Papers by fahmi hidayatullah

TADRIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Reforms and decentralization helped to accelerate progress towards achieving progress. Educationa... more Reforms and decentralization helped to accelerate progress towards achieving progress. Educational autonomy needs to be maximized in balancing the currents of the global climate. The ability of educational institutions to adapt to the global climate is very much needed. So that when faced with the current Covid-19 outbreak, schools can survive and run stably. The key component in the management of education is the curriculum. The role of the curriculum as the brain of the operationalization of the institution can be designed creatively and independently. Achievement-based independent curriculum as a manifestation of educational autonomy. This research focuses on the design and model of achievement-based independent curriculum development. The aim is to find an achievement-based independent curriculum design and model in boarding schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. The results of the study found that the curriculum development desi...

Nidhomul Haq : Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
This article aims to describe and analyze the leadership of the head of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ik... more This article aims to describe and analyze the leadership of the head of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Ikhlas Bontang in improving the professionalism of Islamic religious education teachers. It uses a descriptive qualitative approach, and data collection techniques are conducted with in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and documentation. The results showed that planning is carried out by collecting ideas through the initial meeting of the year, forming a curriculum development team, obtaining curriculum documents, and determining an assessment program as the basis for implementing evaluations. Furthermore, management implementation through tahfidz learning in local content should be performed every morning for all students with a predetermined schedule. Evaluation through the memorization system positively impacts teachers to form a learning community, and the results of the tahfidz assessment are combined with all groups of Islamic religious subjects.

Risâlah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam
Lembaga pendidikan Islam pada hakikatnya mengemban misi untuk membentuk generasi yang sempurna de... more Lembaga pendidikan Islam pada hakikatnya mengemban misi untuk membentuk generasi yang sempurna dengan kecerdasan intelektual, akhlak mulia (perilaku), dan hati yang bahagia selalu mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT. Upaya mewujudkan misi tersebut memerlukan lingkungan yang mendukung pembelajaran dengan muatan parenting dengan menyesuaikan kebutuhan lembaga pendidikan dalam pembelajarannya. Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif-literatur. Peneliti menggali data berdasarkan literatur yang ada dan melakukan analisis mendalam untuk mendapatkan makna tersirat dari literatur terkait inovasi lingkungan pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa desain lingkungan belajar dengan muatan parenting di lembaga pendidikan terdiri dari: pola asuh permisif-humanistik, pola asuh otoriter-perilaku, pola asuh demokratis-konstruktivis, dan pola asuh kognitivistik yang tidak terlibat. Keempat pola asuh tersebut dapat diterapkan pada pesantre...
Cogent Social Sciences, 2022
Journal of Religion and Health
This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1139 Muslims in Indonesia. Attitudes and practices we... more This cross-sectional study was conducted on 1139 Muslims in Indonesia. Attitudes and practices were assessed using a questionnaire developed by researchers referring to the main points of the Indonesian Ulema Council fatwa on religious activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings suggest that most participants held positive attitudes (86.5%) and engaged in practices (76.4%). The regression analysis also indicates that attitudes explained approximately 31.5% of the variance in the practice score and 11.2% in the practice score while controlling for gender, age, residence, and education. The study reveals that understanding the relationship between sociodemographic variables, attitudes, and practices is relevant to implementing government policies related to religious practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Liberal Islam is a form of socio-religious deviation for its adherents. In the name of human righ... more Liberal Islam is a form of socio-religious deviation for its adherents. In the name of human rights in Islam excessively, the potential for liberal Islamic thinking is born. Meanwhile, human rights need to be upheld in order to create Islam that is open in thinking and solutions in solving problems for the sake of creating a harmonious life. This study aims to describe the results of research on the thoughts of the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama Figures on the dialectic of the emergence of liberal Islam in Indonesia based on the philosophical aspects and forms of thought in order to straighten the views of Indonesian Muslim figures who are considered liberal thinking based on their opinions of other religions. This research is based on a structural functional theoretical framework where each informant adjusts to his capacity in maintaining the balance of conflict. The approach in this study uses qualitative-analysis with a type of centralized interview research. The results show that the...

