Papers by eko baroto walujo

Indonesian Journal of Biology, 2011
Ethnobotany Contributes to The Understanding Human Relationship with Plant and Their Environment.... more Ethnobotany Contributes to The Understanding Human Relationship with Plant and Their Environment. The scope of ethnobotanical research has been developed to a broader scope from the originated word of ethnobotany was coined.. This discipline attempts to explain reciprocal relationships which occur between local societies and its natural world, in extant, between local societies and their cultures that reflected in the archeological records. Ethnobotany is also very closely related to the domestication of plants such as the species domesticated, where these species domesticated, the purpose of domestication, the manner, and the status of the domesticated plants today. Etnobothany also concerns to the role of plants in ecology, environment and phytogeography as conceived by tradition or by the local communities. In addition to its traditional role in economic botany and the exploration of human cognition, ethnobotanical research has been applied to the practical areas such as biodiversity prospecting and vegetation management. Thus ideally, ethnobotany should includes rules and categorization acknowledged by local communities. Rules and categorization are use to appropriately facing daily social situations in recognizing, interpreting and utilizing plant resources in their environment. In summary, the scope of research in ethnobotany is interdisciplinary and ethnoscience as mentioned earlier and these scopes will be the main focus of discussion in this article. In particular, in its relation to the strategic position of Indonesia based on wealth, diversity of plants, species and ecosystems and socio-cultural life.
Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, 2010
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, 2008
Berita Biologi, 2007
Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), untuk menerbitkan hasil karya-penelitian dan karya pengembangan, ti... more Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI), untuk menerbitkan hasil karya-penelitian dan karya pengembangan, tinjauan kembali (review) dan ulasan topik khusus dalam bidang biologi. Disediakan pula ruang untuk menguraikan seluk beluk peralatan laboratorium yang spesifik dan dipakai secara umum, standard dan secara internasional. Juga uraian tentang metode-metode berstandar baku dalam bidang biologi, baik laboratorium, lapangan maupun pengolahan koleksi biodiversitas. Kesempatan menulis terbuka untuk umum meliputi para peneliti lembaga riset, pengajar perguruan tinggi (dosen) maupun pekarya-tesis sarjana semua strata. Makalah harus dipersiapkan dengan berpedoman pada ketentuan-ketentuan penulisan yang tercantum dalam setiap nomor. Diterbitkan 3 kali dalam setahun bulan April, Agustus dan Desember. Satu volume terdiri dari 6 nomor.
Journal of Tropical Ethnobiology, Jul 1, 2005
Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, 2010

Telah dilakukan penelitian tumbuhan etnomedisinal pada etnis Karo di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian i... more Telah dilakukan penelitian tumbuhan etnomedisinal pada etnis Karo di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Kaban Tua Kecamatan Munthe Kabupaten Karo Propinsi Sumatera Utara Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendokumentasikan pengetahuan tradisional subetnis Batak Karo dalam memanfaatkan tumbuhan untuk menjaga kesehatannya. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnobotani melalui wawancara bebas, semi terstruktur, mendalam, observasi parsitifatif dan pebble distribution methods (PDM). Wawancara dilakukan pada 39 orang yang terdiri dari 7 informan kunci dan 32 orang responden umum. Responden umum dengan umur 30-50 tahun dan > 50 tahun dengan perbandingan 1:1. Tumbuhan yang digunakan dan dikenali masyarakt sebagi obat sebanyak 152 spesies 64 famili untuk mengatasi 21 jenia penyakit. Family yang paling banyak digunakan adalah Zingeberaceae (11 spesies), Poaceae (7 spesies) dan Lamiaceae (7 spesies). Pia (Allium cepa Liliaceae) merupakan tumbuhan yang memiliki nilai use values (UVs) dan indeks cultural significance (ICS) tertinggi sebesar secara berurutan dengan nilai 7,03 dan 243,5.

Proceedings of the 3rd KOBI Congress, International and National Conferences (KOBICINC 2020), 2021
Local wisdom is a legacy that must be preserved and documented. Using plants as traditional medic... more Local wisdom is a legacy that must be preserved and documented. Using plants as traditional medicine is examples of local wisdom. One of the tribes in Indonesia that called Serawai tribe, are still using the surrounding plants as traditional medicine. Documenting local knowledge in making a drug from medicinal plants is part of the implementation of Nagoya Protocol that has been ratified by Indonesia Government in UU RI number 11 2013. Some medicinal plants are used by mixing more than one species to make it a medicinal herb. These medicinal ingredients are often used orally. Therefore, this study aims to document oral formulations based on medicinal plants used by the Serawai tribe in Seluma, Bengkulu. The research was conducted using the exploring method based on informations obtained through open interviews with several key informants. The explorations were carried out in four districts in Seluma Regency, Bengkulu. This research found at least 28 species of medicinal plants that ...

