Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji, menganalisis, serta memahami penerapan karakter disiplin... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji, menganalisis, serta memahami penerapan karakter disiplin bagi peserta didik melalui peran dari ekstrakurikuler polisi taruna. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di SMK Taruna Nusantara Jaya desa Cisomang, Data di peroleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitiannya sebagai berikut: 1) kondisi kedisiplinan peserta didik mengalami perkembangan yang lebih baik, tetapi masih ada beberapa peserta didik yang melakukan tindak indisipliner (ringan) diantaranya indisiplner dalam waktu masuk sekolah, rambut panjang, tidak membawa atribut, dan tidak membawa helm saat berkendara. 2) pandangan peserta didik mengenai ekstrakurikuler polisi taruna bahwasannya adalah ekstrakurikuler yang baik terutama dalam hal penekanan kedisiplinan diantaranya kedisiplinan waktu dan tanggung jawab. 3) Peran ekskul POLTAR terhadap kedisiplinan peserta didik yaitu dengan melakuka...
This study aims to describe: (1) effective project-based learning models used in learning to prod... more This study aims to describe: (1) effective project-based learning models used in learning to produce exposition text in class X students; (2) project-based models can improve the ability to produce exposition text in class X students; (3) differences in the ability to produce exposition text before and after using a project-based model in class X students. The project-based model is a learning model that stimulates students to be active in solving problems through project activities. The research method used is qualitative descriptive method. The research instruments used, namely lesson plans, tests, observation sheets, and questionnaires that have been analyzed and then concluded. Based on the results of research conducted by the author on class X students, amounting to 25 students before being given the treatment of project-based learning models students get an average value of pretest, which is 68.36. After getting the project-based model treatment the average post-test score was...
Education should be directed at improving the quality of learning. Improving the quality of teach... more Education should be directed at improving the quality of learning. Improving the quality of teaching is one of the targets to be pursued by every educator in every lesson plans are made. Learning will be successful, if educators concerned about the situation and the conditions in which learning takes place. Based on preliminary observations and the observations made by researchers on learning activities in SMA Conggeang Sumedang, obtained by the fact that that the application of the models of learning in the classroom has not influence on the critical thinking skills of learners, as most teachers still use lecture learning model. One attempt to solve the above problems, namely the problem based learning model that is a model of learning is done by the provision of stimulus in the form of problems and then do problem solving by students who are expected to add skills in critical thinking to understand the learning materials. Application of Problem Based Learning Model in the classroo...
| | BAB V SIMPULAN, IMPLIKASI, DAN REKOMENDASI Pada Bab i... more | | BAB V SIMPULAN, IMPLIKASI, DAN REKOMENDASI Pada Bab ini akan di paparkan mengenai simpulan, implikasi, dan rekomendasi yang di dasarkan pada bab IV sebelumnya, sebagai berikut: A. Simpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang diuraikan pada bab IV, maka kesimpulan umum yang dipaparkan adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Simpulan Umum Model belajar berbasis kecakapan abad 21 melalui e-marketplace dengan media aplikasi PeKa dapat dikembangkan sebagai model alternative untuk meningkatkan kompetensi kewarganegaraan. Integrasi kecakapan abad 21 dalam pembelajaran PPKn merupakan hal yang sangat penting, karena untuk sekarang anak dituntut untuk berinovasi, berfikir kristis, mempunyai skill yang baik dan dalam pekerjaan yang tidak lepas dari IT. Sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan jaman, PPKn merupakan pemahaman dalam proses kehidupan berbangsa, sehingga diperlukan bagaimana proses berfikir kritis agar dapat memahami setiap tujuan dalam proses pembelajaran sebagai bekal dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat kelak. Pengembangan model belajar berbasis kecakapan abad 21 melalui emarketplace dengan media aplikasi PeKa dengan menggali dan mengintegrasikan kompetensi kewarganegaraan mengenai civic knowledge, civic skill dan civic disposition. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: studi pendahuluan, Pengembangan di awali dengan kondisi pembelajaran yang sedang berlangsung, Pengujian di lakukan melalui implementasi model di kelas (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan).
