Papers by Bhekuzulu Khumalo

International Advances in Economic Research, Oct 16, 2011
Economics as a subject matter has been given a variety of definitions over the last 200 years, ho... more Economics as a subject matter has been given a variety of definitions over the last 200 years, however all the definitions have a similar concept that they lean towards, a general principle one can say. The definitions are not wrong, this paper does not seek to prove that they are wrong, but only to show they where right for their time, a subject matter like economics, though studied over the centuries only formally became a discipline in its own right in the last two centuries, and as such is fairly young and as we know more there perhaps is a time to seek a definition for economics for the twenty first century. This paper seeks to give such a definition in light of the increased understanding of economics or at the least we have access to greater information concerning the discipline economics than say Adam Smith, Alfred Marshall or Hayek. Take the definition by Samuelson, "Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people", though correct, is the definition sufficient for the twenty first century and beyond, that is all this paper seeks to answer, for it is the definition of a discipline that guides the readers thoughts. The objective of this paper is to simply reaffirm the modern definition of what is economics given we know so much more than 100 years ago.
This paper seeks to discuss why information theory is so important. What is information, knowledg... more This paper seeks to discuss why information theory is so important. What is information, knowledge is interaction of human mind and information, but there is a difference between information theory and knowledge theory. Look into information and particle theory and see how information must have its roots in particle theory. This leads to the concept of spatial dimensions, information density, complexity, particle density, can there be particle complexity, and re-looking at the double slit experiment and quantum tunneling. Information functions/ relations are discussed.
Journal of Advances in Physics, Jan 12, 2019
Academia letters, Sep 30, 2021
Academia letters, Sep 1, 2021

Journal of Advances in Physics, Nov 7, 2019
Everything is information because everything will inform you about itself through our senses, the... more Everything is information because everything will inform you about itself through our senses, there is no other way to say it when discussing the philosophy of science. All information has similar basic characteristics including randomness. The reality of randomness gave the concepts to the theory of the algorithm of information the basis of all degrees of randomness. Everything is about relationships; the algorithm of information is the tool existence uses to determine the chances of relationships. If everything is about relationships, then relationships must begin with the particles. Not the basic particles having relationships with other basic particles as it was first postulated. The basic particle itself must be the result of an event and thus a relationship, it was not always there. This paper aims to shed some light on the question of where do particles come from? What relationships led to the event that created elementary particles?
Optics and Photonics Journal, 2017
Light can create itself. Experiments have been carried out and seemingly prove this hypothesis, t... more Light can create itself. Experiments have been carried out and seemingly prove this hypothesis, though the experimenters themselves did not see this phenomenon in front of them. This discussion gives the proof and the implications.

Open journal of microphysics, 2022
Understanding that the magnetic phenomenon is both a particle, khumalon, that organizes itself in... more Understanding that the magnetic phenomenon is both a particle, khumalon, that organizes itself into a wave formation to travel through a medium, this paper shows proof of this in detail. It can only be doing this because it is traveling through some medium. This paper is about observing relationships that are a result of different polarized magnetic phenomenon forced into relationships. The magnet shows it does not behave differently from other particles; when they have relationships with their "anti" particle, annihilation takes place. Two magnets will always be like a collider, but because the magnetic phenomenon is already unstable and of low energy allows us to see things otherwise difficult with particles of higher energy. Isaac Newton is truly needed in explaining this phenomenon. The magnetic phenomenon adheres to the first two laws of everything. All data can be found on, to share.

International Advances in Economic Research, Oct 26, 2011
Mathematics is the basis of all science for the simple fact that it allows us to measure, countin... more Mathematics is the basis of all science for the simple fact that it allows us to measure, counting in its basic sense is measuring. Mathematics is most useful when it is accurate. When we look at the concept of infinity we get new insights into mathematics and how it can be more accurate. This paper endeavors to show that understanding infinity will lead scientists, including economists to take into consideration another classification of variables over and above the traditional classification of continuous and discrete variables. This classification is the dimension of the variable. This problem would never have come to light if knowledge was not given a unit, the knowl, giving anything a unit allows it to be studied in a scientific manner. One finds that knowledge behaves as if it is a three dimensional variable and at other times as if it has infinite dimensions, and the mathematics has to be modified to deal with knowledge as it behaves differently. The reasons are explained hopefully fully in this paper to be grasped and understood. This paper is a follow up to a research note published in International Advances in Economic Research, titled "The Concept of the mathematical Infinity and Economics".
Journal of Advances in Physics, Jul 1, 2018
The implications of entanglement have scared many, but if we use all we understand about existenc... more The implications of entanglement have scared many, but if we use all we understand about existence sequencing is probably the answer given probable experiments that we should have the technology to do within the next 5 years. The simpler the easier to understand. This paper is in the tradition of thought experiments, not all have access for modern technology, a thought of the mind, given that we are further introducing algorithms into not only physics but life in general, sequencing is merely an algorithm.

