This article delves into the complex
relationship between multilingualism and
identity, examinin... more This article delves into the complex relationship between multilingualism and identity, examining its definition, prevalence, and impact on cognitive development and cultural awareness. It explores the advantages of multilingual practices in education, the formation of multilingual identities, and the influence of language on individual and collective identities. Drawing upon insights from renowned scholars, this study offers a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between multilingualism and identity. In addition, the text discusses various factors such as code-switching, diglossia, language choice, and the ease of learning additional languages for bilingual individuals. It also explores the OPOL method (One Parent One Language) and the characteristics of multilingual education programs. Additionally, the article delves into how speaking different languages can lead to identity changes and highlights relevant psychological studies, experimental methods, and key terms in this field. Following that, this article provides a comprehensive examination of the dimensions of multilingualism, contributing to a deeper understanding of how it shapes personal and social identities. It acknowledges that in today’s Received: Accepted: Available online: February 20, 2024 March 22, 2024 March 25, 2024 DOI: 10.36078/987654971 21 2024 Vol. 48 No. 1 Series: LINGUISTICS globalized society, multilingualism plays a crucial role in enhancing brain flexibility and providing individuals with better opportunities. Understanding one’s identity intricacies is fundamental for comprehending others more effectively. Moreover, multicultural polyglots do not have to choose between their identities; instead, they embrace multiple cultural influences. To sum up, the article aims to explore the complex relationship between multilingualism and identity. It delves into various aspects, drawing on scholarly insights and research findings from different disciplines. The goal is to enhance our understanding of how language proficiency influences personal experiences and societal dynamics.
Texnologiyaning rivoji ortidan ilm-fan sohasida bir qancha o‘zgarishlar yuzaga kelmoqda. Asosan t... more Texnologiyaning rivoji ortidan ilm-fan sohasida bir qancha o‘zgarishlar yuzaga kelmoqda. Asosan tarjima sohasida texnologik o’zgarishlarni alohida ta’kidlash o‘rinli. Turli elektron tarjimon lug‘at dasturlarining yaratilishi va undan foydalanish natijasida fan tarmoqlarida ham sezilarli statistikalarni misol keltirish mumkin. Tarjimani avtomatlashtirishdagi asosiy kutilayotgan natijalar samarasi o‘laroq, uning rivoji uchun ham fan va texnologiyaning uzviy bog‘liqlik jihatini kuzatish mumkin. Elektron lug’atlardan foydalanish ilm egalari va til o‘rganuvchilar uchun asosiy dastur sifatida qo‘llanilib kelinmoqda. Bunga sabab internetdagi kerakli ma’lumotlar turli tillarda mavjud bo‘lib, mazkur ma’lumotlarni tarjima qilish uchun foydalanuvchilarning elektron lug’atga ehtiyoji ortadi. Shunday ekan, tarjimon dastrulardan foydalanish barcha soha vakillarining kundalik ehtiyoj manbaiga aylanib bo’lgan. Hozirgi vaqtga kelib bir nechta billingval va multilingval tarjimon dasturlar yaratilgan ...
The fact that the world linguistics deals with anthropocentric paradigm urges the study of the is... more The fact that the world linguistics deals with anthropocentric paradigm urges the study of the issues related to gender terminology standardization and gender discourse implementation. In this regard, challenging the principles of traditional terminology and translation, testing the perspective relevance of cognitive semantics to demonstrate a language potential in the world conceptualization and categorization through gender discourse lens, revealing linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the formation of a gender terminology system is of high importance. The article deals with linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the formation of gender term system - as a cognitive structure providing an effective communication on human rights discourse. The performative function of gender terms, their oriented feature – from words to the actions has been substantiated on the examples of official documents.
The study deals with the NSM analysis, developed by A. Wierzbicka, and its essence to develop the... more The study deals with the NSM analysis, developed by A. Wierzbicka, and its essence to develop the prototype structure of the basic social categories. The hypothesis questioned within this paper: ‘Are the NSM analysis results of the category areprone to determine its prototype?’.The work of Sapir Whorf claims that the linguistic systems of the “pictures of the world” are incompatible with each other, whereas Wierzbicka, on the contrary, asserts that culturally specific concepts are well comparable, as they can betranslated into a universal language that excludesthese differences. Thus, the language of semantic primitives – NSM, demonstrating its expressive capacity, restricts the set of the meanings for max-imum that refuses further decomposition, the onlyway the semantic content of any complex expression can be made explicitly in full detail.
