The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the whole world and continues to spread despite the mea... more The COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the whole world and continues to spread despite the measures taken, has brought along many problems in the field of education as well as in every field.In this period, as in all countries, Turkey also switched from formal education to distance education. This research is conducted to determine the relationship between the motivation of middle school students towards science learning and their participation in distance education, and their science achievement and grade level variables during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The study group of the research consists of middle school students studying in different schools. Relational screening model was used in the research. The "Motivation Scale for Science Learning" adapted into Turkish by Yılmaz and Huyugüzel Çavaş (2007) was used as the data collection tool. The approval of the Ethics Committee of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University was obtained in accordance with the decision numbered 09-2021/159, dated 07.10.2021, in order to collect the data of the research. The data were collected via "Google drive" and analysed using the SPSS statistical package program. In the analysis of the data, percentage and frequency distributions were calculated for descriptive statistics. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyse the relationship between variables, and One Way ANOVA analysis was used to analyse the difference between groups. According to the research findings, it is determined that the students' motivation levels for science learning were at a good level during the COVID-19 pandemic, while the Active Learning Strategies sub-dimension scores of the Motivational Scale for Science were at the highest level. It is observed that there is a positive relationship between students' motivation levels for science learning, their participation in distance education courses and their science achievement. In addition, it is concluded that as the grade levels of the students increase, their motivation levels for science learning decrease.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, ogrencilerin ogrenme stillerini belirlemek ve ogrenme stilleri ile ders ba... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, ogrencilerin ogrenme stillerini belirlemek ve ogrenme stilleri ile ders basarilari arasindaki iliskiyi, uygulanan iki farkli ogretim yontemine gore incelenmektir. Arastirmanin calisma grubu, lise 2. Sinifta ogrenim goren 32 kisi deney 32 kisi kontrol grubu olarak belirlenen ogrencilerden olusmaktadir. Arastirma 2016-2017 ogretim yilinda yapilmistir. Uygulama haftada 5 saat olmak uzere 3 hafta surmustur. Arastirmada on-test – son-test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel desen kullanilmistir. Elektrik akimi ve direnc konusu deney grubuna 4 MAT ( Mode Application Techniques) ogretim yontemine uygun hazirlanan ders planlarina gore islenirken kontrol grubuna geleneksel yontemle ders islenmistir. Arastirmada, ogrencilerin ogrenme stillerini belirlemek icin, Kolb Ogrenme Stilleri Olcegi (KOSO) ve ders basari puanlarini belirlemek icin Elektrik Akimi Basari Testi (EABT) on-test ve son-test olarak uygulanmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS programi kullanilmis anlamlilik duze...
The values define the things that a person considers important. Values, which are directly relate... more The values define the things that a person considers important. Values, which are directly related to feelings, opinions and behavior levels of individuals, are very important for their personal improvement. This research was done to investigate the human values (responsibility, friendship, peaceful, respect, honesty and tolerance) and its relationship between the physics achievements of high-school students. The research was carried out with 303 students from three public high schools in the center of Konya in the academic year of 2017-2018. The 46.2% (f=140) of the participants were male students, while 53.8% (f=163) of participants were female. The data of this research were obtained by the "Human Values Scale (HVS)" developed by Dilmaç (2007). The obtained data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, correlation and independent samples-t test in SPSS 20 program. The findings have figured out that there wasn’t a significant difference between male and female students...
The purpose of this research was to examine and compare the effect of teaching the brightness of ... more The purpose of this research was to examine and compare the effect of teaching the brightness of lamps, which is a topic for grade 11 physics lesson, on student achievement and attitude according to the 5E model belonging to the constructivist learning theory and the traditional teaching method. The research was conducted on 62 11th grade students in İdil High School during the spring semester of 2009/2010 academic year. The quasi-experimental method was used in the research and the significance level was p=0.05. A meaningful difference(p<0.05) was observed on the experimental group according to the results of the independent samples t-test related to the post-test scores of brightness of lamps Achievement Test(BLAT)" of the students in the experimental and control groups. It was concluded that the worksheets applied, cartoons, animation and laboratory activities used while teaching the topic "brightness of lamps " according to the 5E model provided better understanding for the students, increased the motivation related to the lesson, and created a positive effect on understanding abstract concepts. The results of the attitude scale showed that the differences between the groups were insignificant (p>0.05).
