Papers by emegha ndubuisik kalu

Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Aug 12, 2022
Nigeria and Indonesia are similar in countless ways however Indonesia has long escaped from the s... more Nigeria and Indonesia are similar in countless ways however Indonesia has long escaped from the stagnancy of underdevelopment and economic backwardness leaving Nigeria behind as she is still engulfed with challenges of ethno-religiosity bedeviling her economic development. The study contends that both Nigeria and Indonesia are secular states, yet ethno-religion has little or no impact on the economic policies and developmental strides in Indonesia, whereas, Nigeria is deeply rooted and influenced by ethnic and religious divides. The study adopts time-series or trend research design, via comparative approach, documentary method of data collection, qualitative method of data analysis. The study is anchored on structural-functionalism as the theoretical beacon of analysis. The study deciphered that ethnic-religiosity, corruption, and leadership ineptitude/failure are undoubtedly factors that have continually bedeviled the Nigerian bodypolitic, as these factors determine to a huge extent the kind of public policy and economic policy made in Nigeria, which constitutes her economic woes. The study recommends amongst others that the Nigerian government should borrow a leaf from Indonesia in formulating economic policies that can stand the test and taste of time, devoid of ethno-religiosity. More so, there is a need to rebuild nationalism and patriotism against ethnicity and religious differences.

India and Nigeria have always been categorized as Third World or underdeveloped countries during ... more India and Nigeria have always been categorized as Third World or underdeveloped countries during the first three decades after independence. However, this is no longer the case as India has gone far ahead of Nigeria in terms of economic and political transformation, due to the adoption and implementation of development reform known as the “Look East" policy which she adopted from her South-East Asian neighbours that have experienced some remarkable improvement in their development trajectory due to reforms carried out by their leaders. While Nigeria lacks behind, India has moved from being an underdeveloped country to a developing country due to major leap in infrastructural innovation and good governance. The paper examined the whole processes involved in the adoption and implementation of the ‘Look East ’ policy by India and the impact of this policy on her economy and national development, and what lessons are there for Nigeria from the Indian experience. Anchoring our discussion on the developmental state theory, finding amongst others revealed that the Took east’ policy was successful in India due to the sincerity of purpose by the Indian state towards the implementation of the reform. The paper recommends that Nigerian leaders/ state/ political elite can emulate India through the adoption and implementation of the Took east ’ policy with sincerity instead of grappling with Western imposed reform policies that have always succeeded to push Nigeria down the development ladder. Keywords: National Development, Developmental State, Look East Policy, Third World Countries, Economic Reform.
Nigeria politics is characterized with chequered history of ethnic and sectional interest which h... more Nigeria politics is characterized with chequered history of ethnic and sectional interest which has metamorphosed into personal and cabal dictatorship. This study examines how personal interest through strategic positioning has placed Nigeria on serious deficits across administrations. Anchoring the discussion on Marxian theory; causal research design and documentary method of data collection, findings of the study reveal amongst other things that the privileged ruling class has succeeded in milking Nigeria dry because the masses are too docile to revolt. The paper recommends amongst other things that the masses should develop the social consciousness to position itself better in order to partake in the benefits of Nigeria commonwealth.

It is doubtless that the wave of insecurity in the Nigerian state is alarming and disturbing. The... more It is doubtless that the wave of insecurity in the Nigerian state is alarming and disturbing. There are several security challenges which cut across the nooks and crannies of the country. Even though, the security of life and property are the primary purpose of government, as solidified in the 1999 Constitution as amended, that "the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of the government." This study argues that the Nigerian Police and allied agencies being the major security/law enforcement agencies have failed abysmally in their constitutional role, as there is now protection and securitisation of politicians and their regimes and politicisation of security by the police at the expense of national security. The study is harped on Marxist theory; longitudinal research design, documentary method of data collection and qualitative method of analysis. The study deciphered amongst others that the federal government has generally failed to tame and hold the police accountable amidst the recurrence and sudden increase of insecurity; it has rather continued to use the police as means of regime survival and intimidation of opposition within and without a political party/fold. Thus, public complaint mechanisms, internal police controls, and civilian oversight remain very weak, and largely ineffective as the ugly trend continues. The study recommends amongst others, that the Nigerian government in general and the police/security agencies' leadership in particular should thus address this structural deficit; follow through on reform initiatives, and implement effective police oversight and accountability in order to revert-back to their constitutional responsibility to protect lives and properties.