Reinwardtia, 2009
SUSIARTI, S., PURWANTO, Y. & WALUJO, E.B. 2009. Medicinal plant diversity in the Tesso Nilo Natio... more SUSIARTI, S., PURWANTO, Y. & WALUJO, E.B. 2009. Medicinal plant diversity in the Tesso Nilo National Park, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia. Reinwardtia 12(5): 383–390- A study of traditional knowledge on plant uses especially medicinal plants of the local community, was conducted in 2003 at the Situgal Village and its surrounding area in the Tesso Nilo National Park at the Logas Tanah Darat District, Riau Province, Sumatra, Indonesia. Research methods included open-ended discussion and direct observation. To better assess the extractive activities and the utilization of the plant diversity by the local people, an index of cultural significance (ICS) analysis was employed. Research results showed that local people in Situgal still use a large number of plants for medicinal purposes and rely on ethnobotanical knowledge in their daily life. We recorded 86 species belonging to 78 genera and 46 families of plants having ethnobotanical values. Eighty-two species are used for medicinal purposes ...

Buletin Kebun Raya, 2011
Sejarah kehidupan menunjukkan bahwa mikroba memprakarsai munculnya kehidupan, yang kemudian diiku... more Sejarah kehidupan menunjukkan bahwa mikroba memprakarsai munculnya kehidupan, yang kemudian diikuti oleh tanaman berhijau daun, hewan dan manusia. Meskipun manusia sebenarnya muncul setelah bentukbentuk kehidupan lainnya, namun pada kenyataannya, manusia telah mengalami evolusi sebagai makluk yang paling sempurna. Karena evolusi seperti itu, manusia dapat mengembangkan peradaban sehingga mampu mengubah gaya hidupnya. Dalam hal ini, teori adaptasi dan integrasi menjadi penting dalam menjaga stabilitas hubungan antara organisme satu dengan lainnya dalam sebuah ekosistem. Dengan demikian, ekosistem dengan segala relung dan isinya adalah realitas yang dinamis dan terus menerus berubah. Dalam artikel ini akan diuraikan dan dijelaskan hubungan keterkaitan antara kebudayaan di Indonesia dalam konteks konservasi sumberdaya alam dalam studi ekologi manusia (human ecology).

Home garden is a landscape that utilized local communities as one of the sourcing of medicinal pl... more Home garden is a landscape that utilized local communities as one of the sourcing of medicinal plants. The study of medicinal plants in home garden on local communities Angkola-Mandailaing sub-ethnic in Tanjung Julu village done to document species of medicinal plants garden as a first step for conservation. The study was conducted with ethnobotany approach with survey methods, interviews, and exploration. A total of 30 home garden and 30 respondents interviwed through intensively and depth. A total of 55 species of medicinal plants were derived in 43 genera and 26 families are found in the home garden that used to cope with as many as 19 kinds of diseases. Zingiberaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae, and Euphorbiaceae are families with the most number of species, which are 11, 8, 5, and 4, species respectively. The medicinal plants in home garden that founded as much as 18 species were also utilized as an economic commodity, 11 species as a vegetable, and as many as nine species as an orna...
Red pandan (Pandanus conoideus Lamarck) is an important plant for the people of the Arfak Mountai... more Red pandan (Pandanus conoideus Lamarck) is an important plant for the people of the Arfak Mountain in the Province of Papua Barat (West Papua), Indonesia that include the tribes of Meyah, Sougb and Hatam. In total there are 10 morphological variations found, each with a local (vernacular) name.The local nomenclature used by the three tribes is in correspondence with the formal botanical nomenclature, but not identical. The result of the ethnotaxonomical study shows that the basic name equals to species name, while attribute refers to infraspecific classification.Attribute is suggested to be addressed to the category of variety in the formal (botanical) taxonomy rather than to subspecies.Ethnotaxonomy is proven to be a good alternative solution for the problems faced in the formal taxonomy.
Eboni,bagi dunia perdagangan kayu telah banyak menyumbangkan devisa.Akan tetapi berapa banyak sum... more Eboni,bagi dunia perdagangan kayu telah banyak menyumbangkan devisa.Akan tetapi berapa banyak sumbangan komoditas tersebut terhadap kelestariannya sendiri masih perlu dipertanyakan.Tidak kurang dan puluhan hasil penelitian untuk USAha budidayanya telah dilakukan, namun semuanya belum menentukan titik terang dan jenis eboni ini tetap akan dieksploitasi tanpa memperhatikan gatra kelestariannya.Buktinya, bahwa beberapa tahun terakhir ini eboni (Diospyros celebicn Bakh.)diusulkan dalam Appendix II CITES,sebagai salah satu komoditas perdagangan yang perlu diatur mekanisme kuotanya.Berbagai hal penting yang menyangkut gatra etnobotani, terutama dalam perspektif botani dan pemanfaatannya akan diulas dalam makalah ini.

