Papers by Hermann Parzinger

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 31, 2014
The steppe regions of the northern Caucasus, which cover the areas of the Stavropol district in R... more The steppe regions of the northern Caucasus, which cover the areas of the Stavropol district in Russia, contain thousands of large burial mounds, the so-called kurgans of the Iron Age period. They were constructed by the Scythian nomads and constitute the visible legacy of this culture. A few hundreds of these kurgans are defined, simply because of their sheer monumentality, as “great kurgans” and are ascribed to the elite of the horse-riding nomads (Gass 2011). Generally, these great kurgans dominate large burial grounds and form visible landmarks in the steppe. In the western part of the Stavropol region, very few kurgans have been investigated archaeologically in detail. Within the frame of a Russian–German cooperation and with the support of the “Exzellenz Cluster Topoi (Berlin), Program B-2-4” and the Geophysics Department of the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München, we started in 2012 with a geophysical mapping project on selected sites. The eastern part of this large region of Stavropol (which covers about 66,000 km2 in total) has not been explored yet. Historical reports describe the northern foreland of the Great Caucasus Mountains as the starting point of the “heroic history” of the Scythians, from where these horse-riding nomads started their raids to the Middle East (Herodotus I, 103–106). Hence, it can be assumed that the northern forelands of the Caucasus play an outstanding strategic role in the organization of these raids. Since little is known about the origin and development of Scythian culture, this region was selected for our research project.

Germania : Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 2019
lithic evidence in this area and summarises the distribution and context of the existing finds. H... more lithic evidence in this area and summarises the distribution and context of the existing finds. He further reviews the Neolithisation process in the Carpathian Basin, especially in respect to the location of the 'Central-European-Balkanic Agroecological-Barrier', which marks the limit of insolation intensity and duration necessary for practising agriculture and stock breeding, and clarifies why the earliest Neolithic in the area, preceding 5500 calBC, is found only south of that barrier. This volume contains valuable reviews of the current state of research of the periods preceding the Neolithic in Southeast Europe, including the debates about the process of Neolithisation and the new research results. It must be noted that a number of reports about Southeast European palaeogenomics and paleogenetics were published in recent years, contributing to better understanding of the population dynamics during the transition periods in the Danube Basin and beyond (e. g. C. Bonsall / A. Boroneanț, The Iron Gates Mesolithic -a brief review of recent developments. Anthropologie [
European Investment Bank eBooks, 2020
Authorisation to reproduce or use these photos must be requested directly from the copyright hold... more Authorisation to reproduce or use these photos must be requested directly from the copyright holder. The findings, interpretations and conclusions are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Investment Bank. This essay is available as an eBook on Apple Books, Kindle, Kobo and at Printed on DigiGold® Silk FSC® Mix. The EIB uses paper certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Because it's made by people who like trees. FSC promotes environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. We all know reading is good for you. It's good for the planet, too -as long as you read on the right paper.
Como muchos de estos proyectos han empezado hace poco tiempo, no pretendemos adelantar resultados... more Como muchos de estos proyectos han empezado hace poco tiempo, no pretendemos adelantar resultados, sino planteamientos científicos. El área que abarcan se extiende desde el Mar Negro hasta el Noreste de China. Sus principales temas de investigación son: el cambio del Bronce Final a la primera Edad del Hierro en el norte del Mar Negro, la colonización griega en esta zona, las actividades de los Escitas y de los Sasánidas en Transcaucasia, el urbanismo y la metalurgia de la Edad del Bronce en Asia Central y, finalmente, el desarrollo cultural desde el Bronce Antiguo hasta la época de los Escitas y Hunos en el sur de Siberia.
ICOMOS – Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees, Jun 16, 2015
Kluwer Academic Publishers eBooks, Feb 22, 2006
This article presents the study of the famous Scythian monument Arzhan-2 discovered in Central As... more This article presents the study of the famous Scythian monument Arzhan-2 discovered in Central Asia, Tuva Republic, in 2001. The main focus is the analyses of the different archaeological materials including typology, analogy, burial tradition etc to determine the chronological place of this monument in the nomadic world. The analyses of the artifacts is primarily concerned with the horse harness
Radiocarbon, 2001
The chronological problems of the Steppe zone have been under intensive investigation during the ... more The chronological problems of the Steppe zone have been under intensive investigation during the last years but no generally accepted chronological system existed up to now. We present new radiocarbon dates of samples from several excavation sites. The dates allow a comparison of the Bronze Age development in the Siberian Steppe Zone with other neighboring regions.
Kluwer Academic Publishers eBooks, Feb 22, 2006
New 14C dates from the Minusinsk basin are presented. These dates have been calibrated together w... more New 14C dates from the Minusinsk basin are presented. These dates have been calibrated together with earlier results. Different calibration methods have been used to study the chronology of the cultural developments in this region. Durations and timing of cultural developments in the Minusinsk basin from the Bronze Age to Scythian time are discussed.
Radiocarbon, 1997
We present here new radiocarbon dates for the different barrows (burial mounds) of the nomadic tr... more We present here new radiocarbon dates for the different barrows (burial mounds) of the nomadic tribes of the Scythian period in the Khakassia and Tuva regions (Central Asia). The time scale of these barrows is compared with the elite barrows of the Sayan-Altai. In agreement with archaeological evidence, some barrows in Khakassia are chronologically close in time to the Arzhan barrow. The first 14C dates produced for the barrows from the Tuva region belong to a later Scythian period, compared with the elite Arzhan barrow. We determined the final stage of the barrow construction, but to establish the starting time, more dates are necessary (both by dendrochronology and 14C).
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 1992
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific r... more HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.

Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens, 2008
A Russian-German-Mongolian Expedition in the summer of 2006 brought forth evidence, which proved ... more A Russian-German-Mongolian Expedition in the summer of 2006 brought forth evidence, which proved that the highland valleys of the Altay Mountains in Mongolia (Ulan· Daba, Olon-Kurin-Gol), immediately south of the presento day Russian·Mongolian border, had been settled by memo bers of the Pazyryk Culture. The grave containing the partially mummified re· mains of a warrior, which was uncovered in Kurgan 1 in Olon-Kurin-Gol 10, provided, thereby, the most important insight: Firstly, it was undisturbed and, secondly, it was preserved in ice. This complex corresponds even in details to lhe findings made al the necropolis in Verch-Kal'dzin 2, located on the neighbouring Ukok platea u in the Russian Altay. The deceased warrior was interred in a grave chamber constructed of three tiers of massive larch beams, the lower part of which was filled with a huge block of ice. The burial itself was not frozen, but instead through its position upon the ice, freeze·dried, thus enabling excellent conditions for preservation. The deceased was como pletely mummified from the buttocks to the toes, and parts of the soft tissues of the upper arms were preserved as well. Only the upper body was completely decomposed. Remains of skin revealed that the warrior was also taltoed. The c\othes of the warrior consisted of a long fur coat, a felt head covering decorated with animal figures carved out of wood and covered with gold and tin foil, short trousers and knee·high felt boots. The fur coat was fastened with a belt with decorative wooden plates, from which an iron war-pick with a painted wooden shaft was suspended on the right and a quiver on the left. This set of weaponry was complemented by a short iron dagger in a wooden sheath. The quiver itself was made of wood and fel!. Although only partly preserved, it heId the first completely preserved bow found until now in the area of the Pazyryk Culture. The bow displays a complicated con· struction, whereby several layers of wood had been glued together and then wrapped with animal skin and/or tree bark. The grave furnishings further inc\uded a sel of ves· seis: one of wood, one of horn and one of clay, as well as a wood tray with the funeral mea!. Grave furnishings sueh as these appear regularly in burials of the Pazyryk Cul· ture. Kurgan 1 Olon·Kurin·GoI10 contained one of the earliest burials of the Pazyryk Culture known today. Based upon dendrochronological analysis, it can be dated to the early 3rd century Be. This date is confirmed by the other finds as wel!. A similar late date can be suggested for the looted grave of a female in Kurgan 2 in Olon-Kurin·Gol 6. As most of the cemeteries on the Ukok plateau are late in date, the question arises as to whether these extremely high mountain valleys (ca. 2,500 m) in the present·day Russian·Mongolian borderland were used by stock·raisers only as late as the last phase of the Scythian period, that is, the Pazyryk Culture, as a habitation and economic sphere and, thus, also as burlal grounds.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2006
Rezension zu: Angelika Sehnert-Seibel, Hallstattzeit in der Pfalz. Universitätsforschungen zur Pr... more Rezension zu: Angelika Sehnert-Seibel, Hallstattzeit in der Pfalz. Universitätsforschungen zur Prähistorischen Archäologie, Band 10. Aus dem Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Kiel. In Kommission bei Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, Bonn 1993. ISBN 3-7749-2535-6. 131 Seiten Text mit 8 Abbildungen sowie 112 Seiten Katalog mit 159 Tafeln und 7 Karten.
Rezension zu: Brigitte Kull, Demircihüyük. Die mittelbronzezeitliche Siedlung. Mit einem Anhang v... more Rezension zu: Brigitte Kull, Demircihüyük. Die mittelbronzezeitliche Siedlung. Mit einem Anhang von H. Kammerer-Grothaus und A.-U. Kossatz zu antiken Funden aus Demircihüyük, Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen 1975-1978. Herausgegeben von Manfred Korfmann, Band V. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein 1988. ISBN 3-8053-0976-7. XV, 276 Seiten mit 214 Abbildungen, 53 Tafeln und 2 Farbtafeln.

