The assessment process is an important step in the evaluation, as it underlies the successful eva... more The assessment process is an important step in the evaluation, as it underlies the successful evaluation of a project. One solution to make the project assessment more objective is to apply the concept of a Group Decision Support System (GDSS), which in the decision process uses computing. This research tries to implement the concept by building an application for project evaluation and providing recommendations on project performance in local government agencies. The proposed Decision Makers (DMs) are involved: Executives of Government Institutions, Project Management Work Units, Business Process Owner Units, and Communities represented by the DPRD. The computational process uses the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method, and the Copeland scores voting method ranks the project of all DMs. The results of application computing in implementing GDSS and MCDM indicate that the process of determining project rankings will be faster and more accurate.
JURNAL IPTEKKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi, 2013
Dalam rangka menciptakan nilai tambah dan meminimalkan risiko Teknologi Informasi (TI) dibutuhkan... more Dalam rangka menciptakan nilai tambah dan meminimalkan risiko Teknologi Informasi (TI) dibutuhkan manajemen pengelolaan semua sumber daya TI yang efisien dan efektif, antara lain melalui IT Governance (Tata Kelola TI). Berdasarkan tujuannya, audit Tata kelola TI memiliki tujuan yang berbeda dengan tiga jenis audit berdasarkan UU No. 15 tahun 2004, karena audit ini bertujuan khusus untuk memeriksa pengelolaan seluruh sumber daya TI (termasuk di dalamnya manajemen organisasi dan pimpinan), apakah dapat mendukung dan sejalan dengan strategi bisnis. Dibandingkan audit di sektor privat, audit di sektor publik dalam hal ini di instansi pemerintah, memerlukan perhatian khusus, karena karakteristik manajemen sektor publik berkaitan erat dengan kebijakan dan pertimbangan politik serta ketentuan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah metode audit tata kelola TI di instansi pemerintah. Metode yang dihasilkan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu acuan auditor pemerintah dalam mengevaluasi risiko yang terkait dengan Tata Kelola TI di instansi pemerintah.
The use of structured methodologies is needed to accelerate the repair process, helping reduce co... more The use of structured methodologies is needed to accelerate the repair process, helping reduce costs and improve efficiency. Monte Carlo simulation and Six Sigma methodologies can be used to analyze the risks associated with the total cost of the project. Monte Carlo simulation is applied to understand the variability in total costs resulting from the probabilistic cost item. With the range of variation of the Six Sigma methodology of project costs can be reduced by operating on input factors with the greatest impact on total costs. In this paper we will discuss how Monte Carlo simulation can be used in Six Sigma methods to analyze project costs. The results obtained can identify the elements of the risk of high costs, the difference between the estimates of each cost component and the average cost is obtained. Keywords: Simulation, Monte Carlo, Six Sigma
Salah satu topik terhangat Information and Communication Technology (Teknologi Informasi dan Komu... more Salah satu topik terhangat Information and Communication Technology (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) saat ini adalah cloud computing . Teknologi c loud computing dihadirkan sebagai upaya untuk memungkinkan akses sumber daya dan aplikasi dari mana saja melalui jaringan Internet , sehingga keterbatasan pemanfaatan infrastruktur ICT yang sebelumnya ada dapat diatasi. NIST mendefiniskan Clud Computing adalah sebuah model untuk kenyamanan, akses jaringan on-demand untuk menyatukan pengaturan konfigurasi sumber daya komputasi (seperti, jaringan, server, media penyimpanan, aplikasi, dan layanan) yang dapat dengan cepat ditetapkan dan dirilis dengan usaha manajemen yang minimal atau interaksi dengan penyedia layanan. Pembahasan paper dimulai dengan uraian dari beberapa pendapat dan penelitian terdahulu tentang teknologi cloud computing , selanjutnya ditinjau kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dapat ditimbulkan atas implementasi cloud computing . Pembahasan diakhiri dengan kesimpulan apakah c...
The Security systems using cameras as monitors or what is commonly known as Closed Circuit Televi... more The Security systems using cameras as monitors or what is commonly known as Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) have recently become more prevalent. However, to have a monitoring system or monitoring requires a fairly expensive cost to buy hardware and installation services. On the other hand, the development of mobile devices is increasingly being used, such as smartphones and tablets. The ease of carrying and the variety of applications available such as WIFI devices and a series of other applications and at relatively affordable prices have made this mobile device more and more in demand by the public today. This research is based on the idea of creating a CCTV camera application using a smartphone that is always with us. This use will be useful for seeing the state of the room or certain places and can be monitored directly using the Android mobile device itself or from a Laptop / PC / Tablet and others.
Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Teknologi Infomasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) saat ini ikut memudahkan peny... more Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Teknologi Infomasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) saat ini ikut memudahkan penyelengggaraan pemerintahan. Melalui TIK ini dikenallah istilah e-Government, yaitu pengembangan penyalenggaraan kepemerintahan yang berbasis elektronik. Pemerintah terlalu fokus pada pengembangan e-Government, namun tidak menyadari bahwa sebenarnya diperlukan serangkaian langkah untuk memastikan masukan masyarakat betul-betul mengotimalkan pelaksanaan tugasnya. E-Governance mengemban fungsi yang luas, memastikan optimalnya hubungan dalam seluruh jaringan melalui penggunaan dan penerapan TIK. E-Governance adalah pendekatan prosedural dasar dan standar yang berhubungan dengan administrasi publik. Maraknya penggunaan social media menunjukkan gejala supply-driven. Governance hadir dalam sosok yang berwatak demand-side. Penelitian ini hendak menjawab bagaimanakah pola interaksi pemerintah-masyarakat yang dapat mengoptimalkan penggunaan social media. Atas dasar pemahaman akan iteraksi itulah di...
Saat ini TI telah menjadi hal yang sangat diperlukan, sehingga memungkinkan pemerintah dapatmenye... more Saat ini TI telah menjadi hal yang sangat diperlukan, sehingga memungkinkan pemerintah dapatmenyediakan layanan kepada masyarakat menjadi lebih efektif, efisien, dan berkelanjutan.Sayangnya pengelolaan TI di pemerintahan Indonesia sampai saat ini masih belum terlaksana denganoptimal. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan TI yang masih belum bersifat terintegrasi, kebijakan yangmasih sering tumpang tindih dan sumber daya manusia yang terbatas.Permasalahan tersebut sebenarnya dapat diatasi melalui mekanisme tata kelola TI ( )yang terdefinisi dengan baik. Berbagai standar seperti COBIT, ITIL, dan sebagainya dapat digunakansebagai referensi.
English language learners in high education institutions believe that vocabulary learning is diff... more English language learners in high education institutions believe that vocabulary learning is difficult and complicated. At the university level, learners are forced to make conscious effort to learn vocabulary outside of the classroom because of the learning time in the classroom is limited. Consequently, the learners play an important role in developing and enhancing their vocabulary. now, surving on the Internet has been the most popular way to learn English because it is convenient as well as entertaining. It saves a lot of time. beside that Some websites provide beautiful illustrations to learn English so the learners learn by fun. A few websites supply amusing games and online language exercises to attract attention thereby helping them learn English effectively. Having been inspired from article by Dr.Vangeepuram Sreenathachary 2011, about using Internet in improving one’s english language skills and supported by some finding of Marc Rosenberg adapted Strategies for deliv...
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics
This paper proposes The Use of KPI in Group Decision Support System Model of ICT Projects Evaluat... more This paper proposes The Use of KPI in Group Decision Support System Model of ICT Projects Evaluation at Local Government Agency in Indonesia. This study is a part of the attempt to improve local government performance in Indonesia, especially for Local Government Agencies (SKPD) involved in Decision Support System (SPK), which should be optimized through Information Technology. Different from the prior research, in this paper we try to describe how to determine KPI in an ICT project at local government agency and the applicable evaluation model. Generally, this paper will discuss how to make an performance indicator, so that the output of an ICT project product can result the expected outcome, benefit, and impact. Furthermore, it will be explained in regard to the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) evaluation model by considering the applicable legislation aspect, which facilitates decision makers such as: Government Institution Executives, ICT Managers Unit, Business Process Owner Unit, and Society represented by Regional House of Representative, to give assessment or evaluation upon the implementation of ICT Projects at Local Government Agency. As the research support, survey and interview have been conducted to stakeholders in decisionmaking. The proposed model is expected to be able to give ideas and solutions in evaluating ICT Projects done at local government agencies in Indonesia.
