Papers by freddy maldonado

The process of selecting enhanced oil recovery methods, known as EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) meth... more The process of selecting enhanced oil recovery methods, known as EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) methods, has been a great challenge within the oil and gas industry because it depends on the characteristics of the reservoir and economic aspects. This has usually been done through the use of comparative tables, where the application of each of these methods is determined by specific ranges of reservoir parameters. However, this selection methodology may generate biased results due to its qualitative nature and interpretation depending on the criteria of the professional in charge of the process, therefore, it is pertinent to seek the implementation of techniques that provide better results. Therefore, this article focuses on improving the accuracy of the selection of these methods, implementing data-driven decisions through a machine-learning model, specifically the Nearest K model, whose objective is to predict which enhanced oil recovery method is the most adequate to implement in an oil well located in the Amazon region of Ecuador, whose reservoir contains heavy oil. It is worth mentioning that the algorithm was trained with more than 200 enhanced oil recovery projects from several oilproducing countries, where the input data of the model are seven reservoir parameters, which are porosity, permeability, depth, temperature, API gravity, viscosity, and oil saturation whereas the output parameters of the model are 5 enhanced recovery methods, which are steam injection, CO2 injection, hydrocarbon injection, polymer injection, and in-situ combustion. The Model was successfully trained because its metrics yielded acceptable values, as its accuracy was about 84%, the error rate equal to 0.16, and as a result, it predicted that the most suitable EOR method to implement into this oil well is the steam injection method.
La teoria de la elección social que proponen Arrow y Sen es una ruptura con los desarrollos hegem... more La teoria de la elección social que proponen Arrow y Sen es una ruptura con los desarrollos hegemónicos de la microeconomia y de la macroeconomia en dos sentidos: rescata la diversidad de gustos y valores de cada individuo en oposición a los conceptos agregados; además, muestra que la conducta racional es quizás 10 menos importante con 10 que abre un diálogo con la economia institucional.

La implementacion de metodos termicos en el pozo ip 015 del campo pungarayacu. En base a un scren... more La implementacion de metodos termicos en el pozo ip 015 del campo pungarayacu. En base a un screnning se escogio el metodo mas adecuado para su explotacion mediante las caracteristicas del yacimiento y de los fluidos que se encuentran en el mismo. basandonos en las capacidades de funcionamiento de los generadores de vapor en superficie los cuales son: presion de inyeccion (400-800 psi), caudal de inyeccion (350-500bpd) y tiempo de inyeccion (8-15 dias), se procedio a realizar los calculos de las perdidas de calor del vapor que se tienen en el trayecto desde el cabezal hasta la formacion combinando los parametros de inyeccion y escogiendo en base a los resultados el mas optimo para este pozo. considerando que en la completacion del pozo se puede utilizar tuberia sin aislante, asi como tambien tuberia con aislante (fibra de vidrio inorganica con resina) se realizaron los estudios correspondientes para considerar que tipo de tuberia es.
In this text is offered a synthetic and actualized version of the doctoral thesis "individual fre... more In this text is offered a synthetic and actualized version of the doctoral thesis "individual freedoms and feasible opportunities". After an exposition about the view of individual liberty by the Social Choice Theorist, and following the allusion of some remarks about freedom by writers is expound a model of real freedom which has the next components, namely: unbound desires, freedom of will, metapreferences, bounded rationality, feasible opportunities and, finally, power in order to act and overcome objective and subjective restrictions and, possibly, to transform the world by means the libertarian action.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2010
El economista Boulding mostró que entre los extremos de malevolencia y benevolencia de la acción ... more El economista Boulding mostró que entre los extremos de malevolencia y benevolencia de la acción humana existen tres formas de poder: integrativo (intensivo en reciprocidad y altruismo), de intercambio (con diversos niveles de egoísmo) y de amenaza (que puede llegar a ser destructivo). También sugirió que existe un poder organizativo, imprescindible para el éxito del resto de poderes. Una lectura crítica de tal aporte permite mostrar los siguientes matices: incidencia de las motivaciones humanas, como razón, pasión e interés en el poder; interacciones sociales y límites del poder; algunos costos y beneficios de distintas formas de poder, incluyendo los atributos de la acción noviolenta. Finalmente, se sugieren interrogantes claves para desarrollar investigaciones futuras.
Desafíos, 2009
* Esta reseña se ha nutrido de las discusiones que al interior del Observatorio de Redes y Acción... more * Esta reseña se ha nutrido de las discusiones que al interior del Observatorio de Redes y Acción Colectiva hemos tenido, en particular, en relación con el proyecto "Movilizaciones transnacionales de grupos étnicos: organizaciones indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta y comunidades afrodescendientes del Bajo y Medio Atrato" que financia el FIUR de la Universidad del Rosario.
En este artículo de reflexión teórica se defiende la siguiente hipótesis: los economistas convenc... more En este artículo de reflexión teórica se defiende la siguiente hipótesis: los economistas convencionales buscan controlar las conductas racionales y los comportamientos esperados de individuos con escogencias previsibles, rutinarias y desprovistas de escogencias trágicas y radicales. Se ocupan de estudiar monótonas y probables fluctuaciones y omiten las grandes turbulencias (fenómenos trágicos y poco probables, es decir, cisnes negros) y se enfocan en individuos normalizados, esto es, desprovistos de libertad, de pasiones y de moralidad. El abordaje de esta discusión podrá tener repercusiones positivas para la enseñanza y la investigación de la economía.