The rapid development of computer and instructional technologies eases our lives in many ways. Pr... more The rapid development of computer and instructional technologies eases our lives in many ways. Private teaching institutions have become one of the most important entities in the educational system of Turkey. The topics spelling at private teaching institutions will determine the university as well as the departments that the students are going to be enrolled as well as the quality of the education and instruction they will receive at those institutions. Physics classes, due to the extensive amount of abstracts concepts, are at the top of the classes causing students difficulties. Therefore, computer supported instruction will facilitate the comprehension of the students which would otherwise be difficult to understand. The present study is conducted with 40 physics teachers, 24 males and 16 females, working at the 20 branches of a private course in Ankara throughout the spring semester of the 2009-2010 academic year. The statistical analyses conducted showed that the majority of physics teachers believed that the use of computers facilitates learning.
OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak; Işık Konusu Kavramsal Anlama Testi (IKKAT) kullanılmıştır ... more Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak; Işık Konusu Kavramsal Anlama Testi (IKKAT) kullanılmıştır Araştırmada karma yöntem kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler, SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen nicel verilerin değerlendirilmesinde; bağımsız ttesti, nitel verilerin değerlendirilmesinde ise içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada OBYM ile 5E öğretim modelinin kavramsal anlamaya etkisi karşılaştırılmıştır. Dersler deney grubunda OBYM'ye, kontrol grubunda 5E öğretim modeline göre işlenmiştir Konuların OBYM'ne göre işlendiği deney grubu öğrencilerinin IKKAT ön-test ve son-test puan ortalamaları arasında son test lehine anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu bulunmuştur. OBYM'nin 6. Sınıf öğrencilerinin kavramsal anlamalarını artırdığı görülmüştür.
Corresponding Author: Hatice Güzel, Department of Physics Education, Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of E... more Corresponding Author: Hatice Güzel, Department of Physics Education, Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education, Selçuk University, Konya 42090, Turkey. Tel: +90 332 323 82 20-5503, E-mail: hguzel 1005 ... Opinions of University Students about the Nature of Science
The effect of the binding of various polyfunctional groups to polystyrene's (PS's) aromatic ring ... more The effect of the binding of various polyfunctional groups to polystyrene's (PS's) aromatic ring on the elastic properties of the PS were investigated by an ultrasonic method. Various sets of samples were prepared by chemical modification of pure PSs having different molecular weights with SA, maleic anhydride, and phthalic anhydride. The ultrasonic wave velocities of modified PSs were measured with the pulse-echo method at room temperature by a computercontrolled analyzer and a digital oscilloscope. The values of the acoustic impedance, Poisson's ratio, and elasticity constants of the samples were calculated by the measured values of the densities and sound velocities. The longitudinal and shear wave velocities and the values of all elastic constants increased with chemical modification of the pure PS. V C 2011
Güzel, H. (2021). Investigation of middle school students' motivations for science course accordi... more Güzel, H. (2021). Investigation of middle school students' motivations for science course according to various variables during the covid-19 pandemic period.
OZET Arastirma, Milli Egitim Bakanligi'nca (MEB) hazirlanan ve ilgili egitim yilinda da okutu... more OZET Arastirma, Milli Egitim Bakanligi'nca (MEB) hazirlanan ve ilgili egitim yilinda da okutulmakta Ortaogretim 9. sinif fizik ders kitabinin; egitsel, gorsel, dil ve anlatim yonunden degerlendirilmesi amaci ile 2006-2007 Egitim-Ogretim yilinda yapilmistir Arastirmada tarama yontemi kullanilmistir. Farkli iki arastirmada gelistirilen ve kullanilan olceklerden yararlanilarak 46 soruluk kitap degerlendirme olcegi hazirlanmistir. Hazirlanan olcek kamuya bagli farkli liselerde gorev yapan ve farkli mesleki kideme sahip 61 fizik ogretmenine dagitilmis, bu olcege gore kitabin degerlendirilmesi kendilerinden istenmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS 15.0 programi ile yapilmis, t-testi, Anova ve Tukey testi uygulanmistir. Anlamlilik duzeyi p 0,05 olarak kabul edilmistir. M.E.B 'liginca hazirlanan 9. sinif fizik ders kitabi ogretmenlerin degerlendirmelerine gore egitsel, gorsel, dil ve anlatim yonunden 5 uzerinden ortalama 3,60 puan almistir. Oysa kitap degerlendirme olcutlerin...