This paper presents the value of good attributes in carrying out the package classification proce... more This paper presents the value of good attributes in carrying out the package classification process Furthermore, attribute selection results can be of value in determining one type of data packet traffic. In obtaining the results (data) this study uses several stages of Data Capture, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, but in this study only focuses on the process of feature selection using the gain and Entropy Information and Naïve Bayes algorithm. The testing process by dividing raw data into parts is 70 per cent for Training data and 30 per cent for testing data. The total data used is 6632, so for the training data obtained is 4642, while the data for testing is 1990. The results obtained are for the https data package type is 9 attributes, while for the HTTP data is 10 attributes. For further research can be added using another classification method as a comparison of data.
Pembangunan ICT di Indonesia saat ini sudah menerapkan IT Governance. Namun sebenarnya IT Governa... more Pembangunan ICT di Indonesia saat ini sudah menerapkan IT Governance. Namun sebenarnya IT Governance adalah konsep yang relatif baru, khususnya di kalangan praktisi ICT Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan pemahaman tentang konsep dan manfaat IT Governance. Berbagai standar seperti COBIT, ITIL, kerangka-kerja IT Governance MIT Sloan CISR , dan sebagainya dapat digunakan sebagai referensi. Implementasinya diperlukan tahapan-tahapan yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi SDM yang ada. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas IT Governance berdasarkan standar COBIT Framework. dengan tinjauan studi pustaka berbagai literatur dan beberapa referensi dari internet sebagai sumber informasi. Diiharapkan didapat pemahaman akan pentingnya impelemtasi IT Governance dimasa globalisasi saat ini dengan COBIT Framework sebagai salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan. Kata kunci : ICT, IT Governance, COBIT, COBIT framework
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2016
This paper proposed a concept of the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) to evaluate the perform... more This paper proposed a concept of the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) to evaluate the performance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Projects in Indonesian regional government agencies to overcome any possible inconsistencies which may occur in a decision-making process. By considering the aspect of the applicable legislation, decision makers involved to provide an assessment and evaluation of the ICT project implementation in regional government agencies consisted of Executing Parties of Government Institutions, ICT Management Work Units, Business Process Owner Units, and Society, represented by DPRD (Regional People's Representative Assembly). The contributions of those decision makers in the said model were in the form of preferences to evaluate the ICT project-related alternatives based on the predetermined criteria for the method of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). This research presented a GDSS framework integrating the Methods of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Copeland Score. The AHP method was used to generate values for the criteria used as input in the calculation process of the TOPSIS method. Results of the TOPSIS calculation generated a project rank indicated by each decision maker, and to combine the different preferences of these decision makers, the Copeland Score method was used as one of the voting methods to determine the best project rank of all the ranks indicated by the desicion makers.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
The purpose of this research is to build an application that is used for project evaluation and p... more The purpose of this research is to build an application that is used for project evaluation and provide recommendations on project performance in local government agencies. In this study, project evaluation was carried out using the Group Decision Making (GDM) model based on the Group Decision Support System (GDSM) concept. The project output and outcome parameters used by the Decision Maker (DM) use a hybrid of the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) methods to reduce subjectivity in scoring qualitative data and to determine project ratings from all DMs. Copeland Score voting method. The results of application computing on the implementation of Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and MCDM indicate that the project ranking process will be faster and more accurate. The results of the sensitivity test show that two criteria have a great influence on project performance so that they have a very important role in project evaluation.
Masalah keamanan jaringan semakin menjadi perhatian saat ini. Sudah semakin banyak tools maupun t... more Masalah keamanan jaringan semakin menjadi perhatian saat ini. Sudah semakin banyak tools maupun teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk masuk kedalam sistem secara ilegal, sehingga membuat lumpuh sistem yang ada. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya celah dan tidak adanya sistem keamanan yang melindunginya, sehingga sistem menjadi rentan terhadap serangan. Pengenalan pola serangan di jaringan merupakan salah satu upaya agar serangan tersebut dapat dikenali, sehingga mempermudah administrator jaringan dalam menanganinya apabila terjadi serangan. Salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan dalam keamanan jaringan karena dapat mendeteksi serangan secara real time adalah Intrusion Detection System (IDS), yang dapat membantu administrator dalam mendeteksi serangan yang datang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode signatured based dan mengujinya dengan menggunakan simulasi. Paket data yang masuk akan dinilai apakah berbahaya atau tidak, selanjutnya digunakan beberapa rule untuk mencari nilai akuras...
