Produktivitas perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat rendah dan upaya peningkatannya menghadapi tantangan... more Produktivitas perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat rendah dan upaya peningkatannya menghadapi tantangan yang semakin besar dengan meningkatkatnya dampak negatif perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui komponen kultur teknis manajemen konservasi tanah dan air dan tingkat penerapannya antara petani plasma dan petani swadaya. Purposive sampling dipergunakan untuk menentukan responden petani yang berasal dari petani plasma (satu kelompok tani) dan petani swadaya (dua kelompok tani) dengan kelapa sawit yang ditanam tahun 2009-2011. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Laburan, Kabupaten Paser, Kalimantan Timur. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani telah menerapkan kultur teknis kebun yang adaptif untuk menghadapi resiko kekeringan dan banjir. Kultur teknis tersebut berkenaan dengan manajemen gulma dan vegetasi bawah; pemupukan dan menajemen tajuk (pruning); pemanfaatan pelepah yang dipruning dan tandan kosong sebagai mulsa dan sumber ...
This paper aims to analyze the oil palm plantations of the people of Indonesia and Malaysia in th... more This paper aims to analyze the oil palm plantations of the people of Indonesia and Malaysia in the last 1998-2018 years to be able to analyze the broadness, production and productivity trends and compare the performance of people's oil palm plantations in both countries. This research was conducted based on official documents issued by the statistics agencies of Indonesia and Malaysia by comparing the trend of the area, production and productivity of people's oil palm plantations in the period 1998-2018, then the data processing was done by mathematical methods so that the performance of people's oil palm plantations from both countries could be known. Discussion is carried out from the results of data analysis with descriptive analytical methods. The results of this study are known that; The area of planting and harvesting people's oil palm plantations in Indonesia is higher than Malaysia and still allows it to continue to grow beyond the dominance of private planta...
Praktik pembuatan maket ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran langsung kepada siswa-siswi SD Is... more Praktik pembuatan maket ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran langsung kepada siswa-siswi SD Islamiyah Warungboto tentang ekosistem alam dengan cara dan metode yang sederhana. Pelatihan di lakukan dalam tiga sesi. Sesi pertama diisi dengan penyampaian materi dasar ekosistem, berisi penyampaian sederhana tentang eksosistem alam seperti sawah, air, rumput, katak dan lingkungannya. Selanjutnya sesi ke dua diisi dengan praktik pembuatan maket ekosistem dengan alat dan bahan sederhana, dengan praktik siswa siswi mampu medapatkan langsung gambaran tentang ekosistem yang sesungguhnya di alam. Kemudian sesi ketiga adalah sesi yang di peruntukan bagi siswa-siswi SD Islamiyah Warungboto, Masing-masing kelompok maju ke depan untuk menjelaskan kepada teman kelas lainya tentang eksositem apa yang meraka buat maket, sehingga akan saling bertukar pengetahuan. Hasil pelatihan ini memberikan dampak yang baik kepada siswa-siswi SD Islamiyah Warungboto terhadap pengetahuan eksosistem alam, serta da...
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a type of microbe that can boost root development ... more Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a type of microbe that can boost root development and plant growth by interacting with plant roots. The goal of this study was to examine how oil palm mill byproducts and PGPR can affect oil palm seedling growth in a pre-nursery. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design with factorial treatments. The empty oil palm bunches (EFB) were divided into three levels: soil:compost EFB (1:1), soil:ash EFB (1:1), and a control soil. The second variable was the PGPR dose, which was divided into three levels: chemical fertilizer (control), 20 ml, and 30 ml. Each treatment combination was repeated five times. The research findings were analyzed using analysis of variance to determine the true difference between the treatments tested using Duncan’s multiple range test at 5%. There was no interaction between the administration of EFB and the dose of PGPR in the growth of pre-nursery oil palm seedlings, according to the findings. Oi...
Objektif Perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat menyumbangkan 40,8 % dari total produksi kelapa sawit di ... more Objektif Perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat menyumbangkan 40,8 % dari total produksi kelapa sawit di indonesia, dengan demikian dari hasil bertani mampu memberikan dampak ekonomi bagi petani kelapa sawit rakyat. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan petani kelapa sawit rakyat di Desa Amin Jaya, Kecamatan Pangkalan Banteng, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah. Material and Metode. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Amin Jaya, Pangkalan Banteng, Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data penelitian menggunakan data primer dan sekunder dengan jumlah responden 30 petani kelapa sawit. Data yang digunakan sebagai parameter meliputi biaya produksi, revenue/cost ratio. Pengukuran variabel responden menggunakan skala likert. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan hasil uji skala likert. Hasil.  Kesejahteraan petani kelapa sawit rakyat di Desa Amin Jaya menunjukkan hasil presentase 82.27 %, nilai tersebut berada di d...
