Papers by gerald rundengan

ABSTRACTThe increase of hospital quality and performance needs to be done to give a qualified ser... more ABSTRACTThe increase of hospital quality and performance needs to be done to give a qualified service to societ. One method that can be used to find the Balanced Scorecard method is a coherent and comprehensive method as a management evaluation tool. This study aims to determine the performance of the Pharmacy Installation of Noongan District Hospital with the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) method from a financial perspective and an internal business process perspective. This research is descriptive with retrospective data collection for the financial perspective and prospectively for the internal business perspective. Primary date was obtained from direct observation and secondary data was obtained from financial administration reports of pharmacy installation and Noongan District Hospital. The results showed that from a financial perspective in 2020 an ITOR 3.25 times, average age of inventory 112 days, and the contribution of IFRS to RSUD 85.87%. From a internal business perspective, a...

ABSTRACTOne of the natural ingredients that are often used as a medicinal plants is Pangi (Pangiu... more ABSTRACTOne of the natural ingredients that are often used as a medicinal plants is Pangi (Pangium edule Reinw. Ex Blume) plant. The part of pangi that are often used are leaves, which is known have antibacterial activity. North Sulawesi people empirically use this plant as food and to cure various diseases such as treating itching on the skin caused by bacteria found on the skin. The aim of this research was to determine and study the strength of antibacterial inhibition based on the category of inhibition by Davis and Stout of ethanol extract from pangi (Pangium edule Reinw. ex Blume) leaf performed by disc diffusion Kirby and Bauer method againts Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonos aeruginosa bacterias. The result showed that the ethanol extract from pangi (Pangium edule Reinw. Ex Blume) leaf has medium inhibitory strength at concentrations of 4%, 6% and 8%.Keywords: Pangium edule Reinw. ex Blume leaf, Antibacterial, Disc diffusion method ABSTRAKSalah satu ba...

Pala (Myristica fragransa) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder yang menunjukkan aktivitas farma... more Pala (Myristica fragransa) mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder yang menunjukkan aktivitas farmakologi. Namun, bagian perikarpium terutama bagian nonvolatil belum banyak dilaporkan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini sebagai screening awal dengan melihat potensi dari senyawa yang dihasilkan perikarpium pala.Dua belas senyawa digambar dua dimensi, dianalisis menggunakan software dan server prediktor. Software yang digunakan adalah Marvin Sketch, ChembioDraw kemudian dianalisis sifat fisikokimia senyawa tersebut. Selanjutnya, server predictor untuk melihat karakteristik farmakokinetika dan toksisitasnya. Berdasarkan analisis sifat fisikokimia senyawa terbaik yaitu licarin (titik didih, titik kritis temperature dan refraksi molar), guaiacin (titik leleh), dan virolane (titik kritis tekanan). Hasil analisis Lipinski menunjukkan senyawa stigmasterol dan b-sitosterol tidak memenuhi kriteria Lipinski.. Selain itu data farmakokinetika menunjukkan stigmasterol, b-sitosterol, asetoneoglinan memiliki...

Jurnal MIPA, 2020
Kerusakan gigi salah satunya adalah karies gigi yang di sebabkan oleh bakteri Streptococcus mutan... more Kerusakan gigi salah satunya adalah karies gigi yang di sebabkan oleh bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Buah sirih (Piper betle L) dapat di gunakan untuk tanaman obat karena memiliki kandungan senyawa tanin sebagai antibakteri. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa tanin dan uji aktifitas antibakteri fraksi n-heksan, kloroform dan etil asetat terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Jenis penelitian ini ialah Deskriptif Analitik. Pengujian kandungan senyawa tanin secara kualitatif ekstrak buah sirih menggunakan kromatografi lapis tipis (KLT) dan spektrofotometer Uv-Vis serta pengujian antibakteri pada konsentrasi 3%, 4%, 5% dan 6% untuk masing-masing fraksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa ketiga fraksi: n-heksan, kloroform dan etil asetat positif mengandung senyawa tanin. Pengujian antibakteri pada konsentrasi 3%, 4%, 5% dan 6% menunjukan adanya aktifitas antibakteri dari ketiga fraksi : n-heksan ,kloroform dan etil asetat terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans dengan da...

PharmacoEconomics, 2020
The Indonesian government issued Minister of Health Regulation No. HK.02.02/MENKES/068/I/2010 whi... more The Indonesian government issued Minister of Health Regulation No. HK.02.02/MENKES/068/I/2010 which requires writing prescriptions with generic names in government health facilities. In addition, the government also compiled the National Formulary as a reference in drug selection as stated in Minister of Health Regulation No. 129/MENKES/SK/II/2008 concerning the Minimum Service Standard of Hospital. However, there are still many government health facilities that still use non-generic drugs in BPJS prescriptions. The study was conducted to measure the percentage of prescription writing in generic names and the suitability of recipes with the National Formulary in outpatient BPJS patients in Manado Bhayangkara Hospital. The method used is descriptive analysis by taking 392 recipe sheets as samples. The results showed that the average percentage of prescription writing for the period December 2019 - May 2020 with a generic name was 81.38% and conformity to the National Formulary was 5...

