Translations by hassan zandiyeh

Journal of Safavid Studies, 2022
Safavid government period from 907 AH to 1135 AH can be considered as a revival of cultural, scie... more Safavid government period from 907 AH to 1135 AH can be considered as a revival of cultural, scientific and civilization age of Iran. The dynasty that upraised from Shafei mysticism of Ardabil monastery and gained political power in Jonayad and Heydar ruling time with the presence of strong Shiite tribes and their incipientsupporters, established an independent government in 907AH. Safavid is one of the powerful governments in Iran that arose after some turbulences and created a civilized and culture-friendly government that led to national and political unity, civilization, social welfare, economical affluence, vivid culture and widespread relations with foreign countries. Safavid extended cultural heritage and Islamic art to a worthy state by creating general peace and interest to prosperity and establishing or reconstructing some buildings. Since the advent of Safavids, elites got high value so that Safavid defined Iran geography with emphasis on national and religious identity. The era of Shah-Abbas the first (996-1038 AH/ 1587-1628AD), based on documents, is the most important and valuable age in development of sciences, civilization and art. General peace in these agesespecially after 1000AH/ 1591 AD, various constructions, commercial and economic prosperity, removal of Qizelbash tribal relations and Safavid incipient supporters against new armies such as Aramane and Georgian who got Muslim, Allah-Verdi Khan and his son, Emam-Gholi Khan (Savory, 1366: 78-80), making a powerful administrative system, dominance of bureaucrats on tribal tendencies and extensive security paved the way for improving civilization, culture and art. Historical experience of Safavids (907-1135 AH) is composed of the indefinite source of Islamic education, Shiite, Iranian heritage and rational knowledge. Choosing Isfahan as the capital, establishing a new civilization and making numerous buildings by eminent scientists and designers such as Mir-Damad, Sheihk-Bahaei, Mirfenderesky, Mola-Sadra and Ali-Akbar Bana, who had noble attention to industry, architecture, Shiite learnings and arts, caused progression in schools and different scientific and artistic fields. Founding more than seventy schools led to science development. In different courses such as literature and religious sciences like interpretation, Hadis, Discourse, religious jurisprudence, mysticism and sciences as mathematic, geometry, astronomy, sagacity and engineering, scientific schools formed that entitled Isfahan. Sheikh-Bahaei wrote standard mathematic texts in "Abstract Mathematics" and "Bahr-o-lhesab" that was translated to French in 1843 and 1864 AD. Building massive constructions led to development of geometry and architecture and paved the way for the appearance of the science of logarithm by Mola Mohammad-BagherYazdi (SeyedHosin Nasr, Science and civilization in Islam, p. 139). Mirfenderesky, mystic and philosopher, wrote the book ,الصناعه for the Iran industry. Interior security, commercial development, route making like the route from east to the center, from Fars to the center and Rey and Mazandaran route so called Shah-Abbasi route or street and furthermore building more than thousand caravansaries caused Iran to improve in commerce and economy so that industrial products such as velvet and silk clothes from Kashan and Isfahan workhouses were exported abroad. The civilization thought of elites and Safavid founder was formed by the name of Alavi civilization and so the common identity and culture of Safavid era, based on Imam Shi'ism, developed. The Safavid had to establish a stable Shiite civilization against their west and east enemies, Ottoman and Uzbekso scientists and engineers of Safavid era designed new foundations of cities on the basis of Shiite sagacity and guidance of elites. Architectures extended a new construction alongside the ancient Saljoughi construction in a way that the least civil problems and damages emerged. This scientific and deliberate movement, changed the old Isfahan to a twofold city and a new square against the old one was designed (Shafaghi, 1385: 121). Making city and new constructions did not devote to the capitals as Isfahan, Ghazvin and Tabriz and other cities like Mashhad, Kashan, Neyshabour, Sabzevar, Kerman, Najaf, Karbala and Kazameyn developed too. Many Schools, mosques, palaces, gardens, roads, streets, caravansaries, baths and religious places were built in different parts of Iran. Isfahan, the capital of the Safavid, became the international city and gained attention of many tourists, political agents and traders from Asia and Europe. Commercial offices of many countries such as
have been teaching at this university since 2010, immediately after my graduation from in After I... more have been teaching at this university since 2010, immediately after my graduation from in After Islam History (Contemporary History of Iran). My research interests include Qajar and Pahlavi era. My Ph.D thesis was Development of the Judicial system in Reza Shah's Period (Aliakbar Davar) Which has been published. Sincerely,
Payam-e Baharestan, 1997
translation of “Christians in Safavid Iran: Hospitality and Harassment,” Studies on Persianate So... more translation of “Christians in Safavid Iran: Hospitality and Harassment,” Studies on Persianate Societies 3 (2005), pp. 3-43
Papers by hassan zandiyeh