In this study, it was investigated whether the points of the scale of "lifelong learning tendenci... more In this study, it was investigated whether the points of the scale of "lifelong learning tendencies" of the engineer candidates who took physics course varied according to, variables such as "gender, physics success, duration of internet use and department of education". The population of the study consists from s a total of 225 engineer candidates who took Physics-1 course at Necmettin Erbakan University Engineering and Architecture Faculty in Fall in 2016-2017 academic year. Frequency, mean, independent t test, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. According to the findings, the points taken from of the scale of "lifelong learning tendencies" do not show any significant difference according to departments and internet usage period. The mean scores of persistence and learning which are the subdimensions of the lifelong learning tendency scaleof do not show a significant difference according to gender, whereas the scores of lack of motivation and curiosity show significant differences according to gender. Female students' points are more higher in the dimension of lack of motivation, male students' points are more higher in the dimension of curiosity. As the lifelong learning tendecies, Güzel, H. (2017). Mühendis adaylarının yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri ile fizik başarıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi.
Introduction: The feature of a teacher is important as a person who arranges and leads the period... more Introduction: The feature of a teacher is important as a person who arranges and leads the period in education system. Since teachers educate the students, it’s necessary for them to be intellectual, modern and qualified. Because a comprehension still survives nowadays that the most effective element in education system is “teacher”. Teaching profession is not only limited with information transfer. The researches in behavioral sciences indicated that the students are affected from the manners and behaviors of teachers. The students usually pay more attention to the approach of teacher for the subject than the subject told by him/her and are affected from the style how he/she comments ( Guven, 2001 ). This also is closely connected with the individual properties, education of the teachers, cultural and social factors in which he/she was grown or was present. In the study performed by European Education Information Network [ Eurydice ] ( 2004 ), the situation of secondary education t...
Yasadigimiz cagi anlamanin yolu, oncelikle teknolojiyi ve onun boyutlarini tanimaktan gecmektedir... more Yasadigimiz cagi anlamanin yolu, oncelikle teknolojiyi ve onun boyutlarini tanimaktan gecmektedir. Bilim ve teknolojideki gelismeleri yakindan izleyerek onlardan yararlanabilmek cagdas toplum olmanin on kosuludur ve toplumun butununu ilgilendirir. Bu arastirmada ogretmen adaylarinin gunluk yasamlarinda kullandiklari kablolu telefon, cep telefonu ve sikca duyduklari son tibbi goruntuleme cihazlarindan ultrasonografi, magnetik rezonans (MR) ve bilgisayarli tomografi (BT) cihazlarinin calisma prensiplerini ne derece bilebildikleri ve bu sonuclarin internet kullanimlari, cinsiyet, bolum ve siniflara gore degisip degismediginin belirlenmesi,internet kullanimlarini etkileyen faktorlerin ortaya cikarilmasi amaci ile yapilmistir. Universitede degisik bolumlerde ogrenim goren 1. ve 4. siniflardan 629 ogretmen adayi calisma grubunu olusturmustur. Arastirmada tarama (Survey) yontemi kullanilmistir. Veriler arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen bir anket yardimiyla toplanmistir. Elde edilen veril...
Bilimsel sureclerin ve bilimsel okuryazarligin ayrilmaz birer parcasiolan modeller, betimledikler... more Bilimsel sureclerin ve bilimsel okuryazarligin ayrilmaz birer parcasiolan modeller, betimledikleri sistemin basitlestirilmis temsilleridir ve nesneleri, olaylari, fikirleri ya da soyut kavramlarialgilanir kilan araclardir. Fen ogretiminin amaci, ogrencilere bilimsel dusunme ve calisma becerilerini kazandirmaktir. Bu amaca ulasmak oncelikle ogrencilerin model ve modellemenin tabiatinianlamalarinive bunlariuygulamalarinigerektirir. Gelecek nesillere fen ogreniminde rehberlik edecek olan bu gunun fen ogretmen adaylarinin bu konu hakkinda yeterli donanima sahip olmasionemlidir. Ogretmen adaylarinin bu konuda ne derecede yeterli olduklariniolcmek amaciyla yapilan bu calisma yurt disinda yapilmisbir calismanin uygulamasiniteligindedir. Arastirma tarama modeli benimsenerek gerceklestirilmistir. Verilerin toplanmasi, cozumlenmesi ve yorumlanmasinda nitel arastirma yontemi kullanilmistir. Bu calisma 2005–2006 ogretim yiliikinci yariyilinda yapilmistir. Calismaya Selcuk Universitesi Ahmet Kel...
