Papers by hasni yusrianti

Sricommerce: Journal of Sriwijaya Community Services
Community Service Implementation Activities with the theme "Socialization and Education of C... more Community Service Implementation Activities with the theme "Socialization and Education of Cash and Productive Waqf on Da'i Mubaligh in South Sumatra" were carried out at the end of November 2021 through an online system and this service activity was responded well by the participants. This can be seen from the evaluation that is filled in through the google form. Good responses regarding service activities are broadly divided into at least two things: first, this activity is able to increase participants' knowledge and; both presenters mastered the material presented well. Some participants suggested doing similar activities on a regular basis with deepened material. Suggestions for the next activity is that this activity is carried out face-to-face so that this activity is more interactive between the presenters and participants. In addition to providing an interactive impact, face-to-face can also provide a good relationship between Sriwijaya University and the ...

Abstract. Fraud has complex and multidimensional aspects and it occurs not only because of indivi... more Abstract. Fraud has complex and multidimensional aspects and it occurs not only because of individual factors, but also situational or contextual factors. As one type of fraud, Asset misappropriation shows a number of cases and high percentage loss but it has limited academic study. Based on Fraud Triangle and Social Learning Theory perspective, this study aims to analyze the influence of Peer influence, Opportunity, Rationalization, and Financial Pressure on Assets misappropriation tendency and to analyze the mediation effect of Peer Influence and Opportunity between Rationalization and Financial pressure on Asset misappropriation tendency. Primary Data was used using questionnaires with Purposive Sampling Method. Sample criterions are; (1) Indonesian government employees that worked in cities and regencies that got Non-WTP opinion from BPK RI; (2) worked in financial, equipment/logistics, general services field; and (3) has been worked more than 2 years. The data collected using d...

This community service aims to provide knowledge and understanding to songket craftsmen regarding... more This community service aims to provide knowledge and understanding to songket craftsmen regarding the use of fintech as a source of capital. The implementation of this community service is carried out using two methods, namely focus group discussions (FGD) and training. The training was conducted using lecture, discussion and simulation methods. Evaluation of activities for participants is carried out by giving pre-test and post-test. Monitoring of service activities will also be carried out to see the progress of the implementation of the material presented. From the results of service activities in Desa Muara Penimbung Ulu, it is known that currently songket craftsmen are still experiencing capital difficulties due to problems with the documents needed to apply for a capital loan. The majority of songket craftsmen also do not understand how to use fintech as their source of capital. Therefore, holding training related to fintech is important to increase public understanding regard...

BALANCE Jurnal Akuntansi dan Bisnis, 2019
The formulation of this research is how influence of Audit Experience, Workload, Task Specific Kn... more The formulation of this research is how influence of Audit Experience, Workload, Task Specific Knowledge, Personality Types on the detection of Financial Report Fraud case study at Public Accounting Firm Palembang. The purpose is to know, get empirical evidence and analyze Audit Experience, Workload, Task Specific Knowledge, Personality Types on Financial Report Fraud. This study includes Associative research. The population used in this study is the Auditor who works in the Public Accounting Firm Palembang. Sample in this research counted 37 Respondents. Methods Data collection used in this study is a questionnaire. Hypothetical test used is multiple linear regression. The results of this study show Partial Audit Experience has a positive effect on Fraud Financial Statements, Workload positively affect the Financial Report Fraud, Task Specific Knowledge positively affect the Fraud Financial Statements, Personality Types positively affect The Financial Report Fraud. Simultaneously...
Papers by hasni yusrianti