CIVICS: Jurnal Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, Mar 29, 2018
The number of parents who are too busy with their work are like the elderly who live in the count... more The number of parents who are too busy with their work are like the elderly who live in the countryside where her daily livelihood is a farmer and keeps busy in the field to cultivate her plants from before the rising of the sun until the evening approaches, resulting in a lack of attention to her child. It is an intentional lack of interaction between parents and their children where almost the average work of parents in Budiharja Village, Cililin sub-district is a farmer. The purpose of this study is to know: To find out how much parents provide parenting to children, fostering the formation of children's character and the influence of parental care to the formation of children's character in the Village Budiharja Cililin District. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method that emphasizes the processing of numbers and questionnaires as the main instrument. The results of research generally conclude that all the variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the implementation of parenting pattern to the character formation of children. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, the results of the questionnaire calculation that parents strongly disagree to physical violence 77.5% and 47% responded not agree to be hard to the child but the parents have given freedom to children. Parents always nurture the character of the child to fit the 18 characters of the nation, but they emphasize more on their children to be more religiously imitating the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad.
Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018), 2018
The reality is that there are still many human rights abuses that we see both among adults and sc... more The reality is that there are still many human rights abuses that we see both among adults and school-aged children, this has to do with the level of understanding of human rights itself, as for the purpose of this paper is to explore how human rights understanding is associated with Ongoing Citizenship Education is in the 21st century, because a condition will affect the development of children especially in school age. The method used in this paper is the study of several sources of books, journals and other references that support this writing. from the results of the study theories can be concluded that In an effort to instill understanding of Human Rights through Citizenship Education now should be able to improve quality learning in accordance with the needs (based on IT) and competence of educators good and professional, uphold the legislation and able to maintain unity state, fostering students to be aware of the rights and duties of good citizens, and the planting of characters in accordance with the value of Pancasila value.
Tulisan ini membahas secara kualitatif peranan dan upaya guru PKn dalam mengatasi perilaku siswa ... more Tulisan ini membahas secara kualitatif peranan dan upaya guru PKn dalam mengatasi perilaku siswa broken home di sekolah. Siswa yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian dan kasih sayang orang tua, baik karena tinggal berjauhan dengan orang tua, ditinggal menjadi TKI di luar negeri, maupun karena perceraian orang tua, cenderung memiliki sikap yang negatif. Mereka malas-malasan dalam belajar, menyendiri, agresif, bolos sekolah, menentang guru, merokok, tidak rapi, tidak disiplin waktu, bergabung dengan komunitas yang negatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara kepada informan terpilih. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa peranan dan upaya guru PKn dalam mengatasi perilaku siswa broken home adalah dengan mengembangkan materi, metode, media, sumber dan evaluasi pembelajaran PKn yang dapat membangkitkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar. Selain itu, guru juga menjadi teladan yang baik untuk siswa-siswanya.
Dewasa ini peran generasi muda dalam menentukan pilihan menjadi strategis karena dianggap awam da... more Dewasa ini peran generasi muda dalam menentukan pilihan menjadi strategis karena dianggap awam dan sasaran empuk politik, sehingga perlu peran pendidikan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai politik yakni dapat dilaksanakan melalui Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan politik dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan terhadap partisipasi pemilih pemula (siswa) dalam mengikuti pemilihan umum Kepala Daerah Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kuantitatif dengan metode survey, Hasil penelitian menggunakan sekala likert menunjukan rata-rata responden setuju bahwa pendidikan politik (Variabel X) dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan berperan dengan 79,54% setuju, dan 71,38% menyatakan terpegaruh dalam berpartisipasi (Variabel Y), dan pengaruh yang di hasilkan pendidikan politik (Variabel X) terhadap partisipasi pemilih pemula (Variabel Y) dengan menggunakan metode regresi sederhana sebe...
Jurnal Pendidikan PKN (Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan), 2021
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi peserta didik yang kurang menerapkan nilai-nilai dem... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi peserta didik yang kurang menerapkan nilai-nilai demokrasi pada proses pembelajaran. Tujuan dalam peneltiana ii adalah untuk mengetahui peranan guru PPKn dalam mewujudkan kelas sebagai laboratorium demokrasi, serta hambatan yang dihadapi, dan solusi untuk mengatasinya. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif deskeriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi/gabungan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa: Peranan guru PPKn dalam mewujudkan kelas sebagai labortorium demokrasi dapat dilihat dari tiga aspek yaitu dari sikap guru yang demokratis, pengondisian kelas serta metode dan media pembelajaran yang digunakan. Hambatan yang dihadapi yaitu faktor dari peserta didik dan faktor dari luar peserta seperti sarana prasarana pembelajaran yang kurang memadai. Solusi yang dilakukan guru PPKn untuk mengatasi hambatan yaitu guru melakukan pendekatan terhadap peserta didik diluar jam pelajaran, mengin...