Nigerian Political Science Association, 2019
The configuration of the world into institutions of International Organisations such as the Unite... more The configuration of the world into institutions of International Organisations such as the United Nations (UN), World Trade Organisation (WTO), African Union (AU), Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the internet community took away some degree of decision-making from nation-states. Even the global market has also eroded nationalist thinking in myriads of ways. The paper examines globalisation and economic nationalism and stresses that the world economic system is a system based on interdependencies, cooperation and multilateralism, but globalisation has over the years appeared not to be fully encapsulating, hence globalisation and economic nationalism are not mutually exclusive. Anchoring our analysis on the Decision-making theory, and data drawn from documentary sources, with a qualitative descriptive method of analysis, findings amongst others revealed that States, in order to protect their national interest, in different proportions, depending on the situations and of the socioeconomic cum political milieu/interests, adopt different forms of the economic nationalism. Economic nationalism and globalization, from an economic point of view, are not antagonistic policies; they coexist and influence each other, both generating contradictory effects, in terms of provided opportunities and risks. The paper brings to the fore variant perspectives to the concepts. The study recommends amongst others that nation-states should see economic nationalism and economic globalization as veritable tools for foreign policy formulation and implementation, as the concepts though, antithetical, walk hand-in-hand depending on the national milieu/interests of the states at any point in time.

Nigerian Forum, September – October, , 2019
The foreign policy of a state is the substance of foreign relations, and conveys the principles, ... more The foreign policy of a state is the substance of foreign relations, and conveys the principles, interest and objectives of a state, whereas diplomacy is the process by which the foreign policy objectives of a state is pursued and achieved by states' representatives known as diplomats. Track II diplomacy on the other hand, involves non-government officials or non-state actors like citizens, NGOs, business organisations, conflict resolution specialists, media-persons, entertainment stars, and artistes. The problematique of this study stems from the fact that track II diplomacy in Nigeria has been adjudged as mere theoretical expression rather than in practice. The focus of this paper is to examine Nigerian foreign policy and track II diplomacy, highlighting its inherent issues and prospects. Adopting the explanatory research design, documentary source of data collection and qualitative method of analysis as the analytical base of the study and anchoring our analysis on the theory of liberalism which holds that a state should make its internal political philosophy the goal of its foreign policy, the paper, argues that track II of citizen diplomacy has not been translated from the realms of ideas/theory to practice. Findings amongst others revealed that; the Nigerian state lacks confidence in her citizens at home and in diaspora in the pursuit of her foreign policy; citizens on their part, feel alienated, hence do not have stake in the foreign policy implementation. Therefore, the paper recommends amongst others that the Nigerian state should clearly define her national interests, foreign policy and diplomacy to ensure citizens progressive participation and inputs.

South East Political Review (SEPSR) Vol.5 No.1, , 2020
Election is termed as the heart of democracy all over the world. Peoples feeling of trust in the ... more Election is termed as the heart of democracy all over the world. Peoples feeling of trust in the processes of election across the globe is principally dependent on their confidence in the security agents and enduring infrastructure that make elections free and fair. Thus, the focus of election monitoring is to change the behaviour of would-be cheaters, specifically to prevent cheating by rendering it more risky, more costly, and essentially prohibitive. Problematically, the practice of election monitoring in Nigeria is rendered vulnerable to abuse through manipulation of the entire system. The political parties, especially those in power seek to manipulate security agencies to serve partisan interests. Hence, security agents allegedly perpetrate acts or threats of coercion, intimidation, or physical harm to affect an electoral process that arise in the context of electoral competition. In most cases, the outcomes of the elections are not the true reflection of choices of the electorates. The study sets out to comparatively interrogate the role of security agents in election monitoring in Nigeria and United States of America by citing examples from the U.S.A. Anchoring the discourse on structural functionalism as the beacon of analysis, explanatory research design, documentary method of data collection and content analysis as the research method. Findings of the study point to the fact that Nigerian electorates have lost hope in Nigeria's key electoral actors and monitoring agencies reflecting a broader narrative of mistrust and uncertain confidence in the state's electoral/security institutions as opposed to international best practices evident in the developed nations like U.S. The study recommends massive education and training for security agents, improvement in the welfare and promotion of security agents, and reduction in the volume of money and allowances paid to politicians.

African Political Science Review, 2021
Herdsmen/farmers clashes are feuds that have adversely led to wanton destruction of lives and pro... more Herdsmen/farmers clashes are feuds that have adversely led to wanton destruction of lives and properties over the years largely across Africa and Nigeria in particular. The necessity to provide food of crop and animal origin, as well as raw materials for industry and export in order to meet ever-growing demands, has led to intensification of land use. The competition between farmers and herdsmen, however, has often times turned into serious hostilities and social friction in many parts of Nigeria. The basic thrust of this paper is to examine the dynamics of farmers and herdsmen clashes in Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post facto research design with a systematic review of literature. The study relied on secondary sources of data and adopted conflict theory by Karl Marx as a framework of analysis. The paper found out that herdsmen/farmers conflicts have remained the most preponderant resource-use conflict in Nigeria that has led to a death and humanitarian toll with thousands killed and tens of thousands displaced. The clashes have become potentially dangerous as the Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East and has become a source of worry especially in wetland areas of the middle-belt. The paper therefore recommended that the government should develop strategies and programs to disarm herdsmen of their dangerous weapons. Keywords: Farmers, Herders, Conflict, Displacement.