Risâlah, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Studi Islam, 2021
In it contains authoritative references in religious matters. Meanwhile, in Khaled's view, Is... more In it contains authoritative references in religious matters. Meanwhile, in Khaled's view, Islamic jurists are a source of legitimacy in interpreting religious texts. Khaled tried to criticize the construction of authoritarianism in Islamic law, especially regarding the criticism of the misogynistic fatwas issued by the Council for Scientific Research and Legal Opinion (CRLO) and The Society for Adherence to the Sunnah (SAS). In this article, this article analyzes and examines how Khaled M. Abou El-Fadl's ideas offer in matters of text and discourse of authority in Islamic studies, especially those related to the interpretation of religious texts, namely the Al-Quran and hadith. While the method used in this research is a qualitative method using a descriptive-analysis approach. From various facts and data obtained, then analyzed and narrated descriptively with reference to the focus of this study. Based on the research findings, it was found that religious texts should be a...

Education is essentially a process of fostering and training human beings as learners, whether it... more Education is essentially a process of fostering and training human beings as learners, whether it be education on science or character education. while the Indonesian state provides responsibility for implementing education, especially all educational institutions in order to be able to place Indonesian people into people who are knowledgeable and have good character. In the era of 4.0 technological advances are developing very rapidly which makes almost all activities can be done online as well as the learning process to balance these technological advances, not a few educational institutions use internet technology in the learning process called online learning. This research is a descriptive qualitative research type of case study using in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. In addition, researchers analyzed using data collection, data presentation and data conclusions. The results of this conclusion indicate that the strategy of PAI teachers in fostering students&#...

Application PQ4R Method to improve student learning outcomes in class 2 fiqh subjects at Madin Al... more Application PQ4R Method to improve student learning outcomes in class 2 fiqh subjects at Madin Al Hidayah Bangil. The objectives of this research are (1). To describe and analyze the application of the PQ4R method to class II fiqh subjects at Madin Al-Hidayah Bangil, (2) To analyze after applying the PQ4R method to improve learning outcomes in class II fiqh subjects at Madin Al-Hidayah Bangil. The results of this research are (1) student learning outcomes in class II fiqh subjects at Madin Al-Hidayah Bangil. The learning process is carried out in accordance with the procedures that have been prepared, because the researcher provides a learning implementation plan (RPP) and also a research instrument sheet that has been adjusted to the steps for implementing the PQ4R method. (2) The improvement of students' learning outcomes in practice questions was tested on class II students at Madrasah Madin Al-Hidayah Bangil. As for it can be seen from the application of the PQ4R method that...

MAN 2 Malang is one of the educational institutions that applies distance learning in its impleme... more MAN 2 Malang is one of the educational institutions that applies distance learning in its implementation due to regulations from the education government in the era of the covid-19 pandemic. This study reviews the study of Al-Qur'an Hadith teachers in developing the ability to read the Qur'an via whatsapp group class 12, as in their learning teachers innovate to maximize their education through skills and methods to students with separate learning conditions in order to run effectively. and efficient, the main questions of this research study are 1) how is the planning, implementation, and evaluation of teachers on the skills of reading the Qur'an of grade 12 students carried out through whatsapp groups, 2) what are the teacher's obstacles and solutions if there are problems or difficulties when learning which was held virtually on 12th grade social media at MAN 2 Malang. To answer the main question, this study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach by comp...
Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam, Jan 11, 2021

Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2022
The purpose of this article is to describe and determine the planning, implementation, and evalua... more The purpose of this article is to describe and determine the planning, implementation, and evaluation of character education at the Qur'an Al-Qosimi Islamic Boarding School. The method in this study uses a qualitative method with the type of case study. The subjects of this study were students of the Al-Qur'an Al-Qosimi Islamic Boarding School. From the findings obtained from character education in PPQ through habituation, giving advice, exemplary, practice and giving rewards and punishments. This article produces (1) Planning that adapts the vision and mission from here, each supervisor has various strategies according to their creativity and abilities. (2) Implementation, namely training and instilling the spirit of honesty, independence, responsibility, compassion, mutual cooperation, simplicity, this can be realized by practicing habituation in everyday life, monitored, supervised, sanctioned, and rewarded, students will be stimulated to do which is even better every tim...

