Learning Outcome (LO) merupakan komponen penting yang harus dirumuskan setiap mata kuliah yang di... more Learning Outcome (LO) merupakan komponen penting yang harus dirumuskan setiap mata kuliah yang dikelola oleh program studi di perguruan tinggi baik jenjang S1, S2 ataupun S3. Salah satu rumusan LO pada jenjang S3 adalah menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, kepercayaan dan agama serta pendapat/temuan keilmuan yang orisinal dari orang lain. Dari rumusan tersebut dikembangkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Islam (PI) S3 Pascasarajana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung pada rumusan LO setiap mata kuliah dalam mengembangkan sikap moderasi beragama. Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengurai Learning Outcome (LO) setiap mata kuliah yang disusun para dosen Pendidikan Islam S3 dalam mengembangkan sikap moderasi beragama mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Islam S3. Penelitian pada intinya merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research), yang dilengkapi dengan studi dokumentasi yang tertulis pada setiap mata kuliah yang disusun para dosen Pendidikan Islam, artikel jurnal, buku-buku, dan opini ilmiah. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada setiap mata kuliah Program Studi Pendidikan Islam S3 mengembangkan sikap moderasi beragama mahasiswa. Kata kunci: kurikulum berbasis kerangka kualifikasi nasional Indonesia: learning outcome; moderasi beragama, perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam, taksonomi Bloom brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk
Tulisan ini akan membahas bagaimana konsepsi dan implementasi moderasi beragama di kalangan perem... more Tulisan ini akan membahas bagaimana konsepsi dan implementasi moderasi beragama di kalangan perempuan. Studi kasus yang diambil dalam tulisan ini adalah Penyuluh Agama Perempuan Di Pokjaluh Bandung Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, kajian literatur, kemudian wawancara melalui Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Penelitian diperoleh temuan bahwa konsep moderasi sangatlah penting diemban oleh para perempuan. Dengan adanya isu bahwa perempuan mudah terpapar radikalisme sehingga dapat dilakukan pendekatan-pendekatan agar moderasi beragama dapat diterima oleh perempuan sehingga menjadi isu yang positif. Bentuk implementasi dari konsepsi moderasi beragama di kalangan perempuan dapat beraneka ragam berdasarkan peran dan fungsinya di masyarakat. Hal demikian melahirkan solusi penyuluhan moderasi beragama di kalangan perempuan dengan tiga strategi, yaitu gagasan, kelembagaan dan integrasi.
Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang tipologi integrasi ilmu agama dalam pemikiran islam kontempore... more Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang tipologi integrasi ilmu agama dalam pemikiran islam kontemporer. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research), bahwa studi pustaka atau kepustakaan dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kajian tipologi adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari sesuatu tentang type, ilmu yang mempelajari tentang pengelompokan berdasarkan tipe atau jenis secara spesifik, tipologi berasal dari dua suku kata yaitu tiupo yang berarti pengelompokan dan logos adalah yang mempunyai arti ilmu atau bidang ilmu. Sedangkan menurut Budi A. Sukanda adalah sebuah pengklasifikasian sebuah type berdasarkan atas penelusuran terhadap asal- usul. Menurut Ian R Barbour mengusulkan empat tipologi untuk memetakan pendekatan yang dipakai dalam hubungan antara ilmu (Sains) dan agama ya...
Pentingnya moderasi beragama sangat disadari oleh pemerintah dalam mengelola iklim bermasyarakat ... more Pentingnya moderasi beragama sangat disadari oleh pemerintah dalam mengelola iklim bermasyarakat di Indonesia yang plural, dengan begitu banyan serta memiliki banyak perbedaan dan keberagaman, dari suku, etnis, agama, dan budaya. Kemajemukan merupakan kunci pemicu konflik atas nama perbedaan yang sangat mudah dipantik menjadi konflik berbasis kekerasan, termasuk mengarahkan pemikiran radikalisme ke arah ekstremisme kekerasan. Untuk itu, buku ini dapat memberikan gambaran real tentang tanggapan pihak perempuan, terutama perempuan penyuluh agama Islam, terhadap moderasi beragama tersebut
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kajian epistemologi islam klasik dan kontemporer. M... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kajian epistemologi islam klasik dan kontemporer. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research), bahwa studi pustaka atau kepustakaan dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa integrasi keilmuan dalam hal ini Universitas Islam Negeri yang ada di Indonesia memiliki konsep Islamic knowledge atau ilmu-ilmu keislaman yang dikembangkan oleh masing-masing pergurun tinggi itu sendiri, dengan kata lain adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang dibangun ini berlandaskan nilai-nilai ajaran Islam sebagaimana tertuang dalam sumber ajarannya yang utama, yakni al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah, dan Ijma’. Kemudian kontekstualisasinya terhadap Perkembangan Pendidikan di Indonesia dalam hal ini Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) di Indonesia yang memiliki integrasi konsep ...