Latar belakang : Semakin meningkatnya tuntutan masyarakat akan mutu pelayanan maka fungsi pelayan... more Latar belakang : Semakin meningkatnya tuntutan masyarakat akan mutu pelayanan maka fungsi pelayanan kesehatan termasuk pelayanan dalam rumah sakit secara bertahap perlu terus ditingkatkan agar menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien serta memberi kepuasan terhadap pasien, keluarga maupun masyarakat. Pelayanan yang bermutu haruslah berorientasi pada tercapainya kepuasan pelanggan agar dapat tetap eksis di tengah persaingan global. Pelayanan farmasi di Rumah Sakit merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari sistem pelayanan Rumah Sakit yang utuh dan berorientasi pada pelayanan kepada pasien. Banyak keluhan pasien terhadap pelayanan Instalasi Farmasi di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Noongan, apabila tidak segera ditangani akan mengakibatkan menurunnya kepuasan pasien terhadap kapabilitas pelayanan kesehatan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Noongan khususnya Instalasi Farmasi. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mutu pelayanan kefarmasian di Instalasi Farmasi RSUD Noongan. Metode :...

ABSTRACTImplementation of Hospital Minimum Serviced Standard is very important because it is a me... more ABSTRACTImplementation of Hospital Minimum Serviced Standard is very important because it is a measured of the performanced of health serviced held in hospitals. This studied aims to determined the suitability of the MSS of pharmacy hospitals on the indicator of the length of time of prescription serviced and the indicators of patient satisfaction at the Bhayangkara Hospital, Manado. This researched used a descriptive type of researched conducted with quantitative and qualitative researched methoded. The sampled for this studied was 343 path patients or prescriptions IFRS Bhayangkara Manado. The results showed that the indicator for the length of time of prescription serviced obtained the averaged time for non-concocted prescriptions for 9.30 minuted and 22 minuted for prescription concocted, and for indicators of patient satisfaction, the result was 80.63%. Based on the results of the researched obtained, it can be concluded that the Bhayangkara Manado Hospital has met the standard...

Red spinach leaves (Amaranthus tricolor L.) contain flavonoid compounds, saponins and tannin... more Red spinach leaves (Amaranthus tricolor L.) contain flavonoid compounds, saponins and tannins which had antioxidant potential. This study aims to test the antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of Red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.) leaves used to be DPPH method and evaluate cream preparations used physical test parameters. This study used a laboratory experimental method. The formulate of cream preparations and variations in the concentration of 0,25%, 0,5%, 0,75 %, 1%, 1,25%. The results obtained before and after the cycling test showed that cream preparations with 0,5% concentration met organoleptic requirements, homogeneity, cream pH 5,29 (4,5-6,5), cream adhesion 16,20 seconds (> 4 seconds ), the spreadability of the cream is 5,37 cm (5-7 cm) and the antioxidant activity test produced value 2,82 ppm and vitamin C value of 0,22 ppm. It can be concluded that cream preparation of ethanol extract of Red spinach leaves meets physical test parameters, is stable and had v...

PHARMACON, Aug 9, 2020
Services in the health sector are one of the services that are needed by the community, one of th... more Services in the health sector are one of the services that are needed by the community, one of them is service in the field of pharmacy. The therapeutic process of a patient needs collaboration between the pharmacist, physician and other health workers. In some hospitals in Indonesia, they have not implementing all pharmaceutical care activities as regulated in Permenkes No. 72 of 2016. This studied aims to know the opinions and expectations of physician to the role of pharmacist in pharmaceutical care. This research was a quantitative descriptive study and data collection tool used was a questionnaire about the opinions and expectations given to 63 physician. Based on the research results obtained, it was known that the perception of physician tend to agree with an average value of 94,55% for the opinion and for the expectation of 91,78%. So that can be concluded that physician had good opinions and expectation to the role of pharmacists in accordance with Pharmaceutical Care Standards.
Kesehatan adalah hak asasi manusia dan sekaligus investasi untuk keberhasilan pembangunan bangsa.... more Kesehatan adalah hak asasi manusia dan sekaligus investasi untuk keberhasilan pembangunan bangsa. Untuk itu diselenggarakan pembangunan kesehatan secara menyeluruh dan berkesinambungan, dengan tujuan guna meningkatkan kesadaran, kemauan dan kemampuan hidup sehat bagi setiap orang agar terwujud derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang setinggi-tingginya.
Papers by gerald rundengan