The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2020
The demand for language translation has greatly increased in recent times due to increasing cross... more The demand for language translation has greatly increased in recent times due to increasing cross-regional communication and the need for information exchange. Most material needs to be translated, including scientific and technical documentation, instruction manuals, legal documents, textbooks, publicity leaflets, newspaper reports etc. Some of this work is challenging and difficult but mostly it is tedious and repetitive and requires consistency and accuracy. It is becoming difficult for professional translators to meet the increasing demands of translation. In such a situation the machine translation can be used as a substitute. This paper intends to study methods and techniques of Machine Translation (MT). Through the following points: History of MT, Statistical MT, Types of MT, and evaluation of MT.
The following research supports the idea that terms do play a significant role in the constructio... more The following research supports the idea that terms do play a significant role in the construction of a particular discourse as it defines discourse to be an intellectual ghetto with its own term system and methodology. The study deals with one of the principles of Cognitive Terminology, which claims that Traditional Terminology does not provide proper principles and methods of defining the concepts. In particular, gender terms have been considered, i.e. whether it is possible to define the gender terms intensionally and/or extensionally in comparison with traditional Terminology principles. As compared to traditional Terminology, sociocognitive Terminology has more and different theoretical underpinnings which go hand in hand with other methodological tools for the analysis of categories which occur in textual information. We have shown how the sociocognitive approach in Terminology can borrow methodologies from cognitive semantics for at least the following analysis, which implies...
Interdisciplinary approach is one of the important features of gender analysis as it can be studi... more Interdisciplinary approach is one of the important features of gender analysis as it can be studied in any field of science. The study of a language as an object of intercultural communication and the problems of the interdependence of a language, culture, and consciousness are of great importance in linguistics. The study deals with the general concept of phraseological units, which is reflected in the expression of the linguocultural means that arise in social events and serve for the specific national communicative process of society, both of which illuminate the national-cultural values of society the people. Indeed, a comparative analysis of gender in phraseological units based on cognitive and linguocultural approaches provides an opportunity for a linguistic analysis of the national mentality specifics to a particular society. The study of the national-cultural problems in the phraseological system can be explained by the attention and interest in the problem of “Language and...
This article delves into the complex
relationship between multilingualism and
identity, examinin... more This article delves into the complex relationship between multilingualism and identity, examining its definition, prevalence, and impact on cognitive development and cultural awareness. It explores the advantages of multilingual practices in education, the formation of multilingual identities, and the influence of language on individual and collective identities. Drawing upon insights from renowned scholars, this study offers a comprehensive analysis of the relationship between multilingualism and identity. In addition, the text discusses various factors such as code-switching, diglossia, language choice, and the ease of learning additional languages for bilingual individuals. It also explores the OPOL method (One Parent One Language) and the characteristics of multilingual education programs. Additionally, the article delves into how speaking different languages can lead to identity changes and highlights relevant psychological studies, experimental methods, and key terms in this field. Following that, this article provides a comprehensive examination of the dimensions of multilingualism, contributing to a deeper understanding of how it shapes personal and social identities. It acknowledges that in today’s Received: Accepted: Available online: February 20, 2024 March 22, 2024 March 25, 2024 DOI: 10.36078/987654971 21 2024 Vol. 48 No. 1 Series: LINGUISTICS globalized society, multilingualism plays a crucial role in enhancing brain flexibility and providing individuals with better opportunities. Understanding one’s identity intricacies is fundamental for comprehending others more effectively. Moreover, multicultural polyglots do not have to choose between their identities; instead, they embrace multiple cultural influences. To sum up, the article aims to explore the complex relationship between multilingualism and identity. It delves into various aspects, drawing on scholarly insights and research findings from different disciplines. The goal is to enhance our understanding of how language proficiency influences personal experiences and societal dynamics.
