Sipas Statistikave të fund vitit 2014, ka rreth 2.5 miliardë njerëz që përdorin internetin në të ... more Sipas Statistikave të fund vitit 2014, ka rreth 2.5 miliardë njerëz që përdorin internetin në të gjithë globin. Ndërsa ky mjet ndërlidhës i pashembullt ka ofruar mundësi të shumta për individët, bizneset dhe qeveritë që të përfitojnë nga lehtësirat që ofron, padyshim që nuk mund të mos bëhej pre e sulmeve dhe veprimeve kriminale. Sigurisht ashtu sikundër në botën reale edhe në botën virtuale përdorimi i këtij mekanizmi të cilin pa frikë e quajmë "çudibërës", jo vetëm që u shoqërua nga prania e elementëve kriminalë, por këta elementë, u lindën, zhvilluan me të njëjtën shpejtësi që zhvillohet teknologjia e hapësirës kibernetike.
The normal functioning of the state or its structures can be severely impaired if there is a crac... more The normal functioning of the state or its structures can be severely impaired if there is a crack or an intervention in the communication and information systems, particularly when it occurs in very important governmental protected networks. Even when unauthorized access to secure networks successfully denied, massive cyber-attacks, global open networks, can significantly affect the operation of national security, law and order and lead to substantial disturbances and loss in economic systems. This is why cyber –attacks are considered as an asymmetric threat to national security of a country. Numerous cyber-attacks in recent years against advanced information societies have been aimed impairment of the functioning of information systems to public and private sector, placing the abuse of cyberspace, on top of the list of threats to security. The systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to society that the incapacity or destruction of such may have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health or safety, environment or any combination of these matters. The availability of relevant and compelling content remains critical for demanding broadband services. Citizens need even more access to other types of e-services. The government portals provide e-services and other transactional activities, such as downloading online forms, updating of citizens information and making online requests.
Governments worldwide have come to realise that their national security also depends on the secur... more Governments worldwide have come to realise that their national security also depends on the security of their computers and technological devices .Cybercrime and cyber security are issues that can hardly be separated in an interconnected environment. The fight against cybercrime needs a comprehensive approach. Given that technical measures alone cannot prevent any crime, it is critical that law-enforcement agencies are allowed to investigate and prosecute cybercrime effectively. But the agencies cannt work The role of digital and information technologies in the generation of national wealth now means that the new risks associated with these changes require continued attention on all fronts: national, regional and international. While the process of ‘globalisation’ continues to accelerate, a fully global response to the problems of security in the digital age has yet to emerge and efforts to secure cyberspace has been reactive rather than proactive. Developments in the Albanian national policing of ‘cyberrime law ’ so essential in addressing cyber-crime are the focus of this paper .The development of adequate legislation and within this approach the development of a cybercrime related legal framework is an essential part of a cyber security strategy. This requires first of all the necessary substantive criminal law provisions to criminalize acts such as computer fraud, illegal access, data interference, copyright violations and child pornography
Sipas Statistikave të fund vitit 2014, ka rreth 2.5 miliardë njerëz që përdorin internetin në të ... more Sipas Statistikave të fund vitit 2014, ka rreth 2.5 miliardë njerëz që përdorin internetin në të gjithë globin. Ndërsa ky mjet ndërlidhës i pashembullt ka ofruar mundësi të shumta për individët, bizneset dhe qeveritë që të përfitojnë nga lehtësirat që ofron, padyshim që nuk mund të mos bëhej pre e sulmeve dhe veprimeve kriminale. Sigurisht ashtu sikundër në botën reale edhe në botën virtuale përdorimi i këtij mekanizmi të cilin pa frikë e quajmë "çudibërës", jo vetëm që u shoqërua nga prania e elementëve kriminalë, por këta elementë, u lindën, zhvilluan me të njëjtën shpejtësi që zhvillohet teknologjia e hapësirës kibernetike.
The normal functioning of the state or its structures can be severely impaired if there is a crac... more The normal functioning of the state or its structures can be severely impaired if there is a crack or an intervention in the communication and information systems, particularly when it occurs in very important governmental protected networks. Even when unauthorized access to secure networks successfully denied, massive cyber-attacks, global open networks, can significantly affect the operation of national security, law and order and lead to substantial disturbances and loss in economic systems. This is why cyber –attacks are considered as an asymmetric threat to national security of a country. Numerous cyber-attacks in recent years against advanced information societies have been aimed impairment of the functioning of information systems to public and private sector, placing the abuse of cyberspace, on top of the list of threats to security. The systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to society that the incapacity or destruction of such may have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health or safety, environment or any combination of these matters. The availability of relevant and compelling content remains critical for demanding broadband services. Citizens need even more access to other types of e-services. The government portals provide e-services and other transactional activities, such as downloading online forms, updating of citizens information and making online requests.
Governments worldwide have come to realise that their national security also depends on the secur... more Governments worldwide have come to realise that their national security also depends on the security of their computers and technological devices .Cybercrime and cyber security are issues that can hardly be separated in an interconnected environment. The fight against cybercrime needs a comprehensive approach. Given that technical measures alone cannot prevent any crime, it is critical that law-enforcement agencies are allowed to investigate and prosecute cybercrime effectively. But the agencies cannt work The role of digital and information technologies in the generation of national wealth now means that the new risks associated with these changes require continued attention on all fronts: national, regional and international. While the process of ‘globalisation’ continues to accelerate, a fully global response to the problems of security in the digital age has yet to emerge and efforts to secure cyberspace has been reactive rather than proactive. Developments in the Albanian national policing of ‘cyberrime law ’ so essential in addressing cyber-crime are the focus of this paper .The development of adequate legislation and within this approach the development of a cybercrime related legal framework is an essential part of a cyber security strategy. This requires first of all the necessary substantive criminal law provisions to criminalize acts such as computer fraud, illegal access, data interference, copyright violations and child pornography
Papers by etleva haka
The systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to society that the incapacity or destruction of such may have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health or safety, environment or any combination of these matters. The availability of relevant and compelling content remains critical for demanding broadband services. Citizens need even more access to other types of e-services. The government portals provide e-services and other transactional activities, such as downloading online forms, updating of citizens information and making online requests.
The systems and assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to society that the incapacity or destruction of such may have a debilitating impact on the security, economy, public health or safety, environment or any combination of these matters. The availability of relevant and compelling content remains critical for demanding broadband services. Citizens need even more access to other types of e-services. The government portals provide e-services and other transactional activities, such as downloading online forms, updating of citizens information and making online requests.