Papers by habib biabangard
Petrology, Jul 15, 2013
Mahour polymetal ore deposit is located in the eastern margin of Lut block, 130 Km west of Nehban... more Mahour polymetal ore deposit is located in the eastern margin of Lut block, 130 Km west of Nehbandan. The supergene mineralization mainly occurs as a north-south trend in the Tertiary altered volcanic rocks. The supergene minerals mainly occur as iron hydroxide, Cu-carbonates, Cu and Pb sulfates and Cu sulfides. Goethite, malachite, azurite, chalcosite, covellite, linarite and atacamite are common supergene minerals in the Mahour ore deposit that were formed by oxidation of the hypogene sulfides. Some of these minerals were analyzed by electron probe microanalyses (EPMA). Ag content is considerable in most of these minerals. Covellite from the Mahour has high Pb, Zn and Ag contents. The chemistry of the supergene minerals and the way of their formation will be discussed in this paper.
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Nov 22, 2009

Nuovo Cimento C Geophysics Space Physics C, Mar 1, 2008
Mount Taftan is a double-peaked stratovolcano, located in southeast of Iran. This volcano constru... more Mount Taftan is a double-peaked stratovolcano, located in southeast of Iran. This volcano constructed a number of calderas among which one of the most important is Anjerk. The magmas erupted from this multi-caldera complex range from andesi-basalt to dacite, but are dominated by andesite and dacite. Two terminal cones, Narkuh and Matherkuh, culminate at 4100 m and 3950 m, respectively. There are three evolutionary stages in the history of the volcanic complex (stage 1: Palaevolcanism, 6.95 ± 0.72 Ma, stage 2: Mesovolcanism, 6.01 ± 0.15 Ma and stage 3: Neovolcanism, 0.71 ± 0.03 Ma). The eruptive products consist of lava flows, ignimbrites and pyroclastic rocks. The later include tuffs, nuees ardents, breccias and sometimes reworked as lahars. Textural and mineralogical data suggest that both magma mixing and fractional crystallization were involved in the generation of the andesites and dacites. The magmas erupted from this volcano show a calc-alkaline trend. The corresponding lavas are calk-alkaline with a potasic tendency.
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Mar 1, 2016
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Aug 23, 2009

Taftan volcano, is located in about 100 Km South to Southeast of Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan ... more Taftan volcano, is located in about 100 Km South to Southeast of Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchestan province in southeast of Iran. On geological point of view, it is located at the end of Nehbandan-Khash flysch and North Makran structural zones. Field, petrographic and geochemical studies from different samples of rocks show that the volcano mostly composed of andesitic and dacitic rocks. These rocks have no variety in mineralogy and mainly composed of plagioclase, biotite, hornblende and pyroxene minerals. Microanalyses on these minerals show that plagioclases are common minerals with reversal, oscillatory and normal zoning and are andesine to labradorite in chemical composition. Plagioclases have 57.2 to 60.2 wt% Silica contents in composition. These mineral shows variation in composition from the core to rim that is correlative with the microscopic evidence and may be resulted by changes in magma composition accompanied with pressure changes during the ascent of magma, magma mixing and variation in water pressure in magma. Structural formulate indicate that amphiboles, micas and pyroxenes minerals are magnesiohornblende, biotite, diopside and hypresthene composition, respectively.

Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, Nov 26, 2008
At a glance of its stratighraphy, the Taftan Volcano can be classified as three groups: pre-, syn... more At a glance of its stratighraphy, the Taftan Volcano can be classified as three groups: pre-, syn-and post-volcanic deposits. The pre-volcanic deposits consist mostly of flysch facies and colored mélange complex. The syn-volcanic deposits are mainly the product of the Taftan Volcano which is mostly composed of pyroclastic and lava flows from the main body of this volcano. The post-volcanic deposits are mostly epiclastic and reworked materials from the Taftan Volcano due to its erosion and weathering. Major and trace elements, and Sr/Rb isotopic compositions determined on whole-rock samples from the Taftan Volcano showed that the volcano was formed at the continental margin. The whole-rock isotopic composition of the Taftan Volcano showed a feature of strong enrichment with 87 Sr/ 86 Sr=0.705326-0.705921. Geochronological samples of the Taftan Volcano determined by the 40 K/ 40 Ar method gave an age range of 6.95±0.72 to 0.71±0.03 Ma. The rare-earth element patterns are characterized by high LREE and nearly strongly linear patterns for MREE to HREE, suggesting that distinctive minerals such as olivine and pyroxene crystallized in the early magmatic stage and then were involved in reaction between the lower crust and residual magma. The integrated isotope and trace element systematics and tectonic structure beneath the Taftan Volcano suggested the lower-crust assimilation by the primary magma. The primary magma had generated from a heterogeneous mantle source and a secondary petrogenetical process. This magma could have been affected by the subduction of the Oman Sea underneath the continental Eurasia plate.

