hilbert ong
Zestful in character, careful in the Word, joyful in relationship.
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Papers by hilbert ong
Drafts by hilbert ong
The hypothesis of this paper is to highlight that John in his Christology, especially through the miraculous events and the discourses of Jesus recorded in his Gospel, he innovatively reshaped the futuristic view of eternal life of the Jews, and transplanted into the field of present experience with the existential concept of eternal life. According to the structure of the Gospel of John, the word “zwh,” (life) in 1:4 and the 20:31 are obviously used by John, while the other 34 times on “zwh. aivw,nioj/zwh,” (eternal life/life) passages are sandwiched between these two sections, these two words “zwh. aivw,nioj,” and “zwh” are interchangeably, and these 34 times of usage could be deemed as the discourses of Jesus concerning the eternal life. Therefore, John is probably to use the term “zwh,” to define his present-realised view of eternal life, in order to demonstrate the difference with the Jewish futuristic view of eternal life. The purpose of this paper is to study and work through the duslistic themes and concepts revealed in the Gospel of John, and further to define a definition for the concept of eternal life in John’s Gospel.
This paper also stressed that John's view of eternal life is all-compassing. Mainly emphasizes its present aspect, but also includes the futuristic aspect; a personal individualistic receiving of eternal life as the entrance into a community as the locus to live out the eternal life; which is spiritual and does not lack in its mystical aspect, but also at the same time it is rational and in morality which have to do with the real life of the believers. Therefore, the essential definition of John’s concept of etermal life, must be able to cover all of these features. The author of this paper emphasizes the essential definition of John’s concept of eternal life is a “divine relationship”. This divine relationship could includes the relationship of a person with God in Jesus Christ and become a child of God, and his relationship with other believers and are forming a community of the members of God’s family; and also includes the internal spiritual relationship and extending to external social moral interaction; also includes the real life here and now, and continuously into the futuristic eschatological times.
This paper stressed that John through his literary devices in his text which was correlated to the concepts of his contemporary religions and philosophy, and also through his selection of vocabulary, he described the “relational definition” of eternal life. He obviously used various dualistic themes and concepts as his framework to express the discourses of Jesus and concerning the eternal life. Because the dualistic themes and concepts was idiomatic mode used by the contemporary religious and philosophy expression, therefore, John and his contemporary readers shared a common Sitz-im-Leben (life situations), they were adequate enough to understand and grasp his dualistic themes, his literary narrative and theological concepts, and the relational interpretation of eternal life which he intended to convey.
Therefore, this paper proposed to use the “Contextual Analysis Approach” which combines the study of the synchronic context and the diachronic context of the text and through the analysis of the concept of John’s dualism will further help us to interprete the concept of John’s eternal life.
The hypothesis of this paper is to highlight that John in his Christology, especially through the miraculous events and the discourses of Jesus recorded in his Gospel, he innovatively reshaped the futuristic view of eternal life of the Jews, and transplanted into the field of present experience with the existential concept of eternal life. According to the structure of the Gospel of John, the word “zwh,” (life) in 1:4 and the 20:31 are obviously used by John, while the other 34 times on “zwh. aivw,nioj/zwh,” (eternal life/life) passages are sandwiched between these two sections, these two words “zwh. aivw,nioj,” and “zwh” are interchangeably, and these 34 times of usage could be deemed as the discourses of Jesus concerning the eternal life. Therefore, John is probably to use the term “zwh,” to define his present-realised view of eternal life, in order to demonstrate the difference with the Jewish futuristic view of eternal life. The purpose of this paper is to study and work through the duslistic themes and concepts revealed in the Gospel of John, and further to define a definition for the concept of eternal life in John’s Gospel.
This paper also stressed that John's view of eternal life is all-compassing. Mainly emphasizes its present aspect, but also includes the futuristic aspect; a personal individualistic receiving of eternal life as the entrance into a community as the locus to live out the eternal life; which is spiritual and does not lack in its mystical aspect, but also at the same time it is rational and in morality which have to do with the real life of the believers. Therefore, the essential definition of John’s concept of etermal life, must be able to cover all of these features. The author of this paper emphasizes the essential definition of John’s concept of eternal life is a “divine relationship”. This divine relationship could includes the relationship of a person with God in Jesus Christ and become a child of God, and his relationship with other believers and are forming a community of the members of God’s family; and also includes the internal spiritual relationship and extending to external social moral interaction; also includes the real life here and now, and continuously into the futuristic eschatological times.
This paper stressed that John through his literary devices in his text which was correlated to the concepts of his contemporary religions and philosophy, and also through his selection of vocabulary, he described the “relational definition” of eternal life. He obviously used various dualistic themes and concepts as his framework to express the discourses of Jesus and concerning the eternal life. Because the dualistic themes and concepts was idiomatic mode used by the contemporary religious and philosophy expression, therefore, John and his contemporary readers shared a common Sitz-im-Leben (life situations), they were adequate enough to understand and grasp his dualistic themes, his literary narrative and theological concepts, and the relational interpretation of eternal life which he intended to convey.
Therefore, this paper proposed to use the “Contextual Analysis Approach” which combines the study of the synchronic context and the diachronic context of the text and through the analysis of the concept of John’s dualism will further help us to interprete the concept of John’s eternal life.