In the context of Indonesia, this work appears as inspired by democratization movement that have ... more In the context of Indonesia, this work appears as inspired by democratization movement that have been experiencing popularity due to the success of people overthrew an authoritarian regime in 1998. Since then, the 1999 elections were observed as the first free and fair elections of second phase of Indonesia’s democratic governance after its Independence in 1945. Coming along with the spirit of democracy, Indonesian women have also echoed the importance of women's political participation and demand equal political representation in the legislatures. This emerging women demand got stronger when Indonesia was approaching the second elections in 2004. During this situation, this work was carried out by mainly interviewing women in Indonesia’s Parliament elected from the 1999 elections. The results of the work shows that the revealing pathways of women getting to Parliament have clearly proved that each strongly connected to their stands in Parliament, thus, as a reflection to the fu...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model pengembangan keilmuan integratif di UIN Walis... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model pengembangan keilmuan integratif di UIN Walisongo Semarang dengan mengusung model Intan Berlian Ilmu. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research), bahwa studi pustaka atau kepustakaan dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa paradigma kesatuan ilmu pengetahuan ( unity of science ) yang dikembangkan UIN Walisongo, yakni dengan menyatukan antara semua cabang ilmu dan memberikan landasan wahyu sebagai latar atau pengikat penyatuan. Gagasan islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia ditransformasi dalam ranah Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam yang menjadi sentral perkembangan ilmu keislaman dengan harapan dapat mempercepat cita-cita islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia. Hal ini memberikan konsekuensi te...
Hubungan sains dan agama adalah hubungan yang rumit. Keduanya selalu menjadi wacana diskusi yang ... more Hubungan sains dan agama adalah hubungan yang rumit. Keduanya selalu menjadi wacana diskusi yang menarik. Sains dalam kehidupan manusia selalu berkembang dan berubah. Sedangkan agama selalu dianggap tradisi turun temurun yang dipertahankan oleh masyarakat tertentu. Salah satu tokoh yang mengangkat masalah sains dan agama adalah Ian G. Barbour. Barbour berusaha memetakan aspek metodologis, konseptual hingga praktis relasi antara sains dan agama dalam tipologi. Tipologi Barbour terdiri dari empat tingkatan, yaitu konflik, independensi, dialog, dan integrasi. Ketika berbicara tentang agama, perhatian Barbour nyaris terbatas pada teologi, dan ketika berbicara tentang sains, perhatiannya terutama tertumpu pada ada yang disampaikan oleh isi teori-teori paling mutakhir dalam ilmu alam. Dengan adanya integrasi agama dan sain yang Barbour ungkapkan menjadi titik awal pencetusan Islamisasi sains. Gerakan Islamisasi Ilmu oleh Al-Faruqi dan Syed M. Naquib al-Attas hadir untuk menyelamatkan il...