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2019), 2020
Industry 4.0 this term originates from a project to promote computerization of manufacturing whic... more Industry 4.0 this term originates from a project to promote computerization of manufacturing which was initiated by the German government, and the basic principle of industry 4.0 is the incorporation of machines, workflows, systems. The era of industrial revolution 4.0 is very influential in human life which is marked by rapid internet technology including the development of education. In the era of industrial revolution 4.0, there are many challenges faced in learning both for students and for teachers in vocational education, the content of practical teaching materials cannot enrich or adapt to the dynamics of society and the swift globalization. This is very important if it is associated with Citizenship Education which cannot be separated from the life that continues to grow, so in the midst of this global life, it is necessary to have better civic knowledge, civic skills, to face increasingly sophisticated lives. In this article, we argue that to improve citizenship competence in the industrial revolution 4.0 vocational education era is to develop 21st century based learning, digital literacy and technology become the main roles in this era balanced with human literacy and as the main foundation in carrying out this life is to believe to God.
Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018), 2018
Whether or not realized the realities of political praxis that leads to the dimension and space t... more Whether or not realized the realities of political praxis that leads to the dimension and space that seemed to be free value (value free), putting aside ethics / moral, so far from the practice of politics in accordance with the values of the philosophy of the Indonesian nation itself, this indicates weakness political practices that are in line with political ethics. In terms of values, morals and ethics in politics are closely related to each other. Political ethics should be interpreted as a science that discusses the principles of political morality. Thus, the values of morality contained in Pancasila play a role in the realization of a good political ethics system in this country. The weakness of political ethics can be seen from various actions deviate from the legal order that occurred in Indonesia, deviant acts as if it has been institutionalized in the community and has become a public secret. Even for officials such as obligations, and even considered perverted if not doing dirty deeds. Moreover, discussing the formulation of policies, we have recently heard the term "Order Article" which does not reflect the ethics of good governance. It thus has certain implications for good governance and dignity management. In terms of Good Governance is a concept offered by the democratic system to become a best solution. But at the level of practice in the field, far from the expectations of good governance, consequently accountability, transparency, government integrity into a big question to be evaluated so that the strengthening of political ethics is a very urgent need for the realization of governance in accordance with the values of ethics Pancasila.
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat kembali bagaimana membangun karakter generasi muda saat... more Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat kembali bagaimana membangun karakter generasi muda saat ini jika kita lihat masih banyak perilaku atau sikap generasi muda yang jauh dari harapan, hal ini dikaitkan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis keterampilan abad 21 yang sedang diterapkan di sekolah, adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah studi tentang beberapa sumber buku, jurnal dan referensi lain yang mendukung penulisan ini. dari hasil studi teori dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan karakter untuk generasi muda saat ini tidak lepas dari budaya dan tiga lingkungan yang mendukung keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis keterampilan abad 21 yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar sebagai cara membangun karakter harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan pembelajaran, sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai dengan baik.
Nowadays we still often encounter attitudes and behaviors and practices that lead to human rights... more Nowadays we still often encounter attitudes and behaviors and practices that lead to human rights violations, an effort that can be pursued in this issue is through formal education. This study aims to analyze, develop and apply theoretically the contribution of Citizenship Education in Shaping Students Understanding on the Enforcement of Human Rights in SMK Cimahi. The research method used is survey method with data collection technique used is literature study and field study consisting of observation, interview and questionnaire. There are research findings in which the learning process is more decisive or more influential than the attitude of Civic teachers during teaching in the class and mastery of the concept of human rights in SMKĀ Cimahi. The results of the study generally conclude that all the variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the implementation of student human rights enforcement in SMK Kota Cimahi. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, ...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji, menganalisis, serta memahami penerapan karakter disiplin... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji, menganalisis, serta memahami penerapan karakter disiplin bagi peserta didik melalui peran dari ekstrakurikuler polisi taruna. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di SMK Taruna Nusantara Jaya desa Cisomang, Data di peroleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitiannya sebagai berikut: 1) kondisi kedisiplinan peserta didik mengalami perkembangan yang lebih baik, tetapi masih ada beberapa peserta didik yang melakukan tindak indisipliner (ringan) diantaranya indisiplner dalam waktu masuk sekolah, rambut panjang, tidak membawa atribut, dan tidak membawa helm saat berkendara. 2) pandangan peserta didik mengenai ekstrakurikuler polisi taruna bahwasannya adalah ekstrakurikuler yang baik terutama dalam hal penekanan kedisiplinan diantaranya kedisiplinan waktu dan tanggung jawab. 3) Peran ekskul POLTAR terhadap kedisiplinan peserta didik yaitu dengan melakuka...
