Papers by Gerard P . M . Feller
Body language , 2000
Recently greater priority has been given to body language in the advertising world, in politics a... more Recently greater priority has been given to body language in the advertising world, in politics and in business life as well. Any self-respecting 'trainer' is investing more and more in nonverbal communication in his executive and management training programs. Except for the hideous excesses of the American television preachers' culture, body language has been a neglected territory with Christians, yes, it's often even taboo. Yet, it is the Bible in particular, that teaches us that the essence of man is a tri-unity that is manifested into spirit, soul and body.

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it, will eat its... more Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it, will eat its fruit.
The book of Proverbs provides us with the application of the wisdom of God, who created the heavens and the earth, on the different aspects of life in this world of confusion and decline. In this Bible book, God defines us in regard to His immeasurable mercy, by applying His Wisdom to the circumstances of our practical life. He shows us with His insight what the consequences of all paths are, in which one could walk. To someone who is submitted to the Word, means are given to avoid the path of the own will and foolishness. The heart alone is unable to understand the scope of the many acts it instills in us. Proverbs defines us in regard to the Wisdom and Caution to protect us. In the book of Proverbs there are many lessons on communication to be found. It is a practical and poetical book. It’s not about ‘one-liners’, but about knowledge and wisdom from the Lord (Pro. 8:8-9).

Divination as an (Emo) entertainment, 2021
Spiritism is trendy. The psychics are crowding the commercial and public television programs. Via... more Spiritism is trendy. The psychics are crowding the commercial and public television programs. Via internet, people can obtain online 'readings' 24 hours a day, and in numerous trendy magazines the 'old' horoscopes are replaced by extensive 'personality and risk analyses'. In a world full of insecurities, problems and stress, a 'redeeming' word from 'the other side, can bring some relief. It's big business, good for the view numbers, and if on top of that it also creates emotional scenes as in Char or in the Ghost whisperer, then there is no one left who asks for the truth. Due to the increasing diversity and secularization of our country, the churches seem to have no answers when it comes down to life issues, decisions and the future. Spirituality is trendy, but it's focused on the need of the autonomous, egocentric, western man who ultimately 'wants to have a grip' on everything. In the deceptive and deceitful world of fortune telling, the father of all guiles and deceit, Satan, seems to benefit the most from it. People are becoming more and more alienated from the life in dependence on the living God and allow themselves, however, to be guided by demons, guiding spirits that respond to their deepest desires and that ultimately bring about their destruction. In this article I'd like to describe some trends and test them biblically. What do people look for in diviners? There are twenty forms of divination. The technique often changes, but the spirit and the powers behind it remain the same. The best known forms are astrology, horoscope reading, explanation of dreams, (hand) palm reading, iridology, chart reading, amongst others the tarot card, psychometrics, mirror mantis, dowsing rod communication or pendulums and many attributes of psychics. The most famous programs on radio and television in recent years have been Char, the sixth sense Astro-television (different canals), Jomanda, the new Uri Geller, the Ghost whisperer. Furthermore, the offer of diviners on the internet is huge. Deep in the human heart lies the desire to lift the veil that covers his life and future, in another way. And let the 'lifting of the veil' just be a specialty of diviners! People do ask questions as: What will tomorrow bring? How will the surgery or the exam go? Which decision is to be made in private or in a work situation? Which profession, which life partner, how are the missing family members and how would it be with the dead loved ones? The natural man often doesn't want to walk the way of surrender, obedience and childish confiding prayer, in which God wants to guide His children step by step and wants to give them further and further light on their own lives, work and future. What God doesn't uncover, He intends to cover it (yet) to us in His love and wisdom because of certain reasons. The natural man is however, not satisfied with what God reveals through His Word and Spirit. Man wants more, therefore he chooses the other way. Satan