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the whole world and continues to spread despite the mea... more The COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected the whole world and continues to spread despite the measures taken, has brought along many problems in the field of education as well as in every field.In this period, as in all countries, Turkey also switched from formal education to distance education. This research is conducted to determine the relationship between the motivation of middle school students towards science learning and their participation in distance education, and their science achievement and grade level variables during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The study group of the research consists of middle school students studying in different schools. Relational screening model was used in the research. The "Motivation Scale for Science Learning" adapted into Turkish by Yılmaz and Huyugüzel Çavaş (2007) was used as the data collection tool. The approval of the Ethics Committee of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University was obtained in accordance with the decision numbered 09-2021/159, dated 07.10.2021, in order to collect the data of the research. The data were collected via "Google drive" and analysed using the SPSS statistical package program. In the analysis of the data, percentage and frequency distributions were calculated for descriptive statistics. Pearson correlation analysis was used to analyse the relationship between variables, and One Way ANOVA analysis was used to analyse the difference between groups. According to the research findings, it is determined that the students' motivation levels for science learning were at a good level during the COVID-19 pandemic, while the Active Learning Strategies sub-dimension scores of the Motivational Scale for Science were at the highest level. It is observed that there is a positive relationship between students' motivation levels for science learning, their participation in distance education courses and their science achievement. In addition, it is concluded that as the grade levels of the students increase, their motivation levels for science learning decrease.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, ogrencilerin ogrenme stillerini belirlemek ve ogrenme stilleri ile ders ba... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, ogrencilerin ogrenme stillerini belirlemek ve ogrenme stilleri ile ders basarilari arasindaki iliskiyi, uygulanan iki farkli ogretim yontemine gore incelenmektir. Arastirmanin calisma grubu, lise 2. Sinifta ogrenim goren 32 kisi deney 32 kisi kontrol grubu olarak belirlenen ogrencilerden olusmaktadir. Arastirma 2016-2017 ogretim yilinda yapilmistir. Uygulama haftada 5 saat olmak uzere 3 hafta surmustur. Arastirmada on-test – son-test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel desen kullanilmistir. Elektrik akimi ve direnc konusu deney grubuna 4 MAT ( Mode Application Techniques) ogretim yontemine uygun hazirlanan ders planlarina gore islenirken kontrol grubuna geleneksel yontemle ders islenmistir. Arastirmada, ogrencilerin ogrenme stillerini belirlemek icin, Kolb Ogrenme Stilleri Olcegi (KOSO) ve ders basari puanlarini belirlemek icin Elektrik Akimi Basari Testi (EABT) on-test ve son-test olarak uygulanmistir. Verilerin analizinde SPSS programi kullanilmis anlamlilik duze...
The values define the things that a person considers important. Values, which are directly relate... more The values define the things that a person considers important. Values, which are directly related to feelings, opinions and behavior levels of individuals, are very important for their personal improvement. This research was done to investigate the human values (responsibility, friendship, peaceful, respect, honesty and tolerance) and its relationship between the physics achievements of high-school students. The research was carried out with 303 students from three public high schools in the center of Konya in the academic year of 2017-2018. The 46.2% (f=140) of the participants were male students, while 53.8% (f=163) of participants were female. The data of this research were obtained by the "Human Values Scale (HVS)" developed by Dilmaç (2007). The obtained data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, correlation and independent samples-t test in SPSS 20 program. The findings have figured out that there wasn’t a significant difference between male and female students...
The purpose of this research was to examine and compare the effect of teaching the brightness of ... more The purpose of this research was to examine and compare the effect of teaching the brightness of lamps, which is a topic for grade 11 physics lesson, on student achievement and attitude according to the 5E model belonging to the constructivist learning theory and the traditional teaching method. The research was conducted on 62 11th grade students in İdil High School during the spring semester of 2009/2010 academic year. The quasi-experimental method was used in the research and the significance level was p=0.05. A meaningful difference(p<0.05) was observed on the experimental group according to the results of the independent samples t-test related to the post-test scores of brightness of lamps Achievement Test(BLAT)" of the students in the experimental and control groups. It was concluded that the worksheets applied, cartoons, animation and laboratory activities used while teaching the topic "brightness of lamps " according to the 5E model provided better understanding for the students, increased the motivation related to the lesson, and created a positive effect on understanding abstract concepts. The results of the attitude scale showed that the differences between the groups were insignificant (p>0.05).