This study aims to describe: (1) effective project-based learning models used in learning to prod... more This study aims to describe: (1) effective project-based learning models used in learning to produce exposition text in class X students; (2) project-based models can improve the ability to produce exposition text in class X students; (3) differences in the ability to produce exposition text before and after using a project-based model in class X students. The project-based model is a learning model that stimulates students to be active in solving problems through project activities. The research method used is qualitative descriptive method. The research instruments used, namely lesson plans, tests, observation sheets, and questionnaires that have been analyzed and then concluded. Based on the results of research conducted by the author on class X students, amounting to 25 students before being given the treatment of project-based learning models students get an average value of pretest, which is 68.36. After getting the project-based model treatment the average post-test score was...
Education should be directed at improving the quality of learning. Improving the quality of teach... more Education should be directed at improving the quality of learning. Improving the quality of teaching is one of the targets to be pursued by every educator in every lesson plans are made. Learning will be successful, if educators concerned about the situation and the conditions in which learning takes place. Based on preliminary observations and the observations made by researchers on learning activities in SMA Conggeang Sumedang, obtained by the fact that that the application of the models of learning in the classroom has not influence on the critical thinking skills of learners, as most teachers still use lecture learning model. One attempt to solve the above problems, namely the problem based learning model that is a model of learning is done by the provision of stimulus in the form of problems and then do problem solving by students who are expected to add skills in critical thinking to understand the learning materials. Application of Problem Based Learning Model in the classroo...
| | BAB V SIMPULAN, IMPLIKASI, DAN REKOMENDASI Pada Bab i... more | | BAB V SIMPULAN, IMPLIKASI, DAN REKOMENDASI Pada Bab ini akan di paparkan mengenai simpulan, implikasi, dan rekomendasi yang di dasarkan pada bab IV sebelumnya, sebagai berikut: A. Simpulan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang diuraikan pada bab IV, maka kesimpulan umum yang dipaparkan adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Simpulan Umum Model belajar berbasis kecakapan abad 21 melalui e-marketplace dengan media aplikasi PeKa dapat dikembangkan sebagai model alternative untuk meningkatkan kompetensi kewarganegaraan. Integrasi kecakapan abad 21 dalam pembelajaran PPKn merupakan hal yang sangat penting, karena untuk sekarang anak dituntut untuk berinovasi, berfikir kristis, mempunyai skill yang baik dan dalam pekerjaan yang tidak lepas dari IT. Sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan perkembangan jaman, PPKn merupakan pemahaman dalam proses kehidupan berbangsa, sehingga diperlukan bagaimana proses berfikir kritis agar dapat memahami setiap tujuan dalam proses pembelajaran sebagai bekal dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat kelak. Pengembangan model belajar berbasis kecakapan abad 21 melalui emarketplace dengan media aplikasi PeKa dengan menggali dan mengintegrasikan kompetensi kewarganegaraan mengenai civic knowledge, civic skill dan civic disposition. Tahapan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: studi pendahuluan, Pengembangan di awali dengan kondisi pembelajaran yang sedang berlangsung, Pengujian di lakukan melalui implementasi model di kelas (Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan).