African Political Science Review, 2021
This paper interrogated the interrelations between electoral violence and democratic consolidatio... more This paper interrogated the interrelations between electoral violence and democratic consolidation in Nigeria between 1999 and 2019. Free, fair, and credible elections are hallmarks of participatory democracy. Developmental states in the world have, through legislation, enactment of relevant laws, application of technology, and establishment of strong institutions, managed to eradicate incidence of violence in elections. In Nigeria, however, the case is not the same. Elections have been held in Nigeria every four years starting from 1999, but it is worrisome that each one seems to be progressively more violent than the previous. The study is anchored on prebendalism theory to explicate electoral violence as a phenomenon. Qualitative research design is applied to gain insight into electoral violence in Nigeria. Data collection emanated from previous studies carried out by scholars utilizing the content analysis method. The paper concluded that electoral violence only serves as a mirror of the larger Nigerian society, which is hamstrung by systemic failure as a result of corruption. Also, ethnic, religious, sectional considerations and not popular policies give rise to electoral violence in Nigeria. Recommendations in the study include that: rampant and widespread public corruption should be nipped in the bud by legislation to drastically reduce salaries and wages of elected and appointed office holders to the level accruable to civil servants in Nigeria; meritocracy should be enthroned in all government businesses by prioritizing merit rather than such policies as the federal character in Nigeria. Keywords: Democratic consolidation, Election, Electoral violence, Politics, Prebendalism.

Nigeria and Indonesia are similar in countless ways however Indonesia has long escaped from the s... more Nigeria and Indonesia are similar in countless ways however Indonesia has long escaped from the stagnancy of underdevelopment and economic backwardness leaving Nigeria behind as she is still engulfed with challenges of ethno-religiosity bedeviling her economic development. The study contends that both Nigeria and Indonesia are secular states, yet ethno-religion has little or no impact on the economic policies and developmental strides in Indonesia, whereas, Nigeria is deeply rooted and influenced by ethnic and religious divides. The study adopts time-series or trend research design, via comparative approach, documentary method of data collection, qualitative method of data analysis. The study is anchored on structural-functionalism as the theoretical beacon of analysis. The study deciphered that ethnic-religiosity, corruption, and leadership ineptitude/failure are undoubtedly factors that have continually bedeviled the Nigerian bodypolitic, as these factors determine to a huge extent the kind of public policy and economic policy made in Nigeria, which constitutes her economic woes. The study recommends amongst others that the Nigerian government should borrow a leaf from Indonesia in formulating economic policies that can stand the test and taste of time, devoid of ethno-religiosity. More so, there is a need to rebuild nationalism and patriotism against ethnicity and religious differences.

Foreword From the binoculars of versatile scholars, an integrative disposition has been made abou... more Foreword From the binoculars of versatile scholars, an integrative disposition has been made about the book: Themes and Methods in Defence and Security Studies using the three elements of the armed forces as the motif. Analytically, the co¬ordinate of the military was examined and added up strategically in a watertight manner for territorial defence of nation-states. Situating Rear Admiral Godwin Ndubuisi Kanu as a symbolic Defence strategist in the book, who never lived in self-denial of what and how a thorough military should be, themes were drawn from classical military sciences, political science, and public policy to conceptualize the armed forces not only as the managers of guns, life, and death but a group with the organizational capacity for goal achievement through human resources regimentation and tactfulness. At its core, whether national or international security studies, the steps individuals and aggregations of individuals can take to protect themselves from organized violence, conventional, and unconventional warfare through organic intelligence and defence budget administration were systematically reflected upon by the scholars. In active summary, lessons in leadership character, decision-making, command, and control by superiors and subordinates, and civil society components can be drawn to avoid pitfalls, potential hazards, and surprising difficulties. By the synchronization of decisive defence vision and mission in the psyche of the citizens, it is my fervent view that not only those in uniform but also the generality of the populace would benefit from reading this incisive book on defence and security. Lieutenant General Chikadibia Isaac Obiakor (Retd.) Former: Under Secretary/ Military Adviser United Nations Security Council, New York.
Papers by emegha ndubuisik kalu