Intensive Care Medicine
Purpose: Uncertainties remain about the safety and efficacy of therapies for managing intracrania... more Purpose: Uncertainties remain about the safety and efficacy of therapies for managing intracranial hypertension in acute brain injured (ABI) patients. This study aims to describe the therapeutical approaches used in ABI, with/without intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, among different pathologies and across different countries, and their association with six months mortality and neurological outcome. Methods: A preplanned subanalysis of the SYNAPSE-ICU study, a multicentre, prospective, international, observational cohort study, describing the ICP treatment, graded according to Therapy Intensity Level (TIL) scale, in patients with ABI during the first week of intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Results: 2320 patients were included in the analysis. The median age was 55 (I-III quartiles = 39-69) years, and 800 (34.5%) were female. During the first week from ICU admission, no-basic TIL was used in 382 (16.5%) patients, mild-moderate in 1643 (70.8%), and extreme in 295 cases (eTIL, 12.7%). Patients who received eTIL were younger (median age 49 (I-III quartiles = 35-62) vs 56 (40-69) years, p < 0.001), with less cardiovascular pre-injury comorbidities (859 (44%) vs 90 (31.4%), p < 0.001), with more episodes of neuroworsening (160 (56.1%) vs 653 (33.3%), p < 0.001), and were more frequently monitored with an ICP device (221 (74.9%) vs 1037 (51.2%), p < 0.001). Considerable variability in the frequency of use and type of eTIL adopted was observed between centres and countries. At six months, patients who received no-basic TIL had an increased risk of mortality (Hazard ratio, HR = 1.612, 95% Confidence Interval, CI = 1.243-2.091, p < 0.001) compared to patients who received eTIL. No difference was observed when comparing mild-moderate TIL with eTIL (HR = 1.017, 95% CI = 0.823-1.257, p = 0.873). No significant association between the use of TIL and neurological outcome was observed. Conclusions: During the first week of ICU admission, therapies to control high ICP are frequently used, especially mild-moderate TIL. In selected patients, the use of aggressive strategies can have a beneficial effect on six months mortality but not on neurological outcome.
Proceedings of the 20th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education and Technology: “Education, Research and Leadership in Post-pandemic Engineering: Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Actions”
Papeles, Jun 16, 2021
En este artículo de reflexión teórica se defiende la siguiente hipótesis: los economistas convenc... more En este artículo de reflexión teórica se defiende la siguiente hipótesis: los economistas convencionales buscan controlar las conductas racionales y los comportamientos esperados de individuos con escogencias previsibles, rutinarias y desprovistas de escogencias trágicas y radicales. Se ocupan de estudiar monótonas y probables fluctuaciones y omiten las grandes turbulencias (fenómenos trágicos y poco probables, es decir, cisnes negros) y se enfocan en individuos normalizados, esto es, desprovistos de libertad, de pasiones y de moralidad. El abordaje de esta discusión podrá tener repercusiones positivas para la enseñanza y la investigación de la economía.