Transhumanism: Operation Super (hu)man, 2020
Transhumanism is an emerging philosophical and social movement that, by the means of technology, ... more Transhumanism is an emerging philosophical and social movement that, by the means of technology, intends to lengthen human life and also to improve and expand the intellectual, physical and psychological capabilities. Within transhumanism it is not about a new approach of man, but about the announcement of an improved (enhanced) man, a trans-human or post-human form of life that leaves the human life, as we know now, behind. It is in every way, physically as well as mentally, the perfect man, the super man. Transhumanism is a convergence, a fusion of evolution, humanism and information technology. So transhumanism is not a religion or a doctrine of salvation, it is a rational view on the human development, so it is thought (1)
Many of the goals of transhumanism seem to overlap the eschatological hope of Christians, such as the eradication of diseases and death, but finally they are different in the way this should be achieved
The DNA dialogue consists of a series of discussions and debates that take place between the midd... more The DNA dialogue consists of a series of discussions and debates that take place between the middle of 2019 and the end of 2020 throughout the whole country. The goal is to find out what the Dutch society thinks about the modification of the DNA in embryos. The outcome of the dialogues are gathered and presented to politicians, scientists and the Dutch society (1).

Relaxation exercises: Do’s and don’ts, 2020
De-stressing is a hot topic!
Sick leave, due to stress has increased explosively in recent years.... more De-stressing is a hot topic!
Sick leave, due to stress has increased explosively in recent years. According to ArboNed (Dutch Service for Employers and employees) (1), it costs trade and industry close to 2 billion euros annually. Numerous illnesses are also stress-related. It is clear to everyone that psychological stress is also translated physically and can lead to sick leave. In this article I don't want to go into all kinds of causes and consequences of stress, but more into a means that is generally recommended to de-stress, namely breathing and relaxation exercises. The most common relaxation exercises that are practiced are: muscle relaxation exercises or progressive relaxation, suggestive relaxation exercises, autogenic training, mindfulness or 'Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy' (MBCT), breathing exercises and various yoga techniques. In addition, there is a multitude of different mix-forms. I will try to discuss the pros and cons of the most important relaxation exercises.

Jesus God who became Man, 2019
We would like to publish some articles about the person and characteristics of Jesus as man. He i... more We would like to publish some articles about the person and characteristics of Jesus as man. He is fully God and fully man. It can be a support in pastoral care, when confidents explore the perfect life of Jesus as Man and Lord. God does not remain abstract, but is also recognizable in the soul, the personality of Jesus. In this study, for example, the difference with Buddha and Confucius is also shown. Of course Jesus can only be known by the Holy Spirit and through the spiritual laws and ordinances, as they are also expressed in the Bible. He is the God, Who became man, the image of God the invisible One. Or as the letter to the Hebrews (1:1-3a) tells us: “God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature”
The sound doctrine, 2018
Promise stands for biblical thinking about health. God's Word has the pretense of being wholesome... more Promise stands for biblical thinking about health. God's Word has the pretense of being wholesome. With regard to biblical health, many Christians often think that it is only about prayer. Of course, this is also very important. But the Bible also calls us to account for our responsibilities when it comes to obtaining and maintaining our health. In several texts in the Old and New Testament there is mention about the healing (Greek: 'hygiainousa') influence.

In this article I would like to briefly describe some developments and techniques in gene... more Summary
In this article I would like to briefly describe some developments and techniques in genetic engineering. It focuses on the applications to human genes and the possibilities of genetics in the near future.
On the basis of a few fragments of an article by Jim Leffel (13) I want to show the harmful influence of postmodern thinking in relation to the ethics regarding genetic engineering. Leffel approaches the developments mainly from the point of view of American society, but this is usually a harbinger of the developments in the West. It is high time for Christians to sound the alarm bell and look for biblical solutions and standpoints in this complex problem. Many Christians are insidiously infected by pragmatic postmodern thinking and are transformed into unbiblical thinking and assertion on this issue. Christian scientists, theologians, ethicists, apologists, social workers need to wake up and defend the biblical realism. This applies to many scientific and sociological developments, but certainly also to the ethics of genetic theology. This article tries to make a modest contribution to this.
The instruction of the kidneys (the inward parts)
Biblical analogies
Body mind relation
homeost... more The instruction of the kidneys (the inward parts)
Biblical analogies
Body mind relation
homeostase comparing judgement
In a previous article we have dealt with the relevance of developing relational brain skills (1).... more In a previous article we have dealt with the relevance of developing relational brain skills (1). We have seen that the development of relational brain skills are determinative for our way of thinking and for giving substance to our identity and emotional skills. A lot of what we call unconscious are acquired skills that are activated faster than the conscious thinking in the brain. It is striking, however, that many conditions for a healthy development are biblically also important values. For example a good joyful individual and group identity, an ability to enter into rest during difficult circumstances, self-control, relatedness and properly dealing with boundaries. In this article I would mainly like to focus on the ability of getting back to rest and joyful peace and joy (shalom) from difficult feelings.