The assessment process is an important step in the evaluation, as it underlies the successful eva... more The assessment process is an important step in the evaluation, as it underlies the successful evaluation of a project. One solution to make the project assessment more objective is to apply the concept of a Group Decision Support System (GDSS), which in the decision process uses computing. This research tries to implement the concept by building an application for project evaluation and providing recommendations on project performance in local government agencies. The proposed Decision Makers (DMs) are involved: Executives of Government Institutions, Project Management Work Units, Business Process Owner Units, and Communities represented by the DPRD. The computational process uses the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) method, and the Copeland scores voting method ranks the project of all DMs. The results of application computing in implementing GDSS and MCDM indicate that the process of determining project rankings will be faster and more accurate.
JURNAL IPTEKKOM : Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi Informasi, 2013
Dalam rangka menciptakan nilai tambah dan meminimalkan risiko Teknologi Informasi (TI) dibutuhkan... more Dalam rangka menciptakan nilai tambah dan meminimalkan risiko Teknologi Informasi (TI) dibutuhkan manajemen pengelolaan semua sumber daya TI yang efisien dan efektif, antara lain melalui IT Governance (Tata Kelola TI). Berdasarkan tujuannya, audit Tata kelola TI memiliki tujuan yang berbeda dengan tiga jenis audit berdasarkan UU No. 15 tahun 2004, karena audit ini bertujuan khusus untuk memeriksa pengelolaan seluruh sumber daya TI (termasuk di dalamnya manajemen organisasi dan pimpinan), apakah dapat mendukung dan sejalan dengan strategi bisnis. Dibandingkan audit di sektor privat, audit di sektor publik dalam hal ini di instansi pemerintah, memerlukan perhatian khusus, karena karakteristik manajemen sektor publik berkaitan erat dengan kebijakan dan pertimbangan politik serta ketentuan perundang-undangan. Penelitian ini mengusulkan sebuah metode audit tata kelola TI di instansi pemerintah. Metode yang dihasilkan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu acuan auditor pemerintah dalam mengevaluasi risiko yang terkait dengan Tata Kelola TI di instansi pemerintah.
The use of structured methodologies is needed to accelerate the repair process, helping reduce co... more The use of structured methodologies is needed to accelerate the repair process, helping reduce costs and improve efficiency. Monte Carlo simulation and Six Sigma methodologies can be used to analyze the risks associated with the total cost of the project. Monte Carlo simulation is applied to understand the variability in total costs resulting from the probabilistic cost item. With the range of variation of the Six Sigma methodology of project costs can be reduced by operating on input factors with the greatest impact on total costs. In this paper we will discuss how Monte Carlo simulation can be used in Six Sigma methods to analyze project costs. The results obtained can identify the elements of the risk of high costs, the difference between the estimates of each cost component and the average cost is obtained. Keywords: Simulation, Monte Carlo, Six Sigma
Salah satu topik terhangat Information and Communication Technology (Teknologi Informasi dan Komu... more Salah satu topik terhangat Information and Communication Technology (Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi) saat ini adalah cloud computing . Teknologi c loud computing dihadirkan sebagai upaya untuk memungkinkan akses sumber daya dan aplikasi dari mana saja melalui jaringan Internet , sehingga keterbatasan pemanfaatan infrastruktur ICT yang sebelumnya ada dapat diatasi. NIST mendefiniskan Clud Computing adalah sebuah model untuk kenyamanan, akses jaringan on-demand untuk menyatukan pengaturan konfigurasi sumber daya komputasi (seperti, jaringan, server, media penyimpanan, aplikasi, dan layanan) yang dapat dengan cepat ditetapkan dan dirilis dengan usaha manajemen yang minimal atau interaksi dengan penyedia layanan. Pembahasan paper dimulai dengan uraian dari beberapa pendapat dan penelitian terdahulu tentang teknologi cloud computing , selanjutnya ditinjau kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dapat ditimbulkan atas implementasi cloud computing . Pembahasan diakhiri dengan kesimpulan apakah c...
The Security systems using cameras as monitors or what is commonly known as Closed Circuit Televi... more The Security systems using cameras as monitors or what is commonly known as Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) have recently become more prevalent. However, to have a monitoring system or monitoring requires a fairly expensive cost to buy hardware and installation services. On the other hand, the development of mobile devices is increasingly being used, such as smartphones and tablets. The ease of carrying and the variety of applications available such as WIFI devices and a series of other applications and at relatively affordable prices have made this mobile device more and more in demand by the public today. This research is based on the idea of creating a CCTV camera application using a smartphone that is always with us. This use will be useful for seeing the state of the room or certain places and can be monitored directly using the Android mobile device itself or from a Laptop / PC / Tablet and others.
Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Teknologi Infomasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) saat ini ikut memudahkan peny... more Tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa Teknologi Infomasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) saat ini ikut memudahkan penyelengggaraan pemerintahan. Melalui TIK ini dikenallah istilah e-Government, yaitu pengembangan penyalenggaraan kepemerintahan yang berbasis elektronik. Pemerintah terlalu fokus pada pengembangan e-Government, namun tidak menyadari bahwa sebenarnya diperlukan serangkaian langkah untuk memastikan masukan masyarakat betul-betul mengotimalkan pelaksanaan tugasnya. E-Governance mengemban fungsi yang luas, memastikan optimalnya hubungan dalam seluruh jaringan melalui penggunaan dan penerapan TIK. E-Governance adalah pendekatan prosedural dasar dan standar yang berhubungan dengan administrasi publik. Maraknya penggunaan social media menunjukkan gejala supply-driven. Governance hadir dalam sosok yang berwatak demand-side. Penelitian ini hendak menjawab bagaimanakah pola interaksi pemerintah-masyarakat yang dapat mengoptimalkan penggunaan social media. Atas dasar pemahaman akan iteraksi itulah di...
Saat ini TI telah menjadi hal yang sangat diperlukan, sehingga memungkinkan pemerintah dapatmenye... more Saat ini TI telah menjadi hal yang sangat diperlukan, sehingga memungkinkan pemerintah dapatmenyediakan layanan kepada masyarakat menjadi lebih efektif, efisien, dan berkelanjutan.Sayangnya pengelolaan TI di pemerintahan Indonesia sampai saat ini masih belum terlaksana denganoptimal. Hal ini dikarenakan penggunaan TI yang masih belum bersifat terintegrasi, kebijakan yangmasih sering tumpang tindih dan sumber daya manusia yang terbatas.Permasalahan tersebut sebenarnya dapat diatasi melalui mekanisme tata kelola TI ( )yang terdefinisi dengan baik. Berbagai standar seperti COBIT, ITIL, dan sebagainya dapat digunakansebagai referensi.
English language learners in high education institutions believe that vocabulary learning is diff... more English language learners in high education institutions believe that vocabulary learning is difficult and complicated. At the university level, learners are forced to make conscious effort to learn vocabulary outside of the classroom because of the learning time in the classroom is limited. Consequently, the learners play an important role in developing and enhancing their vocabulary. now, surving on the Internet has been the most popular way to learn English because it is convenient as well as entertaining. It saves a lot of time. beside that Some websites provide beautiful illustrations to learn English so the learners learn by fun. A few websites supply amusing games and online language exercises to attract attention thereby helping them learn English effectively. Having been inspired from article by Dr.Vangeepuram Sreenathachary 2011, about using Internet in improving one’s english language skills and supported by some finding of Marc Rosenberg adapted Strategies for deliv...
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics
This paper proposes The Use of KPI in Group Decision Support System Model of ICT Projects Evaluat... more This paper proposes The Use of KPI in Group Decision Support System Model of ICT Projects Evaluation at Local Government Agency in Indonesia. This study is a part of the attempt to improve local government performance in Indonesia, especially for Local Government Agencies (SKPD) involved in Decision Support System (SPK), which should be optimized through Information Technology. Different from the prior research, in this paper we try to describe how to determine KPI in an ICT project at local government agency and the applicable evaluation model. Generally, this paper will discuss how to make an performance indicator, so that the output of an ICT project product can result the expected outcome, benefit, and impact. Furthermore, it will be explained in regard to the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) evaluation model by considering the applicable legislation aspect, which facilitates decision makers such as: Government Institution Executives, ICT Managers Unit, Business Process Owner Unit, and Society represented by Regional House of Representative, to give assessment or evaluation upon the implementation of ICT Projects at Local Government Agency. As the research support, survey and interview have been conducted to stakeholders in decisionmaking. The proposed model is expected to be able to give ideas and solutions in evaluating ICT Projects done at local government agencies in Indonesia.
