Papers by francois rousselot
Cirp Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2009
Problem formulation and problem solving has always been identified as a key activity in design, m... more Problem formulation and problem solving has always been identified as a key activity in design, moreover in the context of innovation. Nevertheless, few research findings have led to a practical use in enterprises since a large part of today's industrial world is still under cost reduction and quality maintenance concerns. This paper has the aim of presenting the theoretical grounding

Le thème de recherche IA et Langue Naturelle n'était pas central dans l'équipe de Jacques Pitrat ... more Le thème de recherche IA et Langue Naturelle n'était pas central dans l'équipe de Jacques Pitrat au début des années 70. Cependant, le besoin de comprendre et de représenter le sens d'un texte est rapidement apparu dans l'équipe, il s'est concrétisé notamment par plusieurs thèses en compréhension et en génération de langue naturelle et par la publication d'un ouvrage de J. Pitrat sur le sujet en 1985. L'auteur montre ici comment il a opté pour ce thème et l'a développé pour sa thèse. Ensuite, il a quitté quelque peu cette voie pour s'orienter vers des recherches en acquisition, modélisation et ingénierie des connaissances. Finalement, il s'est orienté vers l'étude d'une théorie de l'inventivité créée pour la fabrication d'objets manufacturés, afin d'en fournir une première modélisation dans un cadre proche de la résolution de problèmes en IA. M- .-Sémantique des textes, traitement de corpus, extraction de connaissances, ingénierie des connaissances, analogie, invention, extraction de connaissances des brevets.

Procedia Engineering, 2011
Our proposal, through this article, addresses the issue of obtaining, representing and selecting ... more Our proposal, through this article, addresses the issue of obtaining, representing and selecting the appropriate subset of contradictions among a complete set of contradictions resulting from an initial situation framing within a specific domain. This contribution has to be understood within the Inventive Design context since most of its grounding relies on the fact that any problem can be formulated as a contradiction (in the sense of TRIZ). By proposing the concept of "contradiction cloud" as three value graphical representation of a set of elementary contradictions, we claim that designers considerably reduce the fuzziness of a contradiction choice prior entering in a solving phase in Inventive Design processes. The modes of interpretation of this cloud will be also presented. The impact of this new element in the teaching of TRIZ was tested both in educational situations within the framework of our engineering curriculum and in several industrial partnerships. A discussion section will then highlight the assets, the limits and the perspectives of our contribution.

IGI Global eBooks, 2013
The first stages of the creative inventive process are devoted to choosing the problem and redefi... more The first stages of the creative inventive process are devoted to choosing the problem and redefining its conditions. Most of the time, the original statement of the problem is imprecise, and occasionally even incorrect. This is why it is necessary to have mechanisms to help structure the creative thinking of a set of experts during their analysis of the problem, by providing them a knowledge-based framework. This article presents the first stages of IDM (Inventive Design Methodology). IDM is a set of methodological tools whose main interest is the evolution of technical systems. The methodology proposes a dialectical analysis of the technical system, which focuses on the past, present, and future state of the artifacts, and the most likely transitions between them. This analysis also identifies the influences (positive or negative) that the changes done to certain elements in the system may have on other elements of the system. The use of these methodological tools provides the needed structuring framework to the experts’ creative idea generation.
Procedia Engineering, 2011
5.) Evolution Hypothesis as a means for linking system parameters and laws of engineering system ... more 5.) Evolution Hypothesis as a means for linking system parameters and laws of engineering system evolution Cavallucci, Denis
Procedia Engineering, 2011
Procedia Engineering, 2015
A few years after TRIZ appearance in highly industrialized countries, many experts in Case Based ... more A few years after TRIZ appearance in highly industrialized countries, many experts in Case Based Reasoning pointed out potential similarities between both approaches. Later on, research activities have been conducted and publications appeared on this subject. This paper presents the results of an in depth study of the roots of both approaches, from the point of view of their philosophy and the scope of their relevant action. After several tests and investigations, we arrived to the point that each approach weakens the other if any of the two let the other govern its conduction. The paper discusses this claim and provides some potential directions for new research in this area.
Revue électronique Texte et corpus, n, 2008
Étalé sur une période de deux ans (2007-2009), le projet de mise au point d'une base de donn... more Étalé sur une période de deux ans (2007-2009), le projet de mise au point d'une base de données lexicale multifonctionnelle est un projet mené par l'Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD) au Sénégal en collaboration avec le centre de recherche en linguistique ...
In this chapter, we present an approach to knowledge acquisition from patents based on our own in... more In this chapter, we present an approach to knowledge acquisition from patents based on our own inventive design methodology. This methodology, based on TRIZ, extends its practice to the resolution of complex problems. We have proposed an ontology of all the concepts and models used in our approach. An operative process easing knowledge acquisition, useful to the experts practicing inventive design, is based on this ontology.
Formaliser les langues avec l’ordinateur : de INTEX à Nooj, 2007
Introduction La station LIKES (LInguistic and Knowledge Engineering Station) rassemble un ensembl... more Introduction La station LIKES (LInguistic and Knowledge Engineering Station) rassemble un ensemble d’outils de traitements de corpus utilisables par les linguistes et les informaticiens, aussi bien pour la recherche que pour l’enseignement. Ces outils rendent possibles des traitements de corpus simples : recherche de motifs, recherche de répétitions, recherche de candidats termes, recherche de relations, qui, ensemble, procurent une aide appréciable à la création de terminologie et d’ontologi..
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Diderot, Apr 18, 1998