Texnologiyaning rivoji ortidan ilm-fan sohasida bir qancha o‘zgarishlar yuzaga kelmoqda. Asosan t... more Texnologiyaning rivoji ortidan ilm-fan sohasida bir qancha o‘zgarishlar yuzaga kelmoqda. Asosan tarjima sohasida texnologik o’zgarishlarni alohida ta’kidlash o‘rinli. Turli elektron tarjimon lug‘at dasturlarining yaratilishi va undan foydalanish natijasida fan tarmoqlarida ham sezilarli statistikalarni misol keltirish mumkin. Tarjimani avtomatlashtirishdagi asosiy kutilayotgan natijalar samarasi o‘laroq, uning rivoji uchun ham fan va texnologiyaning uzviy bog‘liqlik jihatini kuzatish mumkin. Elektron lug’atlardan foydalanish ilm egalari va til o‘rganuvchilar uchun asosiy dastur sifatida qo‘llanilib kelinmoqda. Bunga sabab internetdagi kerakli ma’lumotlar turli tillarda mavjud bo‘lib, mazkur ma’lumotlarni tarjima qilish uchun foydalanuvchilarning elektron lug’atga ehtiyoji ortadi. Shunday ekan, tarjimon dastrulardan foydalanish barcha soha vakillarining kundalik ehtiyoj manbaiga aylanib bo’lgan. Hozirgi vaqtga kelib bir nechta billingval va multilingval tarjimon dasturlar yaratilgan ...
The fact that the world linguistics deals with anthropocentric paradigm urges the study of the is... more The fact that the world linguistics deals with anthropocentric paradigm urges the study of the issues related to gender terminology standardization and gender discourse implementation. In this regard, challenging the principles of traditional terminology and translation, testing the perspective relevance of cognitive semantics to demonstrate a language potential in the world conceptualization and categorization through gender discourse lens, revealing linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the formation of a gender terminology system is of high importance. The article deals with linguistic and extra-linguistic factors in the formation of gender term system - as a cognitive structure providing an effective communication on human rights discourse. The performative function of gender terms, their oriented feature – from words to the actions has been substantiated on the examples of official documents.
The study deals with the NSM analysis, developed by A. Wierzbicka, and its essence to develop the... more The study deals with the NSM analysis, developed by A. Wierzbicka, and its essence to develop the prototype structure of the basic social categories. The hypothesis questioned within this paper: ‘Are the NSM analysis results of the category areprone to determine its prototype?’.The work of Sapir Whorf claims that the linguistic systems of the “pictures of the world” are incompatible with each other, whereas Wierzbicka, on the contrary, asserts that culturally specific concepts are well comparable, as they can betranslated into a universal language that excludesthese differences. Thus, the language of semantic primitives – NSM, demonstrating its expressive capacity, restricts the set of the meanings for max-imum that refuses further decomposition, the onlyway the semantic content of any complex expression can be made explicitly in full detail.
The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2020
The demand for language translation has greatly increased in recent times due to increasing cross... more The demand for language translation has greatly increased in recent times due to increasing cross-regional communication and the need for information exchange. Most material needs to be translated, including scientific and technical documentation, instruction manuals, legal documents, textbooks, publicity leaflets, newspaper reports etc. Some of this work is challenging and difficult but mostly it is tedious and repetitive and requires consistency and accuracy. It is becoming difficult for professional translators to meet the increasing demands of translation. In such a situation the machine translation can be used as a substitute. This paper intends to study methods and techniques of Machine Translation (MT). Through the following points: History of MT, Statistical MT, Types of MT, and evaluation of MT.
The following research supports the idea that terms do play a significant role in the constructio... more The following research supports the idea that terms do play a significant role in the construction of a particular discourse as it defines discourse to be an intellectual ghetto with its own term system and methodology. The study deals with one of the principles of Cognitive Terminology, which claims that Traditional Terminology does not provide proper principles and methods of defining the concepts. In particular, gender terms have been considered, i.e. whether it is possible to define the gender terms intensionally and/or extensionally in comparison with traditional Terminology principles. As compared to traditional Terminology, sociocognitive Terminology has more and different theoretical underpinnings which go hand in hand with other methodological tools for the analysis of categories which occur in textual information. We have shown how the sociocognitive approach in Terminology can borrow methodologies from cognitive semantics for at least the following analysis, which implies...
