The rapid growth of urbanization in urban areas raises doubts about the future of urban farming. ... more The rapid growth of urbanization in urban areas raises doubts about the future of urban farming. However, urban farming can survive due to the ability of urban farming to innovate in expanding its functions in various factors that hinder it. Farmers as actors need to be empowered with various knowledge and technological innovations. The purpose of the study was to analyze the simultaneous and partial effect of variables on land area, risk-taking courage, farmer's age, and sources of information on technological innovation in urban farming farmers in the digital economy era, what factors are dominant, and analyze the effect of technological innovation on farmers' income—survey research method with OLS Multiple Regression of primary data analysis technique on 70 respondents. The result of the research is that the source of information has a significant effect on technological innovation and is the dominant factor with a value of β =57.6%. In contrast, the variables of land are...
Secara historis, industri gula merupakan salah satu industri perkebunan tertua dan terpenting yan... more Secara historis, industri gula merupakan salah satu industri perkebunan tertua dan terpenting yang ada di Indonesia (Tempo, 2012 dalam Muaddab, 2012). Industri gula merupakan salah satu agroindustri yang memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan karena posisinya sebagai salah satu komoditas strategis yang menjadi tulang punggung ketahanan ekonomi dengan berbasis sumber daya nasional, yang memiliki struktur keterkaitan dan kedalaman yang kuat serta memiliki daya saing yang tangguh di pasar internasional (Rindayanti, 2006 dalam Muaddab, 2012). Melihat data perkembangan areal perkebunan pada tahun 2008-2012 diketahui bahwa luas areal tebu pada tahun 2012 sebesar 461.186 ha (Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, 2013), kemampuan produksi gula Indonesia tahun 2012 hanya mencapai 2,58 juta ton yang terealisasi dimana pemerintah menargetkan 2.7 juta ton (PTPNIX, 2012). Angka tersebut belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan gula dalam negeri yang hampir di angka 3 juta ton/...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi respon areal jagung d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi respon areal jagung dan respon produktivitas jagung juga melihat bagaimana elastisitas penawaran jagung pada jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Dari keempat variabel yang diteliti dan dilakukan pendugaan respon penawaran dengan pendekatan respon luas areal jagung yang signifikan hanya harga jagung 1 tahun sebelumnya dengan nilai 0,063. Dari kelima variabel yang diteliti dan dilakukan pendugaan respon penawaran dengan pendekatan respon produktivitas jagung, tidak ada satupun variabel yang signifikan. Nilai elastisitas untuk respon produktivitas tidak dihitung karena variabel harga jagung 1 tahun sebelumnya tidak signifikan terhadap produktivitas jagung. Maka, respon penawaran jagung di Kabupaten Malang hanya dilihat melalui nilai elastisitas luas areal. Hasil dari respon penawaran jagung pada jangka pendek lebih dari satu tetapi negatif, dapat diindikasikan telah terjadi perubahan harga yang berfluktuatif sehi...
Abdi Wiralodra : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Conventional agriculture used chemical fertilizers and pesticides for long-term had negative impa... more Conventional agriculture used chemical fertilizers and pesticides for long-term had negative impacts on the environment, due to chemical residues that pollute the environment. In addition it has a bad impact on the harvest, because they contain chemical residues that may affect health of consumers. Recently, there has been a global issue in agricultural sector of back to nature, such as the use of biological materials as components of fertilizers and pesticides, as known as an environmentally friendly agriculture. Farmers in the area of Badan Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP) at North Tambun, Bekasi Regency, have land that is suitable for farming food crops, palawija and horticulture. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural production is still quite high until now, and doesn't used exact dose, method, type and frequency. To reduce the negative impact of residues using agricultural chemicals on the environment and yields, by replacing chemical fertilizers with o...