RTET-2018,ABEMS-18,LEHSS-2018,ELEBM-18 March 27-29, 2018 London (UK), Mar 27, 2018
A study of medicinal plants conservation has been undertaken in Cibeo society, by valuation Local... more A study of medicinal plants conservation has been undertaken in Cibeo society, by valuation Local User's Value Index (LUVI). The purpose of this study reveal the value of the most important medicinal plants based on perspective of gender dan age. Research has been conducted from September 2017 to Januari 2018. Data collection through semi-structured close-ended, open-ended, Pebble Distribution Method (PDM), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), vegetation analysis and free-roaming interviews. Based on 17 categories of diseases most commonly experienced by the Cibeo society, obtained 22 species of medicinal plants most important. According to young male and old male group, Cocos nucifera L. is species with having the highest LUVI (2,25 and 1.95), while adult male choosed Kaempferia galanga L. (1.91). Meanwhile, based on young female group Psidium guajava L. is species with having the highest LUVI (2.15), while adult female choosed Zingiber cassumunar Roxb (1.23), and old female choosed Cyrtandra pendula Blume (0.9). It is show that the importance of various species of medicinal plants that have been known and utilized by Cibeo society to treat disease often attack.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
The stem anatomy of six species of Calamus from Kalimantan Barat was studied to explore the anato... more The stem anatomy of six species of Calamus from Kalimantan Barat was studied to explore the anatomical character to distinguish the rattan at the species level. The Calamus species has been used as the raw material of plaited art by the indigenous people of the Dayak Iban-Desa. The anatomy character was observed from the transversal section, radial section, and maceration. The main aspect has observed from this research are epidermis, vessel, and fiber dimension. Epidermis cell type, epidermis lumen type, and the number of hypodermis layer were observed as the important character to distinguish the Calamus based on epidermis character. Type of ground parenchyma, present of the canal resin, number of protoxylems, and vessel density are the important characters based on vessel character. Fiber length and fiber wall thickness are the important characters to identify the rattan species and also to predict the quality of rattan stem. The tentative identification key to rattan species has been prepared using the combination of the anatomical character.

Journal of Tropical Life Science, 2018
Batang Gadis National Park (BGNP) located in Bukit Barisan Mountains, Sumatera Utara. A Mandailin... more Batang Gadis National Park (BGNP) located in Bukit Barisan Mountains, Sumatera Utara. A Mandailing tribe who lives around the BGNP, has the unique local knowledge, such as processing young stem of rattan (Calamus manan) into pakkat (traditional food) and use rimbang (Solanum torvum) to neutralize toxins. These local knowledge could be lost because it only inherited orally from generation to generation. This study was aimed to reveal ethnobotany knowledge of Mandailing Tribe. The study was conducted in November 2015 in four villages around the BGNP, Sibanggor Jae, Hutabaringin Julu, Pastap Jae, and Botung Villages. Data were collected by interviewing informants in each village as well as the field survey through two approaches, emic and etic. A total of 262 plant species is used by Mandailing Tribe for subsistence and commercial needs. The highest utilization is for food (106 species), followed by traditional medicines (81 species), firewood (29 species), building materials (35 species), and animal feed (25 species). People also used plant for household appliances, agricultural equipment, art materials, ropes and wrap, and pest control materials. Eme/rice (Oryza sativa) have the highest Index of Cultural Significance (ICS) values. The existence of this species is maintained for its local wisdom. Thus, involvement of local community will give great contribution to manage and conserve the BGNP area.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Mandailing tribe is an Indonesian ethnic group who lives around the Batang Gadis National Park (B... more Mandailing tribe is an Indonesian ethnic group who lives around the Batang Gadis National Park (BGNP), North Sumatra. This community have local knowledge about the environment including taxonomy of topography and water flow. This study aimed to reveal the ethnoecology knowledge of Mandailing tribe. The study was conducted in November 2015 in four villages around the BGNP, Sibanggor Jae, Hutabaringin Julu, Pastap Jae and Botung Village. Data was obtained through interviewing to informants in every village as well as survey in the field through emic and ethic approaches. The results showed that Mandailing tribe classified their environment into 6 lanscaps, harangan (forest), kobun (garden), saba (rice field), alaman (yard), huta (settlement) and aek (springs). There were 98 plant species in harangan, 93 plant species in kobun, 105 plant species in saba and 126 plant species in alaman that are utilized by Mandailing Tribe. Knowledge in environmental management including the implementation of terracing system in rice fields in areas of hills and the implementation of agroforestry systems on agricultural lands. The environmental knowledge of Mandailing tribe can be used as a recommendation in developing a policy around TNBG area that was mainly related to the management of conservation areas in the region.

This research aim to study how Benuaq society around Muara Lawa District, manage agriculture syst... more This research aim to study how Benuaq society around Muara Lawa District, manage agriculture system and internal knowledge about rice varieties. This research use ethnobotanical approach: collecting ethnobotanical data of rice varieties and traditional system of swidden cultivation. Data was obtained by using direct participatory technique by interviewing the people (key informants) about their practice and perception. The interviews were unstructured open-ended discussion on knowledge and farming activities including about diversity in rice varieties. Subsequently, quantitative data from questionnaires was combined with depth-interview data from key informants. The Benuaq indigenous systems, practices, and cultivation preferences held by the Benuaq are guarded toward maintaining their rice diversity. The Benuaq systems of upland rice cultivation, site selection for umaq establishment, plant species for fertility indicator, and cultivation of wide ranges of upland rice varieties indicate their sophisticate knowledge in agriculture. Unfortunately there has been degradation in the indigenous knowledge among the young Benuaqs.
Braimoh/Vulnerability, 2014
Papers by eko baroto walujo