Epistemology is a branch of philosophy which deals with the nature, scope of knowledge, basis, an... more Epistemology is a branch of philosophy which deals with the nature, scope of knowledge, basis, and its presuppositions. Modern science raises problems both the spiritual crisis and the ecological crisis. Both of these are due to the rationale that separates God from science. So that faith becomes weak and doesn't even exist at all. This paper will elaborate further on the epistemology of modern science, starting from the theory of knowledge in the form of sources and ways of obtaining knowledge, scientific methods, to measures of truth. This study is very important to be reexamined so that it strengthens the philosophical foundation related to science, then emerges various critical competencies in interpreting modern science. This library research is sourced from various references in the form of books, national and international scientific journal articles. The data collection technique is to conduct a review of the books and journal articles. The data obtained were processed b...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS 2017), 2018
This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system wo... more This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system would be operating to de-radicalization. As the study of the Shari'ah (Islamic Law and rules), the whole corpus of Fiqh is about the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah (the practice and tradition of Muhammad PBUH) through the process of independent reasoning (Ijtihad) carried out by qualified Islamic scholar/s (ulama). Therefore, this study begins to consider the overall operation of formulating Islamic Law that should become the purpose of Allah and His Messenger. Meanwhile, the way achieving Islamic Law, among other things, is oriented to produce mashlahah (wisdom) for making better and improving the prosperity of the ummah both in the world and Hereafter. For this reason, the task of ulama is to comprehend the Muslim society and related things entail to contemporary life demands. Although thinking much more thoroughly, Ulama's independent reasoning results in diversity. Thus, Fiqh is dynamic; supporters of certain ulama with certain Fiqh schools are those who are fanatical. Through the efforts of education, such extremism and radicalism can be reduced (applied to de-radicalization) through the Fiqh itself. In Fiqh education, a curriculum that includes selected and non-selected teaching materials play an essential role likewise educators who organize schools instructions. It should remove religious extremism including fanaticism, intolerance, rigidity, and narrow-mindedness gradually. Fiqh materials provided at Islamic schools should aim at attaining mashlahah through which peace, unity, justice, equality, and capacity. It should able to suppress all kinds of violence, and order would flower among students participants of Islamic schools.
This study aims to build a framework for the inclusion of gender issues in the Indonesian educati... more This study aims to build a framework for the inclusion of gender issues in the Indonesian education system. Grounded from the ideas of global education, gender issues, framing by gender justice and equality, males and females as human beings and members of society can reach their fullest potential through education. As a qualitative case study research, it explores and analyzes the ideas and thoughts of selected Islamic university lecturers and Islamic high school teachers. Through delivering questionnaires, interviews, and providing focus group discussions, its results show the existing realities of the globalizing world and show that gender issues have been positively endorsed among the respondents. Equal access and opportunity in education, as well as equal treatment for both sexes, is not a problem at all. A little note emerges on the discussion of the gender division of labor, which should consider women's nature. However, the overall findings show the emergence of an Islam...
This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system wo... more This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system would be operating to de-radicalization. As the study of the Shari'ah (Islamic Law and rules), the whole corpus of Fiqh is about the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah (the practice and tradition of Muhammad PBUH) through the process of independent reasoning (Ijtihad) carried out by qualified Islamic scholar/s (ulama). Therefore, this study begins to consider the overall operation of formulating Islamic Law that should become the purpose of Allah and His Messenger. Meanwhile, the way achieving Islamic Law, among other things, is oriented to produce mashlahah (wisdom) for making better and improving the prosperity of the ummah both in the world and Hereafter. For this reason, the task of ulama is to comprehend the Muslim society and related things entail to contemporary life demands. Although thinking much more thoroughly, Ulama's independent reasoning results in d...
MANAGERE : Indonesian Journal of Educational Management
This study was conducted to reveal the principal's transformational leadership and organizati... more This study was conducted to reveal the principal's transformational leadership and organizational communication its effect on teacher organizational commitment. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method with a total sample of 28 teachers. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data were analyzed using simple and multiple correlation and regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that the principal's transformational leadership and organizational communication have a joint effect on the variable of teacher organizational commitment by 92.2% which means very strong. So it can be concluded that the better the principal's transformational leadership and organizational communication, the better the teacher's organizational commitment.
The study was to analyze the management of library services in uin mount djati bandung. The study... more The study was to analyze the management of library services in uin mount djati bandung. The study USES a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. Data collection techniques with participative observations, structured and unstructured interviews, and documentary studies. The analysis of the data in this study is done in three ways: data unitation, data categorization, and data interpretation. The search for library services management research found in mount dteal bandung shows that: 1) there are 11 types of service procedures; 2) service time on site for the update by 54 hours per week and online services can be obtained 24 hours nonstop via web and library applications; 3) services requiring an fee in the library, between which: a) the photoshop service, of rp500, rupiah/ page, b) the post - based member card service (lost) of rp100,000, d) 4) items for library services: a) physical products such as: a quick response code (QRC) visitors' lists, multi-purpose sta...