CIVICS: Jurnal Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan, Mar 29, 2018
The number of parents who are too busy with their work are like the elderly who live in the count... more The number of parents who are too busy with their work are like the elderly who live in the countryside where her daily livelihood is a farmer and keeps busy in the field to cultivate her plants from before the rising of the sun until the evening approaches, resulting in a lack of attention to her child. It is an intentional lack of interaction between parents and their children where almost the average work of parents in Budiharja Village, Cililin sub-district is a farmer. The purpose of this study is to know: To find out how much parents provide parenting to children, fostering the formation of children's character and the influence of parental care to the formation of children's character in the Village Budiharja Cililin District. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method that emphasizes the processing of numbers and questionnaires as the main instrument. The results of research generally conclude that all the variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the implementation of parenting pattern to the character formation of children. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, the results of the questionnaire calculation that parents strongly disagree to physical violence 77.5% and 47% responded not agree to be hard to the child but the parents have given freedom to children. Parents always nurture the character of the child to fit the 18 characters of the nation, but they emphasize more on their children to be more religiously imitating the behavior of the Prophet Muhammad.
Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018), 2018
The reality is that there are still many human rights abuses that we see both among adults and sc... more The reality is that there are still many human rights abuses that we see both among adults and school-aged children, this has to do with the level of understanding of human rights itself, as for the purpose of this paper is to explore how human rights understanding is associated with Ongoing Citizenship Education is in the 21st century, because a condition will affect the development of children especially in school age. The method used in this paper is the study of several sources of books, journals and other references that support this writing. from the results of the study theories can be concluded that In an effort to instill understanding of Human Rights through Citizenship Education now should be able to improve quality learning in accordance with the needs (based on IT) and competence of educators good and professional, uphold the legislation and able to maintain unity state, fostering students to be aware of the rights and duties of good citizens, and the planting of characters in accordance with the value of Pancasila value.
Tulisan ini membahas secara kualitatif peranan dan upaya guru PKn dalam mengatasi perilaku siswa ... more Tulisan ini membahas secara kualitatif peranan dan upaya guru PKn dalam mengatasi perilaku siswa broken home di sekolah. Siswa yang kurang mendapatkan perhatian dan kasih sayang orang tua, baik karena tinggal berjauhan dengan orang tua, ditinggal menjadi TKI di luar negeri, maupun karena perceraian orang tua, cenderung memiliki sikap yang negatif. Mereka malas-malasan dalam belajar, menyendiri, agresif, bolos sekolah, menentang guru, merokok, tidak rapi, tidak disiplin waktu, bergabung dengan komunitas yang negatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi dan wawancara kepada informan terpilih. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa peranan dan upaya guru PKn dalam mengatasi perilaku siswa broken home adalah dengan mengembangkan materi, metode, media, sumber dan evaluasi pembelajaran PKn yang dapat membangkitkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar. Selain itu, guru juga menjadi teladan yang baik untuk siswa-siswanya.
Dewasa ini peran generasi muda dalam menentukan pilihan menjadi strategis karena dianggap awam da... more Dewasa ini peran generasi muda dalam menentukan pilihan menjadi strategis karena dianggap awam dan sasaran empuk politik, sehingga perlu peran pendidikan dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai politik yakni dapat dilaksanakan melalui Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan politik dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan terhadap partisipasi pemilih pemula (siswa) dalam mengikuti pemilihan umum Kepala Daerah Kota Cimahi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Kuantitatif dengan metode survey, Hasil penelitian menggunakan sekala likert menunjukan rata-rata responden setuju bahwa pendidikan politik (Variabel X) dalam mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan berperan dengan 79,54% setuju, dan 71,38% menyatakan terpegaruh dalam berpartisipasi (Variabel Y), dan pengaruh yang di hasilkan pendidikan politik (Variabel X) terhadap partisipasi pemilih pemula (Variabel Y) dengan menggunakan metode regresi sederhana sebe...
Jurnal Pendidikan PKN (Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan), 2021
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi peserta didik yang kurang menerapkan nilai-nilai dem... more Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi peserta didik yang kurang menerapkan nilai-nilai demokrasi pada proses pembelajaran. Tujuan dalam peneltiana ii adalah untuk mengetahui peranan guru PPKn dalam mewujudkan kelas sebagai laboratorium demokrasi, serta hambatan yang dihadapi, dan solusi untuk mengatasinya. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode kualitatif deskeriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi/gabungan. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa: Peranan guru PPKn dalam mewujudkan kelas sebagai labortorium demokrasi dapat dilihat dari tiga aspek yaitu dari sikap guru yang demokratis, pengondisian kelas serta metode dan media pembelajaran yang digunakan. Hambatan yang dihadapi yaitu faktor dari peserta didik dan faktor dari luar peserta seperti sarana prasarana pembelajaran yang kurang memadai. Solusi yang dilakukan guru PPKn untuk mengatasi hambatan yaitu guru melakukan pendekatan terhadap peserta didik diluar jam pelajaran, mengin...