Japan Geoscience Union, Apr 7, 2014
The Taftan volcano, Sistan and Baluchestan province, SE Iran, is above 4050 m sea level and curre... more The Taftan volcano, Sistan and Baluchestan province, SE Iran, is above 4050 m sea level and currently dormant, showing fumarolic activity near the summit. This volcano is located in a structural zone along the subduction of Oman oceanic crust below the Eurasia plate. Large volcanic centers including Chah-Shahe, Bazman and Taftan in Iran and Soltan in Pakistan have been developed during the Quaternary. Anjerk and Tamandan are two calderas from of Taftan volcano that identified for the first time. Theses calderas are mostly composed of pyroclastics, lava flows, ignimbrites and tuffs. Various volcanic eruptions had occurred during these calderas formation. The exposed lava flows and pyroclastics of these calderas mainly consist of andesitic and dacitic in compositions. The geochemical evaluation of the major and trace element compositions indicate the magma erupted from this volcano show a calk-alkaline trend.

مجله بلورشناسی و کانیشناسی ایران, Mar 1, 2020
Samsour ophiolite is located in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, about 210 Km southwest of Zaheda... more Samsour ophiolite is located in Sistan and Baluchestan Province, about 210 Km southwest of Zahedan city. Based on structural and sedimentary classification of Iran, this ophiolite is located adjacent to NosratAbad-Karvandar fault and belongs to Sistan suture zone. Rock units of this ophiolite are mainly composed of ultramafic, including gabbro (Layerd and massive) and doleriteic. In the microscopic studies, igneous rocks include lherzolite, gabbro, olivine gabbro and diabase which have granular, network, cumulale, porphyrytic and ophitic textures. In the geochemical classification diagrams, these rocks are often plotted in the gabbro and picritic gabbro. Also, tectonomagmatic diagrams show magma that formed this ophiolite rocks are belonging to MORB. The REE elements are normalized to Chondrite and MORB show LREE to HRRE has enrichment and compard with E-MORB and N-MORB is enrichment, which is more closed to E-MORB. The study of sequences, cumulative crystals in the layer of gabbro, shows the order of crystallization of olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene that is more similar to the crystallization of MORB magma.
مجله بلورشناسی و کانیشناسی ایران, Dec 1, 2019

Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Zouzan granitoid bodies are located in northern part of Lut Block and... more Late Eocene-Early Oligocene Zouzan granitoid bodies are located in northern part of Lut Block and southeast of Khaf in Khorasan Razavi Province and intruded in metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of Precambrian to Eocene. as a result of subduction of Lut Block under Helman Block ,Lut magmatism and Zoozan granitoids have been formed. The granitoid bodies are composed of granodiorite, monzonite, monzodiorite, quartz diorite and also contain microgranular mafic enclaves. Mafic rocks in this area are diorite and gabbro. They are calcalkaline, metaluminous to peraluminous and oxidized I-type (magnetite series) and, have high contents of alkalis. The granitoids characteristics are similar to those of VAG types which probably evolved in a continental margin tectonic setting. Based on chemistry of plagioclase and hornblende in the granitoids, estimated pressure and temperature range from 2.66 to 3.85 Kb and 676 to 717° C, respectively. Due to intrusion of the Zouzan granitoid bodies, the host rocks were metamorphosed and metasomatized also skarn minerals and iron mineralization occurred in the carbonate rocks.

Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Sep 23, 2014
Both the Sistan Suture Zone of eastern Iran and the Nehbandan Fault contain Plio-Quaternary Nehba... more Both the Sistan Suture Zone of eastern Iran and the Nehbandan Fault contain Plio-Quaternary Nehbandan mafic lavas. Positive anomalies in the large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and negative anomalies in Nb exist in these mafic lavas. This indicates the occurrence of subduction magmatism and post-collision volcanism. Petrologic and geochemical analyses distinguished two groups of lava. Group I contains alkaline basalts with a slight depletion in Nb while Group II contains sub-alkaline basaltic andesite to andesite with a sharp depletion in Nb. Geochemical studies show that fractional crystallization and crustal contamination played an important part in the evolution of the Nehbandan lavas. Group II, however, was more greatly affected than Group I. Geochemical studies also indicate that these lavas may have been generated due to a low degree of partial melting (<5%) of garnet and the spinel-bearing lithospheric mantle; Group I shows more garnet than spinel while Group II shows the opposite. The research carried out for this paper suggests that the Plio-Quaternary Nehbandan mafic lavas were formed as a result of slab detachment or delamination and domination, an extensional condition correlated to the thinning of the crust and lithosphere in the Sistan Collision Zone. These conditions are concomitant with localized stretching along the Nehbandan Fault and the upwelling of magma forming mafic lavas.
Iranian Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Mar 1, 2016
فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی علوم زمین, Aug 23, 2009
Papers by habib biabangard