Proceedings of the 18th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology: Engineering, Integration, And Alliances for A Sustainable Development” “Hemispheric Cooperation for Competitiveness and Prosperity on A Knowledge-Based Economy”, 2020
The process of selecting enhanced oil recovery methods, known as EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) meth... more The process of selecting enhanced oil recovery methods, known as EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) methods, has been a great challenge within the oil and gas industry because it depends on the characteristics of the reservoir and economic aspects. This has usually been done through the use of comparative tables, where the application of each of these methods is determined by specific ranges of reservoir parameters. However, this selection methodology may generate biased results due to its qualitative nature and interpretation depending on the criteria of the professional in charge of the process, therefore, it is pertinent to seek the implementation of techniques that provide better results. Therefore, this article focuses on improving the accuracy of the selection of these methods, implementing data-driven decisions through a machine-learning model, specifically the Nearest K model, whose objective is to predict which enhanced oil recovery method is the most adequate to implement in an oil well located in the Amazon region of Ecuador, whose reservoir contains heavy oil. It is worth mentioning that the algorithm was trained with more than 200 enhanced oil recovery projects from several oilproducing countries, where the input data of the model are seven reservoir parameters, which are porosity, permeability, depth, temperature, API gravity, viscosity, and oil saturation whereas the output parameters of the model are 5 enhanced recovery methods, which are steam injection, CO2 injection, hydrocarbon injection, polymer injection, and in-situ combustion. The Model was successfully trained because its metrics yielded acceptable values, as its accuracy was about 84%, the error rate equal to 0.16, and as a result, it predicted that the most suitable EOR method to implement into this oil well is the steam injection method.

La implementacion de metodos termicos en el pozo ip 015 del campo pungarayacu. En base a un scren... more La implementacion de metodos termicos en el pozo ip 015 del campo pungarayacu. En base a un screnning se escogio el metodo mas adecuado para su explotacion mediante las caracteristicas del yacimiento y de los fluidos que se encuentran en el mismo. basandonos en las capacidades de funcionamiento de los generadores de vapor en superficie los cuales son: presion de inyeccion (400-800 psi), caudal de inyeccion (350-500bpd) y tiempo de inyeccion (8-15 dias), se procedio a realizar los calculos de las perdidas de calor del vapor que se tienen en el trayecto desde el cabezal hasta la formacion combinando los parametros de inyeccion y escogiendo en base a los resultados el mas optimo para este pozo. considerando que en la completacion del pozo se puede utilizar tuberia sin aislante, asi como tambien tuberia con aislante (fibra de vidrio inorganica con resina) se realizaron los estudios correspondientes para considerar que tipo de tuberia es.

Communication is the basis of every business, however although currently in the XXI century new t... more Communication is the basis of every business, however although currently in the XXI century new technologies have facilitated the spread of the benefits of a Department of Communication, some of these are still implement within your organization. This need is reflected in the Union of Professional Drivers Canton Guabo where existing communication channels are highly inefficient and different relationships with their audiences is very unwise adding to the fact that the information is provided to middle communication has no communication guideline or framework to help achieve the goals and Trade projects. That's where the next job is focused, taking into account the internal, external and public media have proceeded to study all possible communication failures resulting from this process is structured a Department of Communication that would solve these problems. This structure starts from the simple fact probe the perception of members and union officials about it until the redes...
Papers by freddy maldonado