This paper aims to show up the reason that Indonesian democratic can give contribution to develop... more This paper aims to show up the reason that Indonesian democratic can give contribution to developing of Islamic education theory, in order to responds of contemporary issues. To achieve of the purpose, this paper was discussing a number of democratic theory and Islamic education contemporary literature with holding a dialogue to Indonesian culture background. Recently, Islamic education theory and practice has undergone some transformations, in its system, curriculum, and institutions. One of the trigger was a demand to implementing a conception of democracy in Islamic education praxis. In Indonesia it was adopted from Pancasila, exactly the Bhineka Tunggal Ika slogan. To realized of that, Indonesian Islamic education institution like madrassa, since 1980s was combined between curriculum Indonesia national and Islamic education. It is be a sign that Indonesian democracy can be an alternative to developing a theory of democratic Islamic education.
Malay world has been experiencing the conflicting and converging international influences of glob... more Malay world has been experiencing the conflicting and converging international influences of globalization and rapid Islamisation in many significant aspects of the countries. One of the issues is that the impact of the agenda of advancement of women‟s life to achieve gender equality promoted by international agencies. Among other women‟s improvement agenda is that woman in decision making bodies. On the other hand, the growing visible Islamic movement (and/or Islamic fundamentalism - Islamism) which may significantly grow among Malay societies would unavoidably create different ideas, attitudes and practices compared to other Muslim world. This paper explores myriad aspects of women‟s empowerment transforming into decision making bodies in the nuances of an affirmative action a recommendation of series of international conference on women. Through finding similarities and differences between the two Muslim majority countries, the support toward Muslim women‟s empowerment in decisio...
Haji Agus Salim (1884--1954) was an Indonesian Muslim political figure of the Nationalist Era (19... more Haji Agus Salim (1884--1954) was an Indonesian Muslim political figure of the Nationalist Era (1908--1945). He was influential in two important associations; Sarekat Islam (SI-Islamic Union) and the Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB-Young Muslim Union). Salim was born into ...
Learning Outcome (LO) merupakan komponen penting yang harus dirumuskan setiap mata kuliah yang di... more Learning Outcome (LO) merupakan komponen penting yang harus dirumuskan setiap mata kuliah yang dikelola oleh program studi di perguruan tinggi baik jenjang S1, S2 ataupun S3. Salah satu rumusan LO pada jenjang S3 adalah menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, kepercayaan dan agama serta pendapat/temuan keilmuan yang orisinal dari orang lain. Dari rumusan tersebut dikembangkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Islam (PI) S3 Pascasarajana UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung pada rumusan LO setiap mata kuliah dalam mengembangkan sikap moderasi beragama. Penelitian ini diarahkan untuk mengurai Learning Outcome (LO) setiap mata kuliah yang disusun para dosen Pendidikan Islam S3 dalam mengembangkan sikap moderasi beragama mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Islam S3. Penelitian pada intinya merupakan penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research), yang dilengkapi dengan studi dokumentasi yang tertulis pada setiap mata kuliah yang disusun para dosen Pendidikan Islam, artikel jurnal, buku-buku, dan opini ilmiah. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada setiap mata kuliah Program Studi Pendidikan Islam S3 mengembangkan sikap moderasi beragama mahasiswa. Kata kunci: kurikulum berbasis kerangka kualifikasi nasional Indonesia: learning outcome; moderasi beragama, perguruan tinggi keagamaan Islam, taksonomi Bloom brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk
Tulisan ini akan membahas bagaimana konsepsi dan implementasi moderasi beragama di kalangan perem... more Tulisan ini akan membahas bagaimana konsepsi dan implementasi moderasi beragama di kalangan perempuan. Studi kasus yang diambil dalam tulisan ini adalah Penyuluh Agama Perempuan Di Pokjaluh Bandung Raya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah deskriptif-kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, kajian literatur, kemudian wawancara melalui Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Penelitian diperoleh temuan bahwa konsep moderasi sangatlah penting diemban oleh para perempuan. Dengan adanya isu bahwa perempuan mudah terpapar radikalisme sehingga dapat dilakukan pendekatan-pendekatan agar moderasi beragama dapat diterima oleh perempuan sehingga menjadi isu yang positif. Bentuk implementasi dari konsepsi moderasi beragama di kalangan perempuan dapat beraneka ragam berdasarkan peran dan fungsinya di masyarakat. Hal demikian melahirkan solusi penyuluhan moderasi beragama di kalangan perempuan dengan tiga strategi, yaitu gagasan, kelembagaan dan integrasi.
Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang tipologi integrasi ilmu agama dalam pemikiran islam kontempore... more Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang tipologi integrasi ilmu agama dalam pemikiran islam kontemporer. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research), bahwa studi pustaka atau kepustakaan dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kajian tipologi adalah suatu ilmu yang mempelajari sesuatu tentang type, ilmu yang mempelajari tentang pengelompokan berdasarkan tipe atau jenis secara spesifik, tipologi berasal dari dua suku kata yaitu tiupo yang berarti pengelompokan dan logos adalah yang mempunyai arti ilmu atau bidang ilmu. Sedangkan menurut Budi A. Sukanda adalah sebuah pengklasifikasian sebuah type berdasarkan atas penelusuran terhadap asal- usul. Menurut Ian R Barbour mengusulkan empat tipologi untuk memetakan pendekatan yang dipakai dalam hubungan antara ilmu (Sains) dan agama ya...
Pentingnya moderasi beragama sangat disadari oleh pemerintah dalam mengelola iklim bermasyarakat ... more Pentingnya moderasi beragama sangat disadari oleh pemerintah dalam mengelola iklim bermasyarakat di Indonesia yang plural, dengan begitu banyan serta memiliki banyak perbedaan dan keberagaman, dari suku, etnis, agama, dan budaya. Kemajemukan merupakan kunci pemicu konflik atas nama perbedaan yang sangat mudah dipantik menjadi konflik berbasis kekerasan, termasuk mengarahkan pemikiran radikalisme ke arah ekstremisme kekerasan. Untuk itu, buku ini dapat memberikan gambaran real tentang tanggapan pihak perempuan, terutama perempuan penyuluh agama Islam, terhadap moderasi beragama tersebut
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kajian epistemologi islam klasik dan kontemporer. M... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kajian epistemologi islam klasik dan kontemporer. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research), bahwa studi pustaka atau kepustakaan dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa integrasi keilmuan dalam hal ini Universitas Islam Negeri yang ada di Indonesia memiliki konsep Islamic knowledge atau ilmu-ilmu keislaman yang dikembangkan oleh masing-masing pergurun tinggi itu sendiri, dengan kata lain adalah ilmu pengetahuan yang dibangun ini berlandaskan nilai-nilai ajaran Islam sebagaimana tertuang dalam sumber ajarannya yang utama, yakni al-Qur’an dan al-Sunnah, dan Ijma’. Kemudian kontekstualisasinya terhadap Perkembangan Pendidikan di Indonesia dalam hal ini Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) di Indonesia yang memiliki integrasi konsep ...
In the context of Indonesia, this work appears as inspired by democratization movement that have ... more In the context of Indonesia, this work appears as inspired by democratization movement that have been experiencing popularity due to the success of people overthrew an authoritarian regime in 1998. Since then, the 1999 elections were observed as the first free and fair elections of second phase of Indonesia’s democratic governance after its Independence in 1945. Coming along with the spirit of democracy, Indonesian women have also echoed the importance of women's political participation and demand equal political representation in the legislatures. This emerging women demand got stronger when Indonesia was approaching the second elections in 2004. During this situation, this work was carried out by mainly interviewing women in Indonesia’s Parliament elected from the 1999 elections. The results of the work shows that the revealing pathways of women getting to Parliament have clearly proved that each strongly connected to their stands in Parliament, thus, as a reflection to the fu...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model pengembangan keilmuan integratif di UIN Walis... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model pengembangan keilmuan integratif di UIN Walisongo Semarang dengan mengusung model Intan Berlian Ilmu. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research), bahwa studi pustaka atau kepustakaan dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa paradigma kesatuan ilmu pengetahuan ( unity of science ) yang dikembangkan UIN Walisongo, yakni dengan menyatukan antara semua cabang ilmu dan memberikan landasan wahyu sebagai latar atau pengikat penyatuan. Gagasan islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan dalam dunia pendidikan di Indonesia ditransformasi dalam ranah Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam yang menjadi sentral perkembangan ilmu keislaman dengan harapan dapat mempercepat cita-cita islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan di Indonesia. Hal ini memberikan konsekuensi te...