Buletin Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Haluoleo
The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's... more The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's remote location and the difficulty of communication access. Based on this, the Government seeks to formulate policies that are expected to have a real impact on increasing the productivity of smallholdings and improving the welfare of farmers. One of the efforts made is the Primary Member Cooperative Credit (KKPA). The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the partnership program at the Windu Nabatindo Lestari (WNL) company in the KKPA scheme, a program to improve the welfare of plasma farmers. The research method is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach using purposive sampling. Research respondents were 60 plasma farmers. Data collection techniques include field observations, in-depth interviews with questionnaires, and analysis of company documents. The results showed an increase in the welfare of plasma farmers after the partnership program. The partnership...
Buletin Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Haluoleo, 2021
Oil palm is agricultural that has excellent potential as a producer of vegetable oil globally, an... more Oil palm is agricultural that has excellent potential as a producer of vegetable oil globally, and oil palm plantations contribute to providing jobs for thousands of people in Indonesia. The greater a company, the more efficiency of work is needed. This research represents an effort to find a more efficient brondolanan transportation tool for workers in oil palm plantations. The study was conducted in May 2019 in two locations, the first location in Terusan Village, the second location in PT. Sinarmas, Manis Mata District, West Kalimantan. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis methods where the respondents of this study are employees of PT. Sinarmas as many as 30 people. The results showed that the utilization of tengkalang as a carrier brondolanan for workers in PT. Sinarmas is more effective and also more cost-effective. One unit has a lifespan of more than six months with a cost per unit of Rp. 20,000. While the black bucket per unit has a benefit period of three months with a ...
Oil palm is one of the plantation crops in Indonesia which has the fastest development compared t... more Oil palm is one of the plantation crops in Indonesia which has the fastest development compared to the other plantation crops, one of them is in the oil palm smallholder farmers sector. However, this development has not been completely and evenly distributed, so that the condition of oil palm plantations in the world is considered not in harmony with oil palm smallholder farmers in rural areas. The level of harmony can be measured based on the level of welfare of the existing oil palm smallholder farmers. The research objective was to determine the welfare of oil palm smallholder farmers in Pangkalan Banteng, Central Kalimantan. The methods used were a survey and direct field observation. The farmer who became the research respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The number of respondents was 100. The questionnaire was measured using the Likert scale. The results of the study showed that most of the oil palm farmers in Pangkalan Banteng were in a prosperous standard of li...
The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's... more The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's remote location and the difficulty of communication access. Based on this, the Government seeks to formulate policies that are expected to have a real impact on increasing the productivity of smallholdings and improving the welfare of farmers. One of the efforts made is the Primary Member Cooperative Credit (KKPA). The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the partnership program at the Windu Nabatindo Lestari (WNL) company in the KKPA scheme, a program to improve the welfare of plasma farmers. The research method is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach using purposive sampling. Research respondents were 60 plasma farmers. Data collection techniques include field observations, in-depth interviews with questionnaires, and analysis of company documents. The results showed an increase in the welfare of plasma farmers after the partnership program. The partnership...
Seedling performance is a prerequisite for successful palm oil cultivation. Determining the growt... more Seedling performance is a prerequisite for successful palm oil cultivation. Determining the growth of seedlings in addition to genetic factors can also be influenced by the provision of nutrients at the beginning of growth. This research was conducted with the aim to get the best combination of cow manure with urea and NPK on the growth of oil palm seedlings in pre-nursery. This experiment used a factorial design, consisting of a single factor arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD), which is a combined application of cow manure, urea fertilizer and NPK fertilizer consisting of 4 combination levels (0.4 g urea + 0.4 g NPK; 0.2 g urea + cow manure fertilizer, 0.2 g NPK + cow manure fertilizer, and 65 g cow manure fertilizer). Research data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5% significance level. The results showed that administration of a combination of 0.2 g urea + 40 g cow manure produced the best growth of oil palm seedlings, although it had the same effe...