The rapid development of computer and instructional technologies eases our lives in many ways. Pr... more The rapid development of computer and instructional technologies eases our lives in many ways. Private teaching institutions have become one of the most important entities in the educational system of Turkey. The topics spelling at private teaching institutions will determine the university as well as the departments that the students are going to be enrolled as well as the quality of the education and instruction they will receive at those institutions. Physics classes, due to the extensive amount of abstracts concepts, are at the top of the classes causing students difficulties. Therefore, computer supported instruction will facilitate the comprehension of the students which would otherwise be difficult to understand. The present study is conducted with 40 physics teachers, 24 males and 16 females, working at the 20 branches of a private course in Ankara throughout the spring semester of the 2009-2010 academic year. The statistical analyses conducted showed that the majority of physics teachers believed that the use of computers facilitates learning.
OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak; Işık Konusu Kavramsal Anlama Testi (IKKAT) kullanılmıştır ... more Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak; Işık Konusu Kavramsal Anlama Testi (IKKAT) kullanılmıştır Araştırmada karma yöntem kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen veriler, SPSS programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen nicel verilerin değerlendirilmesinde; bağımsız ttesti, nitel verilerin değerlendirilmesinde ise içerik analizi ve betimsel analiz kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada OBYM ile 5E öğretim modelinin kavramsal anlamaya etkisi karşılaştırılmıştır. Dersler deney grubunda OBYM'ye, kontrol grubunda 5E öğretim modeline göre işlenmiştir Konuların OBYM'ne göre işlendiği deney grubu öğrencilerinin IKKAT ön-test ve son-test puan ortalamaları arasında son test lehine anlamlı bir farklılık olduğu bulunmuştur. OBYM'nin 6. Sınıf öğrencilerinin kavramsal anlamalarını artırdığı görülmüştür.
Corresponding Author: Hatice Güzel, Department of Physics Education, Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of E... more Corresponding Author: Hatice Güzel, Department of Physics Education, Ahmet Kelesoglu Faculty of Education, Selçuk University, Konya 42090, Turkey. Tel: +90 332 323 82 20-5503, E-mail: hguzel 1005 ... Opinions of University Students about the Nature of Science
The effect of the binding of various polyfunctional groups to polystyrene's (PS's) aromatic ring ... more The effect of the binding of various polyfunctional groups to polystyrene's (PS's) aromatic ring on the elastic properties of the PS were investigated by an ultrasonic method. Various sets of samples were prepared by chemical modification of pure PSs having different molecular weights with SA, maleic anhydride, and phthalic anhydride. The ultrasonic wave velocities of modified PSs were measured with the pulse-echo method at room temperature by a computercontrolled analyzer and a digital oscilloscope. The values of the acoustic impedance, Poisson's ratio, and elasticity constants of the samples were calculated by the measured values of the densities and sound velocities. The longitudinal and shear wave velocities and the values of all elastic constants increased with chemical modification of the pure PS. V C 2011
Güzel, H. (2021). Investigation of middle school students' motivations for science course accordi... more Güzel, H. (2021). Investigation of middle school students' motivations for science course according to various variables during the covid-19 pandemic period.
OZET Arastirma, Milli Egitim Bakanligi'nca (MEB) hazirlanan ve ilgili egitim yilinda da okutu... more OZET Arastirma, Milli Egitim Bakanligi'nca (MEB) hazirlanan ve ilgili egitim yilinda da okutulmakta Ortaogretim 9. sinif fizik ders kitabinin; egitsel, gorsel, dil ve anlatim yonunden degerlendirilmesi amaci ile 2006-2007 Egitim-Ogretim yilinda yapilmistir Arastirmada tarama yontemi kullanilmistir. Farkli iki arastirmada gelistirilen ve kullanilan olceklerden yararlanilarak 46 soruluk kitap degerlendirme olcegi hazirlanmistir. Hazirlanan olcek kamuya bagli farkli liselerde gorev yapan ve farkli mesleki kideme sahip 61 fizik ogretmenine dagitilmis, bu olcege gore kitabin degerlendirilmesi kendilerinden istenmistir. Elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS 15.0 programi ile yapilmis, t-testi, Anova ve Tukey testi uygulanmistir. Anlamlilik duzeyi p 0,05 olarak kabul edilmistir. M.E.B 'liginca hazirlanan 9. sinif fizik ders kitabi ogretmenlerin degerlendirmelerine gore egitsel, gorsel, dil ve anlatim yonunden 5 uzerinden ortalama 3,60 puan almistir. Oysa kitap degerlendirme olcutlerin...