This paper presents the value of good attributes in carrying out the package classification proce... more This paper presents the value of good attributes in carrying out the package classification process Furthermore, attribute selection results can be of value in determining one type of data packet traffic. In obtaining the results (data) this study uses several stages of Data Capture, Feature Extraction and Feature Selection, but in this study only focuses on the process of feature selection using the gain and Entropy Information and Naïve Bayes algorithm. The testing process by dividing raw data into parts is 70 per cent for Training data and 30 per cent for testing data. The total data used is 6632, so for the training data obtained is 4642, while the data for testing is 1990. The results obtained are for the https data package type is 9 attributes, while for the HTTP data is 10 attributes. For further research can be added using another classification method as a comparison of data.
Pembangunan ICT di Indonesia saat ini sudah menerapkan IT Governance. Namun sebenarnya IT Governa... more Pembangunan ICT di Indonesia saat ini sudah menerapkan IT Governance. Namun sebenarnya IT Governance adalah konsep yang relatif baru, khususnya di kalangan praktisi ICT Indonesia. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan pemahaman tentang konsep dan manfaat IT Governance. Berbagai standar seperti COBIT, ITIL, kerangka-kerja IT Governance MIT Sloan CISR , dan sebagainya dapat digunakan sebagai referensi. Implementasinya diperlukan tahapan-tahapan yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi SDM yang ada. Pada penelitian ini akan dibahas IT Governance berdasarkan standar COBIT Framework. dengan tinjauan studi pustaka berbagai literatur dan beberapa referensi dari internet sebagai sumber informasi. Diiharapkan didapat pemahaman akan pentingnya impelemtasi IT Governance dimasa globalisasi saat ini dengan COBIT Framework sebagai salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan. Kata kunci : ICT, IT Governance, COBIT, COBIT framework
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2016
This paper proposed a concept of the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) to evaluate the perform... more This paper proposed a concept of the Group Decision Support System (GDSS) to evaluate the performance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Projects in Indonesian regional government agencies to overcome any possible inconsistencies which may occur in a decision-making process. By considering the aspect of the applicable legislation, decision makers involved to provide an assessment and evaluation of the ICT project implementation in regional government agencies consisted of Executing Parties of Government Institutions, ICT Management Work Units, Business Process Owner Units, and Society, represented by DPRD (Regional People's Representative Assembly). The contributions of those decision makers in the said model were in the form of preferences to evaluate the ICT project-related alternatives based on the predetermined criteria for the method of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). This research presented a GDSS framework integrating the Methods of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Copeland Score. The AHP method was used to generate values for the criteria used as input in the calculation process of the TOPSIS method. Results of the TOPSIS calculation generated a project rank indicated by each decision maker, and to combine the different preferences of these decision makers, the Copeland Score method was used as one of the voting methods to determine the best project rank of all the ranks indicated by the desicion makers.
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
The purpose of this research is to build an application that is used for project evaluation and p... more The purpose of this research is to build an application that is used for project evaluation and provide recommendations on project performance in local government agencies. In this study, project evaluation was carried out using the Group Decision Making (GDM) model based on the Group Decision Support System (GDSM) concept. The project output and outcome parameters used by the Decision Maker (DM) use a hybrid of the Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) methods to reduce subjectivity in scoring qualitative data and to determine project ratings from all DMs. Copeland Score voting method. The results of application computing on the implementation of Group Decision Support System (GDSS) and MCDM indicate that the project ranking process will be faster and more accurate. The results of the sensitivity test show that two criteria have a great influence on project performance so that they have a very important role in project evaluation.
Masalah keamanan jaringan semakin menjadi perhatian saat ini. Sudah semakin banyak tools maupun t... more Masalah keamanan jaringan semakin menjadi perhatian saat ini. Sudah semakin banyak tools maupun teknik yang dapat digunakan untuk masuk kedalam sistem secara ilegal, sehingga membuat lumpuh sistem yang ada. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena adanya celah dan tidak adanya sistem keamanan yang melindunginya, sehingga sistem menjadi rentan terhadap serangan. Pengenalan pola serangan di jaringan merupakan salah satu upaya agar serangan tersebut dapat dikenali, sehingga mempermudah administrator jaringan dalam menanganinya apabila terjadi serangan. Salah satu teknik yang dapat digunakan dalam keamanan jaringan karena dapat mendeteksi serangan secara real time adalah Intrusion Detection System (IDS), yang dapat membantu administrator dalam mendeteksi serangan yang datang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode signatured based dan mengujinya dengan menggunakan simulasi. Paket data yang masuk akan dinilai apakah berbahaya atau tidak, selanjutnya digunakan beberapa rule untuk mencari nilai akuras...
Papers by herri setiawan