In internal combustion engines, the most waste heat is emitted from exhaust and cooling systems. ... more In internal combustion engines, the most waste heat is emitted from exhaust and cooling systems. Thermoelectric generators are an important alternative for recycling waste energy in the exhaust systems of internal combustion engines. In thermoelectric generators, the cooling of the heat discharge surfaces is very important for module performance. In this study, two different cooling profiles to be used for waste heat recycling in the exhaust systems of internal combustion engines were designed and performance tests were carried out in different thermal conditions. Maximum V=12,5 V voltage was obtained from the designed system ("B" profile) at T h =250°C, ∆T=20 °C, R L =55 Ω load resistance and maximum0,46 A current was obtained at R L =5 Ω load resistance.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019
In this study, a thermoelectric recovery system was designed to convert the exhaust waste heat of... more In this study, a thermoelectric recovery system was designed to convert the exhaust waste heat of an internal combustion diesel engine directly to electric power and the performance was measured at different engine speeds in the unloaded state. The performances of two different thermoelectric generators were compared in a system designed using four modules. Maximum 0.92 W power was obtained for four modules at 3500 r/min, at an area of 0.0016 m2. Internal resistance of modules has increased according to the engine speed. The highest internal resistance obtained during the experiments is 11.69 Ω at engine speed of 3500 r/min. The characteristics of the overall thermoelectric generator performance is coherent with the analysis model. In the current graph according to engine speed, the maximum absolute error is calculated for modules TEG 12-8 and TEG1-199 as 0.010 and 0.044, respectively (at experimented 3500 r/min). To charge the battery under maximum power point conditions, 133 therm...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2021
Worldwide, motorcycle sales have increased significantly during the coronavirus disease 2019 pand... more Worldwide, motorcycle sales have increased significantly during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic process. Thermoelectric generators are technologies that can directly convert waste heat into electrical energy in internal combustion engines. In this study, a waste heat recovery system with a thermoelectric generator has been designed for the exhaust system of a motorcycle engine with a cylinder volume of 50 cc. The performance of the waste heat recovery system has been examined under throttle opening of three-fourth and at different speeds, and a thermal model of the system has been created by means of the GT SUITE model. According to the test results, the increase in engine speed caused different temperature differences on the surfaces of the TEG module due to the constant flow of the fan the maximum recovery power has been found as 2.05 W at an engine speed of 6000 r/min and the maximum system efficiency has been found as 2.41% at an engine speed of 4000 r/min. Following minim...
Gazi Universitesi Muhendislik Mimarlık Fakultesi Dergisi, 2011
Bu calismada bir basincli hava motorundaki supap mekanizmasi icin elektromanyetik eyleyici tasari... more Bu calismada bir basincli hava motorundaki supap mekanizmasi icin elektromanyetik eyleyici tasarimi yapilmistir. Calismada, mekanik emme supap sistemi kaldirilmis yerine ozel tasarlanmis elektromanyetik eyleyici yerlestirilmistir. Basincli havanin silindirlere sevk edilmesini saglayan elektromanyetik eyleyici, motorun devrine bagli olarak uyartim saglayan bir surucu devre tarafindan kontrol edilmektedir. Elektromanyetik eyleyicinin analitik ve sonlu elemanlar metodu (Ansoft Maxwell 2D) ile elde edilen tasarimina ait elektriksel ve manyetik buyuklukleri hesaplanmis, sonuclar prototipin imal edilmesinde kullanilmistir. Ozel tasarim geregi elektromanyetik eyleyicinin istenen kuvveti yenmesine ek olarak belirlenen zaman araliginda tepki verebilmesi saglanmistir. Bunun icin teorik bir yaklasim dikkate alinmis, bu cercevede surekli simulasyonlar gerceklestirilmis ve optimum tasarim ortaya konulmustur. Simulasyon sonuclarina gore iletken kalinligi ve armatur agirliginin tepki suresi uzerine dikkate deger etkileri oldugu gozlenmistir. Analitik metotlar, simulasyon sonuclari ve deneysel degerler ile oldukca uyum icerisindedir.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
In this study, design of tube type linear generator, which can generate electricity from suspensi... more In this study, design of tube type linear generator, which can generate electricity from suspension systems of electrical vehicles, has been realised. Information about widely-used suspension systems has been given and advantages and disadvantages of linear type electro-magnetic dumpers have been mentioned. Analytic design of tube type linear generator has been made for passive suspension system. In line with obtained sizing parameters, numerical analyses have been made in Ansys-Maxwell programme and results of such analyses have been examined. Prototype of analyzed tube type linear generator has been made. Measurements of magnetic flux density and simulation results in air gap have been compared. The linear generator designed has been applied for passive suspension. The experiments of the linear generator with 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 130 mm stroke length were performed, respectively. During the experiments, a frequency range of 1 Hz to 5 Hz was chosen. The highest speed was 1,...