An den Osthängen des Schwarzwaldes, unweit von Villingen, liegt der Magda lenenberg, mit annähern... more An den Osthängen des Schwarzwaldes, unweit von Villingen, liegt der Magda lenenberg, mit annähernd 100 m Durchmesser einer der größten hallstattzeitlichen Grabhügel Mitteleuropas. Bereits 1890 führte die Stadt Villingen unter Aufsicht von K. Schumacher Untersuchungen durch, wobei das Zentralgrab freigelegt wer den konnte. Im Jahre 1970 wurden die Arbeiten erneut aufgenommen und im Herbst 1973 zum Abschluß gebracht. Schon einige Jahre später war die fünfbändige Dokumentation durch K. Spindler u.a. fertiggestellt1. Abgesehen von einigen Kurzanalysen2 wurde die Nachbestattungsnekropole des Magdalenenbergs bislang noch nicht zeitlich gegliedert. Die außerordentliche Bedeutung dieses Materials für die Fixierung des Beginns der Späthallstattzeit im Bereich der Donau-Hegau-Gruppe macht es notwendig, dieser Frage nachzugehen und die Belegungsabfolge dieses Friedhofs herauszuarbeiten. Beim Magdalenenberg können wir von zwei Prämissen ausgehen: 1. Das Zentralgrab 1 muß älter sein als die Nachbestattungen, die radial um dieses herum angeordnet sind. Dennoch kann Zentralgrab 1 in die gleiche Zeitstufe gehören wie die ältesten Nachbestattungen. 2. Grab 69 ist älter als 71, da sein Fußende bei der Anlage der Bestattung 71 gestört wurde3. Erste Aufschlüsse über die Gliederung des Magdalenenbergs erhalten wir durch die Verbreitung bestimmter Formen innerhalb des Friedhofs. Abb. 1 zeigt die Verteilung verschiedener Gefäßformen: Form 1: Hohe Gefäße mit kurzem Kegelhals und ausbiegendem Rand. Die Schul ter ist durch die Einritzung geometrischer Muster metopenartig verziert. Form wie Ornament stehen in älterer, Ha C-zeitlicher Tradition (Abb. 5,14). Diese Gefäße können nach H.-W. Dämmer als "Keramik in Alb-Hegau-Tradition (KAHT)" bezeichnet werden4. Form 2: Schalen mit flachem Boden, steiler Wandung und leicht ausgebogenem Rand (Abb.5,28). Form 3: Die zahlreichste und in den meisten Gräbern vertretene Gefäßform. Es handelt sich um kleine dickwandige Näpfe mit ein-oder ausbiegendem Rand (Abb. 6,44). Form 4: Gefäße mit weitem Bauch und engem Hals. Der Rand biegt leicht nach außen. Bisweilen ist eine Kerbleiste unterhalb des Halses belegt (Abb.6,43).

Die Forschergruppe A-II befasst sich mit den Wechselwirkungen zwischen technologischen und sozial... more Die Forschergruppe A-II befasst sich mit den Wechselwirkungen zwischen technologischen und sozialen Veränderungen und mit der Dynamik von Mensch- Umwelt-Interaktionen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt hierbei auf der Untersuchung der Genese raumbezogener wie auch raumwirksamer Erfindungen (Keramikproduktion, Tierdomestikation, frühe Rad- und Wagentechnologie, Zugtiernutzung, frühes Hirtentum, Reiternomadismus) und den Mechanismen der Verbreitung dieser Innovationen. Hierbei gilt es zu untersuchen, inwiefern der zentrale Aspekt der räumlichen und sozialen Mobilität einerseits als Folge bestimmter technologischer Innovationen und andererseits als Voraussetzung für die Verbreitung von Innovationen angesehen werden kann. Darüber hinaus werden an mehreren Orten im eurasischen Steppenraum und in Zentralasien die weitreichenden Auswirkungen technologischer Innovationen auf demographische, soziale, ökonomische und räumliche Parameter in verschiedenen Projekten untersucht. Zum Einsatz kommen dabei sowo...
Quels sont les projets majeurs qui changeront le paysage muséal berlinois ? J'en vois au moins tr... more Quels sont les projets majeurs qui changeront le paysage muséal berlinois ? J'en vois au moins trois : l'île aux Musées, que nous réhabilitons depuis plus de vingt ans déjà. C'est le coeur du patrimoine culturel de Berlin. Ensuite le Humboldt Forum, qui a été accompagné d'une discussion émotionnelle autour de la démolition du palais de la République et de la reconstruction des façades du château. Ce ne sera pas qu'un musée, bien sûr, mais aussi un lieu qui permet de nombreux autres genres de rencontres, une arène de la culture, des savoirs et de l'actualité. Enfin, l'ancienne île aux Musées de Berlin-Ouest : le Kulturforum y a été aménagé à partir des années 1980. Mais il y manquait encore un bâtiment et une place. Le nouveau bâtiment contiendra un espace suffisant pour abriter l'art du XX e siècle.
Papers by Hermann Parzinger