Papers by francisco javier castilla

In last years, the traditional blackboard teaching has been incrementally supplemented by visual ... more In last years, the traditional blackboard teaching has been incrementally supplemented by visual aids like slide projectors and videos. The phenomenal growth of the Internet has brought in new teaching media, such as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) that open the educational experience up to a broader and more distant set of students. This easy access to education can increase motivation and it is a useful commercial tool for universities. Unlike other disciplines (such as economics or psychology), the MOOCs are rarely used to spread Civil Engineering courses. To fill this gap, and to encourage the use of MOOCs among Civil Engineering Schools, this paper presents the experience of the MOOC for the multidisciplinary design of bridges created by the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This MOOC is based on the experiences learned from the contest on bridge construction with knex for undergraduate students organized by this university in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
El objetivo del trabajo es la comprobación de la hipótesis planteada sobre el proceso constructiv... more El objetivo del trabajo es la comprobación de la hipótesis planteada sobre el proceso constructivo del muro de hormigón de tierra mediante el uso de la técnica del tapial en la Torre del Gallo, perteneciente al conjunto arqueológico del Castillo de la Estrella en la localidad de Montiel. Esta hipótesis pretende explicar aquellos aspectos de la construcción que no son objetivamente documentables y necesitan de una interpretación con objeto de conocer más a fondo las costumbres, recursos y medios auxiliares utilizados para la construcción de este tipo de fortificaciones.

Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism, 2020
El palomar es un espacio presente en toda casa de labor de la región, dedicado a la cría de picho... more El palomar es un espacio presente en toda casa de labor de la región, dedicado a la cría de pichones e integrado, de forma más o menos evidente, en las cámaras de los edificios residenciales y/o sus dependencias anexas. Existen también ejemplos de palomares aislados y de carácter singular, que ponen de manifiesto la enorme relevancia de esta actividad en el pasado, así como su importancia en la configuración de la imagen de las aldeas en el medio rural. Por desgracia este tipo de edificaciones están abocadas a su ruina una vez que han perdido su función y carecen de mantenimiento. Con ello se están perdiendo los últimos vestigios y testimonios de esta actividad complementaria a la agricultura. El presente artículo expone los resultados del análisis de más de 50 edificaciones de este tipo, y describe su estado actual y sus diversos tipos, que están relacionados con la influencia de las costumbres locales y el aprovechamiento de los recursos locales en su construcción.

XV International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. eBook of Proceedings, 2020
Temperature and humidity measurements provide useful information on multiple areas of civil engin... more Temperature and humidity measurements provide useful information on multiple areas of civil engineering application such as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), Structural System Identification (SSI) and structures rehabilitation. Majority of the existing commercial systems are so costly and also these measurement paradigms need many reference spots for a full-scale structure. The aforesaid paradigms are based on collecting data through smart devices, transferring information to each other and in the final stage processing the obtained information collaboratively through cloud computing or the others technologies. Taking into account the above information and obstacles, utilizing the Open Source Platforms (OSP) microcontrollers like Arduino as well as low cost sensors are attracting more and more attention. This paper gives a comprehensive information about the most determinant aspects of the aforementioned kits in terms of their pros and cons, installation procedure, communication protocol, number of the required connections and specific characteristics of the data acquisition system.

ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2020
This article is the result of the work of four years of field trips (2016-2019) to the village of... more This article is the result of the work of four years of field trips (2016-2019) to the village of Gatlang (Nepal) and visits to some of the surrounding villages in the Rasuwa district. This area is mainly inhabited by Tamang, of Buddhist culture and of distant Mongolian origin. The architecture of the Tamang ethnic group is unique although shares some common characteristics with other mountain or isolated architectures around the world. Due to its difficult access and remote location of these communities, the architecture uses mostly local materials (stone and wood). Although this characteristic is common to many other communities of the Himalayan mountain range, even today it is possible to differentiate architectural styles associated with ethnic groups in different regions. The primitive state of these constructions is progressively altered by the inclusion of new materials, especially in areas affected by earthquakes, such as this one, where the urgency and need to guarantee the safety of new constructions has resulted in disparate and uncontrolled reconstructions. The article aims to identify and analyze Tamang vernacular architecture constructions, their invariants, and gain in-depth knowledge of their general behavior when faced with environmental factors, as well as conservation possibilities. The final objective is to promote the recovery of this architecture, guaranteeing its structural safety and adapting it to the current habitability needs, but trying to maintain the typological invariants that preserve its value as a set of historical, cultural and tourist interests, which form part of the Tamang Heritage Trail.