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Bu çalışmada, 2 zamanlı içten yanmalı 49 cc'lik bir benzinli motor basınçlı hava ile çalışır hale... more Bu çalışmada, 2 zamanlı içten yanmalı 49 cc'lik bir benzinli motor basınçlı hava ile çalışır hale getirilmiştir. Havanın silindir içerisine gönderilmesinde, bir elektromanyetik supaptan faydalanılmıştır. Elektromanyetik supabın kontrolü için Atmega8 mikrodenetleyicisinin kullanıldığı bir elektronik kontrol devresi tasarlanmış ve imal edilmiştir. Basınçlı hava, silindir içerisine farklı emme supap zamanlamalarında gönderilmiş ve motor performans değerleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçta elektronik kontrol devresi elektromanyetik supabı yaklaşık olarak 1600 1/min motor hızı için başarılı bir şekilde kumanda ettiği görülmüştür.
In internal combustion engines, the most waste heat is emitted from exhaust and cooling systems. ... more In internal combustion engines, the most waste heat is emitted from exhaust and cooling systems. Thermoelectric generators are an important alternative for recycling waste energy in the exhaust systems of internal combustion engines. In thermoelectric generators, the cooling of the heat discharge surfaces is very important for module performance. In this study, two different cooling profiles to be used for waste heat recycling in the exhaust systems of internal combustion engines were designed and performance tests were carried out in different thermal conditions. Maximum V=12,5 V voltage was obtained from the designed system ("B" profile) at T h =250°C, ∆T=20 °C, R L =55 Ω load resistance and maximum0,46 A current was obtained at R L =5 Ω load resistance.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2019
In this study, a thermoelectric recovery system was designed to convert the exhaust waste heat of... more In this study, a thermoelectric recovery system was designed to convert the exhaust waste heat of an internal combustion diesel engine directly to electric power and the performance was measured at different engine speeds in the unloaded state. The performances of two different thermoelectric generators were compared in a system designed using four modules. Maximum 0.92 W power was obtained for four modules at 3500 r/min, at an area of 0.0016 m2. Internal resistance of modules has increased according to the engine speed. The highest internal resistance obtained during the experiments is 11.69 Ω at engine speed of 3500 r/min. The characteristics of the overall thermoelectric generator performance is coherent with the analysis model. In the current graph according to engine speed, the maximum absolute error is calculated for modules TEG 12-8 and TEG1-199 as 0.010 and 0.044, respectively (at experimented 3500 r/min). To charge the battery under maximum power point conditions, 133 therm...