Cet article présente une méthode d'extraction de relations sémantiques pour la construction d'ont... more Cet article présente une méthode d'extraction de relations sémantiques pour la construction d'ontologies à partir de corpus de textes. Notre objectif est de proposer une méthode générique, qui soit indépendante du domaine et de la langue. Elle repose sur une analyse distributionnelle des unités sémantiques du corpus pour faire émerger des relations sémantiques candidates. Cette méthode ne fait aucune hypothèse sur les types de relations recherchées ni sur leur forme linguistique. Il s'agit de regrouper les associations de termes dans des classes qui représentent des relations sémantiques candidates. L'hypothèse sous-jacente est que les occurrences de ces associations réunies sur la base des éléments de contexte qu'elles partagent ont des chances de relever d'une même relation sémantique et que les relations candidates ainsi proposées peuvent aider le travail de conceptualisation de l'ontologue.
In this paper, we present a methodology for finding authoritative researchers by analyzing academ... more In this paper, we present a methodology for finding authoritative researchers by analyzing academic Web sites. We show a case study in which we concentrate on a set of Czech computer science departments- Web sites. We analyze the relations between them via hyperlinks and find the most important ones using several common ranking algorithms. We then examine the contents of the research papers present on these sites and determine the most authoritative Czech authors.

Abstract. Computer Aided Innovation (CAI) has emerged for a few years as a scientific field offer... more Abstract. Computer Aided Innovation (CAI) has emerged for a few years as a scientific field offering a framework for contributions aiming at providing assistance to designers and industries in the problematic brought by innovation’s organization. In the context of R&D activities ’ management when in Inventive Design context, it is nowadays acknowledged that a significant attention needs to be given to problem formulation of a studied system associated to a specific domain. It is also commonly agreed that the use of domain knowledge and in particular their synthesis, is essential to the understanding and the elicitation of problems in a given field of industrial actors/competitors. Through this article, we are aiming at communicating on the results of a research activity led within an industrial context, where it was required to build an appropriate use of domain knowledge to ease the comprehension of key domain problems and assist decision making for R&D deciders. 1
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, 2007
In this paper, we discuss several common ranking algorithms for Web pages and we present a method... more In this paper, we discuss several common ranking algorithms for Web pages and we present a methodology based on them for finding authoritative researchers by analyzing academic Web sites. We show a case study in which we concentrate on a set of French computer science departments' Web sites. We analyze the relations between them via hyperlinks and find the most important ones. We then examine the contents of the research papers present on these sites and determine the most authoritative French authors. We also propose some future improvements.

Applied Ontology, 2013
ABSTRACT TRIZ the Russian acronym for Theory of Resolution of Inventive Problems is a methodology... more ABSTRACT TRIZ the Russian acronym for Theory of Resolution of Inventive Problems is a methodology to guide the search for inventive solutions to one, or a few, difficult problems. Classic TRIZ is not well suited to the examination of complex situations composed of many problems, sub-problems and partial solutions, strongly interconnected. It has therefore been completed to give birth, among others, to the Inventive Design Methodology IDM framework.TRIZ and IDM share many similarities with Artificial Intelligence methods: they both propose to solve a problem by reformulation in an abstract model. Generic solving patterns are applied to this abstract model to produce abstract solutions. The domain-specific knowledge is then used to get the final solution concept. However, neither TRIZ nor IDM's descriptions are formal enough to permit a reliable software implementation and rely mainly on the experts' manual work. Therefore this paper proposes an ontological formalization of TRIZ and IDM to overcome these difficulties and allow the development of software tools to assist TRIZ/IDM experts in their work.
Papers by francois rousselot