Produktivitas perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat rendah dan upaya peningkatannya menghadapi tantangan... more Produktivitas perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat rendah dan upaya peningkatannya menghadapi tantangan yang semakin besar dengan meningkatkatnya dampak negatif perubahan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui komponen kultur teknis manajemen konservasi tanah dan air dan tingkat penerapannya antara petani plasma dan petani swadaya. Purposive sampling dipergunakan untuk menentukan responden petani yang berasal dari petani plasma (satu kelompok tani) dan petani swadaya (dua kelompok tani) dengan kelapa sawit yang ditanam tahun 2009-2011. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Laburan, Kabupaten Paser, Kalimantan Timur. Hasil penelitian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa petani telah menerapkan kultur teknis kebun yang adaptif untuk menghadapi resiko kekeringan dan banjir. Kultur teknis tersebut berkenaan dengan manajemen gulma dan vegetasi bawah; pemupukan dan menajemen tajuk (pruning); pemanfaatan pelepah yang dipruning dan tandan kosong sebagai mulsa dan sumber ...
This paper aims to analyze the oil palm plantations of the people of Indonesia and Malaysia in th... more This paper aims to analyze the oil palm plantations of the people of Indonesia and Malaysia in the last 1998-2018 years to be able to analyze the broadness, production and productivity trends and compare the performance of people's oil palm plantations in both countries. This research was conducted based on official documents issued by the statistics agencies of Indonesia and Malaysia by comparing the trend of the area, production and productivity of people's oil palm plantations in the period 1998-2018, then the data processing was done by mathematical methods so that the performance of people's oil palm plantations from both countries could be known. Discussion is carried out from the results of data analysis with descriptive analytical methods. The results of this study are known that; The area of planting and harvesting people's oil palm plantations in Indonesia is higher than Malaysia and still allows it to continue to grow beyond the dominance of private planta...
Praktik pembuatan maket ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran langsung kepada siswa-siswi SD Is... more Praktik pembuatan maket ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran langsung kepada siswa-siswi SD Islamiyah Warungboto tentang ekosistem alam dengan cara dan metode yang sederhana. Pelatihan di lakukan dalam tiga sesi. Sesi pertama diisi dengan penyampaian materi dasar ekosistem, berisi penyampaian sederhana tentang eksosistem alam seperti sawah, air, rumput, katak dan lingkungannya. Selanjutnya sesi ke dua diisi dengan praktik pembuatan maket ekosistem dengan alat dan bahan sederhana, dengan praktik siswa siswi mampu medapatkan langsung gambaran tentang ekosistem yang sesungguhnya di alam. Kemudian sesi ketiga adalah sesi yang di peruntukan bagi siswa-siswi SD Islamiyah Warungboto, Masing-masing kelompok maju ke depan untuk menjelaskan kepada teman kelas lainya tentang eksositem apa yang meraka buat maket, sehingga akan saling bertukar pengetahuan. Hasil pelatihan ini memberikan dampak yang baik kepada siswa-siswi SD Islamiyah Warungboto terhadap pengetahuan eksosistem alam, serta da...
Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a type of microbe that can boost root development ... more Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is a type of microbe that can boost root development and plant growth by interacting with plant roots. The goal of this study was to examine how oil palm mill byproducts and PGPR can affect oil palm seedling growth in a pre-nursery. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design with factorial treatments. The empty oil palm bunches (EFB) were divided into three levels: soil:compost EFB (1:1), soil:ash EFB (1:1), and a control soil. The second variable was the PGPR dose, which was divided into three levels: chemical fertilizer (control), 20 ml, and 30 ml. Each treatment combination was repeated five times. The research findings were analyzed using analysis of variance to determine the true difference between the treatments tested using Duncan’s multiple range test at 5%. There was no interaction between the administration of EFB and the dose of PGPR in the growth of pre-nursery oil palm seedlings, according to the findings. Oi...
Objektif Perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat menyumbangkan 40,8 % dari total produksi kelapa sawit di ... more Objektif Perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat menyumbangkan 40,8 % dari total produksi kelapa sawit di indonesia, dengan demikian dari hasil bertani mampu memberikan dampak ekonomi bagi petani kelapa sawit rakyat. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kesejahteraan petani kelapa sawit rakyat di Desa Amin Jaya, Kecamatan Pangkalan Banteng, Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah. Material and Metode. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Amin Jaya, Pangkalan Banteng, Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data penelitian menggunakan data primer dan sekunder dengan jumlah responden 30 petani kelapa sawit. Data yang digunakan sebagai parameter meliputi biaya produksi, revenue/cost ratio. Pengukuran variabel responden menggunakan skala likert. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan hasil uji skala likert. Hasil.  Kesejahteraan petani kelapa sawit rakyat di Desa Amin Jaya menunjukkan hasil presentase 82.27 %, nilai tersebut berada di d...
