Papers by hadi purwadaria
Pergamon eBooks, 2002
Chapter headings. Keynote papers. Precision farming I. Precision farming II. Greenhouse technolog... more Chapter headings. Keynote papers. Precision farming I. Precision farming II. Greenhouse technology I. Algorithm and simulation I. Algorithm and simulation II. Neural network applications I. Greenhouse technology II. Robotics and automation I. Robotics and automation II. Control theory and applications I. Control theory and applications II. Control theory and applications III. Control theory and applications IV. Fuzzy applications I. Fuzzy applications II. Non destructive quality evaluation I. Non destructive quality evaluation II. Sensing technology. Neural network applications II.

Acta horticulturae, Oct 1, 2010
Research and development of post harvest technology and practices for various tropical fruits and... more Research and development of post harvest technology and practices for various tropical fruits and vegetables in Indonesia have been conducted to meet the export market requirement such as food safety and demanded storage and shelf life, and to enhance the product value. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) has been observed to be capable in improving the storage and shelf life of various fruits and vegetables, and fresh-cut fruits and vegetables. Edible coating has been investigated as another mean to extent the shelf life of fresh-cut produce. To achieve the prime quality for export fruits and vegetables, non-destructive evaluation methods have been developed to support fruit grading and sorting such as identifying the seedless lanzone using visible light; the colour of mango and the bruise spread in salak using image processing; the sour-sweet taste of mango using NIR (near infra-red reflectance); and the interior quality of mangosteen and durian using ultrasonic wave.

Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), in lndonesia has a good prospect as a substitute for staple food, as p... more Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare), in lndonesia has a good prospect as a substitute for staple food, as poultry feed, and as a commodity for export. In the post-harvest handling, sorghum will be threshed, cleaned and sorted, sun-dried, polished and kept in the storage. The polishing of sorghum is a critical step since sorghum contains high level of tannin in its outer skin (epidermis) which is detrimental both for human-being and cattle. Usually, to remove the tannin content, the sorghum polishing process will be carried out until the grains reaches 6 0 percents of their formal weight. In Indonesia, farmers do the sorghum polishing traditionally by pounding the grains placed inside a stone-mortar with a long tubular wood pounder. This kind of process takes a long time, gives a low quality of sorghum, and increases the grain losses. It is important to develop a sorghum polishing system mechanically to help the farmers in raising the quality and decreasing the losses. A prototype of sorghum polisher was designed, built, and tested in the laboratory. The construction materials used in developing the polisher are local goods easily found in the market. The machine consists of a series of sto,ne disk (1 1 0 mm diameter) on a central shaft placed inside a tubular screen in a tubular plate. The engine power utilized for the polisher is 3 HP. The engine could be either an electrical engine or a gasoline engine. The principal of the sorghum polishing-is significantly different from the rice polishing process due to the grain fragility. The function of the stone disks is not to do the abrasion process but mainly to create the rotation and the flow movement in the sorghum bed. The rotation movement in high speed causes the rubbing and abrasing mechanisms among the surface of the sorghum kernels themselves. This will result in whole polished grains without broken kernels. The grain was fed through a hopper mounted at the upper end of the tubular plate, then run through the polishing process while passing along the disk series to the tubular lower end. The sorghum bran was removed through the tubular screen at the same time the polishing process took place. During the performance test, various critical factors were studied such as 1) the numbers of the stone disks and the distant among the disks, 2) the rotation speed, 3) the sorghum water content, and 4) the number of passing the grains into the machine. I t was found that the prototype will perform optimally in a capacity of 1 5 kglhour when the number of the stone disks is 1 8 with 3 0 mrn distant between disks, the rotation speed is 3 0 0 0 RPM, the sorghum water content is 12 percents and twice passing the grains into the machine. The yield of the polished sorghum is 59.8 percents with 3 9. 0 percents sorghum bran and 1,2 percents losses.