Journal of Advances in Physics, Jul 22, 2020
Understanding that everything is in a relationship led us to ask what then is the relationship th... more Understanding that everything is in a relationship led us to ask what then is the relationship that caused particles to be. Our investigation led us to understand that all particles are made up of the same stuff we called konke. Something that has experimental backing. Understanding that this konke must get into relationships so that we get particles, we have a chance to look at particles from what they are made off understanding; it is how much of konke that gives a particle mass and its categorization. What is the nature of magnetism from the viewpoint that all things are made of the same stuff, konke? Two simple experiments are requiring a vacuum that will help solve the nature of magnetism, that should end up as a discrete phenomenon, we can measure its speed, mass, polarization like other phenomena. Rely on experimentation as much as possible. Implications in quantum computing though possible variations in the experiments.

Modern Economy, 2012
Economics as a subject matter has been given a variety of definitions over the last 200 years, ho... more Economics as a subject matter has been given a variety of definitions over the last 200 years, however all the definitions have a similar concept that they lean towards, a general principle one can say. The definitions are not wrong, this paper does not seek to prove that they are wrong, but only to show they where right for their time, a subject matter like economics, though studied over the centuries only formally became a discipline in its own right in the last two centuries, and as such is fairly young and as we know more there perhaps is a time to seek a definition for economics for the twenty first century. This paper seeks to give such a definition in light of the increased understanding of economics or at the least we have access to greater information concerning the discipline economics than say Adam Smith, Alfred Marshall or Hayek. Take the definition by Samuelson, "Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people", though correct, is the definition sufficient for the twenty first century and beyond, that is all this paper seeks to answer, for it is the definition of a discipline that guides the readers thoughts. The objective of this paper is to simply reaffirm the modern definition of what is economics given we know so much more than 100 years ago.
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 1, 2007
RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Mar 30, 2009

Modern Economy, 2017
It will be shown that a satisfactory way to look at an economy is to understand the concept of en... more It will be shown that a satisfactory way to look at an economy is to understand the concept of energy costs and use knowledge, and then appreciation of knowledge economics is at hand. One can then grasp the concepts of knowledge economics as their roots are in the major properties of information to see how knowledge behaves, the concept of time and knowledge that needs to be grasped to appreciate economics, to appreciate a phenomenon of the universe, to appreciate what is happening as some societies develop further and others remain stagnant except for a core elite around government. The paper concludes with a thorough analysis of rationality and utility giving our understanding of information and probability, and how rationality allows us to view economic models from the view of knowledge economics giving the properties of information. Our view of economics significantly determines how we treat others; thus our view of economics must be made with all the available information.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, Oct 9, 2006
The quest to measure knowledge effectively will in no doubt lead to better knowledge policies of ... more The quest to measure knowledge effectively will in no doubt lead to better knowledge policies of governments around the world in both developing and developed countries. This paper endeavours to set a sound theoretical base for measuring knowledge and does this by demonstrating that existing tools used by economists for measuring knowledge are largely self contradictory, they contradict existing theory. Knowledge to be measured effectively we must give knowledge its own units like weight and length have their own units, only then can we say how much knowledge one needs to carry out a particular task. Friedrich von Hayek, who did so much to advance the discipline of economists, observed in the Use of Knowledge in Society?(1945): , "The economic problem of society is thus not merely a problem of how to allocate "given" resources-if "given" is taken to mean given to a single mind which deliberately solves the problem set by these "data." It rather relates to how best to use the resources about which any member of society knows, for ends whose relative importance only these individuals know.] Or, to put it briefly, it is a problem of the utilization of knowledge which is not given to anyone in its totality". Thus the central concern of economics is with knowledge. Why is this the case? First, it is knowledge that gives everything value-we cannot value what we do not know. It is knowledge that creates goods, services, and capital. All the money in the world will not help you if you do not understand what you are doing-you will fail even to build a bridge with money that someone budgeted for that purpose if nobody knows how. Modern economic theory has seemingly failed to deliver as much as it has promised because, I believe, of its grounding in capital, especially in the form of money. I am not criticizing monetarists, of whom Hayek is one of the finest; rather I am arguing that throwing money at economic problems cannot solve them. If the education system seems to be failing, then throw money at it, goes the popular refrain; if developing countries are failing to catch up with the rest of the world, throw money at them. This approach usually fails ?a reality that Hayek grasped over sixty years ago. Despite the billions of dollars that Africa has received, most of its nations have very little to show for the expenditure; when a commodity boom occurs, the same is true of much of Asia and Latin America.
Papers by Bhekuzulu Khumalo