In this study, it was investigated whether the points of the scale of "lifelong learning tendenci... more In this study, it was investigated whether the points of the scale of "lifelong learning tendencies" of the engineer candidates who took physics course varied according to, variables such as "gender, physics success, duration of internet use and department of education". The population of the study consists from s a total of 225 engineer candidates who took Physics-1 course at Necmettin Erbakan University Engineering and Architecture Faculty in Fall in 2016-2017 academic year. Frequency, mean, independent t test, one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Pearson correlation analysis were used to analyze the data. According to the findings, the points taken from of the scale of "lifelong learning tendencies" do not show any significant difference according to departments and internet usage period. The mean scores of persistence and learning which are the subdimensions of the lifelong learning tendency scaleof do not show a significant difference according to gender, whereas the scores of lack of motivation and curiosity show significant differences according to gender. Female students' points are more higher in the dimension of lack of motivation, male students' points are more higher in the dimension of curiosity. As the lifelong learning tendecies, Güzel, H. (2017). Mühendis adaylarının yaşam boyu öğrenme eğilimleri ile fizik başarıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi.
Introduction: The feature of a teacher is important as a person who arranges and leads the period... more Introduction: The feature of a teacher is important as a person who arranges and leads the period in education system. Since teachers educate the students, it’s necessary for them to be intellectual, modern and qualified. Because a comprehension still survives nowadays that the most effective element in education system is “teacher”. Teaching profession is not only limited with information transfer. The researches in behavioral sciences indicated that the students are affected from the manners and behaviors of teachers. The students usually pay more attention to the approach of teacher for the subject than the subject told by him/her and are affected from the style how he/she comments ( Guven, 2001 ). This also is closely connected with the individual properties, education of the teachers, cultural and social factors in which he/she was grown or was present. In the study performed by European Education Information Network [ Eurydice ] ( 2004 ), the situation of secondary education t...
Yasadigimiz cagi anlamanin yolu, oncelikle teknolojiyi ve onun boyutlarini tanimaktan gecmektedir... more Yasadigimiz cagi anlamanin yolu, oncelikle teknolojiyi ve onun boyutlarini tanimaktan gecmektedir. Bilim ve teknolojideki gelismeleri yakindan izleyerek onlardan yararlanabilmek cagdas toplum olmanin on kosuludur ve toplumun butununu ilgilendirir. Bu arastirmada ogretmen adaylarinin gunluk yasamlarinda kullandiklari kablolu telefon, cep telefonu ve sikca duyduklari son tibbi goruntuleme cihazlarindan ultrasonografi, magnetik rezonans (MR) ve bilgisayarli tomografi (BT) cihazlarinin calisma prensiplerini ne derece bilebildikleri ve bu sonuclarin internet kullanimlari, cinsiyet, bolum ve siniflara gore degisip degismediginin belirlenmesi,internet kullanimlarini etkileyen faktorlerin ortaya cikarilmasi amaci ile yapilmistir. Universitede degisik bolumlerde ogrenim goren 1. ve 4. siniflardan 629 ogretmen adayi calisma grubunu olusturmustur. Arastirmada tarama (Survey) yontemi kullanilmistir. Veriler arastirmaci tarafindan gelistirilen bir anket yardimiyla toplanmistir. Elde edilen veril...
Bilimsel sureclerin ve bilimsel okuryazarligin ayrilmaz birer parcasiolan modeller, betimledikler... more Bilimsel sureclerin ve bilimsel okuryazarligin ayrilmaz birer parcasiolan modeller, betimledikleri sistemin basitlestirilmis temsilleridir ve nesneleri, olaylari, fikirleri ya da soyut kavramlarialgilanir kilan araclardir. Fen ogretiminin amaci, ogrencilere bilimsel dusunme ve calisma becerilerini kazandirmaktir. Bu amaca ulasmak oncelikle ogrencilerin model ve modellemenin tabiatinianlamalarinive bunlariuygulamalarinigerektirir. Gelecek nesillere fen ogreniminde rehberlik edecek olan bu gunun fen ogretmen adaylarinin bu konu hakkinda yeterli donanima sahip olmasionemlidir. Ogretmen adaylarinin bu konuda ne derecede yeterli olduklariniolcmek amaciyla yapilan bu calisma yurt disinda yapilmisbir calismanin uygulamasiniteligindedir. Arastirma tarama modeli benimsenerek gerceklestirilmistir. Verilerin toplanmasi, cozumlenmesi ve yorumlanmasinda nitel arastirma yontemi kullanilmistir. Bu calisma 2005–2006 ogretim yiliikinci yariyilinda yapilmistir. Calismaya Selcuk Universitesi Ahmet Kel...
Papers by hatice güzel