International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2019
Farming management is done because management is the ability of farmers to plan, organize and con... more Farming management is done because management is the ability of farmers to plan, organize and control the factors of production that they control as well as they are and can provide the expected agricultural production. The measure of management success is the productivity of each factor as well as the productivity of his effort. The problem of the research is how the simultaneous and partial impact of labor variables, land area, farmer competency, the experience of farming, the role of government and farmer institutions to rice farming and how its performance through productivity analysis and R/C ratio. Primary data analysis using OLS multiple regression. The results of the analysis were obtained simultaneously that labor variables, land area, farmer competency, the experience of farming, the role of government and farmer institutions significant effect on productivity with a coefficient of determination of 56,9%. The farmer competency variable is the dominant factor that affecting productivity with a Beta value of 56,9%. R/C ratio value 1,90, it means that farming is done efficiently by farmers. Optimum productivity is achieved in farming with an area of more than 1 hectare. The research finding of this study is that farmer competency is a determinant of productivity in the management of rice farming. Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature is to be a reference for further researchers who want to deepen or reexamine the management of rice farming and are expected to later be able to make additional contributions to the government. In addition to strengthening institutional management that supports the management of farmer's rice farming to minimize losses on farmer's farming. It is hoped that rice farming can help farmers in obtaining a steady income for themselves and their families, having sufficient competence and skills in conducting efficient and productive farming. 1. INTRODUCTION Rice (Oryza sativa, L.) or paddy is a food crop producing rice, staple food for most of the world's population that is 50-60% of the global population and demand always continues to increase along with increasing population growth (Carriger and Vallée, 2007; Stoop et al., 2009; Mohanty, 2013). Although rice can substitute with other food, however, rice has strategic value for the country and for people who are used to eating it and it's not easy to substitutes it with other basic food sources. Considering the importance of rice commodities, development is needed so that it remains the main priority in farmer's farming (Suger, 2001 in Astuti (2013)).
Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran sektor pertanian dalam pembangunan ekonomi ... more Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran sektor pertanian dalam pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Timur, dengan cara: 1). Menganalisis besarnya nilai struktur output, struktur nilai tambah bruto, struktur pendapatan, struktur tenaga kerja, angka pengganda output, angka pengganda pendapatan, angka pengganda nilai tambah bruto, angka pengganda tenaga kerja, backward linkage dan forward linkage; 2). Mengidentifikasi komoditas pertanian unggulan di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Metode Analisis menggunakan analisis Input-Output dengan data Input-Output Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2010 (110 sektor) yang di updating dan diagregasi menjadi Input-Output Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2013 (43 sektor). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1). Kontribusi sektor pertanian dilihat dari: A). Struktur output yang dihasilkan sebesar 183.558.716,28 juta; B). Struktur nilai tambah bruto adalah 169.426.431,70 juta; C). Struktur pendapatan adalah 50.078.445,51 juta; D). Struktur tenaga kerja adalah 36.071.090 juta orang; E). Angka pengganda output dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas ternak lainnya (2,35); F) Angka pengganda pendapatan dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas telur (3,51); G) Angka pengganda nilai tambah bruto dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas ternak lainnya (2,54); H). Angka pengganda tenaga kerja dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas padi (2,12); I). Keterkaitan ke belakang dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas ternak lainnya (1,46); J). Keterkaitan ke depan dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas padi (1,48). 2). Komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian, yaitu: komoditas ikan laut dan hasil perikanan lainnya, komoditas ikan darat dan hasil perikanan lainnya, komoditas padi, komoditas jagung, komoditas sayur-sayuran, komoditas buah-buahan, komoditas kedelai, komoditas telur, komoditas sapi, komoditas ayam, komoditas susu segar, komoditas ternak lainnya, komoditas domba dan kambing, komoditas tebu, komoditas tembakau.
Creating a farmer who able to actively respond to the agricultural commodity supply is a major ch... more Creating a farmer who able to actively respond to the agricultural commodity supply is a major challenge faced by the national government today. A dominant supply response to a certain factor would be easier to be identified by the stakeholder to arrange policies in improving the volume of agricultural commodity production. This study aimed to: 1) summarize the theories and study results about the supply demands, 2) analyze the factors that affected the supply response, and 3) examine the common problem-solving method used to analyze the supply response method. The secondary data was employed in this study by collecting relevant studies and theories. A review then conducted to address the study aims. Results showed that the farmer supply response to several factors was required to utilize the superior agricultural and horticulture (fresh fruit) commodity opportunities in competing on the world market. Vietnam, Thailand, and Latin America also strictly competing in exporting their co...
