Papers by emanuela paribeni
Questa prima pubblicazione on-line rappresenta l'estratto del formulario di progetto presentato a... more Questa prima pubblicazione on-line rappresenta l'estratto del formulario di progetto presentato alla Regione Toscana per il bando PAR-FAS Regione Toscana Linea di Azione 1.1.a.3., parzialmente rivisto ed adattato per una lettura meno tecnica. Riteniamo importante la sua pubblicazione, perché in esso sono esplicitati gli obiettivi che il progetto si pone, gli strumenti che intende applicare per raggiungere questi obbiettivi, i prodotti che intende realizzare e le modalità di disseminazione dei risultati.
Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 2012

International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, May 17, 2012
Existing operating room concepts do not meet modern technological opportunities anymore. There is... more Existing operating room concepts do not meet modern technological opportunities anymore. There is a growing gap between the technological potential and the surgeon's possibility to use it effectively. The ''Surgical Deck'' is supposed to represent a prototype for a new operating room generation. The overall objective of the project is to achieve a better integration of functions and to develop an innovative concept for a highly developed surgical workstation. Methods The Electronic Surgery Instrument System (ESIS) links technical functions with devices. The Surgical Management and Guidance System (SMGS) comprises all navigation functions and provides additional opportunities for active control and support. Three working areas are defined for the Surgical Deck. They are referred to as Surgical Cockpit, Airway Cockpit and Technical Cockpit (Fig. 1). The evaluation of the Surgical Deck was conducted on a total of 284 surgeries carried out in the period from 9th September 2011 to 31st January 2012. The evaluation team consisted of 6 surgeons, 3 surgery nurses, 3 anesthesiologists and 4 anesthesia nurses. Within a detailed analysis, the data of 50 FESS surgeries were compared to those of a control group. In the context of another ergonomic study, an additional number of 244 other ENT surgeries were included. Results The Surgical Deck could be used for all surgeries documented herein. No complications were registered during the evaluation period. Within the FESS group, the average slot time was reduced by 13 %. On average 8.3 % of all FESS surgery interactions were carried out by using one of the systems of the Surgical Cockpit. With 73.8 % of the slot time, eye interaction was mainly concentrated on the Primary Surgical Display, followed by 6.6 % on the Navigation Display and 1.6 % on the MCDU. 88.2 % of those questioned assessed ergonomics as being better than in the conventional operating room. 71.5 % stated that the Surgical Deck provided an added value with regard to the surgical procedure. 91.3 % confirmed that system control required additional training. From the user's point of view, 79.3 % described the cost-benefit-ratio as appropriate. For 96 % of the surgeries, respondents said that they were feeling adequately supported by the technology. Conclusion The results show a clear advantage of the Surgical Deck work station and system architecture in comparison to existing solutions. The Surgical Deck may present a solid foundation with regard to the transfer of the system into the clinical practice. This is particularly relevant for new assistance functions such as process control software, navigation-based collision warning systems or telemanipulators. However, the Surgical Deck requires additional and modified training of all surgical team members. It is to be expected that the project will significantly contribute to further develop the future surgical workstation and its standardization. A time and resource management support system for the digital operating room based on surgical process models

Archaeological excavations carried out in 2005–2006 by the Superintendence for Archaeological Her... more Archaeological excavations carried out in 2005–2006 by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Tuscany in the Porta a Lucca quarter of Pisa brought to light a cremation necropolis. Typology of the burials and of funerary urns dates back the first use of the necropolis to the IX–VIII century B.C., at the origins of Etruscan Pisa, and attests that it was still frequented in the Orientalising Period. Thirty-five urns have been documented and drawn from the respective pits, in order to perform the excavation of the content in laboratory. In this study tools proper to the medical investigations were used. In particular Computed Tomography (CT) which, unlike the conventional radiology allows to acquire hundreds of radiological sections slides, to completely map the urns and their content and to obtain a virtual tridimensional reconstruction, revealed several advantages. The efficacy of the CT to virtually investigate the urns content and to face the excavation with the most adequate competences and instruments will be highlighted.

Like many other Italian cities, Pisa is a settlement that goes well back into history. Its subsur... more Like many other Italian cities, Pisa is a settlement that goes well back into history. Its subsurface conceals the remains of walls, floors, tombs and roads, as well as the fragments of tiles, vases, lamps and sculptures: briefly, the more or less solid traces of the lives of the people who have inhabited the city over its almost three thousand years of history. By studying the city’s archaeological artefacts and its pollen, coal and human/animal bone remains and by analysing the area’s geological and geomorphological features and its resources, it is possible to reconstruct the landscape, or better the landscapes, that have evolved over time and have influenced the city’s economic and cultural development, and in turn have been influenced by them. The ground on which we walk, build and live today is an extraordinary palimpsest where uncountable traces that have been left by our predecessors evolve, merge and overlap. Yet since these traces lie under the ground, the vitally importan...
Restauro e valorizzazione : Massa Carrara, 2006
Papers by emanuela paribeni