penjualan secara kredit merupakan salah satu bentuk strategi perusahaan dalam meningkatkan penjualan,sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh PT.FIF. PT.Federal International Finance (FIF) sebagai perusahaan pembiayaan ritel dengan pelanggan yang tersebar diseluruh Indonesia, pengelolaan kredit melalui teknologi informasi merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi Perseroan. Strategi pengembangan teknologi informasi Perseroan diarahkan sebagai Process Enable dan Information Provider bagi kegiatan usaha Perseroan. Sistem teknologi informasi yang dimiliki Perseroan memungkinkan pelayanan pelanggan yang cepat, mudah dan aman dengan standar pelayanan yang sama disetiap outlet Perseroan,
Papers by iko Maknyos

2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
The Karp-Rabin algorithm was created by Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who used the... more The Karp-Rabin algorithm was created by Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who used the hashing function to find patterns in text strings and the Winnowing Algorithm is a method used to detect common subsequence in two or more texts compared. Two texts are known to have similar words/sentences if fingerprint is found in the document, this fingerprint will be used as the basis of comparison between texts, this algorithm will look for fingerprints (similarity in two texts) by changing the n-gram of a text into a numerical value called a hash value, the technique for finding that value is Hashing This algorithm is widely used in determining the close resemblance in a biology sequence. Plagiarism is an action that must be avoided, but there are still many people who know and understand plagiarism. Apart from preventing, detecting plagiarism is an attempt to reduce plagiarism. The problem of plagiarism that is often found among students is plagiarism in text documents. This study aims to build a plagiarism detection system in text documents using the Rabin-Karp algorithm in a computerised manner. This plagiarism detection system is aiding the action of plagiarism with the similarity of sequences of the two documents compared. The system that is compared is a basic process that can be further developed to build better detection applications for plagiarism.

2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
Warehouse is a building or room that is used as a storage place for all materials of industrial c... more Warehouse is a building or room that is used as a storage place for all materials of industrial companies. The function of a warehouse in a company as a place of finished products other than that a temporary shelter, such as goods to be delivered as well as new goods coming. But in determining the location of the warehouse there must be election terms and conditions. Therefore the decision support system in choosing the warehouse location in accordance with the standard requirements of the company. In this research will a Decision Support System in the selection of storage location of production results using the method electre because this method can assist in making decisions to determine the location of the warehouse, but the calculation only yields the largest value that will be selected as the best alternative.

2018 6th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2018
This paper explores cultural shock experiences encountered by African students studying in Indone... more This paper explores cultural shock experiences encountered by African students studying in Indonesian Universities. The study used qualitative approach to collect data through in-depth face-to-face interviews with African students and participant observation. The findings of the study reveal that many African students had experienced unfamiliar situation that are different from those of their home countries in the course of study in Indonesia. Such situation leads to what is called "culture shock", which includes new academic life, culture fatigue, language barrier and food outlets. The study has shown that most of the stress had a profound impact on shaping their acculturation and living in Indonesia. The study adds knowledge to literature, particularly on generating ideas for better management of culture shock in an alien environment. Accordingly, the study recommends that before embarking to abroad for education, it is very important to understand the mechanism and consequences of study abroad and shape our knowledge of how these experience function worldwide and students should develop positive attitudes in order to ease their adjustment to an alien culture and setting.

Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu listrik. G... more Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu listrik. Gardu listrik sebagai komponen sistem tenaga listrik memegang peranan penting pada kontinyuitas suplai tenaga listrik kepada konsumen. Dengan semakin bertambahnya permintaan konsumen, maka semakin besar pula beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik. Apabila beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik lebih besar dari kapasitas dari gardu induk listrik maka gardu induk listrik akan mengalami overload yang berakibat suplai listrik ke konsumen terhenti. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk. Pada perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu listrik ini dilakukan dengan memperkirakan pertumbuhan beban yang akan datang melalui suatu ramalan beban sesuai dengan kondisi suatu daerah berdasarkan sektor rumah tangga, bisnis umum dan industri dengan sistem pendukung keputusan menggunakan metode AHP (Analitycal Hierar...

