fahim shaltout
Prof. Fahim Shaltout Education Background:February 1996: Ph.D. of Meat Hygiene Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Moshtohor, Zagazig University, Benha University. EgyptJanuary 1992: Master of Meat Hygiene (M. V. Sc.), Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine, Zagazig University-Benha Branch, Egypt.May 1986: Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (B. V. Sc.), Faculty ofVeterinary Medicine, Zagazig University-Benha Branch, Egypt.Dissertation and project work for degrees:1. Mycological and Mycotoxicological profile Of Some Meat products. Ph.D. Thesis in Meat Hygiene, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Moshtohor, Zagazig University Benha branch, Egypt, 1996.2. Studies on Mycotoxins in Meat and Meat by Products. M.V.Sc Thesis Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Moshtohor, Zagazig University Benha branch, Egypt , 1992 .
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Papers by fahim shaltout
Food borne microbial pathogens, which may result in human illnesses. Estimates of the costs of human illnesses and costs to the food industry attributed to foodborne pathogens.
Animal health and food safety means the health of the animals within the food of animal origin. Production system impacts many aspects of the system far removed from the animals themselves. To promote high productivity in animal agriculture, examine nutrition, management systems, and animal care practices including the use of antibiotics and vaccines. Change livestock rearing methods, evidence to support the direct public health impact on human illness days, and good safety and inspection service regulations.
Food safety and assuring consumers their food is safe will continue to be a challenge for the industry. Minimize risks of recalls and protect brand equity are part of an effective food safety strategy (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point or HACCP) to reduce the risks of microbial contamination during slaughter and processing.
The incidences of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and E. coli contamination have brought demands for adoption of traceability and quality assurance systems to manage the animal products supply chain. Foodborne Pathogen Detection as E. coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus.