Papers by jean claude havyarimana
This article addresses the xenophobic problems raised by migrations in today's globalised world. ... more This article addresses the xenophobic problems raised by migrations in today's globalised world. Migrants, especially those moving from less developed to developed countries, are ever-increasing in numbers. Yet they are rarely welcomed in the country of destination, being seen as threats for jobs, security and the socioeconomic welfare of the natives. This article shows that these threats are more imaginary than real and that migrants are rather a blessing for both countries of origin and those of destination, and even for the world at large. Based on this and on the Christian ethical view that goods of creation are destined to serving the needs of the whole human family, this article suggests a new perspective that can end the unjustifiable xenophobia and accrue the profits of migrations. It contends that, dealt with positively, migrations are opportunities, not problems.
world. Migrants, especially those moving from less developed to developed countries, are ever-inc... more world. Migrants, especially those moving from less developed to developed countries, are ever-increasing in numbers. Yet they are rarely welcomed in the country of destination, being seen as threats for jobs, security and the socio-economic welfare of the natives. This
Much literature has been produced accusing Saint Paul of having legitimated men's domination over... more Much literature has been produced accusing Saint Paul of having legitimated men's domination over women in society and in the Church and bequeathed that to Christian subsequent tradition. This claim is founded on some statements quoted from Pauline literature. However, considering that some statements are derived from Epistles that are Paul's while others are only Paulinist's, a closer analysis of those statements, set in the context of the Epistles and that of both the author and audience, shows that the claim is wrong and that Saint Paul did rather promote gender equality, initiating a reform that he wanted continued.
L'INCROYANCE EN AFRIQUE: POUR UNE EVANGELISATION EN PROFONDEUR « On peut pratiquer une religion s... more L'INCROYANCE EN AFRIQUE: POUR UNE EVANGELISATION EN PROFONDEUR « On peut pratiquer une religion sans avoir la foi. On peut appartenir à une communauté de croyants, respecter les rites et les observances, partager ses valeurs fondamentales sans avoir la foi, sans croire en un Dieu personnel, sans croire en un Dieu personnel. La religion est une appartenance sociologique. On peut faire les gestes et respecter la règle sans avoir la foi; on peut même être prêtre, ministre du culte, sans avoir la foi » 1 .
Bank. The Prime Minister and his entire cabinet were invited. At about 10:00 a.m., three cabinet ... more Bank. The Prime Minister and his entire cabinet were invited. At about 10:00 a.m., three cabinet Ministers showed up for a meeting that was supposed to start at 9:00 a.m. Instead of waiting for the planned schedule to be followed, one of the cabinet Ministers insisted that he be given the opportunity to speak before anything or anyone else. He seized the microphone and started his own treatise on poverty in these terms:
Citation : Havyarimana, J. C. (2012). Bouddha et la pédagogie: un trésor caché. in : Akwaba N o 6... more Citation : Havyarimana, J. C. (2012). Bouddha et la pédagogie: un trésor caché. in : Akwaba N o 6 (février), Abidjan, Les éditions du CERAP Abidjan, (pp.33-41) Bouddha et la pédagogie : un trésor caché.

Many analyses of the failure of microfinance to address poverty and underdevelopment i... more Abstract
Many analyses of the failure of microfinance to address poverty and underdevelopment in the Global South focus on the internal weaknesses of microfinance. These are seen to stem from the need for self-sustainability of microfinance institutions which crashes against the pro-poor mission that requires subsidising those institutions for them to be able to lend at low interest rates. However, neoliberalism whose interests conflict with the social mission of uplifting the poor and therefore have thwarted the best of microfinance’s efforts to serve the poor, have received less attention. The neoliberals needed microfinance to serve other interests than addressing poverty in the Global South and had the funding power to push the industry into that direction. From an extensive of the literature from the Global South, this hypothesis seems plausible and calls for further empirical investigation. This paper suggests reckoning with the power of neoliberal thought in the current global development policy making and funding, and proposes ways to manoeuvre to fine-tune microfinance and refocus its on its original mission for the Global South, without much threatening neoliberal interests.
Key words: commercialisation of microfinance – mission drift - neoliberal capitalism-profit accumulation – underdevelopment and poverty in the Global South
Papers by jean claude havyarimana
Many analyses of the failure of microfinance to address poverty and underdevelopment in the Global South focus on the internal weaknesses of microfinance. These are seen to stem from the need for self-sustainability of microfinance institutions which crashes against the pro-poor mission that requires subsidising those institutions for them to be able to lend at low interest rates. However, neoliberalism whose interests conflict with the social mission of uplifting the poor and therefore have thwarted the best of microfinance’s efforts to serve the poor, have received less attention. The neoliberals needed microfinance to serve other interests than addressing poverty in the Global South and had the funding power to push the industry into that direction. From an extensive of the literature from the Global South, this hypothesis seems plausible and calls for further empirical investigation. This paper suggests reckoning with the power of neoliberal thought in the current global development policy making and funding, and proposes ways to manoeuvre to fine-tune microfinance and refocus its on its original mission for the Global South, without much threatening neoliberal interests.
Key words: commercialisation of microfinance – mission drift - neoliberal capitalism-profit accumulation – underdevelopment and poverty in the Global South
Many analyses of the failure of microfinance to address poverty and underdevelopment in the Global South focus on the internal weaknesses of microfinance. These are seen to stem from the need for self-sustainability of microfinance institutions which crashes against the pro-poor mission that requires subsidising those institutions for them to be able to lend at low interest rates. However, neoliberalism whose interests conflict with the social mission of uplifting the poor and therefore have thwarted the best of microfinance’s efforts to serve the poor, have received less attention. The neoliberals needed microfinance to serve other interests than addressing poverty in the Global South and had the funding power to push the industry into that direction. From an extensive of the literature from the Global South, this hypothesis seems plausible and calls for further empirical investigation. This paper suggests reckoning with the power of neoliberal thought in the current global development policy making and funding, and proposes ways to manoeuvre to fine-tune microfinance and refocus its on its original mission for the Global South, without much threatening neoliberal interests.
Key words: commercialisation of microfinance – mission drift - neoliberal capitalism-profit accumulation – underdevelopment and poverty in the Global South