Hubungan sains dan agama adalah hubungan yang rumit. Keduanya selalu menjadi wacana diskusi yang ... more Hubungan sains dan agama adalah hubungan yang rumit. Keduanya selalu menjadi wacana diskusi yang menarik. Sains dalam kehidupan manusia selalu berkembang dan berubah. Sedangkan agama selalu dianggap tradisi turun temurun yang dipertahankan oleh masyarakat tertentu. Salah satu tokoh yang mengangkat masalah sains dan agama adalah Ian G. Barbour. Barbour berusaha memetakan aspek metodologis, konseptual hingga praktis relasi antara sains dan agama dalam tipologi. Tipologi Barbour terdiri dari empat tingkatan, yaitu konflik, independensi, dialog, dan integrasi. Ketika berbicara tentang agama, perhatian Barbour nyaris terbatas pada teologi, dan ketika berbicara tentang sains, perhatiannya terutama tertumpu pada ada yang disampaikan oleh isi teori-teori paling mutakhir dalam ilmu alam. Dengan adanya integrasi agama dan sain yang Barbour ungkapkan menjadi titik awal pencetusan Islamisasi sains. Gerakan Islamisasi Ilmu oleh Al-Faruqi dan Syed M. Naquib al-Attas hadir untuk menyelamatkan il...
Epistemology is a branch of philosophy which deals with the nature, scope of knowledge, basis, an... more Epistemology is a branch of philosophy which deals with the nature, scope of knowledge, basis, and its presuppositions. Modern science raises problems both the spiritual crisis and the ecological crisis. Both of these are due to the rationale that separates God from science. So that faith becomes weak and doesn't even exist at all. This paper will elaborate further on the epistemology of modern science, starting from the theory of knowledge in the form of sources and ways of obtaining knowledge, scientific methods, to measures of truth. This study is very important to be reexamined so that it strengthens the philosophical foundation related to science, then emerges various critical competencies in interpreting modern science. This library research is sourced from various references in the form of books, national and international scientific journal articles. The data collection technique is to conduct a review of the books and journal articles. The data obtained were processed b...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS 2017), 2018
This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system wo... more This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system would be operating to de-radicalization. As the study of the Shari'ah (Islamic Law and rules), the whole corpus of Fiqh is about the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah (the practice and tradition of Muhammad PBUH) through the process of independent reasoning (Ijtihad) carried out by qualified Islamic scholar/s (ulama). Therefore, this study begins to consider the overall operation of formulating Islamic Law that should become the purpose of Allah and His Messenger. Meanwhile, the way achieving Islamic Law, among other things, is oriented to produce mashlahah (wisdom) for making better and improving the prosperity of the ummah both in the world and Hereafter. For this reason, the task of ulama is to comprehend the Muslim society and related things entail to contemporary life demands. Although thinking much more thoroughly, Ulama's independent reasoning results in diversity. Thus, Fiqh is dynamic; supporters of certain ulama with certain Fiqh schools are those who are fanatical. Through the efforts of education, such extremism and radicalism can be reduced (applied to de-radicalization) through the Fiqh itself. In Fiqh education, a curriculum that includes selected and non-selected teaching materials play an essential role likewise educators who organize schools instructions. It should remove religious extremism including fanaticism, intolerance, rigidity, and narrow-mindedness gradually. Fiqh materials provided at Islamic schools should aim at attaining mashlahah through which peace, unity, justice, equality, and capacity. It should able to suppress all kinds of violence, and order would flower among students participants of Islamic schools.
This study aims to build a framework for the inclusion of gender issues in the Indonesian educati... more This study aims to build a framework for the inclusion of gender issues in the Indonesian education system. Grounded from the ideas of global education, gender issues, framing by gender justice and equality, males and females as human beings and members of society can reach their fullest potential through education. As a qualitative case study research, it explores and analyzes the ideas and thoughts of selected Islamic university lecturers and Islamic high school teachers. Through delivering questionnaires, interviews, and providing focus group discussions, its results show the existing realities of the globalizing world and show that gender issues have been positively endorsed among the respondents. Equal access and opportunity in education, as well as equal treatment for both sexes, is not a problem at all. A little note emerges on the discussion of the gender division of labor, which should consider women's nature. However, the overall findings show the emergence of an Islam...