Sustainable Buildings - Interaction Between a Holistic Conceptual Act and Materials Properties, Jul 18, 2018
This work shows the technical feasibility of incorporating phase change materials (PCMs) into cla... more This work shows the technical feasibility of incorporating phase change materials (PCMs) into clay plastering mortars to improve the thermal properties of the building envelopes. Due to the absence of regulated and internationally agreed-upon norms for clay mortars containing thermoregulating microcapsules (MPCMs), two tests following UNE-EN-998-1:2010 and UNE-EN-1015, were designed to provide the greatest similarity to its final application. Three different dosages 5, 10, and 15 wt% of MPCM relative to the dried mortar weight were used. Fresh mortars were physically characterized to determine its consistency, apparent density, period of workability and open time, and occluded air content. Physical and mechanical characteristics were determined for hardened mortar. The thermal characteristics of the specimens were analysed by using a differential scanning calorimetry, obtaining their apparent specific heat capacities and the enthalpy curves. Building simulation software is a fundamental tool for designing buildings with almost zero energy consumption. In this study, three identical architectural models were simulated. The reference building had inner coatings of clay-based mortar, mortar with 15% added material, and a conventional gypsum mortar. These buildings were subjected to the same exposure and radiation conditions, which allowed the result to be compared to evaluate the effect of incorporating the PCM.
Journal of Building Engineering, 2019
Informes de la Construcción, 2001

La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha junto con la Universidad de Alcala de Henares presentaron en... more La Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha junto con la Universidad de Alcala de Henares presentaron en diciembre de 2012 una candidatura para participar en la competicion de diseno y construccion de viviendas de consumo energetico casi nulo �Solar Decathlon� Europe 2014. La propuesta fue seleccionada junto con otras 19 del resto del mundo para participar conjuntamente, bajo el nombre de �Plateau Team�, en este evento. El desarrollo de la propuesta conlleva una gran cantidad de tareas ademas de construir un prototipo, ya que consiste en actuar en edificios existentes de modo que, aumentando el volumen del edificio por las fachadas y la cubierta se consigan nuevos espacios vivideros y aprovechables, que hagan crecer la densidad de las ciudades, sin ocupar nuevo suelo, a la vez que mejoran la eficiencia energetica de los edificios a los que se adaptan. Dadas las caracteristicas de la propuesta, no se tratan soluciones constructivas ni materiales convencionales, sino que se tienen en cuenta ...

Sustainability, 2020
The use of point clouds in architecture and civil engineering has, to date, been limited almost e... more The use of point clouds in architecture and civil engineering has, to date, been limited almost exclusively to functional geometric features. Nevertheless, hardly any works have attempted to process and explore 3D thermal models for buildings. This paper presents a method for the visualisation and exploration of 3D thermal models (3D-T) of building interiors. A 3D-T model consists of a thermal point cloud, which has been generated with a 3D thermal-scanner platform. Given a 3D-T of a building at a specific time, the user can visualise and navigate through different room models and each room can, in turn, be segmented into its architectonic components (walls, ceilings and floors), from which thermal orthoimages can be generated. When the building is sensed at different times, a 3D temporal-thermal (3D-TT) model is integrated. The temporal-thermal evolution of these structural components, along with selected zones of them, can then be analysed by performing a new type of thermal chara...
Rammed Earth Conservation, 2012

Journal of Traditional Bulding, Architecture and Urbanism, ISSN-e 2660-583X, ISSN 2660-5821, Nº. 1, 2020 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism), págs. 447-462, 2020
El palomar es un espacio presente en toda casa de labor de la región, dedicado a la cría de picho... more El palomar es un espacio presente en toda casa de labor de la región, dedicado a la cría de pichones e integrado, de forma más o menos evidente, en las cámaras de los edificios residenciales y/o sus dependencias anexas. Existen también ejemplos de palomares aislados y de carácter singular, que ponen de manifiesto la enorme relevancia de esta actividad en el pasado, así como su importancia en la configuración de la imagen de las aldeas en el medio rural. Por desgracia este tipo de edificaciones están abocadas a su ruina una vez que han perdido su función y carecen de mantenimiento. Con ello se están perdiendo los últimos vestigios y testimonios de esta actividad complementaria a la agricultura. El presente artículo expone los resultados del análisis de más de 50 edificaciones de este tipo, y describe su estado actual y sus diversos tipos, que están relacionados con la influencia de las costumbres locales y el aprovechamiento de los recursos locales en su construcción.
Casi todas las tierras son válidas para construir tapias por lo que la variabilidad de su textura... more Casi todas las tierras son válidas para construir tapias por lo que la variabilidad de su textura y color combinada con los juegos de luces y sombras, ofrecen una amplia gama de recursos plásticos
Papers by francisco javier castilla