Papers by erlidawati erlidawati

American Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2017
A study of type 2 anti-diabetes on bound flavonoids fraction from the kernel of Barringtonia race... more A study of type 2 anti-diabetes on bound flavonoids fraction from the kernel of Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Spreng. in glucose-induced diabetic rats was performed. This learning aimed to gather scientific information about the possibility to utilize kernel of B. racemosa as a raw material of antidiabetic drug. The antioxidant property of the bound flavonoids was determined by the DPPH scavenging method compared to the ascorbic acid. Assessment of type 2 anti-diabetes was conducted on glucose-induced diabetic Rattus norvegicus Wistar strain compared to metformin and the data were analyzed through one-way ANOVA software. Histopathological studies of the pancreas and kidney were made to get evidence of the β-cell performance and the renal tissue respectively. The DPPH testing at the wavelength of 517 nm showed the bound flavonoids and the ascorbic acid showed absorbance at 0.097 and 0.080 correlated with IC 50 values of 7.51 and 6.50 ppm respectively. The results of one-way ANOVA indicated that the administration of bound flavonoids was significant (F(2,11) = 8.60, p = 0.008) to reduce blood glucose level in the tested rats. The diabetic rats treated with the extract experienced an antidiabetic effect equivalent to an antidiabetic effect of metformin. Histopathologic observations showed increasing of the granulated β-cell (F(3, 15) = 26.09, p<0.0001) and no renal tissue damage (F(3, 15) = 0.23, p = 0.873) in the tested rats. The conclusion raised from the data of this study revealed that the bound flavonoids from the kernel of B. racemosa (L.) Spreng. could be utilized as a drug source of type 2 anti-diabetes.

Clinical Phytoscience, 2019
Background Ethnobotany knowledge in a community has shaped local wisdom in utilizing plants to tr... more Background Ethnobotany knowledge in a community has shaped local wisdom in utilizing plants to treat diseases, such as the use of Malaka (Phyllanthus emblica) flesh to treat type 2 diabetes. This study presented evidence that the phenolic extract of the Malaka flesh could reduce blood sugar levels in the diabetic induced rats. Methods The phenolic extract of the P. emblica was administrated to the glucose-induced rats of the Wistar strain Rattus norvegicus for 14 days of treatment where the Metformin was used as a positive control. The data generated were analyzed by the two-way ANOVA Software related to the blood glucose level and by SAS Software related to the histopathological studies at a significant 95% confidence. Results The phenolic extract with concentrations of 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight could reduce blood glucose levels in diabetic rats. The post hoc Dunnet test showed that the administration of the extract to the rats with a concentration of 100 mg/kg body weight demo...
Penulisan buku ini bertujuan untuk menjadi materi tambahan mata kuliah Kimia Bahan Alam pada Juru... more Penulisan buku ini bertujuan untuk menjadi materi tambahan mata kuliah Kimia Bahan Alam pada Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia FKIP Universitas Syiah Kuala. Penulisan buku ini merupakan tindakan guna memenuhi tuntutan mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan materi kuliah yang sesuai dengan perkembangan keilmuan. Penulisan buku ini tidak mungkin tersaji tanpa bantuan berbagai pihak. Oleh karena itu, dalam kesempatan ini, tim penulis tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih yang tiada terhingga kepada keluarga, mahasiswa, teman-teman staf pengajar Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia dan FKIP yang telah memberikan dorongan sehingga buku ini dapat selesai.

The Scientific World Journal
Investigations of antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-type 2 diabetes mellitus activities have b... more Investigations of antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-type 2 diabetes mellitus activities have been carried out on Garcinia macrophylla Mart. plant extract fractions. An isolate from a fraction of ethyl acetate extract was characterized with spectroscopic data. A new biflavonoid compound was found to have a skeleton of 5,7,4′,5″,7″,3‴,4‴-heptahydroxyflavanone[3-6″] flavones which was named macrophylloflavone (1). The compound was evaluated for its antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 with cephazolin as a positive control, antioxidant assay against 2,2 diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) with ascorbic acid as the positive control, and anti-type 2 diabetes mellitus treatment with metformin as a positive control. The biflavonoid compound exhibited a good inhibition for bacteria and free radical DPPH. Furthermore, biflavonoid compound treatment on the diabetic rats suggested its ability to decrease the blood glucose level. This st...

Jurnal IPA & Pembelajaran IPA
Abstrak. Telah dilakukan penelitian uji aktivitas antioksidan daun gulma siam (Chromoleana odorat... more Abstrak. Telah dilakukan penelitian uji aktivitas antioksidan daun gulma siam (Chromoleana odorata L.) dengan metode 1,1-difenil-2-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder, golongan flavonoid dan aktivitas antioksidan yang terdapat dalam daun gulma siam. Sebanyak 315 g daun gulma siam kering yang sudah dihaluskan, dimaserasi dengan etanol 95% diperoleh 100 g ekstrak kental etanol. Sebanyak 70 g ekstrak kental etanol difraksinasi dengan pelarut metanol dan n-heksana menghasilkan fraksi kental metanol 30,72 g dan n-heksana 14,62 g. Hasil skrining fitokimia ekstrak etanol menunjukkan positif mengandung senyawa alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, tanin dan steroid. Fraksi metanol positif mengandung senyawa alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, dan tanin. Fraksi metanol dilakukan isolasi dengan metode kromatografi kolom menggunakan eluen n-heksana : etil asetat : diklorometana (1:1:1) sebagai fase gerak pertama, kemudian ditingkatkan gradien ke...
Papers by erlidawati erlidawati