Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which s... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which serves traffic from different directions , namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam. The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions, either from the direction of Jl. Soekarno Hatta and Jl. ZA Pagar Alam. When rush hour (Peak hour) congestion often occurs as a result of the convergence of traffic coming from Jl. Soekarno-Hatta towards Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam and vice versa. This is due to the large flow of traffic as a primary arterial road. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control. The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service (LoS) , to evaluate the performance and the capacity to determine the feasibility of a roundabout. This type of research used in this study is a survey method. Because this study is an activity probe to obtain the facts-the facts of the symptoms that are known , seeking factual information and collect data to be evaluated by comparison. From the research value of the service level (level of service) tangle AB (from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA (from North to East and vice versa) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes. Radin Inten countless roundabouts conditions worse because at the fabric of the value CA LOS
Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which s... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which serves traffic from different directions , namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam. The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions, either from the direction of Jl. Soekarno Hatta and Jl. ZA Pagar Alam. When rush hour (Peak hour) congestion often occurs as a result of the convergence of traffic coming from Jl. Soekarno-Hatta towards Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam and vice versa. This is due to the large flow of traffic as a primary arterial road. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control. The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service (LoS) , to evaluate the performance and the capacity to determine the feasibility of a roundabout. This type of research used in this study is a survey method. Because this study is an activity probe to obtain the facts-the facts of the symptoms that are known , seeking factual information and collect data to be evaluated by comparison. From the research value of the service level (level of service) tangle AB (from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA (from North to East and vice versa) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes. Radin Inten countless roundabouts conditions worse because at the fabric of the value CA LOS
Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which ser... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which serves traffic from different directions, namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Z.A Pagar Alam street. The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control. The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service (LoS), evaluate the performance of capacity and the feasibility of a roundabout. This research in a survey to obtain the facts-the facts of the symptoms that are known indicated and evaluated by doing examples in a manual the road capacity indonesia (MKJI) .The research value of the service level (level of service) tangle AB (from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A with degree saturation of 0.4357, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B with degree saturation of 0.6636 , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E with degree saturation of 0.9471. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA (from North to East and vice versa) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes .
Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which ser... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which serves traffic from different directions, namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Z.A Pagar Alam street . The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control . The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service ( LoS ), evaluate the performance of capacity and the feasibility of a roundabout. This research in a survey to obtain the facts -the facts of the symptoms that are known indicated and evaluated by doing examples in a manual the road capacity indonesia (MKJI) .The research value of the service level ( level of service ) tangle AB ( from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A with degree saturation of 0.4357, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B with degree saturation of 0.6636 , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E with degree saturation of 0.9471. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA ( from North to East and vice versa ) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes .
Bundaran Raden Inten merupakan salah satu bundaran penting di kota Bandar Lampung yangmelayani ar... more Bundaran Raden Inten merupakan salah satu bundaran penting di kota Bandar Lampung yangmelayani arus lalu lintas dari berbagai arah, yaitu arus lalu lintas yang berasal dari Jl. SoekarnoHatta dan Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam. Tingginya volume lalu lintas yang melewati bundaran inimenyebabkan terjadinya kemacetan atau pertemuan kendaraan yang cukup padat dari berbagaiarah jalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey untuk memperoleh data-data dari gejalagejala yang diketahui dan dievaluasi dengan melakukan perbandingan-perbandingan menggunakanmetode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI). Hasil penelitian nilai tingkat pelayanan (Levelof servis) jalinan AB (dari arah Bakauheni ke arah Kotabumi dan sebaliknya) adalah A denganderajat kejenuhan sebesar 0.4357, jalinan BC (dari arah Tanjung Karang ke arah Kotabumi dansebaliknya) adalah B dengan derajat kejenuhan sebesar 0.6636, sedangkan jalinan CA (dari arahKotabumi kearah Bakauheni dan sebaliknya) adalah E dengan derajat kejenuhan sebesar 0.9...
Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which s... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which serves traffic from different directions , namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam. The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions, either from the direction of Jl. Soekarno Hatta and Jl. ZA Pagar Alam. When rush hour (Peak hour) congestion often occurs as a result of the convergence of traffic coming from Jl. Soekarno-Hatta towards Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam and vice versa. This is due to the large flow of traffic as a primary arterial road. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control. The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service (LoS) , to evaluate the performance and the capacity to determine the feasibility of a roundabout. This type of research used in this study is a survey method. Because this study is an activity probe to obtain the facts-the facts of the symptoms that are known , seeking factual information and collect data to be evaluated by comparison. From the research value of the service level (level of service) tangle AB (from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA (from North to East and vice versa) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes. Radin Inten countless roundabouts conditions worse because at the fabric of the value CA LOS
Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which s... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampung , which serves traffic from different directions , namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam. The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions, either from the direction of Jl. Soekarno Hatta and Jl. ZA Pagar Alam. When rush hour (Peak hour) congestion often occurs as a result of the convergence of traffic coming from Jl. Soekarno-Hatta towards Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam and vice versa. This is due to the large flow of traffic as a primary arterial road. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control. The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service (LoS) , to evaluate the performance and the capacity to determine the feasibility of a roundabout. This type of research used in this study is a survey method. Because this study is an activity probe to obtain the facts-the facts of the symptoms that are known , seeking factual information and collect data to be evaluated by comparison. From the research value of the service level (level of service) tangle AB (from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA (from North to East and vice versa) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes. Radin Inten countless roundabouts conditions worse because at the fabric of the value CA LOS
Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which ser... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which serves traffic from different directions, namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Z.A Pagar Alam street. The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control. The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service (LoS), evaluate the performance of capacity and the feasibility of a roundabout. This research in a survey to obtain the facts-the facts of the symptoms that are known indicated and evaluated by doing examples in a manual the road capacity indonesia (MKJI) .The research value of the service level (level of service) tangle AB (from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A with degree saturation of 0.4357, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B with degree saturation of 0.6636 , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E with degree saturation of 0.9471. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA (from North to East and vice versa) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes .
Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which ser... more Radin Inten roundabout is one of the important roundabout in the city of Bandar Lampun, which serves traffic from different directions, namely the traffic flow coming from Soekarno Hatta street and Z.A Pagar Alam street . The high volume of traffic that passes through the roundabout causing congestion or meeting a pretty solid vehicles from different directions. Roundabouts generally have a better survival rate than other types of intersection control . The purpose of this study was to determine the Level of Service ( LoS ), evaluate the performance of capacity and the feasibility of a roundabout. This research in a survey to obtain the facts -the facts of the symptoms that are known indicated and evaluated by doing examples in a manual the road capacity indonesia (MKJI) .The research value of the service level ( level of service ) tangle AB ( from Bakauheni to Tanjung Karang vice versa)is A with degree saturation of 0.4357, tangle BC (from Tanjung Karang to Kotabumi vice versa) is B with degree saturation of 0.6636 , while the fabric of CA (from Kotabumi to Bakauheni vice versa) is E with degree saturation of 0.9471. greatest congestion on the fabric of CA ( from North to East and vice versa ) due to the tangle of capacity can not serve existing traffic volumes .
Bundaran Raden Inten merupakan salah satu bundaran penting di kota Bandar Lampung yangmelayani ar... more Bundaran Raden Inten merupakan salah satu bundaran penting di kota Bandar Lampung yangmelayani arus lalu lintas dari berbagai arah, yaitu arus lalu lintas yang berasal dari Jl. SoekarnoHatta dan Jl. Z.A Pagar Alam. Tingginya volume lalu lintas yang melewati bundaran inimenyebabkan terjadinya kemacetan atau pertemuan kendaraan yang cukup padat dari berbagaiarah jalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey untuk memperoleh data-data dari gejalagejala yang diketahui dan dievaluasi dengan melakukan perbandingan-perbandingan menggunakanmetode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI). Hasil penelitian nilai tingkat pelayanan (Levelof servis) jalinan AB (dari arah Bakauheni ke arah Kotabumi dan sebaliknya) adalah A denganderajat kejenuhan sebesar 0.4357, jalinan BC (dari arah Tanjung Karang ke arah Kotabumi dansebaliknya) adalah B dengan derajat kejenuhan sebesar 0.6636, sedangkan jalinan CA (dari arahKotabumi kearah Bakauheni dan sebaliknya) adalah E dengan derajat kejenuhan sebesar 0.9...
Papers by hanif syahroni