Interdisciplinary approach is one of the important features of gender analysis as it can be studi... more Interdisciplinary approach is one of the important features of gender analysis as it can be studied in any field of science. The study of a language as an object of intercultural communication and the problems of the interdependence of a language, culture, and consciousness are of great importance in linguistics. The study deals with the general concept of phraseological units, which is reflected in the expression of the linguocultural means that arise in social events and serve for the specific national communicative process of society, both of which illuminate the national-cultural values of society the people. Indeed, a comparative analysis of gender in phraseological units based on cognitive and linguocultural approaches provides an opportunity for a linguistic analysis of the national mentality specifics to a particular society. The study of the national-cultural problems in the phraseological system can be explained by the attention and interest in the problem of “Language and...
Papers by guli ergasheva
relationship between multilingualism and
identity, examining its definition, prevalence,
and impact on cognitive development and
cultural awareness. It explores the advantages of
multilingual practices in education, the formation
of multilingual identities, and the influence of
language on individual and collective identities.
Drawing upon insights from renowned scholars,
this study offers a comprehensive analysis of the
relationship between multilingualism and identity.
In addition, the text discusses various factors
such as code-switching, diglossia, language
choice, and the ease of learning additional
languages for bilingual individuals. It also
explores the OPOL method (One Parent One
Language) and the characteristics of multilingual
education programs. Additionally, the article
delves into how speaking different languages can
lead to identity changes and highlights relevant
psychological studies, experimental methods, and
key terms in this field.
Following that, this article provides a
comprehensive examination of the dimensions
of multilingualism, contributing to a deeper
understanding of how it shapes personal and
social identities. It acknowledges that in today’s
Available online:
February 20, 2024
March 22, 2024
March 25, 2024
DOI: 10.36078/987654971
2024 Vol. 48 No. 1 Series: LINGUISTICS
globalized society, multilingualism plays a
crucial role in enhancing brain flexibility and
providing individuals with better opportunities.
Understanding one’s identity intricacies is
fundamental for comprehending others more
effectively. Moreover, multicultural polyglots
do not have to choose between their identities;
instead, they embrace multiple cultural influences.
To sum up, the article aims to explore the
complex relationship between multilingualism
and identity. It delves into various aspects,
drawing on scholarly insights and research
findings from different disciplines. The goal is
to enhance our understanding of how language
proficiency influences personal experiences and
societal dynamics.
relationship between multilingualism and
identity, examining its definition, prevalence,
and impact on cognitive development and
cultural awareness. It explores the advantages of
multilingual practices in education, the formation
of multilingual identities, and the influence of
language on individual and collective identities.
Drawing upon insights from renowned scholars,
this study offers a comprehensive analysis of the
relationship between multilingualism and identity.
In addition, the text discusses various factors
such as code-switching, diglossia, language
choice, and the ease of learning additional
languages for bilingual individuals. It also
explores the OPOL method (One Parent One
Language) and the characteristics of multilingual
education programs. Additionally, the article
delves into how speaking different languages can
lead to identity changes and highlights relevant
psychological studies, experimental methods, and
key terms in this field.
Following that, this article provides a
comprehensive examination of the dimensions
of multilingualism, contributing to a deeper
understanding of how it shapes personal and
social identities. It acknowledges that in today’s
Available online:
February 20, 2024
March 22, 2024
March 25, 2024
DOI: 10.36078/987654971
2024 Vol. 48 No. 1 Series: LINGUISTICS
globalized society, multilingualism plays a
crucial role in enhancing brain flexibility and
providing individuals with better opportunities.
Understanding one’s identity intricacies is
fundamental for comprehending others more
effectively. Moreover, multicultural polyglots
do not have to choose between their identities;
instead, they embrace multiple cultural influences.
To sum up, the article aims to explore the
complex relationship between multilingualism
and identity. It delves into various aspects,
drawing on scholarly insights and research
findings from different disciplines. The goal is
to enhance our understanding of how language
proficiency influences personal experiences and
societal dynamics.