Buletin Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Haluoleo
The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's... more The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's remote location and the difficulty of communication access. Based on this, the Government seeks to formulate policies that are expected to have a real impact on increasing the productivity of smallholdings and improving the welfare of farmers. One of the efforts made is the Primary Member Cooperative Credit (KKPA). The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the partnership program at the Windu Nabatindo Lestari (WNL) company in the KKPA scheme, a program to improve the welfare of plasma farmers. The research method is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach using purposive sampling. Research respondents were 60 plasma farmers. Data collection techniques include field observations, in-depth interviews with questionnaires, and analysis of company documents. The results showed an increase in the welfare of plasma farmers after the partnership program. The partnership...
Buletin Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Haluoleo, 2021
Oil palm is agricultural that has excellent potential as a producer of vegetable oil globally, an... more Oil palm is agricultural that has excellent potential as a producer of vegetable oil globally, and oil palm plantations contribute to providing jobs for thousands of people in Indonesia. The greater a company, the more efficiency of work is needed. This research represents an effort to find a more efficient brondolanan transportation tool for workers in oil palm plantations. The study was conducted in May 2019 in two locations, the first location in Terusan Village, the second location in PT. Sinarmas, Manis Mata District, West Kalimantan. Data analysis uses descriptive analysis methods where the respondents of this study are employees of PT. Sinarmas as many as 30 people. The results showed that the utilization of tengkalang as a carrier brondolanan for workers in PT. Sinarmas is more effective and also more cost-effective. One unit has a lifespan of more than six months with a cost per unit of Rp. 20,000. While the black bucket per unit has a benefit period of three months with a ...
Oil palm is one of the plantation crops in Indonesia which has the fastest development compared t... more Oil palm is one of the plantation crops in Indonesia which has the fastest development compared to the other plantation crops, one of them is in the oil palm smallholder farmers sector. However, this development has not been completely and evenly distributed, so that the condition of oil palm plantations in the world is considered not in harmony with oil palm smallholder farmers in rural areas. The level of harmony can be measured based on the level of welfare of the existing oil palm smallholder farmers. The research objective was to determine the welfare of oil palm smallholder farmers in Pangkalan Banteng, Central Kalimantan. The methods used were a survey and direct field observation. The farmer who became the research respondents were selected using purposive sampling. The number of respondents was 100. The questionnaire was measured using the Likert scale. The results of the study showed that most of the oil palm farmers in Pangkalan Banteng were in a prosperous standard of li...
The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's... more The income level of smallholder farmers can only meet their daily needs due to the location's remote location and the difficulty of communication access. Based on this, the Government seeks to formulate policies that are expected to have a real impact on increasing the productivity of smallholdings and improving the welfare of farmers. One of the efforts made is the Primary Member Cooperative Credit (KKPA). The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the partnership program at the Windu Nabatindo Lestari (WNL) company in the KKPA scheme, a program to improve the welfare of plasma farmers. The research method is descriptive analysis with a qualitative approach using purposive sampling. Research respondents were 60 plasma farmers. Data collection techniques include field observations, in-depth interviews with questionnaires, and analysis of company documents. The results showed an increase in the welfare of plasma farmers after the partnership program. The partnership...
Seedling performance is a prerequisite for successful palm oil cultivation. Determining the growt... more Seedling performance is a prerequisite for successful palm oil cultivation. Determining the growth of seedlings in addition to genetic factors can also be influenced by the provision of nutrients at the beginning of growth. This research was conducted with the aim to get the best combination of cow manure with urea and NPK on the growth of oil palm seedlings in pre-nursery. This experiment used a factorial design, consisting of a single factor arranged in a completely randomized design (CRD), which is a combined application of cow manure, urea fertilizer and NPK fertilizer consisting of 4 combination levels (0.4 g urea + 0.4 g NPK; 0.2 g urea + cow manure fertilizer, 0.2 g NPK + cow manure fertilizer, and 65 g cow manure fertilizer). Research data was analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 5% significance level. The results showed that administration of a combination of 0.2 g urea + 40 g cow manure produced the best growth of oil palm seedlings, although it had the same effe...
Papers by heri setyawan