The importance of developing relational brain skills, 2017
In recent decades, the knowledge about the functioning of the brains has increased. Due to the de... more In recent decades, the knowledge about the functioning of the brains has increased. Due to the development of all kinds of scans, there is more and more knowledge available about neurophysiology, the functioning of the brain. Many studies are focused on the integration of the left and right part of the brain. The importance of thinking as a dominant function of the left part of the brain is known to many people. It is less known that the development of the underlying relational skills of the right part of the brain are decisive for our way of thinking and give shape to our identity and emotional skills. Much of what we call unconscious, are acquired skills, which are activated much quicker than the conscious thinking in the brain. It is striking to note that many conditions for a healthy development are also biblically important values.
To see what God sees.
Learn to observe and look from the presence of God from a biblical worldview

In the Christian spiritual healthcare there seems to be an increasing tension between pastoral ca... more In the Christian spiritual healthcare there seems to be an increasing tension between pastoral care, psychology and recently also neurophysiology. In the past especially the moralistic and ethical side were emphasized, for example in the pastoral care of Jay Adams, in which the awareness of sin, confession and sanctification represented almost all solutions of spiritual problems. Later, many Christian healthcare workers abandoned that particular unilaterally ethical approach and started to focus more on psychology, especially the development psychology, statistics, and people also got more and more caught up in the humanistic psychology. Under the influence of the developments in brain sciences and genetics in the past few years, problems have been more and more considered to be a result of biochemical changes and brains disorders. Healthcare becomes more and more complicated. Do we have to approach alcoholism for example as a problem of sin, a symptom of an unprocessed trauma or as a neurological or genetic problem? Or indeed as a complicated problem in which several causes and aspects play a role, and what does it matter which method of counseling we choose? Should we cut healthcare in different disciplines which often have a different concept of the human being, or is there a holistic biblical model? In this article I would like to explore the role and the function of the conscience in this field.
A description of the emotional perfection of Jesus as 100% man and 100% God
The ‘advantages’ of illness from a psychosomatic perspective and the way to healing.
Every Christian counselor will regularly be dealing with confidants in his work, who think to hav... more Every Christian counselor will regularly be dealing with confidants in his work, who think to have committed 'the sin against the Holy Spirit'. In this article I first of all would like to analyze the biblical meaning of this unpardonable sin. Then I want to pay attention to the possible causes of why Christians think that they live in this sin. The underlying issue of this problem of approach (1) often has a spiritual, psychosocial or behavioral cause. Besides a clear biblical exegesis of the concept of unpardonable sin, attention should also be paid to, if necessary, the underlying cause.
Temptations in a digital world and in health care
A Biblical view on meditation
About wrong emphasis in Christian belief that can make sick
Papers by Gerard P . M . Feller
The book of Proverbs provides us with the application of the wisdom of God, who created the heavens and the earth, on the different aspects of life in this world of confusion and decline. In this Bible book, God defines us in regard to His immeasurable mercy, by applying His Wisdom to the circumstances of our practical life. He shows us with His insight what the consequences of all paths are, in which one could walk. To someone who is submitted to the Word, means are given to avoid the path of the own will and foolishness. The heart alone is unable to understand the scope of the many acts it instills in us. Proverbs defines us in regard to the Wisdom and Caution to protect us. In the book of Proverbs there are many lessons on communication to be found. It is a practical and poetical book. It’s not about ‘one-liners’, but about knowledge and wisdom from the Lord (Pro. 8:8-9).
Many of the goals of transhumanism seem to overlap the eschatological hope of Christians, such as the eradication of diseases and death, but finally they are different in the way this should be achieved
Sick leave, due to stress has increased explosively in recent years. According to ArboNed (Dutch Service for Employers and employees) (1), it costs trade and industry close to 2 billion euros annually. Numerous illnesses are also stress-related. It is clear to everyone that psychological stress is also translated physically and can lead to sick leave. In this article I don't want to go into all kinds of causes and consequences of stress, but more into a means that is generally recommended to de-stress, namely breathing and relaxation exercises. The most common relaxation exercises that are practiced are: muscle relaxation exercises or progressive relaxation, suggestive relaxation exercises, autogenic training, mindfulness or 'Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy' (MBCT), breathing exercises and various yoga techniques. In addition, there is a multitude of different mix-forms. I will try to discuss the pros and cons of the most important relaxation exercises.