Ganjine-Ye Asnad, 2020
Purpose: To analyze the process of issuing printing and publishing licenses and to study its form... more Purpose: To analyze the process of issuing printing and publishing licenses and to study its formal and content structure from the beginning of Nasser al-Din Shah to the end of the Qajar rule Method and Research Design: The data are extracted from library and archival sources and mainly from the archives of the National Documents Organization, and considering the nature of this type of documentary research, the research method will be descriptive and analytical Findings and Conclusion: Publishing licenses are of special importance as the initial stage of publishing a magazine and a book. Books and especially newspapers in this period went through a special administrative process for publication. Examining the relevant licenses along with the laws and administrative procedures affecting the licensing process is one of the main and important issues in this article. It should be noted that these documents, in most cases, followed a specific structure, but in some from publishing licenses due to non-completion of documents by the applicant, it is possible to see differences and distinctions in the structure and content of licenses.

Historical Sciences Studies, 2022
Judicial disputes of the society in the Constitutional period including legal and criminal lawsui... more Judicial disputes of the society in the Constitutional period including legal and criminal lawsuits represent events which occurred in the social, administrative and political context in Iran.This analytic-descriptive study seeks to explore the lawsuits and legal claims among the sources especially the judicial documents left from the people of Tehran in the Constitutional period. Property and financial disputes, inheritance and endowment are mentioned in the field of litigation of that period.The findings prove that financial issues were the most problematic ones for the people. The fledgling constitutional regime had growing financial crises since its inception.Among the many reasons for this was the improper performance of the former Qajar government facing economical problems. The value of Iran's currency fell severely in comparison to the other credible foreign currencies.Furthermore, despite the severe monetary fluctuation, the existing liquidity of the country could not meet the domestic needs of the country. This situation affected people and led to many financial lawsuits and legal claims.Furthermore, despite the severe monetary fluctuation, the existing liquidity of the country could not meet the domestic needs of the country. This situation affected people and led to many financial lawsuits and legal claims.Furthermore, despite the severe monetary fluctuation, the existing liquidity of the country could not meet the domestic needs of the country. This situation affected people and led to many financial lawsuits and legal claims.
فصلنامه علمي زن در فرهنگ و هنر, 2023

جامعهشناسي تاريخي, 2023
As primary sources, documents play a significant role in historical
research. In this regard, as ... more As primary sources, documents play a significant role in historical
research. In this regard, as religious documents derived from Islamic
jurisprudence, temporary marriage certificates have certain principles
and frameworks, providing a wealth of information on the culture,
society, economy, and customs of the past. The main question of the
present study was what form and content did the temporary marriage
certificates in Pahlavi I era have? And what effect did the new laws
have on the content of such documents? The main claim was that the
temporary marriage certificates in the first half of the Pahlavi I era, in
terms of form and content, were influenced by religious and
customary laws, the Qajar tradition of document-drafting, and the
social and class status of individuals. However, in the second half of
the Pahlavi I era, new marriage laws were adopted. As a result, first,
the jurisprudential aspects of such certificates were decreased and
their customary aspects were increased.

نشریۀ علمی پژوهشهای نسخه شناسی و تصحیح متون, 2022
This study examined one of the financial instructions in the Qajar era. The purpose was to transc... more This study examined one of the financial instructions in the Qajar era. The purpose was to transcribe and review the instruction, study its content, analyze it statistically, present an overview of its local economy, and determine its drawn up model. This descriptive-analytical was carried out through a desk study. The findings indicated that such documents were provided during the Qajar era based on administrative principles and debt-collection techniques. The instruction content showed that the taxation burden was mostly borne by the people, including the peasants. This was done while most of such revenues were not sent to the central government, but most of them were spent on additional expenses and merely a small amount was spent on state development. The review of the instruction showed how Abdullah Alaa al-Molk had ruled in Hamedan. It also explained a small section of the socioeconomic history of the Qajar dynasty in Hamedan, which can be generalized to the financial status of other Iranian states in the said period.