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2019), 2020
Industry 4.0 this term originates from a project to promote computerization of manufacturing whic... more Industry 4.0 this term originates from a project to promote computerization of manufacturing which was initiated by the German government, and the basic principle of industry 4.0 is the incorporation of machines, workflows, systems. The era of industrial revolution 4.0 is very influential in human life which is marked by rapid internet technology including the development of education. In the era of industrial revolution 4.0, there are many challenges faced in learning both for students and for teachers in vocational education, the content of practical teaching materials cannot enrich or adapt to the dynamics of society and the swift globalization. This is very important if it is associated with Citizenship Education which cannot be separated from the life that continues to grow, so in the midst of this global life, it is necessary to have better civic knowledge, civic skills, to face increasingly sophisticated lives. In this article, we argue that to improve citizenship competence in the industrial revolution 4.0 vocational education era is to develop 21st century based learning, digital literacy and technology become the main roles in this era balanced with human literacy and as the main foundation in carrying out this life is to believe to God.
Proceedings of the Annual Civic Education Conference (ACEC 2018), 2018
Whether or not realized the realities of political praxis that leads to the dimension and space t... more Whether or not realized the realities of political praxis that leads to the dimension and space that seemed to be free value (value free), putting aside ethics / moral, so far from the practice of politics in accordance with the values of the philosophy of the Indonesian nation itself, this indicates weakness political practices that are in line with political ethics. In terms of values, morals and ethics in politics are closely related to each other. Political ethics should be interpreted as a science that discusses the principles of political morality. Thus, the values of morality contained in Pancasila play a role in the realization of a good political ethics system in this country. The weakness of political ethics can be seen from various actions deviate from the legal order that occurred in Indonesia, deviant acts as if it has been institutionalized in the community and has become a public secret. Even for officials such as obligations, and even considered perverted if not doing dirty deeds. Moreover, discussing the formulation of policies, we have recently heard the term "Order Article" which does not reflect the ethics of good governance. It thus has certain implications for good governance and dignity management. In terms of Good Governance is a concept offered by the democratic system to become a best solution. But at the level of practice in the field, far from the expectations of good governance, consequently accountability, transparency, government integrity into a big question to be evaluated so that the strengthening of political ethics is a very urgent need for the realization of governance in accordance with the values of ethics Pancasila.
Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat kembali bagaimana membangun karakter generasi muda saat... more Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat kembali bagaimana membangun karakter generasi muda saat ini jika kita lihat masih banyak perilaku atau sikap generasi muda yang jauh dari harapan, hal ini dikaitkan dengan model pembelajaran berbasis keterampilan abad 21 yang sedang diterapkan di sekolah, adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah studi tentang beberapa sumber buku, jurnal dan referensi lain yang mendukung penulisan ini. dari hasil studi teori dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan karakter untuk generasi muda saat ini tidak lepas dari budaya dan tiga lingkungan yang mendukung keluarga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Penggunaan model pembelajaran berbasis keterampilan abad 21 yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar sebagai cara membangun karakter harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan pembelajaran, sehingga tujuan pembelajaran dapat tercapai dengan baik.
Nowadays we still often encounter attitudes and behaviors and practices that lead to human rights... more Nowadays we still often encounter attitudes and behaviors and practices that lead to human rights violations, an effort that can be pursued in this issue is through formal education. This study aims to analyze, develop and apply theoretically the contribution of Citizenship Education in Shaping Students Understanding on the Enforcement of Human Rights in SMK Cimahi. The research method used is survey method with data collection technique used is literature study and field study consisting of observation, interview and questionnaire. There are research findings in which the learning process is more decisive or more influential than the attitude of Civic teachers during teaching in the class and mastery of the concept of human rights in SMKĀ Cimahi. The results of the study generally conclude that all the variables simultaneously have a significant effect on the implementation of student human rights enforcement in SMK Kota Cimahi. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, ...
Papers by eneng martini