In this article I would like to briefly describe some developments and techniques in genetic engineering. It focuses on the applications to human genes and the possibilities of genetics in the near future.
On the basis of a few fragments of an article by Jim Leffel (13) I want to show the harmful influence of postmodern thinking in relation to the ethics regarding genetic engineering. Leffel approaches the developments mainly from the point of view of American society, but this is usually a harbinger of the developments in the West. It is high time for Christians to sound the alarm bell and look for biblical solutions and standpoints in this complex problem. Many Christians are insidiously infected by pragmatic postmodern thinking and are transformed into unbiblical thinking and assertion on this issue. Christian scientists, theologians, ethicists, apologists, social workers need to wake up and defend the biblical realism. This applies to many scientific and sociological developments, but certainly also to the ethics of genetic theology. This article tries to make a modest contribution to this.
Biblical analogies
Body mind relation
homeostase comparing judgement
The book of Proverbs provides us with the application of the wisdom of God, who created the heavens and the earth, on the different aspects of life in this world of confusion and decline. In this Bible book, God defines us in regard to His immeasurable mercy, by applying His Wisdom to the circumstances of our practical life. He shows us with His insight what the consequences of all paths are, in which one could walk. To someone who is submitted to the Word, means are given to avoid the path of the own will and foolishness. The heart alone is unable to understand the scope of the many acts it instills in us. Proverbs defines us in regard to the Wisdom and Caution to protect us. In the book of Proverbs there are many lessons on communication to be found. It is a practical and poetical book. It’s not about ‘one-liners’, but about knowledge and wisdom from the Lord (Pro. 8:8-9).
Many of the goals of transhumanism seem to overlap the eschatological hope of Christians, such as the eradication of diseases and death, but finally they are different in the way this should be achieved
Sick leave, due to stress has increased explosively in recent years. According to ArboNed (Dutch Service for Employers and employees) (1), it costs trade and industry close to 2 billion euros annually. Numerous illnesses are also stress-related. It is clear to everyone that psychological stress is also translated physically and can lead to sick leave. In this article I don't want to go into all kinds of causes and consequences of stress, but more into a means that is generally recommended to de-stress, namely breathing and relaxation exercises. The most common relaxation exercises that are practiced are: muscle relaxation exercises or progressive relaxation, suggestive relaxation exercises, autogenic training, mindfulness or 'Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy' (MBCT), breathing exercises and various yoga techniques. In addition, there is a multitude of different mix-forms. I will try to discuss the pros and cons of the most important relaxation exercises.
In this article I would like to briefly describe some developments and techniques in genetic engineering. It focuses on the applications to human genes and the possibilities of genetics in the near future.
On the basis of a few fragments of an article by Jim Leffel (13) I want to show the harmful influence of postmodern thinking in relation to the ethics regarding genetic engineering. Leffel approaches the developments mainly from the point of view of American society, but this is usually a harbinger of the developments in the West. It is high time for Christians to sound the alarm bell and look for biblical solutions and standpoints in this complex problem. Many Christians are insidiously infected by pragmatic postmodern thinking and are transformed into unbiblical thinking and assertion on this issue. Christian scientists, theologians, ethicists, apologists, social workers need to wake up and defend the biblical realism. This applies to many scientific and sociological developments, but certainly also to the ethics of genetic theology. This article tries to make a modest contribution to this.
Biblical analogies
Body mind relation
homeostase comparing judgement
Or is it a means given to us by God to resist the pride of the human heart and to humble ourselves before God? (Ezra 8:21, Isa.58:3). In this article we want to search for one of the lost mysteries of the first churches, particularly the spiritual power that is released by the real Biblical practice of fasting for God.
Promise stands for biblical thinking about health. God's Word has the pretense of being wholesome. With regard to biblical health, many Christians often think that it is only about prayer. Of course, this is also very important. But the Bible also calls us to account for our responsibilities when it comes to obtaining and maintaining our health. In several texts in the Old and New Testament there is mention about the healing (Greek: 'hygiainousa') influence.