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 2021
Worldwide, motorcycle sales have increased significantly during the coronavirus disease 2019 pand... more Worldwide, motorcycle sales have increased significantly during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic process. Thermoelectric generators are technologies that can directly convert waste heat into electrical energy in internal combustion engines. In this study, a waste heat recovery system with a thermoelectric generator has been designed for the exhaust system of a motorcycle engine with a cylinder volume of 50 cc. The performance of the waste heat recovery system has been examined under throttle opening of three-fourth and at different speeds, and a thermal model of the system has been created by means of the GT SUITE model. According to the test results, the increase in engine speed caused different temperature differences on the surfaces of the TEG module due to the constant flow of the fan the maximum recovery power has been found as 2.05 W at an engine speed of 6000 r/min and the maximum system efficiency has been found as 2.41% at an engine speed of 4000 r/min. Following minim...
Gazi Universitesi Muhendislik Mimarlık Fakultesi Dergisi, 2011
Bu calismada bir basincli hava motorundaki supap mekanizmasi icin elektromanyetik eyleyici tasari... more Bu calismada bir basincli hava motorundaki supap mekanizmasi icin elektromanyetik eyleyici tasarimi yapilmistir. Calismada, mekanik emme supap sistemi kaldirilmis yerine ozel tasarlanmis elektromanyetik eyleyici yerlestirilmistir. Basincli havanin silindirlere sevk edilmesini saglayan elektromanyetik eyleyici, motorun devrine bagli olarak uyartim saglayan bir surucu devre tarafindan kontrol edilmektedir. Elektromanyetik eyleyicinin analitik ve sonlu elemanlar metodu (Ansoft Maxwell 2D) ile elde edilen tasarimina ait elektriksel ve manyetik buyuklukleri hesaplanmis, sonuclar prototipin imal edilmesinde kullanilmistir. Ozel tasarim geregi elektromanyetik eyleyicinin istenen kuvveti yenmesine ek olarak belirlenen zaman araliginda tepki verebilmesi saglanmistir. Bunun icin teorik bir yaklasim dikkate alinmis, bu cercevede surekli simulasyonlar gerceklestirilmis ve optimum tasarim ortaya konulmustur. Simulasyon sonuclarina gore iletken kalinligi ve armatur agirliginin tepki suresi uzerine dikkate deger etkileri oldugu gozlenmistir. Analitik metotlar, simulasyon sonuclari ve deneysel degerler ile oldukca uyum icerisindedir.
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
In this study, design of tube type linear generator, which can generate electricity from suspensi... more In this study, design of tube type linear generator, which can generate electricity from suspension systems of electrical vehicles, has been realised. Information about widely-used suspension systems has been given and advantages and disadvantages of linear type electro-magnetic dumpers have been mentioned. Analytic design of tube type linear generator has been made for passive suspension system. In line with obtained sizing parameters, numerical analyses have been made in Ansys-Maxwell programme and results of such analyses have been examined. Prototype of analyzed tube type linear generator has been made. Measurements of magnetic flux density and simulation results in air gap have been compared. The linear generator designed has been applied for passive suspension. The experiments of the linear generator with 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 130 mm stroke length were performed, respectively. During the experiments, a frequency range of 1 Hz to 5 Hz was chosen. The highest speed was 1,...
Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 2016
Bu çalışmada, 2 zamanlı içten yanmalı 49 cc'lik bir benzinli motor basınçlı hava ile çalışır hale... more Bu çalışmada, 2 zamanlı içten yanmalı 49 cc'lik bir benzinli motor basınçlı hava ile çalışır hale getirilmiştir. Havanın silindir içerisine gönderilmesinde, bir elektromanyetik supaptan faydalanılmıştır. Elektromanyetik supabın kontrolü için Atmega8 mikrodenetleyicisinin kullanıldığı bir elektronik kontrol devresi tasarlanmış ve imal edilmiştir. Basınçlı hava, silindir içerisine farklı emme supap zamanlamalarında gönderilmiş ve motor performans değerleri karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuçta elektronik kontrol devresi elektromanyetik supabı yaklaşık olarak 1600 1/min motor hızı için başarılı bir şekilde kumanda ettiği görülmüştür.
Papers by haluk güneş