Papers by Hoang Ngoc Khac
Ng, Peter K. L., Khac, Hoang Ngoc, Rahayu, Dwi Listyo (2010): On The Taxonomy And Ecology Of The ... more Ng, Peter K. L., Khac, Hoang Ngoc, Rahayu, Dwi Listyo (2010): On The Taxonomy And Ecology Of The Mangrove Crab Perisesarma Maipoense (Soh, 1978) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Sesarmidae) From Vietnam. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 58 (2): 239-243
Figure 11b from: Tu DV, von Rintelen K, Klotz W, Hung Anh L, Anh Tuan T, Van Dong D, Thi Yen P, Tong Cuong N, Ngoc Khac H, Dang PD, von Rintelen T (2021) Taxonomy notes and new occurrence data of four species of atyid shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) in Vietnam, all described from China. Bio...

Biodiversity Data Journal, 2021
Freshwater shrimp of the family Atyidae De Haan, 1849 have been studied in Vietnam for more than ... more Freshwater shrimp of the family Atyidae De Haan, 1849 have been studied in Vietnam for more than a century. A total of 24 species of atyid shrimps from the genera Caridina H. Milne Edwards, 1837, Neocaridina Kubo, 1938, Atyopsis Chace, 1983 have been recorded from Vietnam. With 22 species, the majority are from the genus Caridina. In 2013, Karge and Klotz mentioned the occurrence of four yet undescribed species belonging to Paracaridina Liang, Guo & Tang, 1999 in Vietnam without taxonomic details. In general, studies of freshwater atyids in Vietnam are limited and most Vietnamese taxa await a taxonomic revision. The available data do not fully reflect their estimated species diversity in the country and distribution data are deficient. Here, we focus on four species of atyid shrimps from two genera, viz. Caridina cantonensis Yu, 1938, C. lanceifrons Yu, 1936, C. serrata Stimpson, 1860 and Neocaridina palmata (Shen, 1948), all described from China and have been reported to occur in V...
Figure 4 from: Tu DV, von Rintelen K, Klotz W, Hung Anh L, Anh Tuan T, Van Dong D, Thi Yen P, Tong Cuong N, Ngoc Khac H, Dang PD, von Rintelen T (2021) Taxonomy notes and new occurrence data of four species of atyid shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Atyidae) in Vietnam, all described from China. Biodi...

Rõng ngËp mAEn ven biÓn tõ tØnh Thanh Hãa ®Õn tØnh Qu ¶ng Nam phÇn lín lÎ tÎ ë ven c¸c cöa s«ng v... more Rõng ngËp mAEn ven biÓn tõ tØnh Thanh Hãa ®Õn tØnh Qu ¶ng Nam phÇn lín lÎ tÎ ë ven c¸c cöa s«ng vµ ®Çm ph¸. C¸c b i triÒu hÑp, dèc, ph©n bè kh«ng liªn tôc, cã l−îng phï sa Ýt kh«ng ®ñ båi thµnh b i lÇy ven biÓn nh− ë phÝa b¾c vµ phÝa nam n−íc ta. TrÇm tÝch cña c¸c b i triÒu cã hµm l−îng phèt pho cao ë tÇng mAEt, thÊp ë tÇng s©u. §é mAEn trung b×nh tõ 28-30‰ vµo mïa kh« vµ tõ 15-23‰ vµo mïa m−a. L−îng m−a trung b×nh tõ 1611-2928 mm/n¨m. ChÕ ®é thñy triÒu lµ b¸n nhËt triÒu kh«ng ®Òu; biªn ®é vµ ®é lín cña triÒu tõ 2-3,5 m; n−íc triÒu th−êng lín vµo c¸c th¸ng 7, 9, 12 vµ th¸ng 1. Thµnh phÇn thùc vËt chñ yÕu lµ ®−íc (Rhizophora stylosa Griff), m¾m (Avicennia marina Vierh), gi¸ (Excoecaria agallocha L.), bÇn chua (Sonneratia caseolaris (L.)), « r« (Acanthus ilicifolius Roxb.), dõa n−íc (Nypa fruticans Wurmb.)… Cho ®Õn nay, c¸c dÉn liÖu vÒ ®éng vËt ®¸y, ®AEc biÖt lµ nhãm cua, ë rõng ngËp mAEn ven biÓn miÒn trung cña n−íc ta cßn rÊt h¹n chÕ. C«ng tr×nh nghiªn cøu tr−íc ®©y cña [3] ®Ò cËp phÇn lín ®Õn nhãm cua ë c¸c ® ¶o quanh khu vùc Nha Trang (tØnh Kh¸nh Hßa), vïng d−íi triÒu vµ vïng kh¬i thuéc Trung Bé vµ nam Trung Bé. Cho tíi nh÷ng n¨m 80 cña thÕ kû XX ®Õn nay, míi l¹i cã nh÷ng nghiªn cøu cña NguyÔn V¨n Chung vµ cs. ë ViÖn H ¶i d−¬ng häc Nha Trang vµ Trung t©m nghiªn cøu Thñy s ¶n 3 thuéc vïng ven biÓn miÒn Trung [1]. Nh×n chung, c¸c nghiªn cøu trªn phÇn lín tËp trung vµo c¸c nhãm ®éng vËt ®¸y cã gi¸ trÞ kinh tÕ ®−îc nu«i trång hoAEc khai th¸c tù nhiªn (chñ yÕu lµ Th©n mÒm), riªng c¸c loµi cua phÇn lín bao gåm c¸c loµi ë vïng kh¬i vµ ven bê.
The dominant species in natural forest habitats belong to the families Ariophantidae and Helicari... more The dominant species in natural forest habitats belong to the families Ariophantidae and Helicarionidae, the common species widely distributed belong to the family Bradybaenidae, such as Bradybaena jourdyi, Bradybaena similaris. The dominant species in cultivated land belong to the families Clausiliidae and Subulinidae, a Achatina fulica is considered as an exotic species.
The camaenid land snail genus Camaena is widely distributed throughout Southeast Asia. Thirteen s... more The camaenid land snail genus Camaena is widely distributed throughout Southeast Asia. Thirteen species are found in China alone. Among these, C. cicatricosa (Müller, 1774) is the most widely distributed species, including four subspecies, C. c. ducalis(Ancey, 1885), C. c. inflata (Möllendorff, 1885), C. c. obtecta (Fischer, 1898) and C. c. connectens(Dautzenberg & Fischer, 1906).
Papers by Hoang Ngoc Khac