Historical Studies, 2021
A few changes occurred in Iran's bureaucratic system and this system began to grow gradually comp... more A few changes occurred in Iran's bureaucratic system and this system began to grow gradually compared to the Qajar dynasty in spite of some short coming. However, the happenings and events in Shahrivar 1320, displayed the defects and problems of this bureaucratic system. The official and governmental systems became full of problems which persisted for a long time. At the end of this decade, some measures were taken to improve this system one of which was the sacking of corrupt and disqualified employees in the cabinet members of Saed, Mansour, and Razmara. This study deals with these sacking measures. This study employs a descriptiveanalytical approach by relying on the documents, newspapers, and library sources and attempts to probe into the reasons for the laws of sacking the employees. Findings display that by the implementation of this law as an attempt by Pahlavi (II), a sacking commission began to investigate the performance of the high-ranking officials in ministries and governmental offices. After one year, only the files of 900 employees out of the 150000 personals of the governmental offices were investigated and in cases where the law hit the important and influential officials, Razmara, similar to his processors was not able or did not intend, to investigate the
A Quarterly for Shi‘a Studies, 2021
Shiite Studies, 2022
Function" is defined among sociological concepts to mean the result and effect of an event or mov... more Function" is defined among sociological concepts to mean the result and effect of an event or movement, and "dysfunction" is meaningful when the desired results and objective and observable effects of institutions do not appear in the social arena. The question of this research is: Among the efforts of the Iranian people in the Qajar era to hold religious rituals, especially Moharram rites, what negative results have these religious rituals had in social areas? And why are these dysfunction included in religious rites? To answer these questions, we have examined religious rites from various dimensions, both individual and social, and have concluded that the creation of dysfunctions in religious rites is generally due to changes that have occurred by the people ignoring the religious authorities.

Biannual Research Journal of Iran Local Histories, 2023
The coup against Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh supported
by foreign powers on August 19, 1953, was the
b... more The coup against Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh supported
by foreign powers on August 19, 1953, was the
beginning of a new era in Iran's parliamentary history of
Iran. After this incident, the parliament and elections
were completely under the supervision of the
government and its officials. The province of
Kermanshah, located in the west of Iran, due to its
geographical location and special importance, and a
branch of the British and Iranian Oil Company was
operating there, was greatly affected by this coup, and
this, willy-nilly, also led to the political action of the
city's activists. The present article, with a descriptiveanalytical
method and relying on available sources,
documents, and official papers, attempted to answer the
question: “what was the process of holding the 18th
National Assembly elections in the Kermanshah
constituency, and what was the result?” The results of
the research show that the political participation of the
people and the former activities of this city in the
elections decreased after the overthrow of the national
government, and with their isolation, the result of the
elections was determined by the government and local
influential related to the government. The elections of
this period have been the first stage of complete
governmental and legislative elections, which continued
until the end of the Pahlavi period.

Socio Economic History Studies, 2022
In Islam, marriage can be categorized into two groups: temporary (Nikah mut'ah) and permanent. Th... more In Islam, marriage can be categorized into two groups: temporary (Nikah mut'ah) and permanent. The former was ubiquitous during the Qajar dynasty, always existing in Iranian history and continued when the Qajar dynasty ruled over Iran. Generally speaking, it may be noted that temporary marriage was established in the history of Iran. Depending on various social conditions such as insecurity, famine, economic crises, or peace and quiet and improved economic situations, this type of marriage probably had various functions under different circumstances and historical periods, however. Based on this, the main question of this research is that what were the social functions of temporary marriage seen in marriage contracts during the Qajar dynasty? That is, why did temporary marriage occur during this period? The major claim is that the practice of temporary marriage stemmed from different reasons including to sexual appeal, earning income and addressing women's basic needs, taking religious tips, female infertility, escaping everyday life, learning marriage etiquettes, the instrumental view of a man toward a woman as an ornament of the house, prosperous men's efforts on keeping up with the Joneses, females' contributions in agriculture, and political and economic interests.

Religious Inquiries, 2022
The far-reaching relation between the institutions of sharia and monarchy, which continued throug... more The far-reaching relation between the institutions of sharia and monarchy, which continued through the Qajar era, gave rise to interactions between the two institutions. A discourse analysis of the relation in terms of the "discourse of power" and the "discourse of compliance" demonstrates that, during the reigns of the first two Qajar kings, the interaction of the clergy with the powerful and the monarchs grew for reasons such as the latter's acquisition of legitimacy from the former, fondness of the monarchs for religious rituals, and Russo-Persian wars. During the reign of Mohammad Shah, however, the relation between the government and religious scholars tended toward hostility and bitterness, ending in aversion and antipathy to the Qajar monarch on the part of the scholars. In this research, we draw on the descriptive-analytic method, adopting a new approach to provide a proper analysis of the discourse between Shiite scholars and the Qajar government from 1795 to 1847. By giving an account of the relation between the two powerful influential institutions of the time, we offer a plausible picture of the political-social milieu of the Qajar era.
Ganjine-Ye Asnad, 2020
Purpose: Zemmeh-nameh (obligation letter) is a deed or document that makes one liable to take cer... more Purpose: Zemmeh-nameh (obligation letter) is a deed or document that makes one liable to take certain action (mostly payment). This paper examines the structurs and contents such documents. Method and Research Design: 50 such documents held by National Archives of Iran are analysed. Library materials were also consulted to collect data. Findings and Conclusion: The structure consists of text and margin, each containing special elements. The content bears full name of both parties, the amount of debt or other kind of obligation, payment time and method, terms of contract. Zemmeh-nameh remained unchanged in content and form throughout the Qajarid eara(1789-1925). Only after the introduction of print technology and the beginning of Pahlavi era they were changed both in form and content.