DedikasiMU : Journal of Community Service, 2022
Masyarakat di desa Sidokumpul mayoritas penduduknya para nelayan .Selain itu ada juga home indust... more Masyarakat di desa Sidokumpul mayoritas penduduknya para nelayan .Selain itu ada juga home industry krupuk ikan dan bongolan yang bahan dasarnya memanfaatkan ikan. Dari beberapa home industry tersebut menghasilkan limbah duri ikan yang tidak bisa dimanfaatkan, dan selama ini limbahnya hanya langsung dibuang ke laut, sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran pada lingkungan disekitar laut. Dari fenomena tersebut peneliti ingin melakukan perancangan alat penggiling duri ikan dan daging ikan dengan tambahan motor listrik dengan menggunakan metode reverse engineering supaya duri ikan mempunyai nilai ekonomis yang tinggi. Dengan menggunakan metode reverse engineering peneliti akan memgembangkan alat penggiling duri ikan yang sesuai dengan keperluan Home Industry serta mendapat hasil gilingan yang sesuai dengan yang diinginkan. Metode reverse engineering merupakan sebuah metode yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan sebuah alat dengan melihat kekurangan serta kelebihan dari alat yang sudah ada...

Sport Science, Jun 7, 2014
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Prediksi antara daya tahan ototlengan dengan prest... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : 1) Prediksi antara daya tahan ototlengan dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 2) Prediksi antara ketajamanpenglihatan dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 3) Prediksi antara kecemasandengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 4) Prediksi antara daya tahan otot lengan,ketajaman penglihatan, dan kecemasan secara bersama-sama dengan prestasi panahanRonde Nasional.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dengan pendekatankorelasional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah adalah seluruh atlet panahan PPLP PanahanJawa Tengah yang berjumlah 18 atlet. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan totalsampling. Instrumen yang dipergunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitianini adalah dengan melakukan pengukuran terhadap variabel – variabel yang terdapatdalam penelitian ini Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah korelasi sederhana, parsial,multiple dan regresi ganda pada taraf signifikansi 0,05.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Terdapat prediksi antara daya tahan ototlengan (rx1y = 82,8 , p = 0.000) dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 2) Terdapatprediksi antara ketajaman penglihatan (rx2y = 77,3, p = 0.000) dengan prestasi panahanRonde Nasional. 3) Terdapat prediksi antara kecemasan (rx3y = 57,1, p = 0.000) denganprestasi panahan Ronde Nasional. 4) Terdapat prediksi antara daya tahan otot lengan,ketajaman penglihatan, dan kecemasan secara bersama-sama (R x1x2x3y = 92,1, p = 0.000)dengan prestasi panahan Ronde Nasional.

مستخلص البحث موذج المدرسة المبتكرة يستجيب دائما للتطورات ومطالب العصر. إن الحساسية تجاه احتياجات ... more مستخلص البحث موذج المدرسة المبتكرة يستجيب دائما للتطورات ومطالب العصر. إن الحساسية تجاه احتياجات المجتمع هي أساس إدارة المؤسسة ، وخاصة في تشكيل الموارد البشرية التي تشتد الحاجة إليها من قبل كل مؤسسة. برنامج لتعزيز تعليم الشخصية بما يتماشى مع نواتشيتا الحكومة ، يستجيب للاحتياجات الحالية. أحد هذه المؤسسات هو مدرسة إنسان الأمانة الابتدائية مالانج ، وهي المؤسسة التي باعتبارها كقائم لمشروع تطوير المنهج الثالث عشر (ك -13) في مدينة مالانج ، في عام 2018 ، تم الاعتراف به من قبل وزير التعليم كمدرسة ملتزمة بتطوير برنامج من خلال إثبات نقش موقع من وزارة التعليم والثقافة. في حين أن مدرسة بني هاشم الابتدائية في محافظة مالانج بدأ في استخدام منهج موضوعي متكامل منذ عام 2005. التعليم الإسلامي ليس شكلا من أشكال المواد المدرسية ، ولكنه في شكل برنامج ومتكامل في جميع الدروس الموضوعية في المدارس. تبحث هذه الدراسة في ثلاثة محاور بحثية تشمل ما يلي: 1) كيفية تصميم تطوير منهج التربية الدينية الإسلامية على أساس برنامج تعزيز تعليم الشخصية في مدرسة إنسان الأمانة الابتدائية مالانج و مدرسة بني هاشم الابتدائية في مح...

