Papers by fataneh farahmand
Modern Physics Letters A, Jan 5, 2024
Solid State Communications, Nov 1, 2022

International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
In this paper, we will obtain the basic parameters of primordial inflation such as power spectrum... more In this paper, we will obtain the basic parameters of primordial inflation such as power spectrum, scalar spectral index, and tensor-to-scalar ratio as a function of Hankel index [Formula: see text] for asymptotic-de Sitter inflation and then, based on the observational constraints on these parameters from Planck data, we obtain the allowable range for index [Formula: see text]. We will show that only the non-phantom phase is acceptable for quasi-de Sitter inflation at early universe. As a significant result, both of the primordial and late accelerating expansion are always in a quasi-vacuum phase (with [Formula: see text]) and it has never been in a pure-vacuum phase (with [Formula: see text]), i.e. cosmological constant. Therefore, based on our recent finding [E. Yusofi, M. Khanpour, B. Khanpour, M. A. Ramzanpour and M. Mohsenzadeh, Surface tension of cosmic voids as a possible source for dark energy, Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 511 (2022) L82], we offer the surface tension of cosmi...

Human beings have encountered numerous natural disasters over time, that the earthquake phenomeno... more Human beings have encountered numerous natural disasters over time, that the earthquake phenomenon is one of the most damaging of all and has a very complex nature. Earthquakes manifest spatio-temporal complex behavior that can be studied using complex networks, which enabled us to recognize the global features of Earthquake. Studies on the earthquakes using the network method are based on how the network is constructed. In this paper, by constructing the network, the spatio-temporal recurrence of earthquakes occurring in the Zagros region, which is recorded at all the broadband and short-period stations of the Iranian Seismological Center (ISC,, are subject to statistical review. The results showed that in the Zagros area the spatio recurrence is about 0.020 km, and the time recurrence for all the thresholds of magnitude is similar to power relationship (1⁄Tα) with a α =-0.9 .
Journal of Seismology, 2010

The current geological and tectonic setting of Iran is due to the ongoing convergence between the... more The current geological and tectonic setting of Iran is due to the ongoing convergence between the Arabian and Eurasian Plates, which resulted in the formation of the Iranian plateau, mountain building, extensive deformation and seismicity. The Iranian plateau is characterized by various domains including the continental collision and the oceanic plate seduction. Based on S receiver functions are provided a high resolution image of lithosphere beneath Iran. The current geological and tectonic setting of Iran is due to the ongoing convergence between the Arabian and Eurasian Plates, which resulted in the formation of the Iranian plateau, mountain building, extensive deformation and seismicity. The Iranian plateau is characterized by various domains including the continental collision and the oceanic plate seduction. Based on S receiver functions are provided a high resolution image of lithosphere beneath Iran. In the present work, we used data from teleseismic events (at epicentral di...
Earth Science Informatics

Fuzzy logic is one of the technique that can be used to take into account the uncertainties exist... more Fuzzy logic is one of the technique that can be used to take into account the uncertainties existed in the phenomenon enter probabilistic or mathematical models. Fuzzy set theory was first introduced by (Zadeh 1965) who developed the concepts of classical sets. Information is obtained from data, measurement or past knowledge, approximation must often be made which is turn introduce uncertainties. Fuzzy expert systems are modeled capable of solve problem as well as expert human.Earthquake phenomenon is one of the most destructive natural disasters that occur every several years and it caused vast human and financial losses. In such awfully status, it is necessary to investigate the different sight of the earthquake. Earthquake is a complex issue, which result from various variables that affect its occurrence, like seismic hazard assessment. Uncertainty, which is a result of vagueness and incompleteness of the data, should be considered in a rational way. Fuzzy logic can be modeled fo...

Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy
A detailed knowledge of the thickness of crust and upper mantle structure is important for unders... more A detailed knowledge of the thickness of crust and upper mantle structure is important for understanding a plate tectonics and geodynamics in the region. We use body wave for detecting details of the subsurface structure. The information in this research is collected from a seismic linear profile that extends across the Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic zone in seismic states of Central Iran and Zagros. We compute P receiver functions to investigate crustal and upper mantle discontinuities. We use teleseismic events (mb ≥ 5.5, 30° < Δ < 95°) registered between 1996 and 2018 and recorded at 10 short-period stations with 3 components and 17 broadband stations with high signal to noise ratio. The observed depth of Moho in the study area is approximately 50 km and rises to 70 km at the end of the seismic linear profile beneath Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. In Central Iran, depths discontinuities in the transition zone are shown by the reference model of deviation, which can be attributed to the...
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Papers by fataneh farahmand