Japan was the first Asian nation in the nineteenth century which successfully implemented moderni... more Japan was the first Asian nation in the nineteenth century which successfully implemented modernization. Therefore, to ensure its economic progress it sought new markets to sell its products. Iran, also with various motivations, to compensate for its backwardness sought to develop its relations with Japan. The present study attempts to study the ups and downs of trade relations between Iran and Japan in the contemporary era. Based on its findings, the study reveals that the First World War and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia boosted the trade between Iran and Japan and Japan became one of the Iran's top ten trade partners and the Japanese products officially entered Iran. Due to official relations, the trade activities between the two nations entered a new phase. Iran needed to be industrialized. Therefore, it hired Japanese experts and specialists to accelerate its progress. The trade balance between the two nations was equal in the beginning years of the Reza 1. Assistant P...
Translations by hassan zandiyeh
Papers by hassan zandiyeh
research. In this regard, as religious documents derived from Islamic
jurisprudence, temporary marriage certificates have certain principles
and frameworks, providing a wealth of information on the culture,
society, economy, and customs of the past. The main question of the
present study was what form and content did the temporary marriage
certificates in Pahlavi I era have? And what effect did the new laws
have on the content of such documents? The main claim was that the
temporary marriage certificates in the first half of the Pahlavi I era, in
terms of form and content, were influenced by religious and
customary laws, the Qajar tradition of document-drafting, and the
social and class status of individuals. However, in the second half of
the Pahlavi I era, new marriage laws were adopted. As a result, first,
the jurisprudential aspects of such certificates were decreased and
their customary aspects were increased.
by foreign powers on August 19, 1953, was the
beginning of a new era in Iran's parliamentary history of
Iran. After this incident, the parliament and elections
were completely under the supervision of the
government and its officials. The province of
Kermanshah, located in the west of Iran, due to its
geographical location and special importance, and a
branch of the British and Iranian Oil Company was
operating there, was greatly affected by this coup, and
this, willy-nilly, also led to the political action of the
city's activists. The present article, with a descriptiveanalytical
method and relying on available sources,
documents, and official papers, attempted to answer the
question: “what was the process of holding the 18th
National Assembly elections in the Kermanshah
constituency, and what was the result?” The results of
the research show that the political participation of the
people and the former activities of this city in the
elections decreased after the overthrow of the national
government, and with their isolation, the result of the
elections was determined by the government and local
influential related to the government. The elections of
this period have been the first stage of complete
governmental and legislative elections, which continued
until the end of the Pahlavi period.
research. In this regard, as religious documents derived from Islamic
jurisprudence, temporary marriage certificates have certain principles
and frameworks, providing a wealth of information on the culture,
society, economy, and customs of the past. The main question of the
present study was what form and content did the temporary marriage
certificates in Pahlavi I era have? And what effect did the new laws
have on the content of such documents? The main claim was that the
temporary marriage certificates in the first half of the Pahlavi I era, in
terms of form and content, were influenced by religious and
customary laws, the Qajar tradition of document-drafting, and the
social and class status of individuals. However, in the second half of
the Pahlavi I era, new marriage laws were adopted. As a result, first,
the jurisprudential aspects of such certificates were decreased and
their customary aspects were increased.
by foreign powers on August 19, 1953, was the
beginning of a new era in Iran's parliamentary history of
Iran. After this incident, the parliament and elections
were completely under the supervision of the
government and its officials. The province of
Kermanshah, located in the west of Iran, due to its
geographical location and special importance, and a
branch of the British and Iranian Oil Company was
operating there, was greatly affected by this coup, and
this, willy-nilly, also led to the political action of the
city's activists. The present article, with a descriptiveanalytical
method and relying on available sources,
documents, and official papers, attempted to answer the
question: “what was the process of holding the 18th
National Assembly elections in the Kermanshah
constituency, and what was the result?” The results of
the research show that the political participation of the
people and the former activities of this city in the
elections decreased after the overthrow of the national
government, and with their isolation, the result of the
elections was determined by the government and local
influential related to the government. The elections of
this period have been the first stage of complete
governmental and legislative elections, which continued
until the end of the Pahlavi period.