Trans culture is a cross-cultural condition which can develop or survive within the life of a com... more Trans culture is a cross-cultural condition which can develop or survive within the life of a community. Religion and culture as the pillars for unity in the cross-cultural era can potentially develop into liberalism. This study aims to reveal the process of religious and cultural liberalism along with the solutions. It uses a qualitative-analysis method with hermeneutic approach based on the thoughts of the figures of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) in East Java. To collect the data, the researchers conduct in-depth interviews and data analysis of the works and news on religious and cultural liberalism. The study discovers the dialectic model of religious liberalism by making human rights the main source of law, which is called theological-capitalism. Besides, it finds cultural liberalism in the form of an identity crisis, which is called enculturation-liberalism. To overcome the religious liberalism, we can use clarification techniques and logical-systematic thinking. Meanwhile, the solution...

Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman, 2017
The dynamics of the history of independence heroes become an important thing for us to look at to... more The dynamics of the history of independence heroes become an important thing for us to look at together some of the historical literature of struggle, the role of the santri lost from the important fragment in history to make the author want to reveal the movement behind the scenes. The movement is known as isltilah hiden movement that represents the struggle of the santri based on fiqh siyasah. Ijtihâd political kyai based fiqih siyasah able to move all the elements from various circles both ideological and identity groups through the fatwa Resolution Jihad. But what we need to know is how the fatwa can be realized and what are the components of the hiden movement KH. Hasyim Asy’ari. The purpose of writing this scientific paper to describe the idea and action hiden movement KH. Hasyim Asy’ari is based on fiqih siyasah. While research methodology in writing using descriptive-qualitative literature.

Nazhruna: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
The quality of human resources has become a vital aspect in the development of Islamic education ... more The quality of human resources has become a vital aspect in the development of Islamic education institutions in particular. Almost every leading school has a design to improve the quality of human resources, bearing in mind that this aspect is the key to the birth of a quality generation. Learn from the Saleh Children's Foundation in improving the quality of human resources as a non-LPI general education institution to become one of the leading primary and early childhood education institutions in Indonesia. adi therein are Elementary Schools and Age Education. The two schools became role models of Islamic school-based management in line with the ideals of reform and independence. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach with a multicase design. The results of this study are: improving the quality of teachers in early childhood education programs (PAUD) Anak Saleh through internal workshops and seminars which are held every Saturday. ...
Elementeris : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Islam
AbstrakIt is very important for schools that educate children by making educational innovations t... more AbstrakIt is very important for schools that educate children by making educational innovations to maximize the inculcation of character in them. This is inseparable from the challenges of technological development and globalization which easily influences children to commit social deviations. Wholehearted education as an alternative solution for dedication to elementary school children. Learn from madrasas ibtidaiyah how to instill the value of character in order to form a strong and steadfast person with his principles through a wholehearted educational process. Keywords: Education Model, Wholehearted, Islamic elementaris scholl

ULUL ALBAB Jurnal Studi Islam
Covid-19 is a way for each educational institution to improve quality, processes, as well as faci... more Covid-19 is a way for each educational institution to improve quality, processes, as well as facilities and infrastructure. The epidemic indirectly demands the education institution for adaptive and innovative new life accompanied by the development of information technology. The Ministry of Education and Culture has issued a curriculum policy for special conditions during the pandemic based on the circular regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 719 of 2020. In addition, the issue of freedom to study in primary and secondary education institutions has emerged since 2019. Through the locus of Senior High School al-Hikmah Boarding School Batu, the researchers explored the data regarding the design of an independent curriculum based on Islamic values implemented since 2019. The curriculum has relevance to the Covid-19 special conditions curriculum and can be used as a model for the Covid-19 curriculum based on Islamic values. The research approach used is descriptiv...
Papers by fahmi hidayatullah