This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system wo... more This article aims at building Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) from which Islamic education system would be operating to de-radicalization. As the study of the Shari'ah (Islamic Law and rules), the whole corpus of Fiqh is about the interpretation of the Holy Qur'an and the Sunnah (the practice and tradition of Muhammad PBUH) through the process of independent reasoning (Ijtihad) carried out by qualified Islamic scholar/s (ulama). Therefore, this study begins to consider the overall operation of formulating Islamic Law that should become the purpose of Allah and His Messenger. Meanwhile, the way achieving Islamic Law, among other things, is oriented to produce mashlahah (wisdom) for making better and improving the prosperity of the ummah both in the world and Hereafter. For this reason, the task of ulama is to comprehend the Muslim society and related things entail to contemporary life demands. Although thinking much more thoroughly, Ulama's independent reasoning results in d...
MANAGERE : Indonesian Journal of Educational Management
This study was conducted to reveal the principal's transformational leadership and organizati... more This study was conducted to reveal the principal's transformational leadership and organizational communication its effect on teacher organizational commitment. This study uses a quantitative approach with a survey method with a total sample of 28 teachers. The data collection technique used a questionnaire with a Likert scale. Data were analyzed using simple and multiple correlation and regression techniques. The results of this study indicate that the principal's transformational leadership and organizational communication have a joint effect on the variable of teacher organizational commitment by 92.2% which means very strong. So it can be concluded that the better the principal's transformational leadership and organizational communication, the better the teacher's organizational commitment.
The study was to analyze the management of library services in uin mount djati bandung. The study... more The study was to analyze the management of library services in uin mount djati bandung. The study USES a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis method. Data collection techniques with participative observations, structured and unstructured interviews, and documentary studies. The analysis of the data in this study is done in three ways: data unitation, data categorization, and data interpretation. The search for library services management research found in mount dteal bandung shows that: 1) there are 11 types of service procedures; 2) service time on site for the update by 54 hours per week and online services can be obtained 24 hours nonstop via web and library applications; 3) services requiring an fee in the library, between which: a) the photoshop service, of rp500, rupiah/ page, b) the post - based member card service (lost) of rp100,000, d) 4) items for library services: a) physical products such as: a quick response code (QRC) visitors' lists, multi-purpose sta...
This paper aims to show up the reason that Indonesian democratic can give contribution to develop... more This paper aims to show up the reason that Indonesian democratic can give contribution to developing of Islamic education theory, in order to responds of contemporary issues. To achieve of the purpose, this paper was discussing a number of democratic theory and Islamic education contemporary literature with holding a dialogue to Indonesian culture background. Recently, Islamic education theory and practice has undergone some transformations, in its system, curriculum, and institutions. One of the trigger was a demand to implementing a conception of democracy in Islamic education praxis. In Indonesia it was adopted from Pancasila, exactly the Bhineka Tunggal Ika slogan. To realized of that, Indonesian Islamic education institution like madrassa, since 1980s was combined between curriculum Indonesia national and Islamic education. It is be a sign that Indonesian democracy can be an alternative to developing a theory of democratic Islamic education.
Malay world has been experiencing the conflicting and converging international influences of glob... more Malay world has been experiencing the conflicting and converging international influences of globalization and rapid Islamisation in many significant aspects of the countries. One of the issues is that the impact of the agenda of advancement of women‟s life to achieve gender equality promoted by international agencies. Among other women‟s improvement agenda is that woman in decision making bodies. On the other hand, the growing visible Islamic movement (and/or Islamic fundamentalism - Islamism) which may significantly grow among Malay societies would unavoidably create different ideas, attitudes and practices compared to other Muslim world. This paper explores myriad aspects of women‟s empowerment transforming into decision making bodies in the nuances of an affirmative action a recommendation of series of international conference on women. Through finding similarities and differences between the two Muslim majority countries, the support toward Muslim women‟s empowerment in decisio...
Haji Agus Salim (1884--1954) was an Indonesian Muslim political figure of the Nationalist Era (19... more Haji Agus Salim (1884--1954) was an Indonesian Muslim political figure of the Nationalist Era (1908--1945). He was influential in two important associations; Sarekat Islam (SI-Islamic Union) and the Jong Islamieten Bond (JIB-Young Muslim Union). Salim was born into ...
Papers by erni haryanti