The 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM 2019), 2019
The Karp-Rabin algorithm was created by Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who used the... more The Karp-Rabin algorithm was created by Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who used the hashing function to find patterns in text strings and the Winnowing Algorithm is a method used to detect common subsequence in two or more texts compared. Two texts are known to have similar words / sentences if fingerprint is found in the document, this fingerprint will be used as the basis of comparison between texts, this algorithm will look for fingerprints (similarity in two texts) by changing the n-gram of a text into a numerical value called a hash value, the technique for finding that value is Hashing This algorithm is widely used in determining the close resemblance in a biology sequence. Plagiarism is an action that must be avoided, but there are still many people who know and understand plagiarism. Apart from preventing, detecting plagiarism is an attempt to reduce plagiarism. The problem of plagiarism that is often found among students is plagiarism in text documents. This s...

Jurnal Sistem Informasi Kaputama (JSIK) Edisi Juli, Volume 4 Nomor 2, Juli 2020, 2020
Abstrak Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu li... more Abstrak Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu listrik. Gardu listrik sebagai komponen sistem tenaga listrik memegang peranan penting pada kontinyuitas suplai tenaga listrik kepada konsumen. Dengan semakin bertambahnya permintaan konsumen, maka semakin besar pula beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik. Apabila beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik lebih besar dari kapasitas dari gardu induk listrik maka gardu induk listrik akan mengalami overload yang berakibat suplai listrik ke konsumen terhenti. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk. Pada perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu listrik ini dilakukan dengan memperkirakan pertumbuhan beban yang akan datang melalui suatu ramalan beban sesuai dengan kondisi suatu daerah berdasarkan sektor rumah tangga, bisnis umum dan industri dengan sistem pendukung keputusan menggunakan metode AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Process) di mana metode AHP ini digunakan untuk menentukan penempatan gardu listrik berdasarkan kondisi suatu daerah khususnya daerah Medan. Kata kunci : AHP, Gardu Listrik, Lokasi Suatu Daerah. 1. Pendahuluan Pada dasarnya perkiraan kebutuhan energi termasuk tenaga listrik selalu dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi masa mendatang, dan menciptakan strategi pengadaannya. Pertumbuhan pendapatan domestik regional bruto (PDRB) dan pertumbuhan penduduk merupakan pemicu pertumbuhan aktivitas penggunaan tenaga listrik pada sektor rumah tangga, bisnis, umum dan industri. Penggunaan tenaga listrik di sektor rumah tangga dipengaruhi jumlah penduduk, dan laju pertumbuhannya. Dari kenyataan tersebut maka perlu adanya suatu perencanaan dalam menentukan sumber tenaga listrik, transmisi maupun sistem maupun distribusinya. Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu induk listrik. Gardu induk listrik sebagai komponen sistem tenaga listrik memegang peranan penting pada kontinyuitas suplai tenaga listrik kepada konsumen. Dengan semakin bertambahnya permintaan konsumen, maka semakin besar pula beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik. Apabila beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik lebih besar dari kapasitas dari gardu induk listrik maka gardu induk listrik akan mengalami overload yang berakibat suplai listrik ke konsumen terhenti. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk. Pada perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk listrik ini dilakukan dengan memperkirakan pertumbuhan beban yang akan datang melalui suatu ramalan beban sesuai dengan kondisi suatu daerah berdasarkan sektor rumah tangga, bisnis umum dan industri dengan sistem pendukung keputusan menggunakan metode AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Process) di mana metode AHP ini digunakan untuk menentukan penempatan gardu listrik berdasarkan kondisi suatu daerah khususnya daerah Medan.

Abstrak Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu li... more Abstrak Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu listrik. Gardu listrik sebagai komponen sistem tenaga listrik memegang peranan penting pada kontinyuitas suplai tenaga listrik kepada konsumen. Dengan semakin bertambahnya permintaan konsumen, maka semakin besar pula beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik. Apabila beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik lebih besar dari kapasitas dari gardu induk listrik maka gardu induk listrik akan mengalami overload yang berakibat suplai listrik ke konsumen terhenti. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk. Pada perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu listrik ini dilakukan dengan memperkirakan pertumbuhan beban yang akan datang melalui suatu ramalan beban sesuai dengan kondisi suatu daerah berdasarkan sektor rumah tangga, bisnis umum dan industri dengan sistem pendukung keputusan menggunakan metode AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Process) di mana metode AHP ini digunakan untuk menentukan penempatan gardu listrik berdasarkan kondisi suatu daerah khususnya daerah Medan. Kata kunci : AHP, Gardu Listrik, Lokasi Suatu Daerah. 1. Pendahuluan Pada dasarnya perkiraan kebutuhan energi termasuk tenaga listrik selalu dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi masa mendatang, dan menciptakan strategi pengadaannya. Pertumbuhan pendapatan domestik regional bruto (PDRB) dan pertumbuhan penduduk merupakan pemicu pertumbuhan aktivitas penggunaan tenaga listrik pada sektor rumah tangga, bisnis, umum dan industri. Penggunaan tenaga listrik di sektor rumah tangga dipengaruhi jumlah penduduk, dan laju pertumbuhannya. Dari kenyataan tersebut maka perlu adanya suatu perencanaan dalam menentukan sumber tenaga listrik, transmisi maupun sistem maupun distribusinya. Salah satu sistem tenaga listrik yang dianggap perlu untuk peningkatannya adalah gardu induk listrik. Gardu induk listrik sebagai komponen sistem tenaga listrik memegang peranan penting pada kontinyuitas suplai tenaga listrik kepada konsumen. Dengan semakin bertambahnya permintaan konsumen, maka semakin besar pula beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik. Apabila beban listrik yang ditanggung oleh gardu listrik lebih besar dari kapasitas dari gardu induk listrik maka gardu induk listrik akan mengalami overload yang berakibat suplai listrik ke konsumen terhenti. Untuk mengatasi hal ini maka perlu dilakukan perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk. Pada perencanaan dalam penentuan kapasitas / daya gardu induk listrik ini dilakukan dengan memperkirakan pertumbuhan beban yang akan datang melalui suatu ramalan beban sesuai dengan kondisi suatu daerah berdasarkan sektor rumah tangga, bisnis umum dan industri dengan sistem pendukung keputusan menggunakan metode AHP (Analitycal Hierarchy Process) di mana metode AHP ini digunakan untuk menentukan penempatan gardu listrik berdasarkan kondisi suatu daerah khususnya daerah Medan.
Conference Presentations by iko Maknyos
Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who
used the hashing function to find patterns in text strings
and the Winnowing Algorithm is a method used to detect
common subsequence in two or more texts compared.
Two texts are known to have similar words / sentences if
fingerprint is found in the document, this fingerprint
will be used as the basis of comparison between texts,
this algorithm will look for fingerprints (similarity in
two texts) by changing the n-gram of a text into a
numerical value called a hash value, the technique for
finding that value is Hashing This algorithm is widely
used in determining the close resemblance in a biology
sequence. Plagiarism is an action that must be avoided,
but there are still many people who know and
understand plagiarism. Apart from preventing,
detecting plagiarism is an attempt to reduce plagiarism.
The problem of plagiarism that is often found among
students is plagiarism in text documents. This study aims
to build a plagiarism detection system in text documents
using the Rabin-Karp algorithm in a computerized
manner. This plagiarism detection system is aiding the
action of plagiarism with the similarity of sequences of
the two documents compared. The system that is
compared is a basic process that can be further
developed to build better detection applications for
Keywords- Plagiarism, Rabin Algorithm, Winnowing
Algorithm, Letter Similarity.
Papers by iko Maknyos
Michael O. Rabin and Richard M. Karp in 1987 who
used the hashing function to find patterns in text strings
and the Winnowing Algorithm is a method used to detect
common subsequence in two or more texts compared.
Two texts are known to have similar words / sentences if
fingerprint is found in the document, this fingerprint
will be used as the basis of comparison between texts,
this algorithm will look for fingerprints (similarity in
two texts) by changing the n-gram of a text into a
numerical value called a hash value, the technique for
finding that value is Hashing This algorithm is widely
used in determining the close resemblance in a biology
sequence. Plagiarism is an action that must be avoided,
but there are still many people who know and
understand plagiarism. Apart from preventing,
detecting plagiarism is an attempt to reduce plagiarism.
The problem of plagiarism that is often found among
students is plagiarism in text documents. This study aims
to build a plagiarism detection system in text documents
using the Rabin-Karp algorithm in a computerized
manner. This plagiarism detection system is aiding the
action of plagiarism with the similarity of sequences of
the two documents compared. The system that is
compared is a basic process that can be further
developed to build better detection applications for
Keywords- Plagiarism, Rabin Algorithm, Winnowing
Algorithm, Letter Similarity.