Dalam pengembangan suatu teknologi, dalam hat ini teknologi pasca panen, Perguruan Tinggi sebagai... more Dalam pengembangan suatu teknologi, dalam hat ini teknologi pasca panen, Perguruan Tinggi sebagai suatu lembaga pendidikan akan dan wajib berperan dari dua m a c m pendekatan berbeda : 1) kebutuhan pasar yang berarti kebutuhan masyarakat termasuk industri, dan 2) kemajuan teknologi : perkembangan teknologi di masa depan, yang belum tentu akan dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pada saat sekarang, tetapi akan beimanfaat pada waktu yang akan datang. Untuk hal yang pertama, hubungan antara Perguruan Tinggi dengan masyarakat dan ind~~stri belu~n mencapai tingkat kernitraan yang setara dan rnasih dipisahkan oleh kesenjangan komunikasi serta tujuan dan luaran yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan misi dan visi masing-masing. Sebenamya, ha! ini wajar karena Perguruan Tinggi dan industri merupakan dua lembaga dengan prinsip dan budaya berbeda. Perguruan Tinggi mempunyai tujuan untuk melahirkan sarjana terdidik, luarannya adalah publikasi ilmiah sedangkan industri mernpunyai tujuan untuk mencari keuntungan, luarannya adalah produk berupa barang atau jasa yang dapat dijual ke masysarakat darl akhirrsya adalal~ parlgsa di pasnr s:~han~. Mcskipt~il tlcrlliki;111, kcditarlya berkepentingan u~~t u k ntenciptakan inovasi lckrtologi yang bcl-itl:~tll;rat bagi ~nasyarakat. Di pihak lain,'kefompok ~nasyarakat seperti pctarii, ~lclnyan dan koperasi ~nerldambakat~ ultrran Perguruan Tinggi (dan pemerintd~) clan umuillnya tnereka beranggapan bahwa Perguman Tinggi tahu segala-galanya dan wajib membantu mereka. ,
Agritech: Jurnal Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM, Oct 11, 2016
IPB 1 Using Near hfrared fnrico syacfullahr. Hadi K. Pur$adaria:. sutri,,n,,). Suroso) 'V.\.-: .'... more IPB 1 Using Near hfrared fnrico syacfullahr. Hadi K. Pur$adaria:. sutri,,n,,). Suroso) 'V.\.-: .'a td."',rlja.d Dep"nenen Ie\li\l'eranan IPB 's Jl Pelgata Depdneme.) Ienik Pe.d:an PB Abslract 'rhe Obldtue aJ tLis sto,, eB t. pr.,lict .f the tola! saluble axl ,odhes usrlg ,et i,tared (ltlR) olsaft@te. Tte NIR span e6 aewbpzd ad apptiea taa papolo sdtples at the ||seL sth dhge Jrc gaa tlaa ""1, l1c ./.na td re.oded 111 t hr1 n anal Ddd d'alysisJar cal)br.trio, d'd ealklotian *ith Stepeite Mrlliple U jet Regre$jot ISVLR), Irit1.1!dl Co paheht Regressior

Acta horticulturae, Sep 1, 2018
Indonesia is major exporter of dried nutmeg, mace, and nutmeg oil. With the increasing market dem... more Indonesia is major exporter of dried nutmeg, mace, and nutmeg oil. With the increasing market demand for extremely low aflatoxin content level in nutmeg, and mace, the alternative to utilize instant nutmeg essential oil powder as food ingredients is interesting to be explored. Nutmeg essential oil is obtained from nutmeg seed and mace by distillation process. The aims of this study were to find the emulsion formula to encapsulate the nutmeg essential oil with excellent quality, and to obtain the encapsulated nutmeg essential oil which is stable for flavor ingredient. Treatments were 1) the combination of 5% gum Arabic with two levels of maltodextrin at 31 and 36% for making the emulsion used as the encapsulation material, 2) time for homogenization process of the emulsion at two levels 10 and 15 min, and 3) three levels of nutmeg essential oils added to the emulsion: 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5%. Spray drying was applied to obtain the nutmeg essential oil instant powder. The results indicated that 5% gum Arabic combined with 31% maltodextrin provided appropriate wall material for the encapsulation formula producing stable emulsion with low viscosity. The emulsion could produce microcapsule, which was fine and not lumpy. Encapsulation technique with spray drying method was able to preserve and protect nutmeg essential oil during spray drying and storage.
Transactions of the ASAE, 1982
A finite element simulation model to predict tempera- ture histories for food products with ellip... more A finite element simulation model to predict tempera- ture histories for food products with elliptical and trapezoidal shapes has been developed. The validity of the model has been verified using experimental freezing tests. The results illustrate improvements in agreement between predicted and experimental results achieved by using a variable local surface heat transfer coefficient in the prediction model.

IFAC Proceedings Volumes, Aug 1, 2001
The objective of the research is to determine acoustic properties of durian (Durio zibethinus Mur... more The objective of the research is to determine acoustic properties of durian (Durio zibethinus Murr.) cv Sunan by ultrasonic method. Twelve mature durians of (95±3) days after fuJlbloom and 12 immature durians of (70±3) days after fullbloom were used to detennine the velocity and the attenuation. For this proposes, a measurement system based on ultrasonic method was developed and controlled by a PC computer. The experimental apparatus for measuring the transmission of the ultrasonic wave was developed consist of 1) an ultrasonic tester, 2) a transmitter and receiver transducer (50 kHz), 3) an analog oscilloscope, 4) a digital oscilloscope,S) an AID converter and 6) a personal computer. A low frequency (SO kHz) ultrasonic was used and placed underwater to transmit and receive ultrasound signal. The ultrasonic signal transmitted through the durian fruit sampled and displayed on the digital oscilloscope. An interface PC Lab Card was used to transfer the signal stored in the digital oscilloscope to the PC computer. The power spectra were obtained by means of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) techniques. The attenuation calculated with formula A. = Ace-<IX and the velocity calculated by formula V= (.1 tV V wat ,,) / L. The result shows that mature durian had attenuation of 0.521 dB/cm and the immature one was O. 311 dB/cm. The velocity of mature durian was 423.49 m1sec and the inunature one was 538.64 m1sec. The relationship between velocity and quality indices were linear (r 2 = 0.82 for firmness and ~ = 0.73 for sugar content). The relationship between8Uenuation, and quality indices seems to be exponential with r = 0.83 for firmness and r = 0.73 for sugar content.
Papers by hadi purwadaria