The rapid growth of urbanization in urban areas raises doubts about the future of urban farming. ... more The rapid growth of urbanization in urban areas raises doubts about the future of urban farming. However, urban farming can survive due to the ability of urban farming to innovate in expanding its functions in various factors that hinder it. Farmers as actors need to be empowered with various knowledge and technological innovations. The purpose of the study was to analyze the simultaneous and partial effect of variables on land area, risk-taking courage, farmer's age, and sources of information on technological innovation in urban farming farmers in the digital economy era, what factors are dominant, and analyze the effect of technological innovation on farmers' income—survey research method with OLS Multiple Regression of primary data analysis technique on 70 respondents. The result of the research is that the source of information has a significant effect on technological innovation and is the dominant factor with a value of β =57.6%. In contrast, the variables of land are...
Secara historis, industri gula merupakan salah satu industri perkebunan tertua dan terpenting yan... more Secara historis, industri gula merupakan salah satu industri perkebunan tertua dan terpenting yang ada di Indonesia (Tempo, 2012 dalam Muaddab, 2012). Industri gula merupakan salah satu agroindustri yang memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Hal ini disebabkan karena posisinya sebagai salah satu komoditas strategis yang menjadi tulang punggung ketahanan ekonomi dengan berbasis sumber daya nasional, yang memiliki struktur keterkaitan dan kedalaman yang kuat serta memiliki daya saing yang tangguh di pasar internasional (Rindayanti, 2006 dalam Muaddab, 2012). Melihat data perkembangan areal perkebunan pada tahun 2008-2012 diketahui bahwa luas areal tebu pada tahun 2012 sebesar 461.186 ha (Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan, 2013), kemampuan produksi gula Indonesia tahun 2012 hanya mencapai 2,58 juta ton yang terealisasi dimana pemerintah menargetkan 2.7 juta ton (PTPNIX, 2012). Angka tersebut belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan gula dalam negeri yang hampir di angka 3 juta ton/...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi respon areal jagung d... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi respon areal jagung dan respon produktivitas jagung juga melihat bagaimana elastisitas penawaran jagung pada jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Dari keempat variabel yang diteliti dan dilakukan pendugaan respon penawaran dengan pendekatan respon luas areal jagung yang signifikan hanya harga jagung 1 tahun sebelumnya dengan nilai 0,063. Dari kelima variabel yang diteliti dan dilakukan pendugaan respon penawaran dengan pendekatan respon produktivitas jagung, tidak ada satupun variabel yang signifikan. Nilai elastisitas untuk respon produktivitas tidak dihitung karena variabel harga jagung 1 tahun sebelumnya tidak signifikan terhadap produktivitas jagung. Maka, respon penawaran jagung di Kabupaten Malang hanya dilihat melalui nilai elastisitas luas areal. Hasil dari respon penawaran jagung pada jangka pendek lebih dari satu tetapi negatif, dapat diindikasikan telah terjadi perubahan harga yang berfluktuatif sehi...
Abdi Wiralodra : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Conventional agriculture used chemical fertilizers and pesticides for long-term had negative impa... more Conventional agriculture used chemical fertilizers and pesticides for long-term had negative impacts on the environment, due to chemical residues that pollute the environment. In addition it has a bad impact on the harvest, because they contain chemical residues that may affect health of consumers. Recently, there has been a global issue in agricultural sector of back to nature, such as the use of biological materials as components of fertilizers and pesticides, as known as an environmentally friendly agriculture. Farmers in the area of Badan Penyuluhan Pertanian (BPP) at North Tambun, Bekasi Regency, have land that is suitable for farming food crops, palawija and horticulture. The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agricultural production is still quite high until now, and doesn't used exact dose, method, type and frequency. To reduce the negative impact of residues using agricultural chemicals on the environment and yields, by replacing chemical fertilizers with o...
International Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 2019
Farming management is done because management is the ability of farmers to plan, organize and con... more Farming management is done because management is the ability of farmers to plan, organize and control the factors of production that they control as well as they are and can provide the expected agricultural production. The measure of management success is the productivity of each factor as well as the productivity of his effort. The problem of the research is how the simultaneous and partial impact of labor variables, land area, farmer competency, the experience of farming, the role of government and farmer institutions to rice farming and how its performance through productivity analysis and R/C ratio. Primary data analysis using OLS multiple regression. The results of the analysis were obtained simultaneously that labor variables, land area, farmer competency, the experience of farming, the role of government and farmer institutions significant effect on productivity with a coefficient of determination of 56,9%. The farmer competency variable is the dominant factor that affecting productivity with a Beta value of 56,9%. R/C ratio value 1,90, it means that farming is done efficiently by farmers. Optimum productivity is achieved in farming with an area of more than 1 hectare. The research finding of this study is that farmer competency is a determinant of productivity in the management of rice farming. Contribution/Originality: This study contributes in the existing literature is to be a reference for further researchers who want to deepen or reexamine the management of rice farming and are expected to later be able to make additional contributions to the government. In addition to strengthening institutional management that supports the management of farmer's rice farming to minimize losses on farmer's farming. It is hoped that rice farming can help farmers in obtaining a steady income for themselves and their families, having sufficient competence and skills in conducting efficient and productive farming. 1. INTRODUCTION Rice (Oryza sativa, L.) or paddy is a food crop producing rice, staple food for most of the world's population that is 50-60% of the global population and demand always continues to increase along with increasing population growth (Carriger and Vallée, 2007; Stoop et al., 2009; Mohanty, 2013). Although rice can substitute with other food, however, rice has strategic value for the country and for people who are used to eating it and it's not easy to substitutes it with other basic food sources. Considering the importance of rice commodities, development is needed so that it remains the main priority in farmer's farming (Suger, 2001 in Astuti (2013)).
Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran sektor pertanian dalam pembangunan ekonomi ... more Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat peran sektor pertanian dalam pembangunan ekonomi Provinsi Jawa Timur, dengan cara: 1). Menganalisis besarnya nilai struktur output, struktur nilai tambah bruto, struktur pendapatan, struktur tenaga kerja, angka pengganda output, angka pengganda pendapatan, angka pengganda nilai tambah bruto, angka pengganda tenaga kerja, backward linkage dan forward linkage; 2). Mengidentifikasi komoditas pertanian unggulan di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Metode Analisis menggunakan analisis Input-Output dengan data Input-Output Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2010 (110 sektor) yang di updating dan diagregasi menjadi Input-Output Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2013 (43 sektor). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1). Kontribusi sektor pertanian dilihat dari: A). Struktur output yang dihasilkan sebesar 183.558.716,28 juta; B). Struktur nilai tambah bruto adalah 169.426.431,70 juta; C). Struktur pendapatan adalah 50.078.445,51 juta; D). Struktur tenaga kerja adalah 36.071.090 juta orang; E). Angka pengganda output dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas ternak lainnya (2,35); F) Angka pengganda pendapatan dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas telur (3,51); G) Angka pengganda nilai tambah bruto dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas ternak lainnya (2,54); H). Angka pengganda tenaga kerja dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas padi (2,12); I). Keterkaitan ke belakang dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas ternak lainnya (1,46); J). Keterkaitan ke depan dengan nilai terbesar berada pada komoditas padi (1,48). 2). Komoditas unggulan sektor pertanian, yaitu: komoditas ikan laut dan hasil perikanan lainnya, komoditas ikan darat dan hasil perikanan lainnya, komoditas padi, komoditas jagung, komoditas sayur-sayuran, komoditas buah-buahan, komoditas kedelai, komoditas telur, komoditas sapi, komoditas ayam, komoditas susu segar, komoditas ternak lainnya, komoditas domba dan kambing, komoditas tebu, komoditas tembakau.
Creating a farmer who able to actively respond to the agricultural commodity supply is a major ch... more Creating a farmer who able to actively respond to the agricultural commodity supply is a major challenge faced by the national government today. A dominant supply response to a certain factor would be easier to be identified by the stakeholder to arrange policies in improving the volume of agricultural commodity production. This study aimed to: 1) summarize the theories and study results about the supply demands, 2) analyze the factors that affected the supply response, and 3) examine the common problem-solving method used to analyze the supply response method. The secondary data was employed in this study by collecting relevant studies and theories. A review then conducted to address the study aims. Results showed that the farmer supply response to several factors was required to utilize the superior agricultural and horticulture (fresh fruit) commodity opportunities in competing on the world market. Vietnam, Thailand, and Latin America also strictly competing in exporting their co...
Papers by henita oktavia